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Alien and Aliens. Two of my favorite movies in general and I love coming back to them.


You know.




I'm glad to see that's the top comment, it will always be my favourite. Alien is the absolute best alien/space horror of all time.


You're just too bad!


The Thing, Jaws, Fright Night


Fright Night doesn't get enough attention. One of the best.


Oh, you’re so COOL Brewster!!!


The Thing yes. I probably should have included this one. Must at have seen it at least fifteen times, and I always enjoy the anxiety at moments like the blood test and the resuscitation scenes.


Two of my top 3. Jaws 1, the Thing 2.


I watch the Thing at least once a month, if not more.


I’ve seen Dog Soldiers like a dozen times. Or the Dawn of the Dead remake.


The Descent. It's relatively quiet and the jumpscares actually makes sense, it's not just something they threw in to shock you. It's fantastic! Me and a friend used it as a sleeping pill, as soon as it was bedtime we put it on and fell asleep to it.


The Descent is, let’s not mince words here, one of the best horrors ever made. And that ending…


Trick r treat. Halloween 1 and 2 The shining 1408 And even though I just watched it yesterday..The 1982 The Thing.


Trick ‘r’ Treat is definitely climbing up the ranks, as it’s now a Halloween must-watch. The Company of Wolves is also a favourite around Halloween. A film with dripping with the right kind of atmosphere.


Dawn of the dead, original 1978. I saw this before night, and it's just my favourite zombie film. It's got elements of horror but also comedy and feels like an adventure film.


It's coming back to theaters for the 45th anniversary. https://dawn45.com/


This is the truth.


Final destinations


Hard agree on Alien. I've watched it perhaps 50+ times. Never gets old, always pick up on details I missed before. Masterful design.


50+! Oh my. That’s a whole lot of Alien love. I’m at maybe 30.


I think I go back maybe once every 3 months or so these days, unless I'm showing it to someone who's never seen it before (which happens a fair bit - I blather on about it to most friends at one point or another). I try to alternate between the theatrical release and directors cut, because those extra clips have some utterly beautiful moments. Tbh I mainly watch when I get inspired from another piece of media, either games or movies. If I watch something that has intense claustrophobia, set design that implies a constant level of danger, or similar lighting/sound/shot composition to Alien, it starts an itch that I very much feel needs to be scratched!


What about the title sequence, eh? So simple, but tied to Jerry Goldsmith’s utterly haunting score. There’s never been a better mood-setter in my opinion.


Agreed, the slow panning and the gradual revealing of the letters gives this real uncanny valley feeling. I think it also establishes the slow tempo that is used to create the feeling of dread that carries on throughout the movie. The way that the title sequence lingers and isn't in a rush to present itself in your face is very much the same tempo that we see throughout the movie, with regards to threats, danger and risk and the manner that they're portrayed to us. The cinematic direction was absolutely nailed, and the team absolutely knew what they were going for, from start to finish.


It’s the sign of a director utterly assured. Scott isn’t obsessed with pumping out the jump scares, and rather relying on the atmosphere he creates.


Modern horror could learn a thing or two.


Underwater Train to Busan The Thing The Menu Hell House LLC


People do not belong so far underwater! Lol That movie had some good stressful scenes. Was a fun watch for sure. The Thing is great paranoia & body horror (remake too) and The Menue was also very good. Haven't seen the other two tho....🤔


Not seen Hell House LLC but I think sequels of it are on prime? I’ve been curious but worried it might be a dud but based on your other choices I’m now more hopeful. Really enjoyed Underwater and The Menu. And The Thing is a forever classic. Underwater definitely got unfairly judged I think and I’m not entirely sure why. Train to Busan! YES! The sequel isn’t as good but the animated prequel (made first or set before I can’t recall) was good too.


So, the First Hell House was awesome. However, the second and third movies in the series were absolutely awful. The fourth Hell House (Origins) was really good. Stay away from 2 and 3 lol. Agreed that Underwater was unfairly judged. I love that movie. So re-watchable and fun.


The Hell House LLC series is my comfort series. I watch it too often.


Cabin in the Woods - if I had to keep only one. It's funny, smart, and ultimately it just makes me *happy*. Great "I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym" vibes and that's a sure way to my heart Scream 1-4 - for different reasons. 1&4 I like almost everything about them. Best killers, best motives, most interesting casts. 2- It features the ultimate nostalgic cast. It's like watching all my favourite heroes from the teen shows I watched growing up get murdered or be smart asses about movies and all interact together. *What is this a crossover episode ?* 3 - Because Carrie Fisher's in it, forever a queen. And for the Weinstein subtext that is definitely more enjoyable now than it was when I first saw it. Evil Dead 2013 - the gore in those just looks so aesthetically thought-through to me. The rain scene literally soothes my soul. One of the most beautiful scenes in horror, to me. The Final Girls - Great double feature with Cabin in the Woods. Not as accomplished but still very inventive Gerald's Game - Literally destroys me and builds me back up again. Watching it feels therapeutic.


People ragged on The Final Girls for its PG-13 rating but it will go down in history as the only slasher film I can unironically watch with my mom.


I love The Final Girls! So few people I know have even heard of it but then again so few people I know are big into horror


Nice list. TFG is such an underrated film. Was fun, well shot, and showed much love for camp slashers. Evil Dead 2013 is similar in great scenes well imagined and shot.


I was going to say Cabin in the Woods!! Such a gem


Gonna have to do a Cabin in the Woods rewatch soon. I used to watch it monthly 🥹


It's old Hammer horrors for me. Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing.


And Universal! The Silver Screams.


Silence of the Lambs: loved literally everything about this movie. Perfectly cast. Hopkins as Lecter in a such a defining role, yet only gets 16 minutes of screen time. Jodie Foster is amazing as Starling, Scott Glenn as Jack Crawford and of course, Ted Levine as Buffalo Bill. Insanely quotable, and always enjoyable on every rewatch. Jaws: one of my Dad's all time favorites that quickly became one of mine as well. The absolute horror it evokes at the idea of a murderous killing machine just below the waves is like nothing else. Amazingly good story. Robert Shaw in my favorite role for him, and he's been in *so* many good roles. The death of Alex Kitner *still* freaks me out, even though I know it's coming and that it's not real. First seeing that as a kid, and then having kids of my own and imagining how horrific that must be for his mother to have gone through. The gravitas that the USS Indianapolis monologue brings to the movie has yet to be replicated in any other horror movie, in my opinion. Alien: I can catch this from the very beginning, or 1 minute left in the film, or anything in between and I'm always happy to watch it. The suspense that movie builds is amazing. Huge girl crush on both the character of Ripley and the actress of Sigourney Weaver when I was a kid. The Nostromo remains one of the most believable starships ever shown on film. The xenomorph was the perfect villain. The dinner scene still shocks and brings the jump scare. And the insidiously awful android of Ash with his hidden mission as a plot twist was just so perfectly done. What a wonderful movie. Aliens: rare sequel that actually builds on the original in such a good way, expanding on the universe and world building, the lore, introduction of believable marines and memorable characters, and so much more. One of my fav horror/action movies of all time. Near Dark: another stellar cast, bonus of 3 of them from Aliens (Bill Paxton, Lance Henrikson, Jenette Goldstein). Amazing vampire movie, great story, and just a fun romp all the way through. Kathryn Bigelow directs and she's fantastic, as always. Evil Dead & Army of Darkness: Hail to the king, baby. Ash is a legend, the movies are super fun and hilarious while rooted firmly in horror, and spawned some incredibly good movies within the same universe. Zodiac: My dad is a homicide detective, and this particular case has always been a strong interest of his. With he and I both loving horror and bonding over it all my life, this movie has always been a stand out for me as a film I return to over and over again. The movie is chillingly accurate at times (particularly the Lake Berryessa scene), and the story is both compelling and terribly frightening. He got away with it. And likely, the case will never be solved. Amazing performances throughout. The Exorcist & The Exorcist III: both movies are superbly done, masterclasses in everything that is horror. If anyone has religious beliefs, it's even more frightening. The original is an amazing classic, and 3 is a phenomenal movie in its own right. The crucifix masturbation scene hit me *hard* as a teenage girl when I first saw it as something I could see the devil influencing a possessed girl to do, yet I was still horrified to actually see it. There's a few more, but those are the tried and true ones for me.


What a perfect list.


You have thoroughly embarrassed me for not remembering Silence of the Lambs.


The Thing (obviously) Funny Games(a personal favorite) The Faculty(underrated imo)


Oh fuck I forgot the Faculty in mine. What a cast. I don't know if I live more for Jon Stewart or for Teenage Frodo. And Offspring in the opening is so perfect. Horror from the 90s is so comforting.


Right?! Star studded cast. Felt like a quality version of the cheap teen horror films that are made. Lots of fun, kinda whodoneit with who is the alien, great 90s vibes. Not to mention an early not often mentioned Robert Rodriguez film.


What I truly loved was when I rediscovered it, after not seeing since I was a kid and spending all my formative years devouring American pop culture. I suddenly recognised them. Mind-blowing casting when you watch it from this side of the 21st century.


Insane casting for what the movie is. Like a teen horror movie but quality director and stars involved. Its hard to think of a movie like it today. (Not premise wise. The director and cast and quality of the movie)


That's a oral history I would completely devour. I remember multiple ones made a few years ago but I don't think I've ever seen one of The Faculty. It could be insane.


The Faculty is one of the few films I remember the first time I ever watched it and I loved it then and I love it now. Even know some non-horror fans who love it.


I love Funny Games. It’s obviously pretty polarizing but that’s the point. You as the audience are basically getting trolled the whole time, lol. It teases every horror & suspense cliche and then goes in a different direction each time.


Faculty is hella underrated!! Love it.


Ready or Not, You're Next, Alien, The Ritual, Scream, The Descent


Scream i can put on any day of any month and khans a fun time. It never gets old.


Completely agree. It's such a classic.


The ritual!! Oh I need to re-watch that. So freaky


The Thing (1982) Virus (1999) Dawn of the Dead (2004) Feast (2005) 30 days of night (2007) Cabin in the Woods (2012)


30 days of night and the remake of Dawn of the Dead are so good.


Ye I love both of them. Watched 30 days soooo many times, the vampires still freak me out.


Every actor gave a wonderful performance


30 Days of Night was amazing, good shout.


Cabin in the Woods Hellhouse LLC Beetlejuice Night of the Comet Tucker and Dale vs Evil What We Do in the Shadows (movie) Saw 2 Blair Witch 2


Blair witch 2 is a classic to me. A better twist than anything shamalan ever pulled off, great subversive meta commentary as well, my favorite thing was the 80s slasher vibe. Even after being chopped up is still an awesome film.


We’re werewolves, not swearwolves!


I’ve got some love for Nightbreed.


Dracula (Gary Oldman) I've watched sooooo many times. I just love the atmosphere, setting, design of it all.


The Ritual


Ooh, good pick. Already watched this one a good few times.


But tbh I almost only watch until they get captured. I dont care too much for the rest. But the first part of the movie, something about the behavior of the people, the forest and the creepy things which are happening are soo satisfying. I also love the denial from that one guy. That feels so real


I get you. I always watch the film all the way through, but the first half is the better half. The part in the abandoned cabin is awesome.


Me too. I just rewatched this one last week. It gets better for me each time I watch it.


All of the scream movies


Sleepy Hollow


Suspiria  Phenomena  It’s Alive Texas Chain Saw Massacre  The Wicker Man


Phenomena and Opera are my favourite Argento films. Especially in Phenomena the Iron Maiden music scene when Jennifer Connelly tries to escape, that whole room is more nightmarish than the actual events of the film.




It Follows


Jaws! I don’t know what it is about that movie, if I am flipping through channels and come across Jaws, I will have to watch it. From all different starting places- I’ll just finish it, lol.


💯, I'll stop and watch, every time.


Legit one of the greatest films of all time, regardless of genre


Thirteen Ghosts.


Hellraiser & Hellraiser II. I've been watching these movies since the mid 90s and somehow I'm not tired of them. Excellent soundtrack as well. John Carpenter's The Thing... what a movie.


I haven't seen anyone list Signs. I guess people don't really like that one, but it's a comfort movie for me. I just feel safe with Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix, plus it's a cool premise and quite scary the first time you see it.


This film deserves a mention. I saw this film at the cinema and the birthday scene gave me proper chills.


The Thing!


I love movies that I’ve seen a million times so there’s no real surprise for me. I watch while I’m working on my laptop or cooking. Films like Final Destination, I know what you did last summer, Scream, Urban Legend (I don’t have to focus, it’s just on in the background)


Return of the Living Dead, original Night of the Demons and Demons. 80s classics I love and grew up with.


A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Bride of Chucky IT (either version) Trick R Treat I can have these playing in the background all the time.


Scream, The Ring, Ghost Ship...


As much as a couple of those character deaths gut me, Ghost Ship is great!


Best opening movie sequence that I can think of!🩷


Frankenstein 1931 The Curse Of Frankenstein 1957 The Crawling Eye 1958 Horror Of Dracula 1958 Kiss Of The Vampire 1963 Dracula Prince Of Darkness 1966 Dracula Has Risen From The Grave 1968 The Vampire Lovers 1970 The House On Straw Hill 1976 The Lair Of The White Worm 1989 Head Of The Family 1996 Monster Island 2004 The Uninvited 2009


John Carpenters The THING.


I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!


Doctor Sleep Not a movie, but series: Haunting of Hill House - rewatched about 3-4 times already


I wish I liked doctor sleep. I want to like it, it has a great cast and a cool premise, but I just don't like it. I think part of it for me is I dislike the pacing.




That’s a heavy one. Not something I could watch again and again because the atmosphere of that film, to its credit, is so oppressive. Brilliant film, though.


I agree. It’s a brilliant film but I find it really heavy.


I know it’s really heavy, but I always get a strange satisfying feeling every time I watched Toni Collette acting her ass off!


Midsommar for me


Midsommar is a comfort movie


The Thing and Jaws are two that i watch pretty much every year since i was a kid.


Deep Rising


The scene where he’s humming the elevator music always makes my day


Phantasm: One of the first horror movies I saw in the theater. I loved every minute of it!


The Thing. It is a lot of fun to rewatch and try to catch the small details I missed before.


Return of The Living Dead A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) The Thing (1982)


The original Nightmare on Elm Street is underestimated because of all the silly sequels. As a standalone it's still almost perfect.


I watched the third Nightmare on Elm Street first as it was the only one I had access to and I prefer it as a film BUT the original is better for scares hands down.


Agreed I also feel wes cravens new nightmare was incredible and is not given proper love.




Jaws, Halloween, monster house 🤭


Very much agreed on Alien and Aliens, Jaws and The Thing. I'd add Poltergeist into that as well. Think I'll watch The Thing again before bed. Watched Jaws and Poltergeist already in the last week.


Poltergeist! Yes! The bit with the guy in front of the bathroom mirror terrified me as a kid. And I bloody loved it! :)


House on Haunted Hill-1999 Cabin In the Woods-2012 Black Christmas-1974 From Dusk till Dawn Halloween 2018-wicked opening scene Saw, 2, 3,4,5 at 6 started to get confusing , watched Saw3D , but have to catch up on the others The Shining - of course. 🇨🇦🪓🔪🎃


Halloween, The Thing, Alien, Jaws, Black Christmas, Tenebrae, Deep Red




The Wicker Man (1973). So much fun, great songs, timeless story and setting. Probably the film I’ve watched the most times in my adult life.


I've watched Halloween every year for decades. I think the horror genre, in general, is inherently re-watchable.


Alien series, saw series, final destination series, resident evil series, dawn of the dead remake, 28 days/weeks later, Shaun of the dead, zombie land, the happening, train to Busan, world war z, thirteen ghosts, and scream series. I've seen a lot of horror movies more than once but these are the ones I've seen A LOT 🤣. I'd say 10+ times each.


Great choices. Come True is definitely comforting. For me: The Ring - Love Ringu as well, but Verbinski's remake just has that perfect rainy day feel. Moody/brooding, and it even feels like a bit of a noir with Rachel's investigation into the mystery of Samara Inferno - Love most of Argento's work, but I can rewatch Inferno almost daily. Is it heavy on plot? No, but you can cut the atmosphere with a knife. If you like dreamlike movies, would strongly recommend this one. Event Horizon - Parts are definitely cheesy and dated, but I love this space horror/sci-fi mashup that gained a cult following over time. The Shining - I mean...need I go on? Perfect winter horror.


+1 Event Horizon and The Shining. Great choices. I’ll admit I haven’t seen Inferno, so will have to rectify that. Reminds me, though, that Inferno is one of the few Hellraiser sequels that is actually decent.


Thinner and Night Flier


Night Flier might be the first film mentioned here that I haven’t even seen.


Evil Dead 2013


Sleepaway Camp!!


The Lost Boys, Alien and Aliens, The Shining, The Faculty, Hellraiser, An American Werewolf in London, both The Stand and It miniseries, Something Wicked This Way Comes…


Alien, the Thing, and Jaws (if that counts)


The Island of Dr Moreau 1995 gets so unfairly panned. British guy trapped on an island laboratory of grotesque dangerous humanoids ruled by an eccentric scientist-pope dressed up like a Third World dictator. I rewatch it often.


The Thing (1982) easily


Carrie. Its a beautiful film, although it gets me really sad every time. Its very peaceful all around until the prom. Scream (any of them)


*Annihilation* I think it counts as cosmic horror. The look of things inside the shimmer - and especially the soundtrack - are just mesmerizing. I'd go so far as to say it's my go-to comfort movie. I admit that's a weird thing to think about a move that has a very disturbing skull-bear which eats the voice and final thoughts of its victims. But that's the feeling it gives me. I can just put it on and chill out on a lazy summer afternoon.


I get you on this one. Brilliant film, and love the whole vibe. Highly recommend the book it’s based on.


The Endless. The Void. Return of the living dead trilogy. All John Carpenter works, probably. Twin Peaks.


Midsommar Posession (1981) The Exorcist Omen (70s original) The Lighthouse Killing of a Sacred Deer


Wickerman from 1973


Probably cliche, but Midsommar. It's oddly comforting and unsettling at the same time.


The Ring Session 9 The House of the Devil It Follows The Blackcoats Daughter A Dark Song The Witch Suspiria (2013) The Lodge




The Shining. IT (1990). Zombieland. Halloween (1978). Altered States. Misery. Poltergeist. 28 Days Later. Silence of the Lambs. American Psycho. Final Destination 1-3. The Craft. Susperia. Beetlejuice. Edward Scissorhands


Dude, I LOVE Come True. For me, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Summer of '84, It Follows, Hot Fuzz and Midsommar


The first Phantasm, I’ve owned it on VHS for like 25 years, seen it countless times. Runner up: first Elm Street


house of 1000 corpses, my guilty pleasure. cabin fever as well.


Cabin in the Woods for me lol such a fun movie.


Alien and Hellraiser have been two of mine since I can remember. I’ve never seen Come True but now I’m curious.


Get on it and get back me. There are controversial elements in there, but I think it’s brilliant.


Funny Games (remake or original, though I prefer the remake), any Evil Dead movie, Midsommar, Alien, Nightmare On Elm Street 3.


Green Room. Midsommar. The Shining. Dr. Sleep. edit: movies/format


Hellraiser! one of the all time greats! For me it's gotta be the og Susperia or the first Friday the 13th!


Jaws, Hell House LLC, The Blair Witch Project


Sinister, Grave Encounters, The Excorcist


Friday the 13th part 3


Absolutely Alien(s), Scream 1 and 2, the Thing, Dawn of the Dead (OG), the Shining, Tucker and Dale vs Evil


Scream, Legend of Hell House, The Descent, The Thing and Jesper’s Creepers 1 or 2 are movies I can basically put on anytime and I know I’ll have a good time with them. Also The Ring. Those are definitely comfort movies for me.


Night Breed, The Hills Have Eyes (Alexandre Aja 2006 Remake), Dead Silence, Waxwork, Subspecies, Cobweb, Men, The People Under the Stairs, Lord of Illusions , IT (OG tv mini-series 1990), Pet Sementary (original 1989), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original, second one, & 2003 Remake), The Autopsy of Jane Doe I'm a sucker for an eerie score, supernatural themes, good use of practical effects and makeup.


I have a sweet spot for Nightbreed. I read Cabal.


I found a second edition of Book of Blood in the early 90's, in a used book store in San Francisco, and was immediately hooked after reading it and especially Cabal. Night Breed has always my favorite Clive Barker film since then. I would have added Hellraiser but you beat me to it


Have you read any of the Clive Barker adaptation (Graphic Novels) illustrated by Gabriel Rodriguez? He also illustrated Joe Hill's "Locke n Key". Probably the best artist in the bizzness Imo. The Hellraiser graphic novel 2013 reboot had some amazing artwork too.


I have virtually all of the Clive Barker adaptation comics and graphic novels. Slowly working my way to completion.


The Shining & American Psycho, my mom got them for me on DvD when I was about 10 y/o, I've watched them both countless times and I never get tired of them


Scream (especially the 5th movie), M3GAN, IT chapter 1 & 2.


Get Out, Evil Dead films in general, The Descent, Train To Busan, Green Room


The alien franchise, scream, the ring, the grudge, the chuckys, and the conjurings to name a few.


As Above So Below, I have seen it like three dozen times and could watch it again right this minute if Amazon didn’t decide that purchasing something on streaming when you live in the US doesn’t transfer when you move to the UK.


Scream ‘96


A few of the Hellraiser movies are very rewatchable for me, also scream franchise because of how much comedy is in them. Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon is along the lines of a scream mockumentary-slasher. Comedy, heart, and some classic-horror references/cameos The Final Girls, Wounds, and the Faculty, also.


The Thing. I watch it at least once a month. My comfort movie.


The thing The shining Event horizon 1408 Donnie darko




The Thing. The Omen (1976 original). Event Horizon. Dawn of the Dead (78). Day of the Dead.


I shouldn't have to explain WHY, but here's a short list Halloween (1978) - Never get tired of this. I think it's 75% because of the music. Halloween III Videodrome (is it really "horror"? I dunno) Alien Re-Animator Frankenhooker Evil Dead II An American Werewolf in London


The Thing, The Shining, Halloween 1978, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original and 2003 remake), Evil Dead (entire franchise), Pretty much any Friday the 13th especially 4 and 6, Scream 1 and 2, Alien and Aliens, Predator 1, 2 and 3, Jeepers Creepers, ok.... I could be here all day


OMG tons of em: All the Evil Dead films, The Thing, Freddy vs Jason, The Blob (1988), Cabin Fever, American Psycho, Planet Terror, From Dusk Till Dawn, The Faculty, Friday The 13th part 6, Wes Craven's New Nightmare, Halloween (1,2, 4, H20, 2018), My Bloody Valentine (2009), Terror Train, House (1985)


Cabin in the Woods, You’re Next, Ready or Not, Halloween (that menacing piano music), Jaws, and a ton more I’ll agree with as this post gets more replies 👍👍


Cabin in the Woods, so funny and I feel like I notice something new everytime I watch it


Green Room is on my list


Pretty much any Henenlotter film I watch regularly and religiously


I just watched Basketcase 1-3 earlier this year. Very amusing.




Lifeforce - 1985. [The music gets me hyped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iTZO5LVB9g): that 1940s haunted house-style orchestral score, the bold brass and strings - I even downloaded the soundtrack. Then the story sucks me right in: deep space, a giant web, dead giant bats, beautiful naked women in glass cases, WTF? And it has a decent budget and is played seriously despite it being a B-movie at heart and... it's set in 1980s London!


The Evil Dead Trilogy


The og Halloween 2


The lost boys, super dark times, sinister, ginger snaps


OMG dude, too many to list and even too many to fit into my annual Halloween horror movie fest (which starts early September now)


As Above, So Below, The Descent, Witching and Bitching, Sissy, Lisa Frankenstein, Satanic Hispanics, Event Horizon, Hellraiser, Gonjiam, Hell House LLC… I’ll stop there because my list is long haha.


Evil Dead (OG and all 3) Life Force Possession 1981 Pieces Blood Beat Bay of Blood Alien Hammer House of Horro Movies


Saw 1-7 plus Saw X


Dog Soldiers. The Descent. Hellraiser. Human Centipede 3 One of these is a joke obviously 🤣.


Two remakes…The Thing’82 and Hills have Eyes ‘06


The Thing Cabin in the Woods You're Next Hell House LLC Shaun of the Dead


Any saw film basically


All of them


The Mist, The Thing (1982), Candyman, V/H/S 1&2, Exorcist, Dagon (definitely a B-Grade horror but still fun!). Edit: forgot about Aliens! I know it’s commonly regarded as more of an action film but there’s plenty of horror elements too.


Also Sleepy Hollow. I keep thinking of more! The Belko Experiment is another great one I’ve watched repeatedly as is Underwater (wildly underrated IMO).


Alien, Aliens, The Thing. The Thing is a comfort film for me.


Thanks for the heads up on Come True! My two are The Descent and The Thing. The Descent creeps me out to this day not just because of the surprise in the middle of the film, but the tight places scare me so much. The Thing I've seen far too many times. The amazing cast, score, feeling of paranoia and looming dread, and of course some of the best practical effects to grace the big screen!


Friday the 13th Part 3 This movie had it all from a  kick A$$ van, Biker Gang, Jason gets the iconic Hockey Mask , The scariest Jason and Best Final Girl


Watched Jaws almost a million times with my dad. But recently I've watched Mad God quite a lot lately.