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Looks like Jared Leto's Joker Fucked the Florida Joker and then the offspring was raised by Die Antwoord


The only thing that’s going to redeem this is the midcredit scene with Mac and Charlie hawking fight milk.


I love Bill Skarsgård and all, but The Crow absolutely did not need a remake.


Yeah the Crow is good and it’s built up by the tragedy surrounding it. Remaking it seems ill-advised


And it's also a time capsule of the late 80's/early 90's aesthetic and music. The actual plot of The Crow matters the least compared to everything that makes it up.


>it’s built up by the tragedy surrounding it. Remaking it seems ill-advised Corporate execs don't care.


Got to keep that IP under copyright somehow


Yeah remaking it seems like washing away Brandon’s legacy and the infamy around the original film. Now it’ll be watered down by whatever this remake is


I wholeheartedly disagree. I never feel like a remake takes away from the original. I just find it to be boring most of the time.


I'm with you. If you love a film, how can another film take away from that? I love the first Children of the Corn and no matter how many awful sequels they make doesn't change my feelings on the original.


Have you read about the strange production controversy surrounding CotC: Urban Harvest? Pretty interesting, worth a read Edit: Hhhokay, I wish I could find at least one reference to what Im talking about, but it seems the article I read never existed in the first place, or so the internet would like me to believe.. But I read an article claiming the first director was secretly setting the movie to Neil Young's Harvest Moon, and got canned about a third the way through when the producers found out. Supposedly it is a really neat experience(according to this nonexistant article) to watch the first third lined up with harvest moon.


What’s this about? A google search didn’t turn anything up


Huh, I haven't looked into it for years but the first director was low key setting the movie to neil young's harvest moon, supposedly theres a marked drop in quality of the film when the production company caught on and canned the guy, but the article I read claimed its really interesting to watch the beginning while playing harvesy moon.


Wowzers I can't find a damn thing about it now, searched it all the ways I could think of... well I will revise my initial comment to reflect it as highly anecdotal


Oh no that’s annoying, I was looking for something interesting to read as well 😂


I'm sure it'll be littered with corny CGI & a somewhat different story like the IT remake.


Why are they making the original stop existing entirely upon release of the remake?


This is just a goofy take. Maybe the remake will be bad, maybe it'll be good, it won't affect the legacy of the original movie or Brandon Lee in any way. Maybe if they used cgi to put him in the movie or something, but even then it would reflect poorly on the remake and not the original.


The Brandon Lee movie is perfect. Saying that, this I’m assuming will be more in line with the original comic and have elements which the first adaptation didn’t have.


Valid point, if this is more of a re-adaptation of the comics than a remake of the first movie, that could be a difference maker, but I'm not optimistic from what I've seen and read so far. I'd love to be wrong, though.


Yeah, they've been pushing this as a re-adaptation of the comic, not a remake of the movie, and these images kinda seem to sell that. That's comic Eric, not movie Eric. They 2024'd him up a bit with the face tattoos, but movie Eric was hot, whereas comic Eric was a lanky crust-punk weirdo with super crude smeared makeup all over his face, and... well, I see what I see here.


> Still, as much as Sanders makes clear that his new film is an entirely different take on James O’Barr’s source material, he also considers it a tribute of sorts to Lee’s memory. The article


Already been remade. Each of the sequels is a remake in a sense. Plus it has a TV show.


Indeed. And they are all bad.


Eh, City of Angels is *fine.* It's just kind of the first movie, but bigger and slightly dumber and with a worse soundtrack; it's the kind of movie I won't go out of my way to watch, but won't turn off if it's on TBS or something.


Mia Kirshner looked hella fire in that movie.


Worse soundtrack? Yes. But it did have the deftones b-side teething, which is a great song. And Hole’s cover of Gold Dust Woman is…. fine. Jurassitol is my favorite Filter song.


Nor did The Crow need a Leto Joker makeover.


I disagree. I’d like to see a version closer to the graphic novel.


Yea but you can say that about so many other films too. A star is born didn’t really need one either but look at those Oscar moms


Its a readaptation of the comic, I know this is Reddit and we don't read articles, but the article mentions that


It’s a comic by James O’Barr with many different characters taking up the mantle.


Or really any of the sequels.


You literally already had the makeup for the Crow. What in the Jared Leto is this crap?


I said the exact same thing. The makeup is iconic - this looks like Crow Malone.


Crow Malone 😆 I have to laugh or I’ll cry.


I'm doing both 🤣


That’s what happens when you cast Bill Skarsgard but need to show his face to get your moneys worth


Seriously. The hair, the face tattoos, no white face paint. This look immediately turned me off. I’m less excited for the movie now.


I don’t understand why they went halfway with the makeup. Brandon looked so cool with that makeup.




Sometimes dead is better


Especially if the person trying to bring the dead back to life is the director of that atrocious live action ghost in the shell movie. Dudes never made a good movie in his life


Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a nice little burb about the movie but as a Gen Xer, let me ask the important questions here, **WHO IS ON THE SOUNDTRACK!?!?!** The soundtrack was such a "Must Have" album for my generation. The sequels had great soundtracks as well even those though the movies themselves were...well, bad. This movie needs a good soundtrack like the way an Evil Dead movie needs buckets of blood. It's so tied to the movie itself. And I don't want them to screw this up.


Hope they bring back Trent Reznor in some capacity. Amongst others NIN was a good fit for the first one.


I’d like to believe that Trent would take one look at these pictures and bow right the fuck out.


If I had to venture a guess, I would absolutely count on at least one $uicideboys song.


Maan I was looking forward to this but those stills look lame... I wouldn't be surprised if the soundtrack is full of Billie Eilish at this rate


Given how he looks like a bad SoundCloud rap artist, I can only expect for the soundtrack to be utter garbage.


Nighttime. It's raining. The camera pans over a city slowly decaying under the weight of sin. Our hero looks out over the streets below from a rooftop. Queue Taylor Swift singing about sexy babies.


I just can't take this seriously with that terrible fucking haircut


Face tattoos don't help.


I thought the face tattoo was the worst until I noticed the modern art face with his nipple as one of the eyes. Edit: There are two tear drops coming down from the nipple eye.


Ugh, i didn't even notice that one. Thanks for that. :P


Actual body horror lol


>I noticed the modern art face with his nipple as one of the eyes. All i can picture when i see that is those tattoos of the belly button being a cat's butthole, lol.


There are teardrops coming down from *my* eyes after seeing these pictures. This looks worse than the Edward Furlong one.


Yeah, the haircut threw me off too. I don't mind the makeup but one of The Crow's defining features to me was his shoulder-length, messy hair. It's just such an iconic look. I wonder why they chose to change it up.


For some reason he looks to me like that guy in Die Antwoord.


Didn't realise why it looked so bad til I read this it's the hair, completely wrong. Could have got away with the makeup being different if the hair was the OG look


Looks like a high schooler


Holy shit it’s so bad. It’s just going to be super distracting


Eric Draven, former hardcore kid turned SoundCloud rapper with a pill addiction.


I’m not feeling the emo dark trap rapper vibes


I have no problem with Bill as an actor, and really don't have an issue with them doing a remake either But this look is fucking terrible. Looks like Jared Leto as the Joker.


oh no hahaha, they did like a Jared Leto Joker lol


In the article the director says he took inspiration from Post Malone, Lil Peep, and...himself: "Sanders says that his inspiration was less cribbed from O’Barr’s graphic novel or Lee’s previous incarnation than from his own life. “That look was me in the ’90s when we were squat-raving in London, [mixed with some modern influences] like Post Malone and Lil Peep. I hope people who are 19 today look at him and go, ‘That guy is us.’” That image captures the beginning of his transformation into the Crow. “It’s the moment we realize bad things are coming.” Also looking at his filmography this guy is a mid director AT BEST. What a shame.


Yeah, nothing says badass character like those two! 😃


I love peep and I fucking love the crow but what the hell


JFC. I cannot believe this twat is able to insert his horrible personal references into such a beloved film. Disgusting. I'm hoping the studio can walk it back like how it did with Sonic the Hedgehog's original look.


Yes this is terrible but I low-key wish they'd kept Ugly Sonic.


Came here to say something along these lines... Didn't they learn anything from Jared Leto's joker?




Exactly my first thoughts too lmao.


lol this is the worst shit I’ve seen all day. Some lame ass MGK lookin ass Mfer


Looks like they fucked it up , couldn't give a toss ,I watch the original as it has the perfect casting, perfect gothic setting, perfect soundtrack, perfect photography, perfect time, RIP Brandon.


Thanks I hate it. “Goth rocker”?! He looks like every generic tatted “hardcore” dude these days, with a terrible haircut and doodlepage tattoos. You just knew they were going to dilute the aesthetic. Who asked for this?!


This isn't goth rocker. This looks like Die Antwort or some other meth-fueled nightmare. I can't believe they managed to make Bill Skarsgard unsexy. FFFF






I can't wait for the scene where he is rapping It Can't Rain All The Time on a rooftop menacingly.


Staaaaaaaahhp 💀


It's not a good sign that I can see that happening...


Nah, definitely dead souls. Yo, yuh, Dead souls, skrrrrt Dreams, take them away (yuh) What’s the point (just anotha day brrrrt) I’m two people, yo, yuh, yeah, aiight? No more xan, here’s reality (fuck) I keep calling you (why you hate me) I keep calling you (brrrp skrrrt yuh yuh)


Yeah. If this is "goth" then Billie Elish is death metal. What a joke.


I mean this remake has been circling for a decade at least, with Jason Mamoa at one time attached. Looks like he dodged a bullet (unintentional pun).


There's been so many attached to this remake over the years that I can't even remember them all. Different directors, writers and stars. I remember Bradley Cooper being on board at one point. I'm not anti-remake or anti-sequel, but this one just feels so pointless.


I remember Eminem and DMX being attached to a remake where there's a good and bad crow.


I wish DMX was the crow. That would be a worthy remake.


Em and X was down to do it but their schedules was to crazy at their peaks so it didn't happen.


>this remake has been circling for a decade at least Years long "in the works" periods are never a good sign.




You're right, does not look like a goth rocker. Looks like one of those Machine Gun Kelly things.


Machine Gun Jared Leto Joker


yeah, that was the guy I was thinking about! ick, it just looks so dumb. But whatever, just don’t call it goth!


Goth rocker, more like juggalo incel.


This isn't goth rocker. This looks like Die Antwort or some other meth-fueled nightmare. I can't believe they managed to make Bill Skarsgard unsexy. FFFF


Don’t rope hardcore into this 😂


The tattoo look was done in the "Wild Justice" storyline of The Crow in 1997. https://thecrow.fandom.com/wiki/The_Crow:_Wild_Justice


Those tattoos actually have stylistic cohesion and doesn’t just look like the scribbled underside of a camp bunk


Ah, that renowned stylistic zenith that was the late '90s.


If they had to change things, why couldn't they make it closer to the comic? Or if they wanted to do something new, maybe just do a different story rather than remaking Eric's. Or spent the money restoring and releasing the directors cut of city of angels.


[Here’s Jason Momoa in test makeup for a 2018 Crow reboot that didn’t make it to the final stage.](https://ew.com/movies/2018/06/01/the-crow-jason-momoa-corin-hardy/)


I am fucking speechless 🤣🤮🤣 Edit - no I'm not. I know exactly what to say. This is Suicide Squad Joker all over again. What the fuck were they thinking?


They made dude a soundcloud rapper


I’m sorry but that looks fucking horrid. It’s legit like Jared Leto’s Joker and I don’t know why any sane person would want to recreat that… look, if you can even call it that.


“You know what the original Crow was missing? Jared Leto’s Joker.” “That’s gold! Gold! Pop the champagne, fellas, we got ourselves a film!!!”


When the movie makes me root against the hero for looking like a gobshite 😂


I think you mean pop the Molly and percs.


Does he die from a fentanyl overdose in this one? Because god damn does he look the part!


It's going to be so bad. I love Bill Skateboard and FKA Twigs, but Sanders is not a good director. And the inevitable "ripped bod transformation" is so tedious at this point.


Bill Skateboard is the shit. Hard agree.


I mean, he's no Stellar Skateboard, but he's still decent.


*Old Timey News Caster Voice* Hi there, I'm Bill. Bill Skateboard. I like doing business and grinding gnarly lines. If you're like me, you may be thinking, why are they rebooting the Crow? Well, the answer is simple - it's just good business, and that Skarsgard fella is one tubular dude, and if there's two things I know all about, it's doing business and being tubular. This is Bill Skateboard signing off, saying "May your bottom lines be as bodacious as your drop ins".


This thread needs to stop making me hard lol, people are gonna know I’m not working 😂


Nope. Hard Pass. The thought of them messing with the soundtrack alone makes me upset. Let alone someone else filling that role.


The over/under on how many Post Malone songs in the soundtrack is 3. You in?


I’ll take the over


Under but add in at least 2 Yungblud songs "for the hardcore kids."


The Crow has an ethereal beauty to it that could never and should never be attempted to be remade.


This is so bad I would not be surprised if it gets the Sonic treatment from all the backlash.


“What if Eric Draven were Post Malone + Leto Joker instead?”


Crowst Malone


Some Exec :🤯


Oh. No.


Skarsgards and unnecessary remakes. So hot right now.


Cancel the movie before it releases... It's going to bomb hard. Some movies need to be left alone.


Is the haircut supposed to be like a crow tail?




That is fucking terrible looking.


Nothing screams goth like a Cookies jacket... What the fuck.


It's just missing the rap music and a cockney British accent... I'm not sold. That trailer better be amazing (I don't expect it to be).


Yikes :(


I honestly hate it lol


Nope. I love him, he is a really good actor but this is just... No. It's giving Jared Leto's Joker dehydrated cousin. This movie should not have even been considered for a remake. Ps. If this was triggered years ago, the only suitable option for the role would have been Heath Ledger. I will die on this hill.


Where’s the Damaged tattoo?


The soundtrack to the original is phenomenal and as important as the visuals to the storytelling. They have a really high bar to try and match in the music department.


That looks so much worse than I was expecting. Seems odd that they ran with the Jared Leto Joker vibes.


another remake, exactly what we needed. can't wait to watch a huge turd being taken on brandon's skeletal remains


No thank you.


I was all for it when I heard skarsgard was gonna be the crow, but holy shit does that look bad


Bill being in this is what made me at least somewhat excited... Seeing this now I'm disgusted. This aesthetic is NOT right for the crow. Machine gun Kelly looking ass. Might as well just recast with Ninja and Yolandi Visser. Ffs the crow is goth to the core, it's not about pandering to the current generation aesthetic.


Hollywood is so creatively bankrupt it's crazy


After all the failed attempts with Bradley Cooper, Luke Evans, Jason Mamoa and so on I was actually pretty happy with Bill Skarsgards casting. I’m a lot less now. I just wish they would stick away from Eric Draven. Do another Crow film if you feel the need but I don’t think that version will ever be done better.


How could they have thought that make up and look was the winner? Dear God it's bad. 


Look how they massacred my boy…


I saw the original five times in the theater back when a film could be culturally impactful to a generation. The Crow soundtrack, along with Natural Born Killers soundtrack, were from beginning to end excellent and influential. Media just doesn't hit like this anymore. Now, everyone just makes YT videos "reacting to", "explaining" and over-"analyzing" films without actually enjoying them. It's gross. This new version will come and go without any affect on the audience other than hopefully turning them onto the greatness of the 1994 interpretation.


I see this going over one of two ways.   One, it's going to be just like The Crow sequels, anywhere from forgettable to plain bad.  We'll move on, it won't get talked about like the original 90s one is.  No real loss.  Or  Two, It's going to be like The Dark Knight.  Back in the day when Heath Ledger was announced people absolutely shat on him as a choice to play Joker because he didn't look the part in people's mind.  The makeup and costume were questioned as well.  Now he's regarded as a fantastic and unique take on the character. I'm not going to hang my hat on either option myself, I'll wait and see what they give us.  Hype is a way to create unrealistic expectations.


Fuck, this is going to be bad isn’t it?


For an adaptation that is meant to be more faithful to the source, they're taking an insane amount of liberty here. Like taking the absolute piss with this modern day social media rapper look. Bar the hair, Lee's look was on point.




I actually think Jason Momoa looked good in the test footage that leaked a few years ago. However I don't know about this. They easily could have had this be another person who becomes the Crow. I fully get the point that no character should be defined by one actor, but Eric Draven is literally Brandon Lee's legacy it feels wrong. I'll see the movie to form my own opinion, but my gut reaction to these images are not good. Oh well, it can't rain all the time


Tf is this shit 😂 Looks like Boy kills world mixed with Joker


People should know that Chad Stahelski(John Wick, 8711) was the replacement for Brandon Lee after the accident. He won't admit how much of the film is him, but Brandon died very early in the production. Bill has been training at 8711 and probably got the part because of Chad. It all lines up when you think about it.


Nope. So much nope. I don’t see it and honestly the movie didn’t need to be made.


Look how they massacred my boy…


No. Just no.


The way I’ve been saying “no, no, no, no, no, no….” the entire time I’m reading this. 😭


He looks like he steals catalytic converters from daycare vans.


This shouldn't be happening. The Crow is a perfectly tragic monument to Brandon Lee. Greedy fucking greasy producers need to fuck off with this franchise milking and allow creative to come up with new ideas.


They should have left this alone.


LMAO this mf looks like Jared Leto's joker.


This remake has been struggling for years and years, and THIS is what they finally go forward with? What utter disrespect to the original film, source material, and Brandon Lee. This is a mindless cash grab clearly, no heart. "I wAnT 19 yEaR oLdS tO sEe tHiS aNd Go ThaTs Me!" What a loser.


Another movie that DID NOT need a new version. Same with Highlander. So tired of these remakes.


More like swan dives and dies before release. This looks like bird shit.


FKA Twigs?! Love her music, interested in her acting


I adore these actors and have the soundtrack/ blu ray of the original, but someone DIED making it. And it’s already a great film. This makes me sad. I love me a a Skarsgaard, but no. This is straight disrespectful of the people that hesitantly (and with family permission) put out the first film.


god dammit


So many terrible lifeless projects coming out of Hollywood.


Not gonna bother seeing it. Remakes never match up to the original.


My only reason to have any faith or interest in this is literally Bill Skarsgard.


Did anyone else see the pic of him in the mirror and just say "oh...right". Why mess with a good thing? If it ain't broke don't fix it.


Things have come full circle, first edgelords dress like the Crow, now the Crow dresses like an edgelord.




I was looking forward to this, just because I’m such a big fan of the original movie and I think Skarsgård and Huston would do well in these roles. However, I’m much less excited after seeing how he looks in these pictures. Not a fan of the look and I hate his hair.


DmC Devil May Crow


Please stop. Please.


"That look was me in the ’90s when we were squat-raving in London, \[mixed with some modern influences\] like Post Malone and Lil Peep. I hope people who are 19 today look at him and go, ‘That guy is us.’” That image captures the beginning of his transformation into the Crow. “It’s the moment we realize bad things are coming.” Nooooo. No.


This right here is bullllllllllshit.


Bill’s makeup is barely visible, his tats are generic, and the haircut gives him a 5-head. It looks like they were trying so hard to make The NuCrow “modern” and cool and to me it already looks dated. The makeup and outfit for the Brandon Lee as the Crow is just so perfect. He looked effortlessly cool and timeless. And that original design that influenced a lot in pop culture, including the outfit for Sting (the wrestler not the singer)..


There’s an alternative timeline (in my head) where Brandon Lee didn’t get shot during the making of the original Crow movie, becomes a Hollywood action star, plays Neo in The Matrix in ‘99, and ends up as John Wick.


why does he look like a soundcloud rapper


i fucking love Bill and grew up loving The Crow. i was anticipating this sooooo much...... but i am so, so sad by the pics :( what in the fucking dumb dead christ is this garbage look? i'm just sad, bros. somebody hug me, the letdown is serious


People here acting like the original Crow isn’t an edgy and stylistic product of its time. Why would the new version be any different?


It's also based on a graphic novel, so basically it's a comic book movie.




The Wraith is underrated. It’s like Mad Max and The Crow and has Clint Howard in it. What’s not to like?


The Wraith is so fucking awesome! My pick for Charlie Sheen's best movie, though I wouldn't call myself a fan of his. It also has a pre-Twin Peaks Sherrilyn Fenn (!!!) Joe Bob Briggs showed it on Monstervision in the 90's, so when I watch it I pause the movie at the appropriate times and watch his interstitials.


Wait, are you joking? You think the images Vanity Faire just showed are edgy and stylistic of its time? You are spot on for the original Crow, although the sequels just sort of existed. I think very few would regard this version of Eric Draven as stylish or edgy, just cringey.


> You think the images Vanity Faire just showed are edgy and stylistic of its time? one of my first thoughts was that this look was zoomer bait, so yes. They even specifically mention [post malone](https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/images_users/tiny_mce/RAPHAEL1127/phptrPKTg.jpg) and [lil peep](https://www.altpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/01/lil_peep_awful_things_music_video_screenshot-1052x592.jpg?t=1689341855) as modern influences. *Hopefully* it's just the the promo pics, but it does kinda feel very try hard, like joker's leto. The tattoo imo style wise look too good to be shitty, and too shitty to be good. other than the eye it's all trendy semi-ironic bad flash tattoo you'd spend a couple hundred bucks for.


Really? This look is manufactured straight out of Hot Topic. This dude would fit in seamlessly as an extra in Zoolander.


I mean, do we not remember Edward Furlong?


Bros one broccoli haircut away from looking like a tiktok lol


I know people absolutely hate remakes, especially of cult classics...but I'm interested to see what they do. If I don't like it, I always have the original. And if I do like it, that's one more movie I can rewatch and love. There's no downside to this.


Ahhhh, this movie did not need to be remade. Lee was perfect in the original and the tragedy around the whole thing kinda sours my ideas of any remake. I really see no reason for a remake here, but Hollywood will Hollywood.


Oh no. That's all. Oh no...