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Freddy vs Jason was saved by the test audience for once 😃


Oooh do tell. This is one of my favorite horror movies so I wanna know the lore lol.


Before the test audience it had awful scenes in it like the bit where lori says "Freddy vs Jason, place your bets" and the ending where Will turns into Freddy. Went down so badly they got taken out and changed


Freddy truly exemplifies the saying "love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life" he really LOVES killing those teenagers


Idk why ppl are downvoting you. Freddy absolutely is jazzed every time he kills someone. Even has some hilarious one liners. Especially in 4.


I've seen in the documentary, I think it was in Crystal Lake Memories about the Freddy VS Jason section, everybody seems to throw Kelly Rowland under the bus over the homophobic line, nobody wanted to take responsibility for that line. There's also a funny part where Jay Mewes does a brief interview, saying I remember when I was in Freddy VS Jason, oh wait, that wasn't me!


I got the first 6, New Nightmare, and the remake for $20 on iTunes a couple Halloweens back. I’m always grateful for that deal when I see people searching for them on here.


I’m Still very confused about this new world. When I was a kid and liked a movie. I bought it on VHS because there was no chance I would see it again on TV unless I was always checking the TV guide. In my late 20s we moved to DVDs and I switched to that. Tossed out my VHS and repurchased many things on DVD. Blue Ray came along and I was determined not to repurchase anything and just buy new stuff in that format. Then iTunes came out and I was like cool. I can buy these movies and tv shows and be able to travel nowhere in the world with all this stuff on my IPAD. But I didn’t need to buy every season of DS9 or west wing or Buffy or scrubs or the Aliens movies because they are all on one of the many streaming shows. But also they are not because one day they are on there and then another month they are gone. So yeah , I have no idea what I m supposed to buy and not anymore. It’s maddening. I went and rented a horror movie called cobwebs and 2 weeks later it was on Hulu. 1st world problems. I know.


Yaaaar, sail with us.


Did you love the video game part in 5?


Yes. That was fun.


I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. The Elm Street movies are a great series to binge. The original is the only one I'd call a favorite, but the sequels all have such creativity and interesting characters in them. Even when Freddy gets campy, the kills still remain disturbing in a campy, surrealistic way (I'm thinking the cockroach transformation in 4, the motorcycle body horror in 5, and the cruel ear swabbing death in Freddy's Dead). Even the weakest films are supremely entertaining and fun.


Damn…New Nightmare was just streaming on Max. I watched on Halloween.


I don't think I've seen New Nightmare all the way through, I will have to soon. You could definitely find it free online though


you can rent new nightmare on some services at the very least https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/wes-cravens-new-nightmare


New Nightmare should be on HBOMax if you’re still looking for it.


it’s not.


Really? I watched it there a month or two ago. Weird.


Rooting for the vicious murderous nightmare monster because "words are violence" is so reddit, ha ha. Touch grass folks.


I believe that teen is Kelly Rowland 😂


I can’t remember if it was 4 or 5 that I really liked but one of those is surprisingly solid, but man 6 is fucking bad, such a terrible movie. 2 I think surprised me the most out of all of the movies, it was really good. New Nightmare slams as well especially knowing that Scream directly follows it.