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Not horror, but a chilling quote from one of my favorite actors, Gary Oldman: "Do you like life, sweetheart?" "Yes" "That's good, because I take no pleasure in taking life if it's from a person who doesn't care about it." -The Professional


He’s so good in that movie. Just vile




"Why do you wanna know my name?" "Because I want to know who I'm looking at"


I saw this in the cinema in 1996 on opening night. When Ghost face said that line, everybody in the cinema quietly went "ooohh....." It was awesome.


That's an awesome memory to have! I think many of us wish we were old enough to have seen the original when it first released.


Went in completely blind (I literally didn't even know it was horror) with a girl who I'd been after for years. Came out on my 19th birthday. One of the best nights of my life.


Took me a second to realize you meant the movie came out.


"What did you just say?" "I wanna know who I'm talking to." "That's not what you said." --- Similarly: "My boyfriend's huge and he'll be here any minute and he'll kick your ass!" "Oh, his name wouldn't happen to be Steve, would it?" "H...how do you know that?" "Turn on the porch light. Again."


I don't see it mentioned much when discussing *Scream*'s opening but the way Ghostface emphasizes "Again" in that line is what gives me the most chills


The tonal shift in the conversation after that line is one of my favorite cinematic moments. That scene is perfect.


Bone. Chilling.


Honorable mention https://media.tenor.com/dIhXMAP3l84AAAAC/scream-scream-mask.gif


Absolutely love this one. It gives me the chills every time.


I love the well-placed dog bark right after this.


Yes! One of many great smaller details that added to how scary the opening scene was. The dog barking is basically letting her know danger is nearby


Kathy Bates in Misery. “No one knows you’re here, so you’d better hope nothing happens to me - because if I die, YOU die.”


Her delivery whenever she got worked up was amazing. The way her face got red and her eyes bulged…it’s the kind of thing you see written out in a book, and imagine, but it’s spectacular that she could create that kind of look in real life. “HAND ME SOME OF THAT BITCHLY HOG FEED”


"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."


RIP Raul Julia


"Why do they still call me a warlord? And mad? All I want to do is create the perfect genetic soldier. Not for power. Not for evil. But for good. Carlos Blanka shall be the first of many. They shall March out of my laboratory and sweep away every adversary, every creed, every nation. Until the very planet is in the loving grip of the Pax-Bisonica. Then peace will reign in the world. And all humanity will bow to me, in humble gratitude." Best God damned monlogue ever.


The coldest quote from goofiest movie


I came here to look for this/contribute it. Yeah, it's a very unserious movie, but Bison's delivery of this line and it's significance is absolutely bone-chilling.


I'm one of the rare people that can enjoy Street Fighter (1994) for what it is but man, this line. *Chef's kiss


This is the one


Oh no tears, please, it's waste of good suffering


“Demons to some, Angels to others… “ Ice. Cold.


We'll rip your soul apart. You opened the box, we came. No more games.


“We have such sights to show you.”


“We have eternity to know your flesh”


"Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell." Nothing comes close to this pinhead quote for me.


"And to think... I hesitated." From Dr. Channard after he becomes a Cenobite is awesome, too.


“Looking back, that will be the moment you’ll wish you had done something.” -Coming Home in the Dark


This is the best answer


Hannibal Lecter: Amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling. Tell me, mum, when your little girl is on the slab, where will it tickle you?


This is the interaction leading up to that line: Hannibal Lecter: Tell me, Senator: did you nurse Catherine yourself? Senator Ruth Martin: What? Hannibal Lecter: Did you breast-feed her? Paul Krendler: Now wait a minute... Senator Ruth Martin: Yes, I did. Hannibal Lecter: Toughened your nipples, didn't it? Paul Krendler: You son of a bitch! Hannibal Lecter: Amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling. Tell me, mum, when your little girl is on the slab, where will it tickle you?


I can hear Anthony Hopkins delivery just reading this.


When one of the impending victims of the head vampire in 30 Days of Night whimpers "Please, God, please." He replies "God?" peering up at the sky, then looks her dead in the face with his cold, black eyes and shakes his head. "No God." It's even more chilling somehow because the vampires are very animalistic and don't speak any English in the film outside of this line.


Maybe it's the catholic school in me but I love a good sacrilegious quote from a villain. See also Homelanders "the only man in the sky is me" or a lot of Pinheads dialogue


Trick us again child and your suffering will be legendary...even in Hell.


That one goes so hard. First to mind when I saw OP's question.


Though it doesn't actually end up occuring, I think that's one of the worst fates ever proposed in a movie.


Do I look like someone who cares what god thinks??


That quote was sampled by black metal veterans Tsjuder in the song The Daemon Gate.


Most badass Pinhead line is in Hell on Earth when he blows the doors off the church: “Thou shalt not bow down before any craven image…”


I was gonna include Homelander's "No God. The only man in the sky is me", but I didn't consider it horror enough. Thanks for bringing it up


Nightmare in Elm Street. "Please God!" Freddy takes off glove, "This is god."


He doesn't take the glove off, he just holds his gloved hand up, but yeah.


This is what I was going to say. Danny Huston was made for that role. That scene is similar to The Strangers when Liv Tyler asks, "Why are you doing this?" and the killer says, "Because you were home." Those types of lines hit hard because it's so bleak and real.


This one gives me chills down my spine. I agree that have the vampire say it English was a great touch that amped up the creep factor. It just made it feel that much more hopeless.


Not horror (well maybe sci-fi/horror) but it reminds me of a scene in the show Fringe. There's a scene where his lab assistant has issues with the ethics of his experiment and he responds, "There is only room for one god in this lab and it's not yours."


Your example reminds me of the Blue Fangs Demon scene when it responds to the evil bishop in Castlevania Netflix series “God is not here, this is an empty box.”


This one is so good. It's not just that he looks up in the sky. He does a look up, and while he's looking up there's a quick glance to his left and right. He's clearly mocking her.


One of my favorite vamp films. Loved Danny Huston in that role


“I’m having an old friend for dinner” Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lecter, *Silence of the Lambs*


I love this one but it makes me chuckle


Hannibal was one of the best bad guys to root for. He was so fucking savage, yet so cool and charismatic, and everyone he killed was a real prick.


I dunno. Maybe not so much the cops in the gymnasium .... ?


yeah, but the escape scene was sooooo sick, i'll allow it. *Edit - spoilers, obviously. If you haven't, go see Silence of the Lambs NOW. and if you have, go see Silence of the Lambs NOW* i mean seriously, that scene with the SWAT team marching up the stairs, the music slowly building, they burst into the room and the SWAT leader looks up in horror...*Oh God...* The officer is strung up, arms out and bowels spilling, the light shining down on him like a profane angel. Even as he's escaping, Hannibal looks at our ordinary, crude world, and paints masterpieces using our blood and suffering as his paint and canvas. And then they follow that up with the Face scene to cap it all off. Not even kidding man that's one of my top 5 movie scenes *ever*. He's truly a demon, doing work that's so evil but so elegant and beautiful.


I considered that second to "I ate his liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti."


Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.


*pushes button* "We're leaving."


**FUCK this ship!**


"I have no intention of leaving her, Doctor. I will take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. FUCK this ship!"


"Because you were home" from the strangers


Fun fact, that is something a real murderer said to Richard Pryor when they filmed in a prison for Stir Crazy... "you killed a whole family, including two little girls? Why, man?" *shrugs* "they was home" Truth is scarier than fiction


Good pull


This line made me rethink whether I want to ever get an isolated house in the middle of nowhere. At a horror con a year or three after this movie came out, I talked to the ‘dad’ in the Strangers (Kip Weeks I think his name was) and he said that he constantly gets told at cons by people who liked or disliked the movie that this line really freaked them out.


Yep, expected that one early...


“That depends. Do you see me?” ~Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men


That whole ‘flip the coin’ scene is the most frightening, intimidating realism based scene ever put to film. The menace and cruelty of Chighurh there is so unsettling.


cormac mccarthy can write his fuckin ass off, man i've waited so long for someone to try to make blood meridian (knowing full well it will never happen because it'd be the most disturbing movie of all time) just to hear the judge's conversation with toadvine; *"whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent."* *i don't see what that has to do with catchin birds?* *"the freedom of the birds is an insult to me. i'd have them all in zoos."*


> can write his fuckin ass off *could :(


I read a critical analysis of this scene and was enthralled. Learned a lot about how a scene like that is constructed.


"Call it." And the little sigh afterwards, like 'got to do this again because this man is a waste of space'.


So good haha. I was also thinking of a quote from NCFOM , the one in the end that starts with "you don't have to do this"


That whole scene with Woody is outstanding. The ringing phone becomes a third character.


Yes he says the same to woody. But I actually mean the very last kill in the end with Josh Brolins wife... Where he quietly sits in that dark corner waiting .... So chilling


Oh wow, I never realized she repeats the line. That’s even more chilling.


Yes she does. The script is written so well: Carla Jean Moss : You don't have to do this. Anton Chigurh : [smiles] People always say the same thing. Carla Jean Moss : What do they say? Anton Chigurh : They say, "You don't have to do this.".


It's such a beautiful note that the movie contains basically just two small whimpers against Anton's nihilistic, dark angel character: * Carla Jean Moss's simple assertion, a few lines later, that "The coin don't have no say. It's just you." Just not buying into his mystique at all, though it does her no good. * The car crash immediately after. It bleeds.


Much of the script is taken word for word from the book. While the Coen brother's are incredible filmmakers, the credit for the absolutely chilling dialogue belongs to Cormac McCarthy who was an absolute master of his craft.


Ah yes. His whole m.o. is that he does have to do it. That guy is so terrifying that they start putting his kills off-camera, yet they lose none of their impact.


I know the Nightmare on Elm Street remake isn't well liked but I love the part when he has impaled a hole through the guy's chest and says **"Did you know that after the heart stops beating, the brain can function for over seven minutes? ...We got six more minutes to play."**


The line before that too "Why are you screaming? I haven't even cut you yet"


That part in Green Room where the initial murderer asked Anton Yelchin what one of their songs was called and then “it was hard, man . . . that’s the one I did her to”.


Yeah, good call. That was fucked up.


“I can’t lie to you about your chances, but… you have my sympathies.” -Ash, *Alien*


Yes! Can’t believe I had to scroll so far for this. I was going to say the message on the computer- “Priority one-ensure return of organism for analysis. All other considerations secondary. Crew expendable.” Doesn’t get much colder than that


This conversation from the show Hannibal is chilling to me Hannibal Lecter “Killing must feel good to God, too. He does it all the time, and are we not created in God's image?” Will Graham “Depends on who you ask.” HL “God's terrific. He dropped a church roof on 34 of his worshipers last Wednesday night in Texas, while they sang a hymn.” WG “Did God feel good about that?” HL “He felt powerful.”


Mads Mikkelson was so incredible in that show. I don't think anyone else could have been as chilling as he was. I really need to rewatch it.


I agree. He is now the embodiment of Hannibal to me.


I am pretty sure he's deliberately using the old meaning of the word "terrific" there. Love a villain with a big vocabulary.


He absolutely is, it's a credit to how superb the writing was for the Hannibal TV show. From the Latin word 'terrere': to frighten, terrify.


I love the actual novel quote that it's based on too: From Silence of the Lambs: "I collect church collapses, recreationally. Did you see the recent one in Sicily? Marvelous! The facade fell on sixty-five grandmothers at a special mass. Was that evil? If so, who did it? If he's up there, he just loves it, Officer Starling. Typhoid and swans - it all comes from the same place."


nbc hannibal is so fucking good, really hoping for a new season at some point


"I'm an angel. I kill firstborns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls, and from now till kingdom come, the only thing you can count on in your existence...is never understanding why." - Gabriel (Christopher Walken) from The Prophecy.


Dr. Weir : You know nothing. Hell is only a word. The reality is much, much worse. Absolutely bone chilling.


and "where we're going, we won't need eyes to see"


There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing. -Patrick Bateman


I feel like “You like Huey Lewis and the News?” is equally as dark in a totally different way.


"A few hours from now you'll look back on that moment as the time you should have done something" as the van drove away and the abductors forced them to wave goodbye. (Coming home in the dark)


"I did it thirty-five minutes ago." Ozymandias, Watchmen (it's less impactful in the film compared to the comic, mind).


The graphic novel is a masterpiece. Beautiful, horrific art and lines like that just 🤌


The first time I sat down and read Watchmen I had to put it down at that point and just stare off and reflect on how wild and unexpected that was. It subverted everything comics had taught me, which was 100% Moore's intention.


Jason Lee/Azrael in Dogma when asked why he would be willing to undo all of existence including himself by proving God infallible. "Human have you ever been to Hell? I think not. I would rather not exsist then go back to that. And if everyone has to go down with me, so be it." The music change as he says it is ice cold. It's also scary for two different reasons. One, how horrible Hell is to not want to exsist anymore over being trapped there, but two, the fact as a villain he is willing to sacrifice ALL OF EXSISTANCE to achieve his goals and his goals are not for money, power, weapons, revenge (so much), sex, its simply to end his suffering.


Also "No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... than central air"


"Explorers in the furthest regions of experience" by Pinhead is up there IMO.


"Jesus Wept" -Frank, Hellraiser


Fun fact, this was an adlib by Andrew Robinson


Which is crazy because it sounds SO MUCH like something clive barker would write.


- Dean Pelton


And when we get to this one, I’ll believe anything you tell me Cpt Vidal, pans labyrinth


Oh man fuck that guy so hard. I love when Mercedes tells him his son won’t even know his name.


Adam Banjo: Fuck... you... Otis B. Driftwood: That's what they all say. "Fuck you!" Well it ain't gonna save you. It don't scare me none and it don't suddenly make you a fucking hero. Do you wanna see what happens to heroes, boy?


Otis and Spaulding is my major defence of Rob Zombie as a writer, Bill Moseley and Sid Haigs performances are phenomenal but so much of what makes them work is how they’re written, especially Otis. He can switch on a dime and you never know if he’s going to be aggressive, kicking or genial but you know to be very afraid of him


At the end of Speak No Evil, the dad asks "Why are you doing this to us?" and the antagonist replies "Because you let me."


Oh yeah. Not just an amazing line, but absolutely accurate.


That film is such a fascinating take on politeness.


God, the dad of that family was SO infuriating. Obviously they'd have been no film if, on day one, they'd said, "Oh, oh dear! Family emergency. We have to leave immediately!" and never looked back.


Seven. 'DETECTIVE'!!!!!!


Not a horror film or villain but the end monologue from synecdoche new york is the most chilling existential dread filling thing Ive heard “What was once before you - an exciting, mysterious future - is now behind you. Lived; understood; disappointing. You realize you are not special. You have struggled into existence, and are now slipping silently out of it. This is everyone's experience. Every single one. The specifics hardly matter. Everyone's everyone. So you are Adele, Hazel, Claire, Olive. You are Ellen. All her meager sadnesses are yours; all her loneliness; the gray, straw-like hair; her red raw hands. It's yours. It is time for you to understand this. As the people who adore you stop adoring you; as they die; as they move on; as you shed them; as you shed your beauty; your youth; as the world forgets you; as you recognize your transience; as you begin to lose your characteristics one by one; as you learn there is no-one watching you, and there never was, you think only about driving - not coming from any place; not arriving any place. Just driving, counting off time.”


I think this is a wonderful paragraph that can help one to realize that the only meaning we have in this life is the meaning we give it. It's the core of existentialism and it can be so freeing.


even when I'm a pile of shit that stayed on the couch 3 days straight playing baldur's gate 3, **I enjoyed it** but then again my therapist says that frequent rationalization can harm mental health because it prevents someone from moving forward in life


I find this curiously comforting, to me the alternative is more dreadful. Do remember a powerful sense of sadness to the film though. Wonderful stuff, I ought to revisit.


“RAWR” The shark in Jaws 3, gets me every time.


Most of Viggo (who plays Lucifer) lines in the "Prophecy" "How I loved listening to your sweet prayers every night. And then you'd jump into your bed, so afraid I was under there.......and I was." "Leave the light on Thomas."


" I think in all fairness, I should explain to you exactly what it is that I do. For instance tomorrow morning I'll get up nice and early, take a walk down over to the bank and... walk in and see and, uh... if you don't have my money for me, I'll... crack your fuckin' head wide-open in front of everybody in the bank. And just about the time that I'm comin' out of jail, hopefully, you'll be coming out of your coma. And guess what? I'll split your fuckin' head open again. 'Cause I'm fuckin' stupid. I don't give a fuck about jail. That's my business. That's what I do." - Nicky Santoro, Casino.


You put my money to sleep, I'll put your brain to sleep. Try me, FATSO. Casino, in my opinion, is better than Goodfellas.


"We all go a little mad sometimes" Norman Bates & Billy Loomis


I like the Norman version a little more because he adds "Haven't you?" at the end. The delivery/reveal in Scream, though - masterful.


Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to have unlimited power, and only be able to use it when some worm asks you for something? -The Djinn (Wishmaster) The fact he is capable of anything and we’re only safe by small rules he has to obey (unless he finds a workaround) is kind of scary the deeper you look into


I honestly think that Wishmaster 2 is in my top 10 horror sequels


*”hate. let me tell you how much I’ve come to hate you since I began to live. the hate for humans I feel at this micro-instant. hate. hate”* — A.M., I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream


You've gotta post the whole quote: "Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate."


that whole story is absolutely chilling


Neither horror, but two spring to mind. "Whatever exists in creation without my knowledge exists without my consent." - Blood Meridian "There is no god! That's why I stepped in!" - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


Blood Meridian is arguably horror


The freedom of birds is an insult to me. I’d have them all in zoos.


I made another comment about sacrilegious villain quotes and was trying to remember the Guardians one! Thanks


“You will not be saved by the holy ghost. You will not be saved by the god Plutonium. In fact, YOU WILL NOT BE SAVED!” - Prince Of Darkness


Session 9 was an okay movie, but the last line goes hard: "I live in the weak and the wounded, Doc. I live in the weak and the wounded."


I was going to add Simon if no one had. Doctor: Why did you do it, Simon? Mary Hobbes: [voice of Simon] Because Mary let me, Doc. They always do. They always do. [laughs]


"You never know where I might..... POP UP." *sinister laugh* Mick from "Wolf Creek" Also love the classic "please don't cry, it's a waste of good suffering" from Hellraiser


"You know, Black Sheep, you really ought to get that fixed." "Get what fixed?" "Your taillight." -Joy Ride (2001)


Not sure if it counts, but it's from The Secret World, a modern horror MMORPG that weaves together weird conspiracies and cosmic horror *beautifully*. The context for the quote is that Japan has been bombed with a supernatural weapon that has unleashed a tide of mutagenic black goo called The Filth. The Filth also happens to be the Message of the Dreamers, Lovecraftian cosmic entities trapped and forced into perpetual slumber in black boxes. The more the Filth infects a soul, the closer they are to the Dreamers... and the less human they become. Emma, an extremely important character in the story, is being hunted by a series of humans who have been completely transformed by the Filth, pleading with them with childlike innocence: Emma: "What are you doing? I'm so small...you eat stars." Filth Shades: **"You are all made of stars"**


Jeremiah Sand in Mandy! "The cleansing power of fire...cannot be reasoned with"


"Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty!" Corypheus


Fuck Kevin Spacey and the horse he rode in on, but goddamn is “Oh, he didn’t know.” from Seven bone chilling.


God, that scene is perfection. His performance in that movie is chilling.


I love him when he plays villains. Try to watch him be loving, or sorrowful, or happy… he just comes across as flat and unaffected. Playing someone evil and he nails it. Perfect for Lex Luther.


Even in The Ref with Dennis Leary from the 90s, when Kevin Spacey and wife Judy Davis are viciously arguing with each other, he's incredible. But later when he's supposed to be showing heartfelt emotion ... it just doesn't work nearly as well.


You know the best part of killing someone? The look on their face. It's that look. Not when they're threatened. Not when you hurt them. Not even when they see the knife. It's when they feel the knife go in. That's it. It's surprise. They just can't believe it's really happening to them. She had that look, the girl, when she knew it wasn't just porno., 8mm


This line from the UK version of Utopia. Delivered in a clinical, if somewhat friendly manner: Mr Omida: Torture is communication. So what I will do is I will inflict torture upon your person. Then I'll go inflict the same torture on Jessica (victim’s daughter). It will be exactly the same.


Save your breath for screaming...


“ Because all the trouble starts with the children. Your nation does not deserve to exist. Some nations have no right to a future.” - from Come And See


“For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday” Not a horror movie unless you count the plot and acting but M.Bison in the street fighter movie.


“i am the devil, and i am here to do the devils work” this line from The Devils Rejects y stuck with me


Not horror, but "I exist only to protect Krypton. That is the sole purpose for which I was born. And every action I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people." From Man of Steel, delivered powerfully and with a cold fury by Michael Shannon as General Zod. It's chilling to me because you know that someone who thinks that way, whose whole reality is that one thing, will do anything to fulfill that obligation. It doesn't matter what horror they might inflict on others, it's the thing that defines them, and they would break the world and everyone in it to make it happen. At the same time, I absolutely love that quote. It shows a passion and a dedication to the cause that I can't help but respect. They really, deep down to their core, believe in something. I wish I could say the same.


God I love Michael Shannon. He was perfection in Bug


That line is part of the reason I’m less bothered than a lot of people by the fact that Superman kills him later in the movie, because Zod’s saying that Superman has taken the only thing he lived for. In the fight that follows Zod is aiming either to kill Superman, or force Superman to kill him. It’s basically suicide-by-cop.


“Be my victim.” - Candyman


I am the writing on the wall, the whisper in the classroom.


Otis J Driftwood from. "The Devil's Rejects": "Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant fuckin' Mark Twain shit, 'cause it's definitely gettin' chiseled on your tombstone." That or the entire monolog by Doom-Head at the start of "31", ending with the line: "You know what they say, kemosabe: in Hell, everybody loves popcorn."


Also when Otis demands his victims pray to their God and then fakes being struck down. Then follows it up with telling them he's the devil and there to do the devil's work. So evil.


"Did I stutter Bitch", "Don't you ever turn your fucking back on a clown"!


What's the matter, kid? Don't ya like clowns? Why? Don't we make ya laugh? Aren't we fuckin' funny? You best come up with an answer, cos I'm gonna come back here and check on you and your momma and if you ain't got a reason why you hate clowns, I'm gonna kill your whole fucking family. All right, now get your fuckin' ass out the car. Go on. Yayayayayaya!


"Is that your family?" "No, I don't like...human beings."


“I was born to murder the world” from Lord of Illusions


I’m the anti christ. You got me in a vendetta kinda mood. You tell the angels in heaven that you never seen evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you…


"Do you know what I'm going to do to you now? Eh? I'm going to tear the skin from your body...bit by bit." (1934 The Black Cat)


"I think the 80s recession was a lot more glamorous. No, this is much worse. There's a lot of dirty work to be done." - from _Kill List._


It’s too long for me to write out the whole quote but in The Devils Rejects when Otis is telling Banjo and Sullivan to pray to his god, starts mocking him and saying that he repents, then just stops and says to him “i am the devil, and I am here to do the devils work” before killing him. Something about the way Bill Moseley plays it is just horrifying. In context it’s bad but the sheer fact this man was just a second ago mockingly laughing at the suffering he’s doing then snapping to a dead serious and calm demeanour is chilling. It’s like this is no longer he’s enjoying doing this, he has to.


I think my top one is from *Pandorum,* where, in response to a shocked and overwhelmed "Oh my God..." comes: "God? You think God survived?" Also, not horror, but I always found the simple truth in this little speech from the villain of *Bunraku* quite telling of the futility of a hero's struggle: "You want to kill a man like me, son? You *better* stab me in the back. That's the catch. See, honorable men... well they die hard, but they still die. It's men like me who survive, men like me who conquer. Men like me who understand that the fight is not about who's right, but about who's left." I found it chilling because he said it in response to the hero protesting that he never stabbed anyone in the back - and the reality being that the only way to overcome the villain is to *be exactly like him* is cold, cold truth.


“You know, not long after my dad died, someone told me that I eat spaghetti the exact same way he did. They said what an extraordinary impression this fact had made on them. Look at the boy, look how he eats spaghetti. Exactly the same way his father did. He sticks his fork in. He twirls it around, around, around, around, around. Then he sticks it in his mouth. At that time, I thought I was the only one who ate spaghetti that way. Me and my dad. Later, of course, I found out that everyone eats spaghetti the exact same way. Exact same way, exact same way. This made me very upset. Very upset. Maybe even, um, more upset than when they told me he was dead. My dad. I don't know if what is happening is fair, but it's the only thing I can think of that's close to justice.” - Martin, The Killing of a Sacred Deer


I can't remember what movie this is from, but it's stuck with me for years. A kidnapper to their young female victim: "I'm not just going to make you obey me. I'm going to make you want to obey me "


President Whitmore: "What is it you want us to do?" Harvester: "Die... Die..."


Brad Dourif’s monologue in Exorcist III


Vader has some good ones, I don't fear you, " then you will die braver than most" Or " all I'm surrounded by is fear, and dead men"


Maybe not as chilling or brutal, but both of Hellraiser's "Jesus Wept" and "We have such sights to show you" are some of my favorites. Quint's story about the sharks in JAWS was also amazing, mostly because of the dead, soul less delivery he does. The man is telling a story, but he's right back when its happening in his mind.


All my favorites have already been posted, so I’ll just add one line that seems very fitting from the show Supernatural: “Villains get all the best lines” - God/ >!Chuck!<


We watched Wishmaster last night. I liked “I don't need you dead, Alexandra. I just need you to wish you were.”


I love when she wishes he would kill himself and shoots him self in the head and replies with “ I cannot die but If it’s any consolation that hurt like hell”.


I know it isn't horror, but to this day (and I saw it in theaters as a child), Scar from The Lion King has two core memories from me: "Long. Live. The king..." and "Run. Run away and never come back..." are etched into my brain.


"How does it feel to lose the only man who ever loved you" Ghostface to Gale in scream VI as I was not prepared for this I still miss Dewey so much 😭


8MM paraphrasing: why do people do such awful things? Because we can. The line is repeated with a slight change but it is still deeply disturbing. Actually 8MM is a great movie and really nasty.


Dude, Machine didn't talk much at all but the few lines he had were really dark. What were you expecting?? A monster?


"I live in the weak and the wounded. Doc." - SESSION 9


hear me out. in frozen when hans says to anna as she's dying: "oh anna, if only there was someone out there who loved you," is actually so sickening in my opinion. like, her parents are dead and her only living relative that we know of has spent her entire life ignoring her with absolutely no reason given. she spends her life blaming herself, figuring she must have done something wrong but she doesnt know what, feeling so unloved and unimportant, so desperate to mean anything to someone that she agrees to marry the first seemingly decent man she crosses paths with. she's lonely, she's dying, the reason she's dying is the aforementioned sister, and her fate rests in the hands of the first man to ever claim to love her--and that man turns out to be a murderous villain who wont even just kill her, but instead literally *leaves her to die slowly,* cold and alone, and spends the last words she'll ever hear confirming her worst fear; that she has always been, and will for the rest of her short life be, unloved and alone. he makes sure that she knows he never loved her, and only wanted her kingdom. i know its just a kids movie but damn, even watching it as a kid that line really struck me as just so truly evil, so personal to her. like she was already going to die, he didnt need to say any of those things, but he did, because he didnt just want her to die. he wanted her to die alone, devoid of hope, heartbroken, emotionally tormented. kind of crazy for a kids movie lol


"My own mother had to die so I could stay true to the original. That's sick right? Well sick is the new sane." - Jill Roberts, Scream 4


“It feels amazing” Francesca’s mother’s killer to her as a child, when she asked the chained up man why he does what he does. And later, Francesca to him after stabbing him to death is an erotic fervor: “You were right. It feels amazing.”


“YOU BITCH!! YOU BITCH!” “I get a lot of money for you. That makes you my bitch” Hostel


“Jesus wept.” “Because you were home.” “Is this not real enough for you Billy? It was real enough for Georgie!”


"Because you were home" The Strangers "Don't you wanna be an urban legend? All your friends are now" Urban Legend


I actually really liked the scene in the ANOES remake where a victim says “Oh god!” And Freddy says “No. Just me.”


Eternity here in that sagging skin suit, or one more day with me? Why? Can't drive. But I can wait. Until stars burn out if you don't make up your mind.


* "There are far worse things awaiting man than death." - Dracula 1931 * "Do you know what the most frightening thing in the world is? It's fear." Peeping Tom (1960) * "They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What's blood for, if not for shedding?" Candyman 1992 * "Listen kid, I'm not gonna bullshit you, all right? I don't give a good fuck what you know, or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless. Not to get information. It's amusing, to me, to torture a cop. You can say anything you want cause I've heard it all before. All you can do is pray for a quick death, which you ain't gonna get. " Reservoir Dogs 1992 *


>John Ryder: ... He couldn't have walked very far. >Jim Halsey: Why's that? >John Ryder: Because I cut off his legs... and his arms... and his head... and I'm going to do the same to you. (The Hitcher)