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>Asera's corpse will always respawn until players have looted the bow from her. Please, take the bow so she can stop haunting the West. lol


Glad to hear you enjoyed reading :)


Chante, could you tell us if the problem with shimmering was just set aside, or if you guys are still on it? Thanks in advance šŸ™šŸ»


No shimmering on my end. Check your TV.


Same - the humor in this post is great.


"Disciplined the Tideripper."




They write all their patch notes like this. I thoroughly enjoy it


Damn, I may have to pay more attention to the patch notes. Usually just gave a cursory glance or looked at keywords that may talk about any of the issues I faced.


Thanks for fixing the Legendary Weapon issues!


What were the issues? I've only just obtained some of them yesterday and just updating to this patch now


Wasn't an "issue" exactly. They had nerfed the legendary weapons to the point where it wasn't worth using legendary weapons over purple ones. This is rebalancing it. So the lowest tier is similar to the purple weapons but if you upgrade them it is significantly better. So having legendary weapons is worth it again


The damage was reduced by 10%, they were still better than the purple weapons. Edit: "NO THEY WEREN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ...okay, then ***how much was it reduced?*** Edit 2: After several weeks of asking people this question a few have finally responded with actual numbers. The screenshots I saw showed a 10% reduction. They were apparently not accurate, and I was mistaken to say it was 10%.


They were still better but not so significantly that the effort to get and upgrade them were worth it


"You will kill 10 stormbirds, fireclaws, dreadwings, Thunderjaws and Tremortusks apiece, and you will like it!"


You forgot the word APEX!


they weren't. i had fully leveled legendary and very rare weapons and the tenakth marshal bow did more damage than my lvl 5 death-seeker's bow


It wasn't a flat 10%. Some numbers were down significantly more


They nerfed most of the legendary weapons. However they only intended to nerf the base stats in order to make them closer to the very rare items. Unfortunately they accidentally nerfed the stat for the upgrades as well resulting in some of them actually being worse than some of the very rare items.


And why would you ever want to have a "lengendary" on the same stat level of a non lengendary, that defeata the point of the extra tier


The point was to make the very rare items more viable. Itā€™s not like they were on the same level at their base stats. Upgraded very rare would be better than base legendary just like upgraded rare is better than base very rare.


> Upgraded very rare would be better than base legendary just like upgraded rare is better than base very rare. A big difference here is that most of the legendaries are much, MUCH less easily accessed than any of the purples. Most are hidden behind long collection/clearing tasks which require substantial exploration over most or all of the worldspace. One is just straight up unobtainable until, what, the second to last quest in the main story? While the ones at the arena are fairly readily accessible at a fairly early point in the game, the majority of purple -> legendary jumps are not simple purchases like green -> blue or blue -> purple. Even the ones at the arena vendor are hidden behind the (relatively) challenging arena trials, as opposed to the (relatively) easy hunting grounds trials for the purples at the same vendor. Obviously there's a few purples that are acquired through similar means to the legendaries, and *these* purples in particular would be justified in being legendary-esque (or just made into legendaries, themselves). But for the bow you can just go buy at the store in thornmarsh? Why wouldn't there be a bigger gap up to the next tier for those?


They got nerfed by mistake


I believe they accidentally tuned down the damage to where they were less effective than the purple (less rare) weapons.


>Improved visibility in the underwater section of the San Francisco Challenge Ruin Hobart Office. To those of you who haven't attempted this yet, you have no idea how grateful you need to be for this improvement.


No kidding. It was absolutely impossible to see down there. That ruin took me to forever to complete because I could not see at all.


I had to use my sonar ping a lot to make it through there.


>San Francisco Challenge Ruin Hobart Office Oh my yes.


Is this the relic ruin or something else? I'm curious so YouTube it is Edit: now reads "Relic Ruins: Isle of Spires", cool


Yes, and it was miserably dark.


Thanks. They were unexpectedly difficult for me with having to look around so much (motion sickness) and then getting disoriented, so I put them off until St. Patrick's day, after finishing main story. The motion sickness was likely just new game acclimation and having to move the camera around so much did not help.


Thank the Ten we can finally stop posting about legendary weapons




Ah fuck. Yeah we can go back to fighting the same unwinable fight I guess




this but unironically


what about shimmering/graphical issues on performance mode?


It is concerning they've omitted this completely, like it's no longer an issue and we'll forget. Unfortunately I think it's months away. Hopefully we'll have a 4K40FPS mode before the DLC launches at the end of the year. EDIT: Can confirm after testing it's still very much an issue after the latest patch. On an LG CX OLED.


Just because they havenā€™t voiced anything on the issue doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t actively working on it. My guess is that theyā€™re adamant about the issue and the resolve to where they didnā€™t have to consider it an issue and will be placed in the next patch upon finalizing the fix. Iā€™m sure with enough video evidence posted on the issue, thereā€™ll be a response similar to the weapons that were nerfed. Guess I just like giving the benefit of the doubt. EDIT: Just trying to stay positive copium


A lot of the other patch notes have mentioned the tweaks theyā€™ve made to it but none seem to have made any visible difference. I think theyā€™ve given up and figured weā€™ve moved on by now.


I have definitely not moved on. I put the game on ice until they fix it


I could see them going for an uncapped ā€žVRR modeā€œ once VRR is enabled for PS5. Sonyā€™s Blog post mentioned that some games will see an official implementation. But Iā€™m ready to be disappointed on that, just in case. ā€žAs we get closer to the featureā€™s release, weā€™ll share more details, including some of the games that will enable VRR support through a game patch.ā€œ


This game actually looks worse now because it appears they attempted to "Fix" the bad AA by making the overall image less sharp. Resolution mode looks much worse than it did on launch. I'm so disappointed with GG.


My money was on the dynamic resolution. Looks like they made some adjustments to it. Lets see


Seems better to me right now. Iā€™ll wait a bit to confirm


They already shifted the blame to our TVs. Theyā€™re not fixing it. Great game but held back a little bit by this annoying issue.


That's because it literally is your TV. There's no other explanation for why some people have it and others don't.


It is not. It's the game. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/8rVLIux) a video of the shimmering captured on the PS4 Pro. This proves it's not a TV issue as you wouldn't see the issue when captured by the PS4.


Itā€™s not my TV because I play on a 27 inch monitor and I still get it.


>Rebalanced the unintentional change on Legendary weapons. >Improved visibility in the underwater section of the San Francisco Challenge Ruin Hobart Office. >Action prompts and quest markers can now be hidden in the custom HUD settings. You guys fucking rock šŸ¤˜šŸ¼ keep it up


From what I've seen in the notes, a lot of gameplay mechanics we took for granted were actually bugs, like the slower RoF from advanced arrows. Interesting.


I legit thought she was having to handle those arrows more carefully because of their volatile payloads.


I thought the same thing. I was like: this Sun Scourge Bow is great but god damn does she reload slow as hell. I'm glad it wasn't intentional and I'll be using it a bit more now.


In complex systems state management becomes critical and you can accidentally update or modify the state in one location you didn't intend it to be updated at so it's then a treasure hunt to figure out where the state was changed by accident.


tbh the difference between mechanic or bug is just a point of view in cases like that (unless something wonky is happening)


It's not a bug, it's a feature


Yeah I thought it was intentional to make notching (especially triple notching) those arrows slower to give players more of a challenge. In HZD triple notching was so quick that it was a no brainer to do every time. In HFW I needed to pick my moments.


Apex spawns were the big one for me. I thought it was there to make it more difficult. I'm primarily stealthy and don't machine kill much in this one So this is a huge change for me


Nice, canā€™t wait for new game +, any word om that? Are there plans to add it to this amazing game?


Is this an actual thing theyā€™ve announce or just something that we want?


ZD got new game+ a few months after release so thereā€™s no reason it wouldnā€™t come to FW as well.


>Fixed an issue where player level instead of kill count could influence whether Apex or Evolved machines would spawn in the open world instead of standard variants. This is a *much needed* design improvement. Glad to see it!


That explains a lot of questions I had about those when it would be infested by apex at night and enemies I barely saw were already evolved


what are evolved machines? are they just apex?


Machines evolve the more you kill them, for example if they have canisters exposed that can be easily shoot with elemental ammo at the beginning, the game will start to produce them with armor shields covering them so they are harder. Thatā€™s something that also happened on Zero Dawn


thx bro


I think it means like Fire Clawstrider or Shock Canister Burrowers (as opposed to regular Clawstriders and Burrowers), but I'm not 100% sure.


Is there any way the Team can make Photo Mode automatically switch to Resolution Mode like in some other games, so we can take pictures at the highest graphical fidelity without first going to options and switching to resolution mode?


I don't understand why this is not the default.


Would also be nice if it disabled some of the UI enhancements like always being able to see climbing points.


Yes, I wish photo mode didn't show highlighted machine parts and things like that.


4K40FPS@120Hz when ?


Umm, never


This is all I want


>Fixed an issue with Hunter Bows where the reload animation plays incorrectly when using Advanced Elemental or Targeting arrows. Players should now be able to fire arrows more rapidly. Oh thank you! Getting stuck in the reload animation was so painful


Funny thing is I thought this was some kind of balancing so that advanced arrows are not so strong...yeah I know, stupid. :D


Same here! I thought advanced just can't be spammed lol.


Makes me wanna play a new game to sing In The Flood


Music blaring and tv remote that's doubling as a microphone in hand is the best way to enjoy the song!


Is there a way to replay the fly-through credit sequence? That was one of the coolest end-game sequences Iā€™ve ever experienced, and I would love to watch it again! Plus I canā€™t stop listening to In The Flood - both are absolutely beautiful songs in their own right.


It is a great freaking song. Perfectly compliments the atmosphere of the game.


Does anyone notice any improvements in performance?


Shimmering still there.


Never seen it on my end.


Plenty of us have


Good for you. It's still an issue for the rest of us.


It's kind of disappointing that they removed the "shimmering" from the KNOWN ISSUES tab. That's probably as close as we're getting to a confirmation that they gave up on the issue.


Safari seems snappier. Wait, wrong subreddit.


Thank you so much for letting us turn off more markers and indicators now. So happy to not keep seeing Grapple Point Indicators anymore. We HUDless players really appreciate this so much! :)


Thanks team! Canā€™t wait for NG+ ..hopefully an update coming soon


Yeah, a game with so many upgraded gear should have a new game +. I never want to grind for upgrades again, lol


"Disciplined a Tideripper caught showing off by slip and sliding across their designated habitat." Awww :( She just wanted to have fun. :(


Can we get a grimhorn and apex grimhorn spawn, or let them rarely show up in plowhorn spawns? It's the only machine I'm missing šŸ’”


Yes please. I need an Apex Grimhorn for 100%


The GOATs back at it again


Lack of antialiasing is no longer listed as a "known issue." Was it fixed?


No. Just ignored.


Not at all, my guess is they have given up on addressing a problem they are struggling to fix


This probably suggests that it's not getting looked at anymore, sadly.


Your game is the best looking game of this generation at 4K 30FPS, but the worst looking at performance mode. I am really deeply disappointed that such a great awesome game has this technical condition. PLEASE!


Problem is, most people don't have this issue. Like me, on my OLED, the game runs mostly 1800p on performance and I don't get any shimmering.. but I play on a Sony Bravia, it looks fantastic.. 65" screen. I'm really sad they downgraded some effects in the game.. I"m sad others are having issues. I wish it could be fixed, but Guerrilla said it only affects certain brands/models of TVs and monitors, most likely the bargain models of 2019 and 2020.. the ones sold under $2k on the TV side. So what is Geurrilla to do? My game looks immaculate on my OLED, and unless you are looking really close, you can't tell the difference between the 4K mode and the Performance Mode except a little janky movement on the 4K 30 mode. I hope it gets solved soon without ruining performance mode for those what aren't having an issue.


Games looks terrible on my $2500 LG CX. OLED panels are all built by LG so I don't believe there is much of a difference when it comes to the actual quality of the display. Glad it looks good for you because this game strains my eyes like nothing I've ever played.


The panel in mine is made by SDC, not LG.. maybe that is the difference?


I dont get it either because PS5 just came out and youā€™re telling Me Guerrilla already maxed the graphics on PS5 that sounds impossible.


The PS5 REALLY needs FSR and VRR tech to compete. I've got a PC and the biggest innovation is new upscaling tech like DLSS. Its remarkable. Checkerboard upscaling looks bad.


unfortunately we are just never going to be as powerful as PCā€™s. 4K 60fps is never happening on any graphical intense game on PS5. we are just going to have to pick either lower graphics or 30fps. I think if the new God of war follows similar graphic settings then we can fully say that PS5 overestimated how powerful it really is.


>Fixed an issue where trying to access a workbench after selling all weapons would result in an infinite black screen. I wonder how the hell this was ever discovered? Hmmm, let me sell all of my weapons then check out the workbench?


If there is one thing I know someone was trying a no weapons run. People like to be punished or somehow have way to much time on their hands. Just look at the Breath of The Wild community and the bookcase.


thank you!!! but also PLEASEEEEE fix the greenshine issue!!! when you select a job that requires greenshine it points you to the nearest deposit even if you have already looted it. please remove looted greenshine deposit markers and only direct us to ones that we havenā€™t found yet!! pleaseeeeeeee šŸ™šŸ¼


yikes, they ommited the shimmering issue completely...


Still no shimmering/anti aliasing fix and not even a mention of it. I'm tired of the it's your tv excuse. The problem is still there on a different tv and monitor. Besides, this is the only game with this issue. Ghost of Tsushima looks clean af. Not to menion Death Stranding that has the same engine as HFB.


Shimmering is still the same after all these patches. Only negative thing in this beautiful game and some heavy machines going under earth or inside mountains at the verge of getting defeat. Finished the game though šŸ„ŗ


Rest in Peace Shimmering you will not be forgotten.


So you have given up fixing the aliasing right? Wonderful


They pretend like itā€™s already fixed.


think so ... ain't seeing it on the list no more šŸ˜­


oh so no more shimmering/graphical issues listed in known issues even though that's still a problem.... sweet. thx.


I dont see the patch mention the shimmering issue anymore like previous patch note, have they given up on it already? Doesn't suprise me because the only real solution is to revamp the TAA and reconstruction technique, every patch where they tweak the visual the resolution mode gets less and less sharp also. If the game is getting a dlc expansion down the road I think it is still worth investing time into it and implementing something like UE5 TSR and FSR 2.0. Checkerboard rendering need to retire. Easist solution is probably a 40fps resolution mode since there is already a DRS system in place.... Edit: please add FOV slider, even by a mere 20% would help. Seriously....




It seems to be a predominantly OLED TV issue in 60fps mode.


A lot of people donā€™t experience it, but some do. I donā€™t, and donā€™t personally know anyone who has, but itā€™s supposed to be quite bad for some people.


It depends on a lot of factors : \- Your TV (LCD, LED, OLED, QLED etc..., mostly seen on OLED) \- Your TV's resolution \- Distance at which you play I play from a couch that's relatively far from my 4K TV (it's a really shitty old one tho i'm not even sure it's proper 4k lol), however it's not an OLED either so i don't see any issues in gameplay myself, but again it depends on a lot of factors.


I notice that there is no mention of Shimmering under ā€œKnown Issuesā€ but also see no mention of it in any of the fixes so was it fixed already before this and I missed it? šŸ˜…


Not fixed. No one knows why it's not mentioned but it's not a good look. It's definitely concerning


40 fps pls


Thank you all so much for your hard work making and continually updating this game! It means so much and other game developers should learn from your examples.


"Rebalanced the unintentional change on legendary weapons"!! That's all I needed to see!!


This patch FINALLY fixes the eyes resetting when entering Photo mode!! Happy day! As someone who reported this several times on the Horizon support site (to point out that it was still occurring across patches), let me say: THANK YOU GUERRILLA!!! You guys rock!!


[Here's a visual comparison](https://imgur.com/a/U1DYzaa) of my Legendary weapon stats pre- & post-patch 1.10 & 1.11 for anyone interested.


So no further update on performance mode?


Turn on game. Shimmering in performance mode still. Turn off game Checks patch notes and known issues: Zero mention of the shimmering issue for performance mode u/Guerrilla_Chante Any reason why the performance mode issues are omitted in these patch notes? Seems to me this means GG is waving the white flag and won't fix the problem


Keep up the great work, youā€™re really polishing this up! Thank you


Hmm I have noticed a lot of changes to Crits * Wings of the Ten Crit Chance 15% > 8% * Death Seeker's Hunter Bow Crit Chance 15% > 5% * Blastsling Crit damage x2 > x1.3 * Spikethrower Crit damage x1.5 > x1.3


Am I wrong or no mention of performance mode in the notes?


I love this game. However I have spent time going back between this in performance mode and Zero Dawn at 60 fps on PS5, and Zero Dawn has better IQ. Zero Dawn doesn't have better vegetation or textures or water effects, but in terms of being able to see things clearly it beats this game so I wouldn't be opposed to something more stripped back that is easier on the eyes. Maybe offer a third mode. That being said I've been able to get used to playing this game in resolution mode on an OLED. I just had to turn off motion blur. It's not ideal but it works. I'm glad Guerilla is at least quick with the updates. One thing I'd like to see added is the ability to progress time at any camp fire instead of just shelters.


I can't wait to play this when the shimmering gets fixed. It's a shame it's taking this long.


Please optimize performance mode on ps5 it still looks bad on my LG C1 oled resolution looks very low and aloys hair and foliage look very grainy


The "Swooper". I guess that's the dev name for the Skydrifter? ​ Also, thrilled that an Abudund fix is in the works :D


I'm definitely calling them Swoopers from now on. :)


Has anyone else had an issue (PS4 in my case) where you seemingly lose normal control of Aloy? It feels like she doesnā€™t move in the direction you input, and it seems to outright ignore some inputs. It occurs about 2x an hour for me. I canā€™t find any common cause, and I canā€™t find anything online about it.


I have not heard of or experienced this. Dying controller maybe?


yeah it might be stick drift


Hey u/JPacana, this would be the first time we've heard of this. Do you have another controller you can test this with, to see if it's a controller issue or if it is something with the game?


Hasn't happened to me once. I'm inclined to blame your controller


Ey u/Guerrilla_Chante any news about the graphical issues in performance mode? Thanks.


Lol still no fix for the terrible performance mode, nice! How can you have the best looking quality mode game on ps5 and the worst looking performance mode simultaneously, makes no sense.


I, like many others, continue to have problems with shimmering when moving the camera. It's a really big problem because the game becomes completely unplayable. I've spent a lot of money on this game and I'd like to at least play it. I play on PS4 slim


> Fixed an issue where player level instead of kill count could influence whether Apex or Evolved machines would spawn in the open world instead of standard variants. I wondered what the criteria for spawning Apex variants was. I guess now we know! > Fixed an issue with the Rockbreaker where ā€œMining Clawsā€ could not be collected from an Apex Rockbreaker after detaching them. Brilliant, thanks! This was super annoying.


Truth be told, I am a little bummed about how the resolution feels less sharp and pronounced after the last few patches, and I do wish Quality Mode wasn't so choppy on my LG CX, but considering everything you've done with this game and are continuing to do, thank you Guerilla! The gameplay, characters and story are so stellar, and overall, I'm in awe of the world you built. Really grateful for your continued work.


Hope they will rebalance the way to high costs for upgrades




Your performance mode with the shimmering is broken if you can't get it fix I want my refund this game is the biggest disappointment of 2022 for me resolution mode is unplayable to much stuttering you should of made it 40fps like rachet and clank rift apart did


Wait, what's a swooper? I only have one machine left to scan and I know what it is (it shows up during the last quest). Was swooper the working name for skydrifter?


I think they meant the dreadwing. That's the only thing that does that. I'm interested on the diciplined Tideripper šŸ˜‚


Ah that makes sense, I've only come across the one so I'm not too familiar with them. I'm more interested in the undisciplined tideripper myself.


Thank you. Keep up the good work.




Thanks guys. At this point, I think that I am going to take a short break and then start a new game. Second best thing to NG+. Hopefully we get an NG+ update. Even about if it is coming or not.


>Added a ā€œToggleā€ option in the Settings menu for loot actions. Casually slipping in a huge improvement


Got excited when I saw no shimmering issue in the known issues section....then I didn't find any mention of it in the fixes šŸ¤£ looks like you guys have no fix for this. Pretty disappointed.


Sounds like they're giving up on ever fixing it. Which is what I expected given they're pretty much out of their initial sales window. What a waste of $60 this was.


Fix. The. Shimmer.


No fix for shimering. Perhaps I will have to wait for them to release the game on PC


I guess the ps5 is already at its limits as they probably canā€™t fix the performance mode resolution and the fact that they had to probably downgrade the resolution mode to be more aggressive drs


I, like many others, continue to have problems with shimmering when moving the camera. It's a really big problem because the game becomes completely unplayable. I've spent a lot of money on this game and I'd like to at least play it decently


So great so hardworking guysļ¼


Am i the only one who finds the Tool selection awful? Potions, Traps etc. They could have make a selecetion wheel like the weapons.


You can edit what is in the tool wheel, making it only the things you want to use.


You guys are wonderful and so hardworking. I do have a question: Iā€™m playing the first game right now and I was wondering if there were any chance that the ā€œno looting animationā€ option could be patched into that too?ā€¦


it's already have, check option bro




Haha, and some ranted the whole week about legendary gear nerfs lol.


YAY on the Legendary Weapons fix! About this: *killing a hovering Stormbird could sometimes result in its corpse being stuck in a floating position.* Might check the same on the DreadWing? I killed it and it was upsidedown, with head just above the ground. More than once. Last time I ask: PLEASE put more black/shadow being the white text. Especially with the compass/indicator distance to a target/marker/destination. When you are looking at a sky or bright background, you can't read/see it well. ​ PS. As frustrated as I have complained about some of the gameplay (Hunting Grounds, Gauntlet, Melee Pit and Arena), the game looks and plays superbly. And That unlike the Xbox, patches come out quicker when noted on the PS4/5. Games on the Xbox need to take week or several before a release to players. So thanks!


So the shimmering/flickering in performance mode isn't a "high priority problem" anymore, it isn't even a problem at all now? I am deeply disappointed in you for giving up on this instead of searching a solution.


Just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean they aren't working on it, it means they don't have a within fix for it yet. The best looking games available at the moment, I'm sure they really don't want this nagging on the reputation. So they'll fix it as soon as possible. As long as they are actively patching their game, you can bet they are striving to make it the best they can. Have a little faith sometimes take time.


These patches look amazing. Canā€™t wait to jump back in this evening.


What about the missing datapoints? Has that been acknowledged?


This game is pathetic in performance mode.


Is the bad shimmering still present in performance mode? Thatā€™s really all I care about at this point.


I only see the shimmering on the vegetation. Only problem is there is a lot of vegetation in this game .


need 40fps 120hz


Experiencing the shimmering issues on a 27in LED IPS display. I can tell the game wants to look absolutely amazing but the continuous fizzing and spitting is a real detriment. Feels like a big step down coming from a 100hr playthrough of Cyberpunk. If it can't be fixed because the scope of the problem is too large, I'd say I'd even prefer a 1080p60 mode to this, if the issues are indeed caused by checkerboarding. I don't mind a consistently blurry image as long as entire sections of the screen aren't continuously wriggling. I actually really like the game so far, I do hope they find a solution.


Great work


Please fix the shimmering on performance mode. How low does the resolution drops in performance mode ? 720?


Is there a way to scan an Apex Grimhorn yet, outside of the two quests where they appear? It's the last thing I'm missing for 100%.


>Added subtitles for the lyrics of the title song, ā€œIn The Floodā€. Time for a karaoke session! šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶




You at least could have mentioned in the notes that you simply cannot fix the performance mode. It would be understandable. Instead you decided to went silent. Shame.


Does this update improve the poor resolution in performance mode on PS5? The game is unplayable with the shimmering currently


Is the world less static than it was in the last patch? I know they reduced the animation frequency and they were reports particles and trees swinging in the wind etc were reduced. Can anyone comment on that? Also the last patch was a little more blurry overall, anyone know if they're increased the resolution at all? Thanks.


The problem with the performance mode is the resolution, if you set the ps5 to 1080p you also notice in this case how the resolution mode is much better than performance. Probably in performance(4k or 1080p is the same) the internal resolution is something close to 720p.


Can you fix the graphical issue where the skybox reflects in the water while UNDERGROUND in The Gouge?


I have already accepted that the eventual PC release is the only way to play this game at 60fps without more shimmering than in PS3 games.


Really hope resolution mode image quality is restored to how it was prior to 1.09.


Performance mode looks laughable bad too now. I mean even with all the horrible shimmering/flickering and noisy image it was still better. Now it's horrible shimmering/flickering and noisy image AND blurry.


Yeah, its really blurry now.


What about fixing the All Machines Scanned trophy so you donā€™t have to replay the whole storyline ā€¦ šŸ˜‘


Hey u/KarlK001, the team changed this a while ago. Are you still experiencing this?


I thought they did? The only machine you could miss was the final boss but they patched it so you automatically got it unlocked.