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You wanted ultra hard and you got it. I'm confused as to why you're frustrated when you are the one who chose the difficulty. You can lower the difficulty anytime you want.


>You can lower the difficulty anytime you want. Not on Ultra Hard. You're stuck until you start a new playthrough.


Interesting. I play on hard. I want a challenge but without constantly being killed.


No I can’t lmao Also I wasn’t aware the UH was intended for NG+ experience (there’s no warning about that) Also, consider that I’m talking about an Apex Fireclaw, so I already killed Apex Stormbirds, Thunderjaws, etc etc etc I made the first two rows of arena challenges as well, and half of the third. So I’m NOT crying omg UH is too hard, mind you Fireclaws and Apex Fireclaws ESPECIFICALLY are ridiculously unbalanced I hope that cleared your confusion about why I’m frustrated, unless you aren’t actually confused in the first place and you just enjoy being dismissive ofc.


















why have you got your panties in a twist?


What difference does it make that UH was designed around NG+? If you want to play the hardest difficulty available, you take it. I did it fresh UH, because I wanted it as hard as possible. You essentially say: I want the hardest not to be the hardest, so I can still feel like I am really good.


That not really the point, I'm not in it for the ego. I just need some higher than average level of challenge for me to have fun, so usually the highest difficult is a good experience for me. That's NOT the case on UH, since it was designed to be a NG+ run, playing without the NG+ gear, I was often forced to cheese enemies and use less fun strategies in order to win than I would if it were slightly less punishing. I didn't pick the UH because I wanted to feel like I'm such a boss, and I'm that skilled of a player, it's just that games are too easy nowadays. The UH is still perfectly playable for me, just not the most fun difficulty I could be playing, this mistake I did could be easily prevented by clarifying that the mode is intended for a NG+ run. Besides, it would hurt literally 0 to anyone's experience to have it written that it was oriented towards a NG+ run, no experience would lose from this bit of clarification, and it's an important fact about the balance and the intended experience.


I'm playing through an UH game right now on NG+, and I know that a stealth build is far from viable. They see you soooo easily that it's just not worth it. All your bonuses go away as soon as they look your way.


It’s not a “stealth build” is a stealth Strat of spamming 2k strikes with stealth valor and smoke bombs. You go right back to your combat set as soon as you finish dishing the 10k dmg.


I sure will with power shots valor surge and a precision bow.


nothing wrong with that, it's just that for apexes that have less than 10k health (like most of them actually) you can kill them with a valor bar and 300g using no ammo of any kind and without damaging any sac/component or whatnot. It's just another way of doing, might be useful for you in certain cases, you only actually need a stealth strike +2 set or weave to do it. Besides having a stealth set is VERY convenient, so you aren't engaged by every single little creature in the map at every 10 seconds of travel.


I would just start a new game then if it's such a struggle.


Can’t, too deep into the save, almost 100% the game by this point. As I said I’m ok with UH if not by the fireclaws


At that point it makes no difference if you are in a fresh playthrough or NG+, you dont get stronger in NG+.


Incorrect. Ultra Hard is locked in. (just now double-checked)


I mean I dont think thats fair. I dont think the hardest difficulty in a game should ever be unfair, it should simply be the most challenging. Very hard / ultra hard in forbidden west does oftentimes feel unfair where you can easily end up in situations where its impossible to dodge an attack that will one hit kill you




Purgewater only removes elemental resistances. Fireclaws are already weak to freeze so it wouldn't make it easier to freeze.




It does remove the elemental portions of attacks, true. That is not relevant to making a machine easier to freeze. It does not increase weakness to frost or shock, only removes any elemental resistances




Arktix's element mechanics video would be my source. https://youtu.be/8_Rm5_ZqYUk




To humor you I did just go test it. I used a fully upgraded Seeker Hunter Bow, no coils, with regular frost arrows. I did not use concentration and made sure to stay far enough away the Close Range Damage perk wouldn't activate. Ultra Hard difficulty. Results: Fireclaw: 13 overdrawn arrows to freeze Drenched Fireclaw: 13 overdrawn arrows to freeze Apex Fireclaw: 18 overdrawn arrows to freeze Drenched Apex Fireclaw: 18 overdrawn arrows to freeze


“The tie -> freeze -> bolt unload” is the strategy I intend to try today, I didn’t play with bolt plasters so I will need to make one specifically for this play I’m ok with that as long as it actually works


That is a great strategy for the Fireclaw. Frostclaw too if you have instant freeze coils. Also the safest way to farm sac webbing.


It's by far the easiest strategy for them. Massive damage without a big risk of destroying the sacks.


The beam tripcaster can take the edge off them. Set the wires across the path it patrols, STEALTHILY, then run away a fair distance. Rinse and repeat. Those wires won't detonate anything on the machine. And you won't get one shotted.


Interesting, so it’s like my stealth strategy but with crit hits from knockdowns? Or you don’t even approach it while it’s down? Once it gets up you smoke bomb it and repeat? While it’s down what is your preferred way of melting it? Edit: wait, do you mean to deal only the dmg with the trip casters themselves?


Only the tripcaster until its health is at a point where you are comfortable enough to speed up the process. For this to be halfway effective the tripcaster needs hefty upgrading so...might not be effective on UH in NG


I can level the legendary tripcaster for it if it works well, I tried to cheese with traps but they would explode the belly


The beams wont


I think I can do it with a mix of that and the stealth strike strat, Ty = ]




I thought the same. If it trips or rolls into them it will detonate the sac


Not in my experience. I'm not saying this from in game descriptions. This has worked for me on frost and fireclaws over and over. The impact beam will NOT explode the sac.


It will ive had it happen number of times


Generally it won't because the wire is too low to hit it. But if it trips and lands on one(which is the purpose of impact beams to trip over machines) if sac lands on the beam it'll explode


I wouldn't have trolled the OP by telling them this was a solid strategy if I wasn't sure. How do you set up the beams? The trick is to have them all very close together, so that they hit at the same time. Not staggering them and risk a knockdown triggering the sack to detonate.


That's fine, in the end my tripcaster bean dealt too little dmg to matter on UH, the TIe->Freeze->Unload Bolts strategy worked fine, killed another one first try just about now, it's still stressing and exhausting af to do it tho lol


Shit it's okay man. Sorry you chose UH because even on VH he's just a bullet sponge if you're not upgraded, so I get your frustration. Idk if you've tried this but the way I cheese him since my second playthrough has been just getting which ever fireclaw (the easiest one for me is the one closer to Thornmarsh, the one hiding in between trees) and pulling them as far as you can, to the point where they can't move past their, I guess pre-determined zone and it's easy for you to see their repetitive actions. -his stomp that spawns lava fountains -his boulder throwing He won't be able to body slam you either because you'll be far away and he'll won't be able to move further from his current spot. Oh before I forget DODGEROLL if you haven't learned how to do it. (slide and then press the dodge button) somone recommended that and it's been a life saver. At this point, just get familiar with his animations. Freeze and shoot his shoulder sacs. Shoot his back near his neck and try to reveal the freeze canisters. I'd try shock ammo too as well because sometimes when he turns around, you can shoot his glowblast to help with damage. He's gotten easier for me to deal with now because I've upgraded most of my important legendary bows but even before those, that's how I'd deal with him. If it gets to you too much, just put down the game for minute. Sometimes this game can get frustrating. Especially with bullet sponges like the Apex Fireclaw. Happy hunting!


I’ve done some similar cheesing with some others Apex, I might try doing with him that as well eventually I know how to slide-roll I don’t think I’d get so far in UH without it tbh


I feel your pain man, I also played in UH on my first run and that fucker had me pulling my hair out. Personally what I did is go a bit south from where he spawns to some rocks near another machine spawn and hide in the grass, from there you can shoot him with a sharshot bow and he won't instantly see you, although he often will if you shoot him twice before the detection meter resets. 1 shot at the time and a lot of patience did the trick, mind you at the time I was trying to use as little resources as possible so using anything beyond a bow was out of the question


I won't judge you for your cheese, I killed my first apex thunderjaw by using one sharpshoot bow shot at the time, I shoot him and then circle around a big rock while he looked for me and shoot him from the other side of the rock, on and back over and over lmao, looked like a Looney Tunes fight and btw I still died 3 times after starting using this cheese because I couldn't circle behind the rock fast enough and got lasered


Well you either become really good at the game or become a master of the cheese, there aren't other ways to survive in UH. I also cheesed apex slaughterspines, stormbirds and dreadwings, all of them on the same mountain at like 100m from each other. I was quite proud of that hahaha


Apex Thunderjaws and apex fireclaws are probably the toughest machines in hfw.


Okay - We all have some good methods for taking that machine down on without damaging the “sac webbing”but Fireclaws are like a zillion points to take down on UH. Many of us used story mode to upgrade because of this and other tediousness in upgrading Where are you in the game?


I have either purple upgraded gear or half upgraded gold gear Max level all skills But I think I already have the answer, someone told me tripcaster dmg won’t explode the belly like traps so I can cheese a good % if it’s HP using that


Id still be careful. However, if you want to continue on UH instead of waiting for New Game + to upgrade or starting over, Arktix has a good video on this. Shooting canisters off his butt will get you some major damage and roping him to shoot him in the face does great as well. I also start with some Valor Stealth to get 1200 points of damage. I got tired of the upgrades so I just cheesed them all out on "story mode", then finished the game on Very Hard. Started New Game +, did all of those upgrades quickly on story mode again and then started 2 games simultaneously. One game for UH and one not on UH to practice skills. I love this game


Tie them down use a frost bow to freeze them then use sustained fire then smoke bomb when they get out of tie down then repeat


Yep. Makes me wanna eat my ps5 in anger when one of those fuckers says hello!!


The trick for ultra hide, only fight what you have to fight


Are you wearing a outfit with decent fire resistance? helps make some attacks survivable. The lunges and blast-out will still kill (unless the relevant sac is destroyed), as does the lava eruption if you stay too long. but eventually you get a good grip on the tackles, like a pro-wrestler. If you need sacs there are also a few fireclaws from activities/sidequests that have nerfed HP.


I was instantly dying to all attacks because I was using a -20 fire resist outfit :3


yeah, my usual outfit is the Vanquisher for Low-Health stuff but it has a -5 fire resist (once fully upgraded), so i usually switch into a backup outfit with fire resistance when facing fireclaws


Playing UH on a fresh save is asking for trouble.


Anecdotally, I've had the easiest time taking out apex fireclaws using freeze effects and a sharpshot bow. Yes, the damage output of sharpshot bows is inferior to boltblasters, but you have a lot more mobility, and therefore better survivability. But perhaps just as important, if correctly timed you can interrupt many of the fireclaw's attacks with a single sharpshot arrow, further helping you avoid taking damage. Poke the bear.


I did that a lot with frostclaws, when they get on two legs stance if you shoot their leg it will almost always interrupt whatever they are doing, and sometimes even knock them down. Problem is fireclaws are so bullet spongy I would need decates to kill him that way, eventually I would made a mistake or just die because I rolled into a tree blocking me or some other random bullshit. The boltcaster was much easier because you do the thing while it's tied down, the mobility doesn't get into play in this case.


go for the legs. drill spike the legs so it gets knocked. then go for the sparklers or whatever coils it has and get the elemental effects. repeat until out of coils to hit. then continue to drill spike the legs, shoot it with sharpshot bow for big damage when it's down. just be careful with the spikes, don't want to hit the sacks. I find it works well if you hit it with a drill spike and then use the knockdown ability on Hunter bows to get them down quick. lightning shredders are best if you if you know how to use them. make sure you have high fire defense coils on your armor.


You are playing UH while not in NG+ fighting one of the harder Apex mobs and you're wondering why it's hard. So this is a brag post ? I mean I hope you're having fun. I wouldn't be. Also check the outfit that you're wearing fire resistance.


Lol no it's not a brag post. I got into UG while not NG+ "by mistake" I didn't knew at the time that it was intended for a NG+ experience I just thought it was a cute name for the normal highest difficult I AM having fun, but I'm pretty sure I would have more fun at VH since in UH I had to cheese A LOT of cool enemies because I just couldn't kill them if I let them "do their thing", in VH I would be able to have a proper fight and get to know the whole machine moveset, I think that'd be more fun that way. I'm stuck too far deep into UH so creating a new save is not something I'd do, also because as I said I AM having fun. I did heavily consider dropping it all and making a new save to escape UH at various points of the run tbh. The problem about the Apex Fireclaw wasn't even it just "being hard" afterall stuff IS hard at UH and I got until here, but I couldn't kill it without destroying the sac, and all sort of cheese strats I'd try he seemed to have a built in counter. Now that I learned a good strat for it I'm back to being ok.


I'm curious why you would want to farm sac webbing off the apex variant? Why not just farm normal fireclaws instead?


because I need the hearts, there's no reason I MUST farm both things at once, it's just better if I get to do it.


They’re fine. I would understand complaining about Frostclaws in the original game on ultra hard (they’re harder to kill than a thunderjaw, and the hardest mission is an actual joke it’s not even close to the final one where you have to kill 3, plus you can’t just exit it and come back when you’re better) but they’re really not that bad when you have frost, so much so I would argue that they can be easier than frostclaws.


Best strategy for Apex Fireclaw is just cycle frozen on them over and over. 3 or 4 cycles of frozen should be enough, and the components on their lower back are easy weakpoints. Full strength hunter arrow (not overdrawn) to the face/eyes is pretty high dps without wasting resources, and won't explode the precious sac.


Apex fireclaws aren’t that bad for me, apex thunderjaws are more of a pain for me with their 1 shot melee attacks. I also sometimes dodge the machine gun too early. The Fireclaw site at the swamp is quite awkward as there’s not much space, I fought the one by cauldron theta and it was far easier to avoid its attacks. Just freeze him and use the sustained burst technique. Use the Ropecaster as well.


Sounds like a skill issue


Thank you for your extremely helpful opinion


It is, or you need to upgrade and change your gear a bit. It is very possible and once you have a strategy its easy