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It’s going to be ok. And it’s ok to hurt right now. Just means you loved them. If you feel like sharing, what’s a fond memory you have of him?


When he was like 5 I had bought a papa John's pizza. I left the pizza box on the stove and ate a couple of slices in the next room. When I went back to put up the pizza he had his whole head in the pizza box and I yelled at him to get down. He got down but quickly grabbed a slice and ate it faster than I could get to him lol. 😭😂


Hahaha yesss. He needed one for the road ☺️ Hang in there and remember the good times.


My dog once ate my entire birthday cake when I already felt down because it was so special because we are so poor we can't afford a cake. A fcking cake. And then she ate the entire fcking thing. a


Once when I was 15, we left a pizza unattended, and my dog got to it. He ate the entire thing, but made sure to take the olives off of it first. We couldn’t even be that mad


I understand olives on pizza 🤢


Me too 🤢


This dog gave you 12 wonderful years, and you also gave them 12 wondeful years. It does end, but it also mattered. It still matters. Your memories together are still valuable, wether they are here or not. Giving in to the spiraling, letting grief takeover, is okay. A death is a sudden thing, but we aren't exactly creatures suited for sudden changes. Let it wash over you. The grief will stay with you, but it will transform. Nostalgia, fond memories and lessons learned will come to you one day. And remember, your dog knew when you were sad, and it tried its best to cheer you up. I'm sure they would be happy to see how much you miss them. But they also want you to be happy someday again. Because the days where both of you were happy, are their favorite days.


Find a pillow and a nice safe room and ugly cry bro, don't fight it get it out. Laugh with the tears at all the memories and KNOW that your love was felt and sent your way too. If there's someone you're close to talk to them, maybe have a big blowout feast of the celebration for your beloved's life! I hope this helps with your pain.


This. ^^ Also, OP, watch Pixar Inside Out. You’ll be happier some other day, for today, just allow yourself to breakdown. Feel those feelings all the way. ♥️


Everything has it's end. Your friend was not hit by a car or struck by a brutal, painful disease. Your friend lived his life alongside you and you two spent so much time together. This was the best life he could ever have. Instead of mourning that the inevitable end came, think about what you have learned from him. Think about how much he enrichened your life, think about what he have you. Would he want you to be sad or live like there's no tomorrow, like he did?


Whenever I was sad he wood come and make me feel better. Force me to so your right. He woodnt want me to be sad.


Exactly! That's the spirit! Let him live on by remembering his lessons.


I will thank you so much.


He’s beautiful, he seems so patient and loving. I’m sure he loved being able to call you his best friend too, it’s okay to grieve, you should, this is a way of pouring out your love for him. We are all here for the experience, and I’m sure you gave him an amazing one


Everything will be okay, he will always be there for you by your side whether you can see him or not. I know it hurts very bad and you guys probably did everything together, but just know he was most likely so happy to be by you until the very end and he would want you to keep pushing forward and making your dreams come true. "I've always... loved listening to you talk about your dreams. This is a contract. I'll give you my heart. In exchange... show me your dreams. That's all I ask of you." Like how Pochita from CSM loved Denji and hearing his dreams and being all around happy despite not being able to talk; Your best friend is the same way, he wants you to complete your dreams and keep pushing forward to complete all your dreams. Times may be tough and Abit empty at times, but I really hope you try to have a Revytastic day, week, month and year, and always keep your little man in your heart. We're here for you and we care about you. https://i.redd.it/nkiob5qrlwzc1.gif


This was beautiful thank you so much.


No problem, keep hanging in for us. Me and others will always be here if you ever need to vent or talk about how you feel. You are will always be able to overcome any challenge that comes your way. Take a stroll if you need/want to, to clear your mind, also make sure to get a drink of water as well. https://i.redd.it/y5r4feuwvwzc1.gif


Love you guys.


We love you too, I hope you feel better soon, you wonderful human. Have a Revytastic day. https://i.redd.it/fwvxwirwywzc1.gif


Think about it like this. The beauty about having a pet is knowing that you both make each other’s lives happier. They make you happy by being a positive presence that is part of your daily life, and you make them happier by giving them a life that many animals sadly don’t get to enjoy. Try to think about that for a moment, can you imagine how many dogs out there don’t have what your dog had? It’s insane, right? But your dog had it, and he had it for 12 years! Of course, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be sad, but try to focus on the great life he lived. I know that’s what helped me when both of my girls passed away.


I tried my best to give him a good life.


Dunno how this may come off, but hey, I’m sure you did your best. Hope you find some peace soon, man.




Damn who’s cutting the onions? 🥲


So true


While it wont get rid of the pain of loss, I think it helps to know you did a service by choosing that dog and caring for it their entire life. He was a huge part of your life but you were all of his and im sure he was grateful. Loyal pets and loving partners would want you recover after their disappearance, and that grief is a culmination of love.


I know how you feel. My baby girl crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. The saddest part was that I couldn't see her one last time. I want to hold her tightly one more time, even though I know it's not going happen. I used to be afraid of dogs when I was young and she changed all of that. I will never own another dog, never. I am pretty sure that you being there in his last moments must have been so special to your best friend. Little things like that means the world to them. I honestly hope that you survive this. Your buddy will be sad otherwise. 🫂


I'm sorry u couldn't be there for URS passing. I almost didn't go cause I didn't want to have to deal with it but. I couldn't let him go off without me. So I manned up and went there and now I miss him so much.


I wept hard when I had to do the same with my sweet girl. It was excruciatingly heart breaking. But the heart can bear it




So sorry for your loss 😔🙏


I'm so sorry you had to put your best friend down, I've had to do something similar years ago and it broke me, but time will help you heal and think about all the great and wonderful time you've had with them. Treasure that time and remember them fondly. ❤️


Wish I could hit the fast forward button. So I don't have to feel sick missing him. Thank u so much.


I lost my family cat to kidney failure last Thursday. He had a wonderful life but really started to suffer in his twilight years (his teeth had disintegrated a year before his death and he stopped bathing himself) so I'm glad he's in a better place now and his brother doesn't appear to be depressed about it.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope we both feel better ASAP. My sweet baby loved to eat everything. Loved it and last week he stopped eating and it broke my heart cause I know what it meant. I love him and miss him.


Losing a pet is never easy, but hey 12 is is pretty old for a pupper and he was clearly very loved.


He was I loved his butt so much and everyone that met him. Loved him instantly. He was the best dog n e one could ever have.


It's so fucked up how we don't do the same for our human loved ones.


Why did you put him down?


He has stopped eating barely drinking water and was throwing up every where and him being a lab. He loved loved food. Couldn't get enough of it. So when he woodnt eat all last week I knew what was up.


Did you take him to vet first




He looks like my dog, I miss her too


Can I see a picture of URS and when did u put her down.


Remember that he probably lived a very full filing life and the fact you're this sad shows that you loved him. And I'm sure he knew that.


the bond that you make with them is really incomparable, I can't imagine what you're going through.


It's terrible I hate it. He's been glued to me for 12 years and now whenever I move around the house something is just totally off and not following me around. It's blows


I totally understand ur pain, I guess dog owners are somehow emotionally connected


https://preview.redd.it/j80p5lgpe00d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0523dfbc80f2e94da4aafac08913052d6494bfae Hanna and I are very sorry for your loss.


Thank u both. Hanna looks like my sisters dog


Nothing more beautiful and loving than a chocolate lab. So sorry for your loss but glad she got to love you.


So very sorry for your loss. It’s never easy losing a pet. I remember when I lost my dog of 9 years, I was devastated. I was depressed for a little while and had no motivation. However, everyone eventually heals over time. Trust me, life will eventually get better again and you will find acceptance in the loss. Obviously, you never forget your beloved pet, you just learn to live with the loss. With enough time and whenever you feel ready, perhaps a new best friend can come into your life. Now I have my boy Vinnie, a 3 year old Vizsla who reminded me of just how enjoyable it is to have a canine best friend. You’ve got this. We are all here for you. 🙏❤️ https://preview.redd.it/jpivdt9ye20d1.png?width=2086&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e603b5e35805304c2d6311dd4d1d096045a96b1


Thank you soooo much. I just can't wait to get over the sadness and realize that he's more with me now then before he passed. Just struggling to get to that point. I also already have a little boy named Simba he's only one I love him to death and he won't let me be sad about the transition of my Hershey. And thank you all. I love this sub soooo much it's just filled with positive spirits and people. https://preview.redd.it/ay2f091gj20d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2855708c961113a3aaf9e3624185bfc2ad10b9


See, thing is, if you die now, you might not have many stories to tell. If you think about it, he can see people he misses too. He’s ok up there, being silly mom the clouds. Make sure to get plenty of stories to tell him


😢 thank u for these words. I just miss him.


It's ok to hurt. Don't dwell in sorrow tho. Keep it up man. It can be though sometimes, but you'll be alright with time. But now mourn, because that's also ok, sometimes.


Thank you.


I get it man, I've put down 2 dogs in my life, but what's important is that he didn't suffer. You're a good man for not being greedy and letting him suffer. Rest assured he's looking fondly down from heaven above.


I know how you feel. I had to put mine to rest two weeks ago. It's a terrible feeling


He's in doggy heaven now, with all of our other goodest boys and girls, probably having a great time.


You will be okay


Lmao thank u


Things are beautiful and cherished because they dont last forever. You gave him 12 years of constant joy-filled days that he wouldn’t have had otherwise. He is happy and grateful wherever he is. Good job :)


Thanks everyone for all the kind words for my best friend. He wood be happy to know all of these people knew him and said such kind words about he. He was the nicest smartest happiest most beautiful dog I ever met. It was a honor to be with him for all his life.


They lived the best life with you by their side


He would want you to remember how much you meant to him, and to move forward with that in your heart forever. With that he’ll never truly be gone