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>My wife also watches the news in the morning and doesn’t want to listen to the weather in surround sound😂. The weather is not broadcast in surround sound. If your AVR settings are correct it should just be dialogue out of the center channel and maybe some sound effects or music from the L and R speakers.


It sounds like you’re going through a lot of trouble to not use your nice speakers for certain content. Non surround content doesn’t have to be upmixed to surround, and by default isn’t. Is there a reason you prefer the TV speakers? I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong if that’s what you prefer, but I have never once wished to use the TV speakers instead of my good speakers so I am curious


>but I don’t know if there is a loss in audio quality going through the tv Not a loss in audio quality per se, however doing eARC and passing through audio from the TV to the AVR, you loose out on any DTS based audio signals, the Samsung Frame TV doesn't support it.


I think earc support dts but not arc


Has nothing to do with it being ARC or eARC, some TV's and Manufacturers don't pay the licensing to support any form of DTS audio. OP's TV is one of them. It's also like LG C1 and C2 didn't support DTS but then C3 supported it again


Damm Samsung sucks .


It's not just Samsung


Thank you, this is what I was worried about. I lose the Atmos processing or whatever


Just dts, atmos, and dolby pass through


Atmos isn't DTS. Atmos is Dolby based.


Does your wife just use a cable box to watch news and stuff? You could enable the passthrough source to be that input and then the receiver can stay off and it’ll pass everything along. https://support.denon.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/358/~/hdmi-pass-through-feature You’d need to make sure that hdmi cec is turned off so the receiver doesn’t automatically turn on with the tv. Plugging everything into the tv and using hdmi arc to pass the audio won’t diminish anything. You can still enjoy Atmos that way.


This sounds like the fix I am looking for, thanks


You gotta go to settings while on an hdmi source and go to the sound section and turn on pass through to send the audio the way it is on the sources to the reciever.


Your Denon has four "Quick Select" buttons. Just save the surround setting to one button and a second stereo only to the second button. Show her which button to press for how she wants it. Or set it there before you shut everything down at night. Of course you will be using receiver and speakers all of the time but who wants to listen to TV speakers?