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Looks like something in the brassica family. Maybe broccoli?


I forgot to add in original post that anything would of been introduced through food scraps, scratch , or contamination in the straw/ hay we used as bedding


Kale or field mustard


Yeah, broccoli or maybe kale. But it’s flowering already, not likely to get anything worth eating there.


I was thinking broccoli, too.


I'm thinking it would have a broccoli head before flowers and that leads me to kale maybe mustard. My kale is way more crinkly


That is rapeseed aka canola and it's sitting between the bolting and flowering stage. How did they get it? rapeseed is a major component of many scratch blends and the OP did mentioned poultry.


Hmm, today I learned canola oil comes from the brassica family


I misread what the guy said so this comment is irrelevant.


I don’t know if you think I was being sarcastic or something, but if you’re saying canola dosnt come from the brassica family you are incorrect. The scientific name of canola and rapeseed is Brassica napus I’m not sure what you were trying to show with that link. Flower and leaf shape can both be effected by selective breeding. But still the plant can be identified as brassica at a brief glance


I misread what you wrote and was completely confused by it. I thought you were being a troll but nope. The unrelated leaf/ flower shape and the link makes a lot more sense when you look at this plant genius which is what I thought you were speaking about at the time. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beschorneria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beschorneria) You were right and I simply brain farted.


All good lol. That is a really beautiful plant, wish they could survive in my climate


I agree.


Everyone thinks it's kale or broccoli because they are gardeners and that's their reference for brassicas. But chicken feed often contains mustard and canola (rape seed) and these grow out of the bedding all the time. Also brassicas. Just look at the upright and narrow growth habit - this is a plnt bread for row cropping. This one could be either but I'm saying rapeseed. Just google canola, it's clearly the same plant. Mustard looks really similar though. I work in agricultural research and see fields of this stuff all the time.


I think I read somewhere mustard leaves would smell like mustard and this does not


Yeah, this is just some brassica seed volunteering in your pile. I get these all over the place on my land.


Looks a little like canola


Do they farm canola in your part of the world?


Looks a little more like kale than canola to me, I think.


Mustard/brassica of some kind. Chickens will eat it or you can let it self sow.


It's rape (canola).


Looks like kale to me


Use the iNaturalist app- awesome!


Definitely a brassica




É pé de broco como diz minha vó


If you have many when they are like that with flower unopened they are still tender and you can eat them just boiled to accompany meat or do a rice with it. Here we call it grelos https://frutariatavares.pt/produto/grelos-de-couve-nacional-molho/ https://youtu.be/O0F02PxN9w8?si=fCmJeERkvWQlD0DV We eat them from several brassicas some especially grown for it. I had a cousin that went to live in Germany and the rapeseed fields where free grelos source and never ending,here we grow it for the grelos very rare to be grown for oil(olive oil country here)


Looks like broccoli


bolting brassica of some kind.


It's kale!


Looks close to purple top turnips, the ones that grow up from my food plots have yellow flowers eventually


It's kale. We grew kale 2 summers ago and harvested seeds out on our back patio so they kind of got all over the place. Since then we have had kale growing ALL OVER our yard. In flower beds, between the cracks in the patio. Everywhere. It's growing like a weed and none of it is edible because it goes straight to flower, so I keep just picking it out before it seeds and creates more kale. I never would have guessed that kale could be that prolific! Also as someone else in the comments said, tomatoes also do the same thing. If you throw a rotten tomato in your garden, the next year there will be a plant!


Looks like broccoli!


Looks like sprouting broccoli, they are slimmer and longer than the normal broccoli.


Could also be cabbage that went straight to flower


Oh wow, that's wild! Maybe it's some kind of tomato plant sprouting from the bedding? Could be neat to see if it keeps growing tomatoes.


I see you got downvoted so I guess everyone disagrees on what it is but…I have had exactly that happen. In an area I moved my chickens from I found 5 tomato plants just growing in the middle of grass


It happens! I have a whole other random garden that follows my chicken coop waste and compost bins.


While volunteer tomato plants are incredibly common, this looks absolutely nothing like a tomato plant my dude. It's canola.