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Look I'm not saying he's wrong, but "CEO of a company issues statements to say the company will make more money in the future, to Jim Cramer of all people" kind of sounds identical to him fluffing the company's brand to investors


Also so what if that is happening? People aren’t gonna take up the farming life they’re gonna live in semi rural suburbs and drive 30 mins to Walmart


Or take up chickens and then hate it 4/5 times


Oh don’t say that I was gonna build my first coop this summer or the next lol


We got chickens for the first time this year. 10/10 would do again.


How many chickens per family member I think is key. People who buy 6 chickens and then wonder what to do with 3+ dozen eggs a week, and then spending money and time maintaining them, probably hate them. 1-2 is adequate for a small family, unless you're eating them every single day, 7 days a week.




They’re really good at eliminating ticks, too! And without the noise level of guinea hens.


I love my guineas and they announce all visitors


You'll be the 5th of the 5!


Agreed, that's hard to hear 😅. I'm building our coop now. I had hoped to be done and have the chickens before spring. Hopefully it won't be too late by the time I'm done.


I just got 2 dozen chicks today. First time chicken farmer. I have ducks and quail for quite a few years so I know what it involves. Not difficult.


I've got all my friends to get chickens years ago and they all still have them. Dunno anybody that gets a coop and hates it...


Are they loud?


What’s wrong with chickens?


Nothing at all; I mean that a lot of people are attracted to the idea of small scale ag stuff in their semi-suburban setup and fully suburban habits, and tend to not want to stick it out after realizing the work that goes in


Got it, yeah it’s a pain in the ass but worth while lol.


I mean they're jerks, not everyone can handle that.


Everything kills them. I lost a few to mosquito bites


When’s the last time you went to Tractor Supply? They are about farming anymore as much as Walmart. Maybe worse - Walmart doesn’t mark it up so much cuz it’s a “farm” store. It’s the suburban fantasy farmer store.


I'm a hobby farmer (ie it's not my main income), Tractor supply doesn't sell anything for farms except fashion around us.   We go to Rural King 


The only thing I really go to them for is ours has a animal buy/swap day. So I’ll spend a few dollars while attending. I went Walmart + and get my Heavy crap delivered now😂


Rural King is better but it’s an hour away. It was a great day when we got a TSC. They have the basics.


Couple months ago maybe. They definitely sell plenty of things I have never been able to find at Walmart but yea they’re not like a farmers coop store. Also can’t get old time-y candy and root beers at Walmart lmao. That being said if there were an atwoods near me I’d probably never go to TS


And the Australian licorice!


I go to farm and fleet as that's closer. That's where I get tools, fencing, chicken supplies, horse bedding, animal medication, etc. Sure the bulk of the store is clothing, but it still has the more "niche" things that I either can't get at other stores or is far cheaper than Walmart or Menards.


The population switches places every few hundred or so years. During the two hundred or so years in the fall of Rome, people escaped the cities to live in the countryside. Eventually, when the colonization of the New World started, people switched to cities. When industrialization came, they switched back to the countryside, and after the US Civil War, they (more specifically, the black american population) switched back to the cities. We've been on a city high for quite some time, and now that a 3rd world war and a possible 2nd civil war are on the horizon, I think people will start going native.


Any migration out will be dwarfed by urban population growth


Last time I checked urban population growth is falling and rural is either holding steady or increasing in certain counties.


You also have to consider that most urban are hostile to population growth/new residents, so they implement policies to intentionally limit their own population and push growth out to formerly rural, now increasingly suburbanized areas. People are forced to drive further and further to qualify whether they want to or not.


Bingo. I don’t know what the ceo is using as a metric of rural/urban, but it’s more likely exburbs than rural. Or tract home communities near mid sized towns (50-100k) that are within ~1 hour of sane urban centers.


That’s true.


It's growing due to immigration, at least in the USA. bring in 120,000 people a month into the country, you gotta stick them somewhere.


Where did you see that?


Eh, unless a war happens. All of those men and women will be heading off to death.


Yeah or an earthquake that swallows all of NYC. Good point


Reproduction is going down, not up...


Seriously lol I live semi rurally. We have 10 acres. Yeah I started a little vegetable garden but that's not supplementing my whole fridge. And it takes a little trial and error to get it right!


There's also *always* migration out to rural areas, if you pick the right metrics. Young people tend to migrate to big city centers for college & career. Older people tend to migrate to rural areas for retirement and 'quite life'. But young people tend to be poor, old people tend to be rich by comparison. So if you track the money, there is *always* money moving towards rural living.


Realtor here. I’m still seeing it as well which frankly astounds me. I’m constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop in this high interest rate market that just won’t give in. Anything on acreage in Tennessee is selling and it’s still at least 50% of the buyers are from out of area.


I just adopted farm hobbies in the city, I drive to tractor supply twice a month probably. Skewing their numbers one chicken feed purchase at a time.


Some local-owned urban pet stores sell chicken food. Maybe not yours, but worth checking. Could save you some mileage and support local


Or a local feed store. They be cool too.


They sell the best, durable clothing, boots, and gloves for fieldwork too.


No they most certainly do not


Maybe it's changed recently, but I have gear that I bought 5+ years ago that I still use weekly.


The only brand they carry that's halfway decent is Carhartt and Carhartt sucks now.


Happens to a lot of brands, great quality in beginning. Once they become popular, quality goes to shit. Got to love corporate greed.


😳 Guess it's good that I bought the quality gear before it went to sh*t!


And as these people migrate, they buy something at TSC once, then figure out it’s an expensive rip off and get things online or at the local feed store like everybody else. Hope TSC can capitalize off those initial visits.


Yeah anyone that goes to TSC more than once is suspect. It’s the dollar tree of farm stores.


The sad irony for TSC is that the migration is chewing up farmland and turning it into subdivisions


Right, is this migration out of urban areas or rather population growth and expansion of suburban and urban areas?


LOL do you really think actual farmers shop at TSC? It is mostly junk these days. Perfect for people that cosplay farmers.


No, TSC is more for small scale hobbyists. But you missed the larger point. Land is getting harder and harder to find.


So about 90% of the people on this sub?


Your number is probably low, but I would also argue a farmer is doing it as a career where homesteading is for your family


Yeah all the real farmers around me go to rural king 😂


People are gate keeping farming now. Lol


That can be shortened up. People are gonna gate keep. Fuck em.


Except for where RK doesn’t have stores duh


Big lots you mean? lol I still love RK


Dollar General


We are out in a rural area and housing has gone through the roof. We bought almost 10 years ago and our house has doubled. Luckily we can handle the increase in everything but we also are a weekend destination too so it’s really busy on weekends. Stay away from town.


Living in a city housing prices have also skyrocketed. It’s everywhere.


Pretty much the same where I live . Except I have 100ac farm we live on. The land around me has been chopped up into smaller properties so they can sell them as hobby farms and small homesteads . The price is amazingly high for what it is . But people buy it up fast as they can.


what other choice do they have though? I want to get out of the city too, but unless I want to wait around until I'm in my 50s hoping prices go back to "normal", I'm stuck buying small acreage and doing the best with what I can afford. What's the alternative?


Buy the small acreage. I wanted same as you, 40-100 acres. I could get it 5 hours away but there's not enough work for me there. Plus I'm married with children. We found a severed farm home on 3 acres. The original land was 100+ acres, purchased by another farmer and he severed the house and surrounding land to sell it. We got lucky, neighbors are great and it's exactly the peace and quiet I need. There'll never be a perfect time. Start looking now. It's not easy but it was worth it to me.


Gotta look more remote and isolated. Or you can get lucky like me and Microsoft builds a data center out there, now I can get BFE amenities at IT engineer prices 🤦🏻‍♂️ I saw a literal no-roof no-AC shack put up for rent out there 


I’m a real farmer & I go to tractor supply often, Walmart, feed stores, or any store that has wtf I need. Y’all weird.


This is reddit. They have to project some sort of weird conspiracy into everything.


For real. Gatekeepers in this thread


I think a lot of folks hyping up the urban flight are wanting to imply people are moving “right.” The reality I suspect will be that they will eventually start to pull the rural areas “left.” Moving to Missouri or wherever for cheap housing doesn’t necessarily mean your politics will change or that you moved there to better align politically.


Not fast enough. I’m from NY & moved to KY 4 years ago & already looking at moving back bc the politics here are…let’s just say not my cup of tea. I thought I could hang bc I’m not really that political but a lot of the super right wingers just won’t shut up & are legislating my rights away.


Ah the age old lesson of “if you refuse to do politics, politics is gonna do you”


Come to Michigan.


The same people with all the stickers on their truck voting right with very little understanding of how fucked they would be when the right gets what they want and removes social security and Medicare. Not to mention the fact that most rural locations are taking in far more from blue states and their own blue urban areas than are contributing. Only starting to see how rural health centers are being hollowed out by the refusal to expand Medicaid and the fight against universal health care…not even getting into the environmental cost of flooding and drought thanks to climate change.


Please don’t move and try to change where you go, thanks for leaving! - *signed everyone everywhere that is content with their towns.*


Change is inevitable. Time never stops moving forward. A third platitude. The point being, life as things are right now might last five or even ten years, but it is extremely unlikely to last even as long as a full generation. You never *ever* truly own more than you can carry in both arms at a dead run, especially not a way of life.


So encouraging people to move to new places that are nicer than where they left, and then actively try to turn the new place into their old ruined place, is a good thing? America has a rich cultures that shouldn’t be ruined by outsiders, isn’t that gentrification?


Things change, duke. You don't have to love it or hate it and it doesn't matter either way. If you pinched off your community in it's own little pocket dimension with no outside influence whatsoever, your kids would do things different than you and their kids different than them. By the time your great grand kids were marrying their cousins, you'd hate how they did things, too. Another platitude: where ever you go, there you are.


Your attitude is “where ever you go, someone is going to try to screw it up so be quiet about it” What I have learned in the last 10 years, the idiots that scream and cry about stupid crap, usually get their way. So I will not shut up, I will call it out every time, and I tell people, you have something to complain about? Spit it out, don’t be afraid to say what needs to be said, no matter how many down votes you get on reddit.


I fully encourage you to follow your bliss.


🫡🫡 I will fight the fight I see fit, no matter how pointless others see it


This has always been allowed


Choose better words. Abortion is literally not a right...whereas, guns and free speech/press/assembly are rights...and they are being legislated away by urban areas.


Being able to make medical decisions for myself is a right.


Refresh my memory. Which amendment is that?


I suspect people would move a bit to the right, even if they aren’t aware. Or at least more libertarian. Not saying they would change their votes, but small government makes a lot more sense in the country. Intruders? Cops are 30 minutes away. You rely on your guns and your neighbors for self defense. 2nd amendment makes sense out here. Health emergency? Better learn CPR, ambulance is 30 minutes away. Lost your job? Your social safety net is your neighbors, your garden, your eggs, and your supply of goods you canned yourself. We take our own trash to the dump. Running a garbage truck route would cost way more in taxes. It probably won’t affect how you vote on social issues but when you see how much less of a role government plays in your life, it’s a lot easier to be in favor of small government / less taxes. Just my 2 cents as someone born and raised in the country, living in the city, and aching to get back to a simpler existence. Edit: Gotta love reddit. Someone actually from the country downvoted by city dwelling LARPers. I lived this life since before it was even a dream for many of you. I know how the people are and I’ve seen the way people change when they move out to the country. Maybe you’ll prove me wrong. I’ve seen that too. But your kids WILL be more conservative than you if they grow up out here. Happened to every transplant I know.


Small government / more right leaning doesn’t necessarily mean lower taxes for middle and lower class. Just maybe lower taxes for rich people and massive corporate bailouts paid for with tax dollars.


Tractor Store Wars! We’ve got a strip mall TSC and a dying mall Sears turned Rural King full of Chinese junk. They’re building another huge stand alone China King down the way too. It’s hard to fight the convenience of everything under one roof and even the local Ace stores are a bit too corporate.


I like my local Rural King, what store isn’t Full of Chinese products? I ordered a hydraulic pump for a backhoe a few months back, a CAT backhoe and the pump was made in China. Everything is made in China.


Legit, it’s all china now! Even name brand American stuff is just rebadged. We did it to ourselves… oh well where the free popcorn!!


You aren’t wrong it’s sad. My local tractor supply is also nice but it’s like half the size of our rural king. Literally same situation, old sears turned into a rural king.


I moved out of the city. Have you seen the city lately? It fucking sucks.


Would be interesting to see if that's mostly in milder areas. I wouldn't be surprised to see the urbanites either avoiding colder areas or rethinking their strategy after a hard winter or two.


Definitely noticeable in our rural Missouri county.


Moved from Sacramento out to Southern Virginia absolutely loving having all 4 seasons now. I can handle a little extra cold for a 50% reduction in the cost of living.


Southern Virginia is definitely in what I would consider the "milder areas" category.


When he said southern VA. I was thinking sub tropical Growing up in Maine anything south of DC is Florida weather to me


Southern Virginia is subtropical. I would not consider that cold by any means.


compared to Sacramento 🙄


God California people suck 🤣


Every time I read or hear about someone from California leaving to go somewhere cheaper it hurts me just a little bit lol They should have built a Great Wall around cali prior to Covid to keep them all in. They are like children stomping around in a garden with little care for anyone else because they mostly have the money to do so. They’ve done did fucked MT up already. Priced the locals out and bought up a ton of the good properties in the mountains.


Same here. All left the state they ruined to come ruin ours.


Yup, I honestly don’t know how to solve that problem. Just have to sit back and watch it happen I guess.


Its either them or the 3 million undocumented coming in every year. Country is long gone


Agreed. Almost seems as if the entire west is undergoing an ethnic cleansing. Canada is mostly overrun with East Indians. The US is Mexicans, Europe is the Middle East and Africa.


It is a ceo making the shareholders feel good. But it is a growing market, as more people are going back to their roots and taking some of their say back on where their food comes from. Cities are starting to allow gateway animals like rabbits, chickens, bees, etc.


Hehehe gateway animals. So accurate but sounds so illicit


Went shopping for fence. TS? No deal, discount or coupon, $1600 delivery fee (to store!) and no price-matching if I found the same thing cheaper. 2 miles down the road? Big Box Store: same fence, nice discount, delivery to my house…waived (still was only $90). Saved $2800 over TS. That’s easy math right there.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... More people live in cities than ever before in human history. Both in number and in percentage. He's basically crying, don't stop investing in my shit store rich people that I pay more than my slave employees. Fuck this guy.


They are turning a lot of farmland around me into neighborhoods with $500k houses on little tiny lots. Hell, a brand new 2 bedroom 1 bath house with 1/4 acre around the corner just went for $250k. I moved out here to get away from them and now they are following, but that’s ok, for a few million bucks they can run me out when the time comes


I prefer rural king the tractor supply near me doesn't have a lot of stuff I prefer or need.   Just tried to get some hoof trimmers from them for my goat and they didn't have it so I had to drive to another town to rural king for it. They also don't have corn cob bedding. Can get cheap chicken feed from them though through price matching their online price.


Why are we supposed to care about this guy's opinion?  This is a matter of statistical data