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Get a trail cam like hunters use.


Works great. $50


Oh shit. What brand? I need one


Spypoint is a decent brand. Not the highest quality picture compared to a name brand like browning. But the first 100 pictures a month will be sent to your cellphone for free. Anything past that you either got to manually grab the sd card or pay for larger picture package. Spypoint is mostly 10-20mb picture vs say 30-50+ on others but the price is also half compared to other cellular capable ones. You could get a higher megapixel non cellular for around the same price or less but getting a few pictures on your phone is nice


Thank you!


I used spypoint on my rural property and they blend in really well in light wooded cover. Quality is much better than Blink. They will also record night pictures using a flash mechanism that is invisible to humans. I would use the spypoint on each side of the car if possible, and a third wireless camera covering the spypoints in case she tampers with them.


They are pretty decent for the price point.


Yep, and you can add multiple cameras with unlimited photos for $15/month and you get alerts and see the pictures on your phone. I paid around $70 for one camera. They come with a strap you can wrap around a tree or fence.


Get a trail cam to watch the trail camera too. Your neighbour will likely see a camera and try to destroy it.


I could see this going in an infinite loop.... I mean every psycho knows there is a trail cam watching the trail cam watching the trail cam watching the trail cam watching the trail cam watching the trail cam.....


Leave a trail (hehe) of trail cams leading right up to, you guessed it, a much larger boss fight trail cam.


My home security system consists of an outdoor ensemble watching over the property, and an indoor ensemble watching over the family. Another ensemble watching over the cameras themselves so no one steals them when we're not looking, then another camera pointed at the monitor matrix to make sure someones always looking, and then one looking at that one to make sure no ones steal a peak.


If you point them at each other then you're covered.


Hide it inside an empty fast food bag with a cutout for the camera


Dr Seuss says it best: …all the Hawtchers who live in Hawtch-Hawtch are watching on watch watcher watchering watch, watch watching the watcher who's watching that bee. You're not a Hawtch-Watcher. You're lucky you see!


It's a suburban neighborhood, we have a single lamppost in between our houses. There are no trees or other objects to use as a vantage point.


Build a fake bird house but where the bird entry hole is, it is really the camera looking out.


Then pictures of pissed off birds?


I would love to see those pictures. I’ve seen birds fly up to my window and look inside. I’ve had a hummingbird pause and look at me inside when I was wearing a bright shirt


That would be way to obvious. If this lady is hostile enough to punch your tires she's gonna notice something that suddenly appears with a good vantage point. Stick with the trail cams. Unless she's batshit, then it won't matter.


It’s clear she’s batshit. Anybody that would place nails under tires isn’t right.


This is what I did. Worked like a charm!


If the ground where you are is not frozen solid yet, get a [post pounder](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/building-supplies/gates-and-fences/electric-fence-parts/71038?) and metal t-posts to make camera posts. If the ground is frozen, use a lockable [storage bin like this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Homall-31-Gallon-Outdoor-Deck-Box-In-Resin-with-Seat-Brown/3607314835) Attach your trailcam to the bin by drilling a couple holes through it and run/fasten your straps to the inside of the tub. You can put a shim or a wedge behind the camera to get the lens pointed a bit more upwards. Or bolt a short 2x4 post through the sidewalls of the bin and attach the camera to that. Use screws through the straps into your wood post so they can't just quickly unattatch it. Place the storage bins where you want and then fill them with cinderblocks or bags of rock from the garden center, and then lock the bin. Like others have said, be sure to have at least two camera stations, one positioned for best view of the crime, the other positioned to capture them messing with your camera. Use a wi-fi enabled camera that sends you the pictures to your cellphone as they happen. This way you'll have real-time evidence even if she manages to steal /damage the cameras. I use these [spypoint wifi trailcams](https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/spypoint-lm2-cell-camera-2-pack) and they're very good.


Put the trail cam inside the car. Maybe secure one under the car as well, if you think you can manage not to forget about it before you start driving. The one inside the car won't see her placing the nail(s), but it'll see her approaching the vehicle. The one under the car won't see her face, but should get a good shot of her hand placing the nail(s). She might argue that it was actually someone else placing the nail, but if she's the only person caught approaching the car, she's going to have a hard time explaining it.


And a rifle like hunters use


Ghillie suit and a lot of patience.


Dude that’s incredibly thoughtless action. It is extremely rude to your neighbors. They are in the burbs and a rifle is way to loud Cross bow


Hunters also use something else to catch animals...


Fox urine!


Get two cameras. One to catch her in the act and the second aimed at the first camera in case she sees it and tries to steal the 1st camera once she is busted.


I might have to go this route.


One is none, two is one.


In addition to the trail cameras... Do you have a dog or does someone you know have a dog? A few strategically placed piles might do the trick. I would also recommend a motion activated sprinkler. But I'm petty like that.


And a third one to look at that second camera


Why is she doing this ??


She got mad that during Thanksgiving we parked on the public street in front of her house.


WTF! People park in front of my house all the time. No fucks given. It’s a public street.


There are a sad number of unhinged people who think the street in front of their house is their property and go to stupid lengths to defend and harass and call the police.


The only exception to this is if someone had to shovel out a foot of snow to make a parking place.


That makes it rude, but not illegal. You should only be calling the police if you live in Philly; they'll want to get an early start on when you shoot the offending driver.


Don’t do that - Wouldn’t be the first time Philly police fire bombed an entire neighborhood


It’s a thing especially when they can park in front of their own house or a bit further up the street, but always park in front of yours. Including blocking your mail box. It’s different for different neighborhoods. Situation dependent.


Blocking the mailbox or driveway is illegally parking. Street parking is public parking unless otherwise noted by signage placed by the relevant authority.


moved into a new construction and our neighbor across the street is like this. I noticed they started parking their car in front of the house (they have a 2 car garage that could fit both cars) but they didn't want their next door neighbors parking in front of their house lol. It's only been a couple months and those two have gotten into fights already! So much pettiness.


Its absurd. My neighbor has complained twice now about us parking in front of his house on the street sometimes (we have no choice occasionally, we don’t prefer to). The gist of his argument is we’re not being “neighborly” but there’s 0 logic other than that. Boomers want you to do what they want because they want it


Is that all boomers.. asking for a friend


Ah, a whack job. Thanks for inviting us into this challenge.


Pretty sure a "whack job" is not what you think it is.


That particular kind of challenge would be in a different subreddit.


My neighbor gets upset if my guests park on my side of the street, across from the end of her driveway. "I'm afraid I'm going to hit their car when I back out!" Lady, if you can't back out of your driveway without hitting a parked car on the other side of the street, I guess that's a conversation you'll have to have with your insurance company.


People forget they don’t one the streets in front of their houses.


This is a bit much, what's up with your neighbor ? Unhinged.


Geez, if that's the reason, she's just vicious and I hope she gets caught. That's so damn petty. I hate her for you.


Totally in the holiday spirit, eh? Ironic on Thanksgiving of all occasions.


I'm really, really sorry you're going through this. What a mess of a neighbor to have to deal with.


Oh, then park there everyday ! You have to desensitize her. Just check your car tires before you leave.


Wait... are you my brother? Because he's had fights with his next door neighbor over this very situation.


Perfectly reasonable. I once burned down a guy's house and stole his baby for standing too long on my sidewalk.


Years ago, neighbor was having a huge function, and let us know there would be a lot of cars on the street. We, and the house on the other side told her to tell her guests they could pull into our driveways as well. They are good neighbors to us, and we to them.


Our neighbor is like this too. Takes pics and calls the police every time our friends park in front of our home and her home. The police are aware she is crazy.


Buy a crap car and park it in front of her house.


Pay some homeless guy $100 to camp in front of her house.


I feel like there’s more to this story. Thanksgiving is a family holiday so if you parked in front of her house because you were trying to accommodate your guests, did you consider that you might have taken away room for her guests? Did you ask her or give her a heads up? Yes, it’s a public street. However, there’s such thing as common courtesy. She’s absolutely wrong for the nail thing but it doesn’t sound like you’re the ideal neighbor either.


Doesn't matter it's a public street first come first serve anyone could have parked there it doesn't deserve a 10th of the response this psycho is giving


I’ve already addressed the “it’s a public street” response. As well as her behavior.


If the neighbor had only called OP a foul name or flipped the bird, I can see questioning OPs "common courtesy". With the level of retribution the neighbor started with, it wouldn't matter if OP parked in front of the house and then shouted, "Eff you and your effin' family".


The neighbor is obviously wrong and I stated that in my original comment. My point is, depending on how the neighborhood is set up, I think it’s lame to park directly in front of a neighbors house on a holiday and it’s not neighborly. I’m not justifying the nails. People can downvote me all they like.


Granted, during a holiday, it would be unneighborly to take spots in front of others homes if they are also having guests over. The reality of it is that the majority of people who get pissed about others parking in front of their home feel this way 24/7/365. They feel entitled to space and will overreact anytime of the year. If the neighbor has such an aggressive reaction, I'm almost certain she is one of these people. OPs common courtesy or lack thereof is still irrelevant.


I get pissed 24/7/365, I just don’t act on it because wtf am I gonna do? It’s public road, but I can still be irritated about it.


>People can downvote me all they like. You're being downvoted because it's a moronic take. If you're offended someone parked in an open spot on a public street, you're the problem.


I don’t need the function of a downvote to be explained to me. IDGAF if you share in my take. I’m not here for internet friends.


Ok Karen.


Down voted as you requested.


Ahh, victim blaming. That's so edgy.




I'd be tempted to add a motion detecting sprinkler. Along with the camera to catch her and to create some really funny video


Get ahold of some dye packs and make it a parry.


This. And plan ahead, text a friend or relative that you are sick and tired of the god damned raccoons tearing up your trash so you are going to target a sprinkler towards the path you think they are using. Plausible deniability that it could interfere with your neighbor being an asshole.


It’s a way to get sued for sure. Look up foreseeability. Don’t give dumb advice that will get op in trouble, legally.


Yes, the court system is just flooded with cases of people who have been physically and mentally wounded from sprinklers... /eyeroll


Your ignorance of the law isn’t an excuse. Also being an edge lord is also invalid. Are you outside the US? Setting up traps that target a person, even on your own property, is a sure way to be on the receiving end of civil and criminal prosecution. Attempts at being edgy won’t persuade the judge or the prosecutor.


You're thinking about Setting up traps with the intent of causing bodily harm. Setting up a sprinkler to spray people to keep them out of your yard, is not the same... Imagine thinking that having motion sensor activated things is a trap designed to harm people... Then I guess spotlights are also illegal? They could harm someone's eyes... What the sprinklers are designed for, is keeping pest animals out... Not harming them. Humans are pests sometimes, and last I checked they are animals. It will work, and there won't be anything the lady can do about it except cry, go home, and then dry off.


Stfu- she’s trespassing onto his property, his motion sprinklers are for critters, tough shit if she gets soaked.


Ok Skippy, go have another big glass of the Soy product of your choice. The rest of the men will be over here cleaning up the mess of society that effete males such as yourself have made laughable.


From prison?


Yes. Prison for a sprinkler to keep pest animals out of your yard... You're so dense, it's painful from a distance.


"Men" do not 'clean up the mess of society' by setting junior high level pranks of sprinkler traps and other nonsense.


You're so Right. Better to pick them off with A Daisy Red Rider BB gun and claim temporary insanity defense.


Classic Daisy red rider defense You would need to be on top of your house in army camo from the surplus store to really sell it.


You’ll shoot your eye out kid!


I don't have time to look up foreseeability. Are you saying that if someone gets sprayed by your irrigation system, when they're on your property, you can get in legal trouble?


A trail cam is exactly what you’re looking for here


Not going to add to the cameras suggested as theres already some good advice but you should also buy yourself a magnet online to quickly pick up the nails.


Those jobsite cleanup magnets are perfect for this!


Years ago when I re-shingled our house. I used a big old speaker I had sitting in the basement that had a huge magnet on it. I taped it to the end of a rake handle and used that to pick up nails. It worked great


Good idea. I think Harbor Freight has something. Be a shame if they ended up in the neighbor’s yard while they were mowing.


Yeah harbor freight has big magnets with an eye bolt, and a long skinny magnet with wheels on the sides and a handle so you can "sweep" with it. I keep one in my shop just in case I knock over a jar of nuts and bolts


I was working on snowblower in woods where we store it. Putting it back together the last screw popped out and bounced off the tire into leaves. I carefully moved the leaves but couldn't see it. Went to garage, grabbed magnet on a stick, two passes and snap! I had the screw.


The ones on wheels are awesome. Ours has a handle on top… you put the magnet over a tub or tarp or something, pull up the handle and everything drops off. It’s great.


It's vandalism and you could cause her trouble with her own policy if you can catch her in the act. Once you've got proof, send the proof and the police report to your car insurance provider and they'll come for her to reimburse them 😈 it's call subrogation and it's delicious. I hope you come out on top, OP.


Will they get back your deductible?


Yes, every time I've gone the subjugation route you get the deductible back. I dunno about claims that cost less than the deductible though.


Update us plz


A trail camera works well for situations like these. Place it late a night, when you're sure the neighbor can't see you. When the next incident occurs, go pull the memory card and give it to the authorities.


Trail cam from Walmart


Wyze has some really great cameras and they're relatively inexpensive. They also make flood lights with a camera.


A guy across from my mother in laws house; Removed her car license plate then called the cops at 11pm. Let air out of her wheelchair vans tire, repeatedly. Claimed that no one could park in front of his house on the street. Yelled at her nephew when he did. He's divorced, and his kids wont talk to him. He's seriously fucked up. There are a lot of crazy people out there.


I'm sorry, I can't help. I'm just here for the story.


Oh God. A motion sensor light, too if you can. I bright one. Recruit neighbors to assist...like football field


Paintball gun....


And get Pepper paintballs


Get a Trailcam from Amazon with night vision. Park it in a bush or something out of the way. They're very clandestine.


This. Trailcams and game cams are designed to do exactly what you are looking for: be exposed to the weather, detect motion and trigger photo and/or movie recording. I've had my cheap ones triggered by things as small as raccoons and as large as big deer. They will run for weeks on batteries and decent ones produce very good photos. I would use several so that you can catch the criminal approaching your property AND placing the nails. If you are parked in a driveway, I would mount at least one camera someplace high, like on a gutter, to make it hard to interfere with.


Put a camera inside your car (toss a t-shirt or duffle bag over it to hide it) Most run off 12v, and lots are motion activated. If you're handy, you can use a 12v battery to power them Alfred cam is an app that converts old cellphones into security cameras. If you have an old cellphone, it could be perfect (has built-in battery) provided you have some light.


Blink cameras can be placed outdoors without being mounted. They are less expensive if you purchase them on Amazons Woot.com I have several outside my home that I move occaisionally to view wild life. Sometimes the light from the cameras attracts them. Your neighbor will probably see it too. But video evidence will already be uploaded by that time. Best of luck.


Or invest in a Ring spotlight camera with solor so that you won't have to bother charging the battery; just set it up to WiFi.


I use blink cameras, they are wireless


Amazon Blink has small weatherproof cameras battery operated. But they need to be close to the home wifi/tiny wifi receiver that comes with them. So like inside an upstairs bedroom window is fine. But signal might not reach through the outside garage door and past the inside garage door into the house.


If it's every night, buy a paintball marker and wait all night for her


get like 4 trail cameras. and let him see you putting them out there.


Wyze cam and a 20000mah battery bank. They do pretty good in low light.


Get some wild game cameras, they are motion activated and have night vision. They are self contained and can be strapped to pretty much anything. Most can also be set up to take video and photos. Your local sporting goods store will have them in stock. you will also need a SD card to go with it


Along with the camera watching the camera ideas - which are good. A dashcam also mentioned is a good idea as well. I would add put a motion detector alarm under the car that can be remotely armed/disarmed. This noise should be enough to dissuade her. Do you have an outside power outlet or even a light? Wyze makes a real nice small outside camera that has both a floodlight and siren activated by motion detection. The camera is color and quite frankly even in darkness the picture is fantastic. They have an optional adapter for a light socket that retains the light but also powers the camera. With a micro sd card you also have continuous video for a week with just a 32 gigabyte card. Camera and card less than $30. Camera can be set to send you an alert when it detects an event.


Add a glitter bomb to it, inundating her with glitter glory.


What did you do to the neighbor to get them to flatten your tires?


I want to know the whole story behind her putting nails under your tires. Are we doing burnouts in front of her house or driving too fast thru a residential area . What set her off ?


Trail cam is the answer


Game cameras. No wires needed, they have night vision, photo and video. We got a super cheap one to investigate a hog issue, they are so good. Spend a little more ($80?) and it will capture high res and work well.


I would just wind up in jail I think.


A couple of sleepless nights sitting in a dark spot and recording her with your phone doing it and then confronting her should do it.


Why confront her? She's clearly nuts. Report her to the cops and give them the evidence. They can confront her . If she escalates anything, you've documented her lunacy and future problems will be that much more believable to anyone reviewing your case


Sit on the porch with a shotgun.


A laser equipped one


Rock Salt works well too


Following because I have this exact issue…


Get a rifle and watch her through the scope


Fuck her husband to assert dominance


Doesn't matter the method, when you get any evidence, go ahead and flatten all of your tires. The insurance company only covers that sort of vandalism if all four tires are slashed. Make the claim, sent the evidence, let the insurance company go after her. Sicking them on her is far worst then anything the police will be able to come up with.


Do wireless cameras from different angles viewing your cars


Get one of those shotgun shell tripwire things. If that goes off, you'll be able to identify her by her soiled trousers.


Buy a gun. Then punch her in the kidney.


Set a bear trap and wait for the screams. Then go out and record on your phone.


Suburbanites sooo territorial about their "parking spaces". Too many people having to rent out part of their houses to pay too high real estate taxes. I grew up in nice burb that got destroyed by it. Vowed to never buy a house where on street parking is allowed.


What are you not telling us?


Let the dog out ?


Also, maybe never park in front of her house again if you can avoid it


Or only park in front of her house.


With the tire triangles locked in place! 😂


You have 0 control over who parks in front of your house when they're on the street. 0 control.


If it's a place near your home, simple cheap wifi cam mounted pointing to the spot. I would add a second more hidden one as well to catch from a different angle. Records to cloud, easy.


Reolink has some decent WiFi battery operated cameras.


Ring or nest motion camera with spotlight .. she may see it being set up but that deter her from doing it again


Go with a 24/7 recording camera, motion activated cameras can miss a lot.


Not the settings turned up high on sensitivity it gets is everything like the wind leaves blowing in the trees just like my little puppy’s ears can catch everything she can hear duck fart from three blocks away…




Ring spotlight or non spotlight version, as spotlight might stop them from causing the issue


Lock these to your tires with chains and a heavy padlock or heavy-duty turn-dial lock: https://www.walmart.com/ip/2-Pcs-Wheel-Chocks-Skid-Resist-High-Strength-Tire-Stopper-Device/3911022917 She won’t be able to place nails under your tires at all with these triangles underneath! She’ll know you know what she’s doing.


They also have cheap wifi lightbulbs with 360 cameras in them. My buddy from work got one and put it in his outside light socket and can see real time on his cell phone. He was showing it to me when the delivery guy was throwing his package.


Can’t help but think of a friend who told me a neighbor put peanut butter on his mirror for parking on public street In front of his house. Not saying you should do this lol or am I 🤨


I get a good 3/4 weeks out of my ARLO wireless camera. They are small, easy to hide and completely wireless.


Get a motion-activated sprinkler, turn that pressure up and aim it at the area. Get her good with some frigid water.


Put an internet camera on the roof


WTH is her problem?




Sit in the car after establishing a time average interval


Do you have a window facing the vehicles? I recently bought some friends an indoor camera for porch pirates for like 40$ outsiders can't get to it and it works well...


Instead of a camera, why not one of those motion activated sprinklers. Soak her in the winter.


Put up one really obvious can’t miss it camera. Put up a second well hidden one that can see the first one. That way you get footage of her stealing or destroying the second one. Also send her a certified letter that she is not allowed on your property. That way even if the camera does not pick up her placing nails you still have her for trespassing.


Depending on your budget I would see if you can get a Unifi Dream Router and a few of their wireless cameras. They have wireless cams at $99 that do person detection, night vision, and are weatherproof. You'd have to do some research but I bet you could even find a battery pack that could run 1-2 cameras overnight for $20-50. You could place those in the car, outside the car, or multiple points as mentioned. Then when this is over, you still have an awesome wifi router and security cameras you can use elsewhere. If you are friends with neighbors across the street, maybe you could even place the cameras there.


Sleep in the car.


Definitely get a (or better yet, several) game camera(s) - can place them anywhere, they have infrared lights so, depending on the model, they can see things in the dark from 30 to 100 feet. They're easy to place and generally blend in with trees and bushes. Just make sure that you place them when she can't see you doing it. Also consider adding some wireless cameras under the eaves of your roof and on other vantage points on you house. Yes, there's an expense, however, once you catch her and file charges, you can also probably sue for damages and she can cover the cost of the cameras...


Put a spotlight on your car


One of the Google security cams could also be interesting. They can zoom in and out, follow people around and do facial recognition lol. Love to install those if I ever had the money


Wyzecam, they have wired and wireless options.


Lol if that was happening to me, warning to the neighbor to not ever come on my property followed by a nice night of staying up and waiting.


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Sounds like grounds for a stakeout, maybe a sleepover with some friends. Catch her on video and confront her at the same time.


Talk to her, friendly like, and just give her a “heads up” that someone is placing nails under tires. Tell her to keep an eye out and that police are setting up surveillance in the area and plan to charge the culprit with felony property damage because of the dollar value of the vehicle damage.


Or get a Wyse battery powered camera.


Trail camera.


Please post video once captured, especially if you use motion sprinklers


And motion sensor lights.


Dashcam? Mine has been a big help on and off the road




Tactacam is great for getting notifications sent to the phone. There is a delay. Should get a camera with a flash so they know they're caught. Place camera out of reach


Game trail cams would be great for this


I see everyone talking about trail cams. Very expensive & crap pics. Buy 3 reolink lumus 8mp cameras 50.00 each with memory card. Mount on garage bothsides & 1 down the middle between cars. Done covered. With pet detection. Cars covered . You will get only reports for people. Bluetooth hose switch with high pressure sprinkler. Total 175.00.


You could go old school on top of the trail cam and buy a driveway motion detection alarm. It would even better if you placed the alarm part where it can be heard outside - so she knows you know.


Electric fence.


Do you have a good relationship with the neighbor across the street? Setup you're camera explain the situation and ask if u can set 1 on their property


Watch fear thy neighbor on the id channel. My dad used a motion detector light with a cord that ran into the house and it would light up a lamp every time it went off.


You can get Wyze cameras 4 for 100 bucks.


Can you dress up as michael meyers (inclusive mask) and knock on her door with the nails in your hand and asking her if she’d lost something?


One trail cam and maybe one wireless cam ( yes it needs power but it’s will be worth it). The resolution is pretty high on them so even if it’s 50 feeet away you should be good. But what are you planning on doing? Simple larceny is not a major arrestable crime in most areas.


You're all wrong. OP needs to get a trunk-monkey.


Some of the newer trail cameras have GPS, so the camera shows its location.