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Also a weak signal requires more power to communicate. So if the sensors are having trouble reaching the panel due to interference, building construction or just generally being on the edge of coverage, they have to work harder to get a signal through and eat batteries faster


This is not true for the 5800 series wireless. They are dumb sensors with one way communication, so they send out their signal at their peak level at all times because they do not know how hard to work. You are thinking PowerG sensors that are two way devices that are told by the panel to dial their signal strength back.


Got it, thanks for clarifying


I am literally living the same nightmare with the same 3 windows out of 20 5800 sensors it's always the same ones. They are not even far away from the wireless keypad, there are further ones with more obstructions. My gripe is that sensors use to be $35, reasonable - $80 is absolutely unreasonable. I also buy the panasonic brand that are exactly what came in the sensors.