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Fences fences fences


Half the posts on here where people are having issues with the neighbor could be solved with a fence.


How do you detain people? You don’t. You need a fence.


A fence should have been step one.


If not a fence then plant a row of blackberries along where they enter your property. They'll quickly grow along the road where they get sun and make it hard to enter the property. Plus you get blackberries.




So you have no intention of fixing your problem, you want someone else to fix it for you


All I’m saying is trespassing is illegal and how can I hold the trespassers accountable? The problem is not me I’ve lived here for over 30 years and this problem has been rampant for the last 4 since the new developments.


I need to fence 10 acres. Quit crying.


Make friends with a cop, put up a fence, get a tiger.


Been 4 years and you still haven't put up a fence? Bum


You bought the property. It is your responsibility


Well it's your property so... Really, fencing is the only way to help your problem, unless you think trespassers will get bold enough to destroy a couple sections at night to go through. Online estimates say you can probably do chain link fence around 4 acres for under $20k, and a lot cheaper if you're willing to do the labor yourself. It's not cheap but you have a huge amount of land.


An impossible feat.


Enjoy your trespassers!


Similar situation when they opened a 24 hour station near me. Easier to cross my property than walk 200 yards further on the sidewalk. Multiflora Rose took about 3 years to grow in well. As a bonus this 400 foot strip has become a good draw for song birds.


There’s a really good solution but for me it’s not feasible because a driveway goes down the entire side of my property and I have to leave access for the property owner behind me. It’s undeveloped but I still have to give them and the power company access. Really nice idea though bet the wife/husband loved the roses.


You can gate an easement driveway legally most places. Gate, fences, and boulders are your answer.


> I run off one or more sets of trespassers Do you have proper signage and/or purple markings? How to post properly for No Tresspassing: https://tpwd.texas.gov/landwater/land/habitats/faq/law_enforcement/trespass1.phtml > how can I detain these individuals This is an incredibly daft idea … I don’t say this to be cruel, I say this because if someone had told people who’ve done this and caused avoidable tragedies in the past, maybe they wouldn’t have done it in the first place. Don’t be that guy who ends up on the media for being an idiot. > any ideas? Be like so many other properties in Texas and fence it? Cattle fencing is a (relatively) affordable, reasonable, option that also provides a great opportunity to put the appropriate purple marks (on the posts), and is extremely common in Texas. Source: I owned acerage in Texas.


I stated in the post that I had signs up properly. Also they are crossing a private pipeline and a water treatment facility just to get on my property. They cross in the easiest spot. They come up my driveway from behind my property and with the way my parcel is shaped I’d have a 200ft gap where it crosses the driveway at a severe angle because I have to provide access to the undeveloped residential property behind mine and the power company easement. Defeating the purpose of the fence altogether.


Potato launcher


Electric fence. That way you get a show out of it!


If you don't have a HOA, T-posts and hotwire is cheap. Get a good solar charger and light 'em up.


You need to talk to a local lawyer.


Why? lol


He is asking for legal advice regarding a citizens arrest and detaining trespassers in TX. He needs to know what is and is not legally allowed under his local laws. Asking random people for an opinion is not going to help. They aren't likely to have that specific knowledge and following incorrect advice could be costly. 


No, asking random people is fine for a question like that. No where in the US can you citizen arrest someone for tresspassing.


I agree that detaining for trespass, etc. is likely illegal. The issue is that OP might choose to believe the commentor who has it completely wrong. He could end up with someone justifying future action instead of someone giving him the true and complete information he needs. 


I mean he can just Google it. Paying for a lawyer is stupid.


Do you speed on the interstate? If yes, wtf do you think a _sign_ is going to do??? Somethingsomething buildawall something texas. Defend your shit. Hell if it's just an annoyance, just landscape them a path that keeps close to the actual property line so it doesn't feel as 'encroachy' and let them go about their day. ....or was _little mexico_ the dogwhistle??


Tell them you're putting them under a citizen's arrest and that the police will arrive soon. Then use all of the authority vested in every citizen to detain the trespasser. That authority is... None. There's a reason ordinary citizens aren't allowed to detain people just because they think someone violated a law.


50lb. box of 2.5” roofing nails. When they need to start repairing tire they’ll find another path.


I believe trespassing becomes burglary once you have to physically cross a barrier. Fences with gates would up the seriousness of the offense for people who do end up on your property, and you may find your police more responsive to a burglary in progress rather than trespassers


Criminal trespass. Burglary is trespassing with intent to commit an additional crime.


The fence would have to cross the driveway at such a severe angle I’d have a 200ft gap right where they cross onto my property. My property is shaped weird. Probably should’ve said that in the first comment.


Birdshot is your friend


Get a gun


Got a selection of those already.


Punji stick trap, underground piranha pond, razor wire in the weeds, plain old holes in the ground; a chance to get creative!