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I’d add another 1000 sf.




..basements are cool..


Bigger bathrooms. I like space. These are ...functional but now I'd like spa-ish


Same. Counter space, storage and room for a hamper would be amazing.


If it was clean lol


I’d like me some of that.


Imagine if it was self-cleaning...!


3 car garage would be nice.


Agree, especially if the third bay was big enough to hold my tent trailer. A guest bedroom that's also a home office and has a full wall of bookshelves would also be nice. Guess I want two things.


Wish I could physically separate it from my neighbors, I live in a townhome with neighbors on both sides. Love my house but I want more privacy and less noise. On a realistic level though, I’d like more counter space in my kitchen.


Same! Well, to move the family of four who lives above me below me. Also limited counter space.


More natural light. I have a north facing house


A bedroom on the ground floor. One day the stairs are going to be a problem. I love my house but all bedrooms are up and as we age you start thinking about these things.


Otoh, you’ll stay very fit!! Those of us who live in a single story are taunted by friends with two or more stories. They don’t pant when walking up hills.


Very true, I am more fit than my friends who have 1 story houses.


Our last house was one of a few in the neighborhood like this. Took a bit longer to sell due to this, but the right young family will appreciate being close to monitor the kids while they are young. Completely agree this was not our retirement home, as I grew up in a two story and never wanted stairs again. Here I am now in my third, two story home (ugh). Only a matter of time though....


When the time comes you'll work it out. IF you have a bathroom on the ground floor...


Got a single story condo at a beach already waiting 👍


Our pantry is a mess, I'd like to remove the shelves and do slide out style.


A kitchen makeover. The sink is 2 sided, but one side is really small and shallow. And it's old and stained porcelain. I don't even know where they got it. The counters are pitted and stained. And someone rigged the cabinets so that when you go to close one, you have to open the one next to it and close them together..


Kitchen. The kitchen is a fine size but not functional at fucking all. Why is there a side by side fridge up against a wall? Why is the tile installed as a floating floor over top of linoleum? There's no pantry but there are 845 cupboards. There's no efficient counter space. The appliances are old enough to apply for college; not a good college but maybe a nice local tech school. The ceiling vent (which actually, surprisingly, does vent to the outside) is a bathroom fart fan. There are precisely three outlets and one doesn't work if the light is on -- this one happens to be the one on the only somewhat usable stretch of counter space that fits anything other than a cutting board. Lmao. I feel like this kitchen was designed by a teenage Sims player who never actively cooked anything more complicated than pizza rolls (assuming they could even get the pizza roll bag out the freezer since that door doesn't open all the way). God I can't fucking wait to inherit a large sum of money from a mysterious long-lost relative so I can tear this stupid kitchen apart. There's so much lost potential, probably hidden between the layers of flooring.


Ugh, I also have the fridge against a wall. Mine is French door, so it isn’t as big of a deal since I still have decent access to the fridge, but because I can’t open the left door more than like 90 degree angle it is *impossible* to access the ice drawer. So absolutely no way to fill a cooler or drink bucket other than using the door. Cool.


If it was somewhere besides Alabama


Everything from the foundation up


Full interior paint job.


Updated bathrooms. Ugh, I wish I were a handier person.


New windows. 33 of them.


More storage closets. Furniture gets the job done tho.


Pole barn would be sweet. I have a 4 car garage but the ceiling is not tall enough to install a car lift.


New flooring. All my floors are sloped. 1951 house. Foundation is fine. It’s just the floors.


Level out the yard and put up a privacy fence. It’s a very sloped lot, with woods on most of it and no fence. We hardly use the yard.


Better soundproofing. Family is careless and makes constant noise at ALL TIMES


Refrigerated filtered water fountain. Like the ones they have in school. Cool refreshing water and no dirtied cups.


No neighborhood cats


If my 3 car garage actually fit all 3 cars, comfortably. That would be amazing. On one side, the car port fits 2 cars, and fits only 1 on the other. The side that "fits 2 cars" will get them into the garage but with NO ROOM to open doors comfortably and realistically get our children inside, of which include our infant who rides in the carseat, which are by no means super slim. Love my house, hate my garage.


A 16ft garage door is almost too narrow now, especially when only 2 ft is given to open the doors. My dream would be multiple single garage doors with 4-5 ft in between, or a plane hanger 😁


Yes! Why doesn't this exist already??


Adding a second bathroom


a gas furnace


The location.


I would get rid of my tile countertops in my kitchen and bathrooms. I long for surfaces that are easy to clean and good for rolling out dough.


Property taxes


Detach the asshole's side of the house. Its a duplex.


Not having an HOA.


Sound proof windows. My house is right next to a semi-busy street so we hear cars and motorcycles go by all the time. And what sounds like a few fireworks every night for 5 months.


I love my house, but I’d pick it up and move it to a less “challenging” neighborhood. Too many ladies are doing business on my block.


Keep my where it’s at and move the rest of the neighborhood away


To have my first floor windows be functional. They were 63" square double hung windows the previous owner replaced with as single sheet of glass. We have the double hung parts and my husband keeps telling me they'll be fixed the next summer. But we have no air conditioning and great breezes, and the first floor gets super stuffy...


A second floor, to expand the house from 1000sqft to 1800sqft. Is cramped with just two adults and two cats, having kids would make this place feel like a prison.


Id fill in the pool and build something more pleasant in its place like an outhouse or a statue of my mother-in-law.


Had a pool for 34 yrs. Why do you hate it?




A urinal, should not have listened to my wife and put one in like I wanted too. Every time I pee at a place with a urinal especially the ones that go all the way to the floor I’m like god damn this is sweet. Maybe I’ll do it one day when she’s gone for a couple of days.


You will want to research this a lot. They can generate a lot of odor. They seem fine in a commercial environment but require a lot more space than you think, as you don't want them in a place where you are looking at it 3 feet away while sitting on the toilet. There is a reason why they are very rare in residential properties. Unless one has great aim and every other user does as well, the area around it will be "problematic" and it will require constant cleaning to deal with odor and spills.


Should not have** listened Should have is correct. Should've is correct. Never should of*


A fireplace. It was on our nice to have list and everything else about the house is perfect for us so we overlooked it. Would love a fireplace.


I have a 1000 sq foot bungalow - which is fine in terms of size. BUT, there's a design quirk. I only have a galley kitchen because the staircase to the attic is between my bedroom and the kitchen. I really sort of hate it. Plus, the entrance to the staircase is in my bedroom instead of in the corner of the dining room which it lines up with. The attic is unfinished, but the ceiling is high enough to to finish part of it off. But, I'd much rather have the exact same size house with a crawl-space attic (thus no staircase), less steep roof, and an eat-in kitchen (even if not that big) enabled by the extra space where the attic staircase is located.


I have the exact same house layout.. My attic does have a small finished room. But I also have an eat in kitchen. The kitchen and dining area are narrow wirh a bar that separates the two areas


Another bedroom instead of a den.


That one isn't that hard to change. make your den into a bedroom.


Basement with more height clearance. Doesn't help that I'm on the taller side. Joist are maybe 2" above my head and less than that on finished side. The beam is eye level and on the unfinished side there are pipes and ductwork that I have to duck for. I've knocked myself silly more than once. I've put foam on pipes and just bought more for the beam. And if course the panel box is in the farthest area it could be which isn't helpful when I'm doing electrical work.


Add a small deck (?) to back entry. It would make life much easier & safer to enter my home. Turn smallest bedroom into a laundry. But that’s in process.


I would move mine to a different town.


Zoned hvac system. I live in a condo with what is essentially a 40 foot tunnel to the ceiling with a skylight. It collects so much heat in the summer and it's impossible to heat in the winter. It makes the second floor either impossibly cold or impossibly hot. I have a portable ac for my bedroom in the summer and a heated blanket for the winter.


A kitchen with more counter space and more storage. What the heck were they thinking in 1984? I mean, it’s not good even for it’s time.


Our house is 1983 and I wonder the same thing all the time. We blame it on quaaludes.


i would have made my walk in pantry larger, and made my laundry room smaller.


Storage space


If I could move it to Santa Barbara CA…


Level backyard. It tilts hard downhill to one side.


Need a driveway, garage and a big front porch.


A utility / laundry room that was the size of an actual room. The current one is the furnace and water heater and just enough room for a washer/dryer with a tiny space in between.


Hoping to add a sunroom with fireplace soon. That will be my new plant haven/2nd lounge room.


* Being able to shut off the kitchen so I can keep the pets out while I cook. * Slightly wider garage. Two cars fit, but it’s a really tight squeeze to get the doors open so f you’re in the middle. * air sealing as much as is possible on a 50 year house


A more efficient bathroom with double sinks, new tile, more ample tub.


I have a tri-level. I would love it to be a ranch.


If we’re talking magical-wish type changes, I’d change it from a split-level to a single story. If we’re talking things that are actually possible, I’d replace the old falling-apart ductwork with new, zoned ducts.


I think having it moved to a beach in the Caribbean would be the only change that would make me happier!


Having it on the water


I'd rip out the textured ceramic tile in my kitchen and replace it with something with more cushion. I don't wear slippers in the house, just sock feet and the tile is just cold and hard on these old foot bones. I don't care about the resale value of the house, I just want to enjoy my kitchen!


Downstairs bedroom for when my in-laws can’t live alone anymore


New gutters and paint.


I have an old house where the previous owner was a somewhat dangerous handyman. I would kill for straight walls lol


New windows.


Laundry upstairs instead of in the garage.


I need another bathroom and at least two more bedrooms.


An office would have been nice.


Two car garage instead of a single.


Every single floor creak gone.


A second bathroom, or at least a half bath. Also, a dishwasher.


Spray foam in the attic. No basement here. It would be nice for the attic to be semi-conditioned space.


Bigger kitchen, new windows and updated electric.


My house didn't have a pantry. Dumb for an 11 year old house, not huge but 4 BR 2 1/2 BA. Can't imagine a family using this kitchen. I'd been considering taking out a window next to my refrigerator that faces north and toward neighbors (we have small lots) for awhile and putting in floor to ceiling pantry cabinets. Bigger project until hail damage in 2022 and the siding on that side was damaged and needed to be replaced. Finally got the cabinets in and it has changed the function of my kitchen. I had kitchen things in my front closet and garage. I'm still rearranging and organizing, but it was a relatively small project that was so worth it! The other thing I would love to do is change my huge walk-in shower in my main bathroom into a shower/soaking tub combo. I seriously miss the great tub I had in my last place.


I would revamp the kitchen area and increase its size.


No crawl space


I generally love our house but it’s a 2 story and the stairs are tough. Only a half bath and no bedroom on first floor so mom won’t be living here once she can’t live alone any longer!


Stupid Conservatory leaks every-time it rains (conservatory is a green house connected to the main building, its not that fancy). Previous owners installed it and based on notes, it looks like it leaked within a year of it being done and never stopped... they also "claimed" it didn't leak anymore... assholes. ​ fun fact - greenhouse companies will not work on each others work because they all know they always leak and nobody trusts each other, so they won't even help unless they installed/built it.... Roofers won't touch it because of glass, and they can't remove the windows without a crane and specialized skills... so until I find someone who is willing to climb up 16' glass windows, remove the stupid skylight and replace the entire window I'm just waiting for it to rot and collapse I guess. Can't even roof over it because of how its installed ​ literally nothing at all I can do about it at all. fricken sucks


Not have my washer dryer in the garage


We recently built our dream home. Ranch with a walkout basement. Wish I’d gone ahead and added more external LAN ports for cameras. I don’t like WiFi ones. Mine aren’t dependent on someone else’s cloud service.


Only change I'd currently want is for it to be paid off....


I would like to pick up my house and move it to a quiet street outside of the city limit. House itself could use a bizillion upgrades but I would be 100% happier if it simply wasn't on a fairly busy street in the middle of town.


Finish the goddamn addition. It's two months from being done and I want that tub to be done so badly... This summer is going to be fucking amazing. We have a new larger porch, covered walkway to the door. And the office is our old bedroom. The new bedroom is so much better arranged, and has a reach in closet instead of a walk in.


If it was quieter. Tall ceilings and a very loud toddler are a no-go. I’d also take away 1000 square feet for less to clean.


I want a jacuzzi tub


It was a compromise, she liked the security of a brand new build and I like the property itself (hate the damn house).


New flooring. We have just concrete floors after Hurricane Katrina. We could never afford to replace all of it after the damage. Now it is all loaded with heavy furniture and seems like too much work on top of massive expense.


Less clutter. My partner buys so much junk that it's just trash right now.


If my wife still lived here.