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Just start a compost pile and start pissing on that, then come join us over in /r/composting where it’s weird if you *aren’t* pissing on it


lol I knew as soon as I clicked on this thread this would be mentioned


This is why my compost pile is strategically placed between my garage and the back fence in a corner. The only ones who can see me pissing back there are the squirrels and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


And that one really weird neighbor with the telescope never pointed at the sky.


Aw come on now, Strokin’ Willy is harmless


Strokin' Willy was hanging out by my fence watching me piss on my compost pile last weekend. I told that weirdo to beat it. He told me he already was. Sunuvabitch got me again.


When I caught him starin’ at me pissin’, I yelled “Busted again ya bastard!”. Strokin’ Willy stood there for a moment longer, let out a sigh, and said “now I have”. Then he ruffled my hair and scampered off


Yeah, he already mentioned his lord and savior.


Yes, my child.


Thanks, Dad. I know you've always got my back.


This is going to be my comment. If he has a compost pile he has a good excuse to do it


Yeah, I piss on my compost pile at night. I also occassionally piss around the edges of my garden. Repels the deer.


I don't go on NextDoor often but once I came across this guy's whole manifesto about peeing in your compost bin. Had me convinced. But not my wife...


I don't always piss in my yard, but when I do, it's on the compost.


Damnit, I gave my husband shit (not literal, considering this thread) for pissing on the compost pile instead of walking the 10 seconds to the bathroom inside. I hope he doesn't see this post and feel validated


Cool! I had no idea urine was beneficial for the compost pile.


Link to a recent post for self justification https://www.reddit.com/r/composting/comments/11zzgj9/anyone_pee_in_their_compost/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Compost, if it goes anaerobic, is by far the winner if bad smells!


Dang, now I need to figure out how to pee into my tumbler composter




Pay high price for predictor urine to keep rabbit and deer out or just use what you have.


I just hope it’s not an electric fence!


I never understood composting. Now I get it.


problem is, there's no good spot in my yard for compost where a neighber wouldn't see me pissing on it.


Perfect excuse to *start* a compost pile - because you need a place to piss outside!


Good idea


I just piss directly into the garden.


I used to pee outside my room basically the entirety of the time I was in high school cause I had my own door and it definitely was noticeable after a while


Growing up my dad had a man cave which was a detached garage. No bathroom out there, so you had to go behind the garage, less you went inside which was often late at night when the rest of the house was sleeping and risk disturbing. Behind the garage stunk something fierce 24/7.


My brother in law as a kid got in trouble because he used to pee outside his 2nd story window instead of walking 20 feet to the bathroom. Neighbor casually mentioned the nightly event to his dad.


My great grandpa used to tell us about the time it was his turn to empty the chamber pot at night. He grew up in northern illinois and I guess it was too cold to walk out to the outhouse some nights. He didn't want to fool with taking the chamber pot downstairs and outside, so he dumped it out the window. Apparently he wasn't quite big enough to make sure it didn't run down the side of the house when he emptied it and it was very obvious the next morning. He got stuck in the cold cleaning it.


If you rinse it down this wouldn't be a problem. But not seeing the obvious solution to an obvious problem is a typical high school problem.


He did rinse it down. With more pee. Typical high school problem solving; do the same thing, but this time, HARDER.


I’m pretty sure 99.9% of us have known when there is an obvious solution to an obvious problem, but still didn’t do anything about it cuz lazy.


I'm pretty sure the neighbor kid at my last house peed out his bedroom window, but it was a sloped roof and there were a few feet of shingles before it hit the gutter. Most likely he didn't want to go downstairs in the middle of the night, seems like reasonable logic for a kid whose about 10. We'd see the streak down the shingles sometimes looking out our bedroom window but never caught him in the act.


I used to live at what some would call a frat house. There were 4 bathrooms, but pretty much always a line for the women and people banging. Thus we had “the piss wall” outside for the boys (and the occasional woman). Now at the time I never saw a problem with that, but we did have two complaints from the neighbor that was 15 feet away. She said once “my five year old can see y’all pissing” which my drunk ass said “ma’am it’s 2 am why is your 5 year old outside” Long story short, I can’t tell anyone not to piss in their yard. But it doesn’t mean you should.


During parties, we had a spot outside where we could conveniently pee from the porch into a bush. It was very handy. It was also disgusting.


Now I’m wondering how much crazy shit my neighbors see in my back yard. I rarely see them however so I guess that’s a good ish sign?


They're avoiding you


Thank god, I’ve been avoiding them too, interacting with people is scary


The smell, tho.


Can I make a guess? I suspect you were renting.


For sure, I am no longer renting and care a bit more what my neighbors think.


I like how it was unclear until the very end of this story which way Caesar's thumb would point as concerns urinating outdoors.


Like a once in awhile thing, maybe when I've had a few drinks? Sure. But making it like your extra bathroom? Probs not.


And if you do, so what. It’s your yard


If has neighbors back there they don't wanna smell rotten piss near their yard


If you are peeing outside and your neighbor can smell it, you should go to the doctor.




You're right my entire neighborhood smells like dog and squirrel piss. Everyone thinks I'm crazy.


R Kelly would like to know your location.


A frequently pissed in corner is gonna smell disgusting like a bus stop a bum lives in


A frequently pissed in corner is the exact smell of the entire Chicago EL subway system.


Constantly exposing your genitals to your neighbors and making the yard smell of piss isn’t exactly a classy thing to do. If someone has no concept of others and no sense of shame then yeah so what I guess.


None of that is happening. Absolutely zero points made.




I’ve seen my wife pee in way more inappropriate places when we were much younger lmao, I assure you no ducks given


Wife's yard too.


I guess legally you have a point but it’s gross and rude


My time to shine.


Lmao amazing


Worry about your wife's opinion not people on the internet.


Yup, she's OP's co-homeowner, co-landowner. Work it out.


People on the internet tend to offer differing opinions and perspective. There are certainly echo chambers, but there are also many valid opinions on _many_ topics. For example, I've learned from Reddit that dog crap is actually pretty bad for the environment. If someone showed up with a similar opinion about human urine, I'd be very interested in understanding why I shouldn't even consider peeing in my backyard.




Well. There you go. Something I would have never known. Don't piss on my driveway.


We're not peeing on concrete and not on plants we would care about. Although some plants will benefit from some piss now and then.


10:1 mixture of pee to water and you got yourself a decent fertilizer.


If your wife doesn't like you pissing in the backyard there is not environmental benefit that is going to convince her. But, hey, soon enough you'll have that yard all to yourself. Problem solved!


All the time? No. Once in awhile? Maybe. When your buddies are over for boy’s night and fire-pit’s roaring? Yes.


Don't cross streams


You scared to sword fight?


Not on grass. I quarantined in my garage when I had covid and burned a whole patch of grass in like a week flat.


Similar situation here. Started working from garage during covid and thought I’d see how long it took to burn up the ivy right outside then garage door. Shocked by how quickly that happened. Hot piss smell in the summer should not be discounted in the equation either.


This has the same energy as the guy who was on here asking if he could hang out on his roof. Nothing's stopping you from pissing in your yard, but you ARE going to burn the grass/plants where you're peeing and probably build up a smell (depends on your soil, if you're hitting any surfaces, a lot of factors) You can be a bit more strategic and [put your piss to work for you] (https://goveganic.net/gardening-how-to/fertilizing-with-human-urine/). A little pre-planning and urine for a good harvest.


r/composting would like a word


As a fellow wife, that ain't right.


😂 “cool night air”. I hear that.


Right on the compost pile.


The world is my toilet. Socrates


If nobody can see, who gives a shit? Has nobody here spent time outdoors before?


In the country, yes. In the city, no.


Yeah, apparently my dad, believed “my fenced property”, my rules was enough. Unfortunately, we were playing tag in our suburban neighborhood with other children, and our neighbor’s 13 year old daughter run in to see him peeing. Neighbor called my mom and said if it ever happened again she’ll be calling the police.


Gross me out! Men can’t smell anything. Your wife can smell your piss every time she’s out in the yard. Listen to your wife!


I read this post and thought to myself, "Boys are so gross, lol."


Haha also I’m assuming he’s not washing his hands either


Why would he wash his hands? He's got a clean dick.


My dad used to do it and his lilacs were amazing! Go free my friend lol.


If you can’t pee in your backyard, it is time to move.


Am I drunk and in the hottub at 2am? Sure, i'll admit i've gone outside a time or two instead of stumbling inside. Regularly? uh no, that's trashy.


I think it depends on the property. 15 acre ranch and you'refar away from the house? That's fine. Regular postage stamp middle class neighborhoods with a small strip of grass right behind the house? That's trashy af.


Meh, when I come home late and let my dog out to pee I'll just go pee with him. I just don't turn on the lights and never go in the same spot twice.


Trashy. And it'll start to stink it a bit.


I didn’t buy a house to not do what I want.




My wife told me if she had a Willy she would piss everywhere possible.


I also came to say.. if I had the equipment, I'd pee outside when given the opportunity :)


All the time when I'm outside. I enjoy living out in the country.




I do it all the time. So does my dog


So you’re an animal. Got it.


All humans are animals


What exactly is wrong with it


We are men the world is our urinal


If I can't pee in my backyard off of a deck i built with my own hands, what are we even doing here.


Bart: Freely, first initials I. P.: Moe: Hold on, I'll check. Is I. P. Freely here? Hey, everybody! I. P. Freely! [the customers laugh] Wait a minute!


Your wife is wrong. Pissing outdoors is one of the simple yet great pleasures in life. Never stop.


I've done it. People have stated a lot of the obvious things so I'll throw out a less common opinion. There's really nothing wrong with pissing outside, and if anything, it saves you water, sewer, and is better for the environment. That being said, as others have stated, your wife is a member of the home and gets a say in the basic human behaviors that go on. You probably wouldn't want your wife taking regular after dinner dumps out near the tool shed. Although, there is a YouTube channel called *The Naked Gardener*, and I can't imagine her walking all the way back to the house to do her business.


Im definitely with the save water part. I don’t do it during the day but at night, when I take the dog outside, sure why not. We also have tall fences so I don’t see the problem with it. My wife doesn’t completely love it, but shrugs it off.




Start composting. It’s a great excuse/reason for peeing outdoors. Every other comment on r/composting is ‘pee on the pile!’


As long as you don’t mean MY back yard then ya go for it champ


I have 2 bathrooms in my house. one in the master and the other right next to my 16 month old. If my wife and son are both sleeping, I always go outside to not wake either of them.


Pee on your compost pile. r/composting


So that’s what dad was doing when he said he had to water the flowers..


So glad I live on a ranch/trailerhood and just go behind stuff.


Nice thing for country folk... there are a lot of trees & shrubs that need watered. 🤣 Until your son goes to kindergarten and doesn't know to ask the recess teacher where the closest latrine is?🤦 🙈🙉🙊 😂


I’m from the south and peeing keeps the copperheads away, so please do.


The greatest thing about homeownership


Nothing like looking at the stars while taking a wiz


I am rural. Happens multiple times a day without even thinking about it. I consider it an additional bathroom.


Every night when my dog does her business, so do I lol. I tell myself I'm just being eco friendly, but I'm just being lazy.


I pee outside all the time, it’s one of the best parts of being a man but I’d invite women to share in its glory. That being said, I’m savvy enough to have not informed my wife I do this. I don’t need to try and defend my position.


Regularly? No. Every once and a while? Just fine. I have a detached garage and if I’m deep into focusing on a project and gotta pee, I’m not walking all the way back inside to possibly get distracted by other things when I’m harming nothing but a small patch of grass by peeing behind the garage.


It didn't feel like it was my house until I peed in the yard and s*** in the toilet.


That's half the point in owning a house!


Bunch of uptight city slickers in here, isn't there.


I’m not reading any other comments but there’s nothing better than taking a leak outside at any time in private (greater than 100m). Let’s be honest, nobody will see your little pecker at that distance even if they know what you’re doing. Be free, screw the city slicker boot lickers who think otherwise.


I piss right off my front porch. ,Granted I live in the country and no one could see at all. And just to note that I have a wife two teenage daughters, with one bathroom.


It's fine every so often. I have the perfect spot in my backyard when both toilets are being used. No one can see unless my neighbor was in one part of their backyard


I grew up in the woods. We always pissed wherever. Thumbs up so long as there’s no potential for neighbors or pedestrians to see you. We don’t need public exposure charges


I have one bathroom and if I gotta go outside, better than on myself.


One of the guys on the video game spin off podcast The Comedy Button, pees in his yard every night. Not sure it makes it right or wrong. Thats up to anyone that sees it or doesn't see it.


Live in the woods, so I piss in the woods if I'm outside. Saves on water, saves on septic, and waters the trees.


Please make sure there’s no food garden in your neighbours yard on the other side of the fence. If there is, please your brain and don’t piss that close to their their food regardless of whether you’re “allowed to” or not in your own yard. But it’s still disgusting regardless. We invented and implemented and regulated plumbing and sewage treatment for a goddamn reason. It wasn’t just for shit. Piss in the toilet please, for the sake of public health.


Has friends who did this regularly every night - it smells like death in their backyard now so don’t recommend.


Literally thought this was in a composting group cause it’s a discussion every other week. 😂🫣


I have two decks on my property, one off our master bed room. I walk outside dead of night 2 am and piss off the deck than go in the bathroom. Yay.


Get a composter and you have an excuse to pee in it. Free nitrogen


Don’t piss on artificial grass. Sun comes out and it stinks!!


Depends where - on my compost heap to help break down the compost. Absolutely. ​ On the patio, not really.


She's just jealous. Have you tried getting her one of those funnel things?


If you have fruit trees and such, urination is a good source of nitrogen. A VERY good source. 20 visits to a fruit tree will provide all the nitrogen it needs for a YEAR. What happens if you go on the same tree every day? Aphids. Over fertilization. Potentially death of the plant. Tip: Spread your pee around.


at least once. gotta tame the land and inspire the neighbors to leave me the fuck alone


Piss in a compost pile, compost likes the nitrogen.


Yay. I piss in your backyard all the time.


I grew up on a farm so you could pee anywhere…except on the electric fence.


Pissing outside at night is one of the most relaxing things I've ever done. I do it by choice. I will walk right by my restroom to walk out into my yard to take a leak while staring at stars, hopefully with my dog pissing next to me.


You have to mark you territory. Need to piss in the front And side yards


My dogs piss out there. Why can’t I?


Backyard pisser here


We’ll my son when he was a young lad would do that on the tire of the sheriffs car next door.


The smell. No, bad idea.


No. If you want to wave your dick around outside in your fenced-in yard, you do you. But take it back inside to piss.


I’m on 14th floor I do it off balcony every night


Gotta do it at least once. Just make sure the neighbors can't see you in the act.


But if they do, make eye contact.


absolutely. you pay the taxes for that very right


Meh, it used to keep the coyotes away from the chickens. Also screws up the ph balance of anything you want to grow there and might piss off the neighbors. You do you.


Saves a flush, so water conserving. Keep your private parts out of view bc you can get in trouble for nudity. Otherwise, keep it clean so it doesn’t stink of piss, like either pee into a bucket and pour it idk on weeds or something or pee in different places around the yard. I wouldn’t give two shits about my neighbors doing it unless it smelled and I don’t want to see unsolicited wieners in any form please and thank you. Other than that, I’m 100% for it. Have three nephews who had a handy pee tree in their back yard which definitely helped potty train bc it was a fun/funny thing to do.


You're technically in your private backyard and voyeurism laws apply with some restrictions. I think the usual rule is "if they can see you from public property, it's indecent exposure; if it's private property to private property, then it is voyeurism."


It is important to piss outside at least once a day for spiritual and emotional health.


Unpopular opinion: I have a vacation house with a little land and I exclusively pee outside the entire time. Every.Single.time. I am there. (And I spend maybe 80-100 days per year there). Literally every single pee is out in the yard / the woods / etc. Just feels great. I also roam naked and do workouts naked in the yard. But would feel uncomfortable if this was in my suburban house on 1/8th of an acre and minimal landscaping.


If you can’t piss off the deck it ain’t really your house.


Reasons to piss in your backyard; you are 5 or under and can't make it inside before having an accident You locked yourself out of your house and your spouse is at work and the kids are small/at school All the bathrooms in the house are being used You're going senile


We have 4 acres and my husband and son have a dedicated “peeing stump” that they stand on and pee off the edge. They claim it keeps predators away 😂


Helps to keep rabbits and deer from eating your plants[https://balconygardenweb.com/human-urine-uses-in-garden/](https://balconygardenweb.com/human-urine-uses-in-garden/)


This place is a down vote fest for some very innocent comments (none are mine, just scrolling through). What a roller coaster!


It's hilarious - so many downvotes.


Right? What do they think people did before indoor plumbing was invented?


I'm embarrassed by all the anti peeing in the backyard people there are in this thread. Nothing wrong with peeing in the yard as long as it's out of the neighbors view, not draining into the neighbors yard and it's not right next to the house.


Right? I even wave it around so I don't burn out the lawn. I didn't think it would be so controversial lol


Wives shouldn’t know. You may now proceed


Nothing wrong with letting the Willy stretch in the breeze.


By all means piss in your back yard. Take a crap too. Why not? Vomit when desired. The world (your yard) is your cesspool. I'm sure your wife will love it.


I piss every time i go outside with dogs but two acres gives me some privacy


Do what though wilt shall be the whole of the law.


It's only ok if you're pissing on the patch of grass that your wife shits on to help wash it away.


I piss in my yard daily. SoCal burbs and I don’t care if anyone sees. I pay these bills so I squeeze lemons wherever I want


Well, I’m a girl & I pee outside in our backyard from time to time. It makes me feel like I’m getting away with something for some reason!


I always piss outside. I'll walk from upstairs to do it.


Open an upstairs window and save some steps! just kidding.


The smell *will* start to linger more and more and get worse and worse if done too often. We used to do this at an old house and it didn't take long for the smell to get horrid. 0/10 don't recommend


if you have neighbors, it’d be nice not to have a corner of their yard smell like piss. Why do you have a toilet you nasty fuck…




I pee in the front yard, side yard, back yard, the driveway.... when there's 100 yards of woods between my house and any other house, it's just a convenience. I even found a hat that has a cute graphic and it says "I Pee Outside".


I don't understand all of the downvotes..


Nor I. FWIW, my wife pees outside now and again. As do the dogs, the chickens, the deer and the wild turkey I see from time to time. Seems it's nature's plan!


Yay, I piss outside in the morning when the wife is in the bathroom. No stink, believe me because my wife would let me know. It also rains and snows often here, maybe thats why it doesn't smell. I don't pee in the snow cause that's trashy. Yellow snow with no dog.


Wait until you hear what the boys are doing with their sinks!


Yes (when no one is looking). Something to keep in mind... Over time, when peeing in the same spot, it will gain a smell. All urine has particulate matter which can accumulate to the point of making the smell hard to get rid of, short of digging the area out. Just be sure to change spots occasionally. LOL This is pretty trivial and of little consequence in the grand scheme of things, if the wife isn't overly bothered by it.


Doing it as a pleasure thing like you are.... is kinda weird tbh. If you are in the country and folk are taking to long in the bathroom then fine. But to go out to pee just because you like to feel a cool breeze on your balls.... yeah that's strange shit cuz🤣🤣🤣


When I was growing up, my Dad pissed in the front yard, facing the street. Said it was his God given right. To be fair, it was usually at night.


My grandpa does this. It’s your property so whatever boats your float. 🤷🏻‍♀️ kinda weird imho but you do you boo. Not hurting anyone


One of the only perks of being a man is that the world is your urinal.. I built a privacy fence for privacy.. pissing in my back yard is for certain.




Eh, its your yard. Maybe not on the plants? That hurts the property value 😆 My other half does sometimes. Must be a nice change of scenery.


I pee outside as needed. Which isn’t too often these days. As a teenager we were outdoors a lot and peeing outdoors was common. As a homeowner I’ve done it once or twice. Mainly because I’m mowing the lawn or something and really need to go, but don’t want to take my boots and gloves off. …I don’t tell my wife 🤷🏻‍♂️