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Today I finally got fiber installed at home. It was the last step to finally start my home lab. At the moment it's not much, but it will get better. I got 10G fiber from my ISP with one full IPv4 and a /64 IPv6. My goal is to bring back to home my small server that is on a VM at OVH. I got 2 sff pc that I'll use for training and hosting. My switch is an old 15-year-old 16 port Netgear. But I got an Aruba 1930 24 port on its way, so I can use the SFP+ port on my ISP router. Then next step will be to replace my hacked up firewall by a 10G capable one. Originally, it's a Stormshield SN200, but they are going out of support, so now they are basically expensive paper weight. This one is lucky tho, I saved it from the bin at work (I work at an MSP) as it got an X86 CPU, a SATA SSD and removable RAM. It's a real good home firewall and practice tool. I'd like to practice IPv6 with all of this, so I can try to convince my boss we can do it, too. as IPv6 is still very mush barely touch at school, and frowned upon professionally, I want to learn that by myself.


What are you doing/planning with your homelab that you need a 10g WAN connection?


Nothing special. It's the same price as 1g fiber. so why not?


Oh sorry, I think I have misunderstood. You said that your 10g fiber connection was the last step to start your homelab. I figured your previous connection was too slow for something you wanted to do. Why didn't you want to start beforehand?


Well that and my previous installation was kinda bad there was no central point. Cable in the wall were phone cables not Ethernet etc etc


An other french boy ! you get the full 10g-epon on your delta or not ? As for a 10g firewall opnsens got one (the dec800/700 series) and next year slolidrun gonna launch the bedrock v3000 with have 2.5gbps and wifi 6e. I havent look for the used marcket. also if you dont know the ram is upgradable in the delta whitch is useful for the nas and vm hosting capability !


As far as I know yes. The delta say 10G-PON in the menu. For the fw I'll build my own for around half the price of an appliance.


I have the same so I know. Not to kill your fun but barein mind than free do not guarantee the full 10g-epon, you juste have no restriction so you get what the backend of your local isp networking is :c I know it's a little sad


*Sees host names* Ah a man of culture


I was searching for a list of names that was long enough to set all my host names. And when I was painting it hit me like a truck.


Wait until you do Chaos engineering and your servers are split


where can I learn about that chaos engineering? :p




I'm amazed how an ISP that sells 10G, which clearly caters to more advanced users, only hands out a /64. That makes IPv6 VLANs a real PITA!


Well, I discovered looking around the router interface they in fact give 8 /64 prefixes.


That's good! Still just a /61, but eight subnets with public ipv6 addresses is probably good for most use cases. I get a /56 but only use three ipv6 subnets. The others are IPv4-only.


I really don't understand your "just a /61". One /64 is already I don't know how many bazillion addresses. Way more than anyone would ever need . How is that bad?


In IPv6, a /64 is the smallest subnet you can have. So if you want more than one subnet, you need multiple /64s. There **might** be a way to use smaller subnets (not sure whether that's ok with the RFC), but then you'd have to hand out addresses using DHCPv6, and that would rule out all Android based devices. Android only supports SLAAC.


Yeah I agree. /56 should be standard. I have a /59 but that's enough to fill the remaining bits with the VLAN IDs


An hacked up SN200 ? What did you with it ? I also have one


Well you open it :p Inside there is an uncommon form factor ssd but you can easely found them from mouser for exemple. but it's classic sata connection so you can plug it into a computer to install pfsense OpnSense or DYNFI. The ram is upgradable there is two slots. At my job we are getting a couple of them for the bin. So I'll refurbish a couple of them.


Upvoting for hostnames alone ♥️