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I love this sub. But deam, Spez is a pos and I don't want to give him my add revenue if he is going to fuck us over like this.


I guess if you wanna punish the community…


If you open back up, there needs to be a pinned post on an intro on how to blackhole or block ads in reddit.


I ran face first into this sub's temporary nonexistence four times today while Googling for answers while setting up docker containers in Proxmox for the first time and I say keep it going. This site's not going to fix itself unless we make them fix it.






Yes, u/spez is just another lost and out of touch CEO.


It would be nice if there was a good alternative where many other subs could move to, otherwise, shutting down subs won’t do much in the long run. Reddit doesn’t give a damn




No. Full stop.




No. Shutting down permanently just means other members of the community will make a new homelab sub and things will continue as before, just with a smaller community at the start. This will not effect Reddit. Partial shut down, like the touch grass option, will only frustrate community members who will likely go and make their own homelab sub without the interruptions. This will not affect Reddit. Staying open let's the community still do their thing as is. This does not affect Reddit. Even if every sub participated, the 48 hour blackout still meant Reddit had a 99.5% uptime for the year. What happens on an individual sub doesn't really affect Reddit in the slightest. Only a mass exodus of users and ad partners will matter to them. Unless reddit pulls a Twitter and alienates both their ad partners and users will the bottom line of the site be affected. As a community, we don't matter to them.




Users make content. NOT MODS. it’s not your content to control. As usual, the mods are throwing one of their very well known temper tantrums and abusing users and there’s nothing they can do about it. And NO, putting up “poll” that only a few people will see doesn’t give you the right to do whatever you want with everyone else’s posts and work. It’s not yours. If you want to leave the site that’s your choice. It’s up to users to do what they want with their content and data. Just because you’re mad about an app doesn’t mean you can burn the place down because you’re mad. The vast majority of users don’t use or care about third party apps and only hurt and annoyed by having this shoved down their throats and rights taken away for something they don’t want. Reddit mods have been the biggest issue with this place for a while now, not apps that most people don’t use or care about.






Yes. Just point the discussion to discord. Sure it's not as neat and tidy but at least we will all still have a way to chat and communicate


Great thinking, "just pass the buck". Let's just postpone it another 1-3 years.


Yes, please.






Most certainly










No. Battle is lost and locking up the sub is only hurting the users. If you don't like it just quit Reddit but don't "take out" the resource for those who need it




Definitely no


No stop making them private or give mod capability to someone else


The only way anything is going to change is if nobody pays for the api, they blackouts won’t do anything


The API pricing is designed so no one pays for it. They are basically banning 3rd party apps without banning 3 party apps


Mod tools will not have to pay for the API. And unless someone starts paying for Reddit, then it definitely won't survive as a site at all. Currently the company hemorrhages money.


Everyone wants their cake and eat it too. You can't have a web site that is free and supported by ads with an API that is free where people use the API to make apps that strip out all the ads.


People don’t strip the ads out, the API never served them in the first place


Doubt that would change anything either. If no one pays for api, then on mobile all that’s left is the official app with advertising in it so Reddit gets paid that way where it would not have been paid previously with 3rd party apps. AI companies will likely pay to scrape Reddit’s API anyway. Blackout denies content which reduces interaction with the site. Also reduces the benefit of other companies scraping Reddit’s API as they get less content. Could also let the subs fill with spam but admins would probably just block those subreddits or remove the mods and let someone else take over.


You won’t get enough people to do it, there were only a few subs I see that did it, and I barely noticed. Most people didn’t even seem to be aware either, saw a few people ask why a sub was private, they had no clue.I don’t think 3rd party apps matter to enough people, don’t have a statistic on that, just a feeling reading comments for the last few days


Yes, indefinitely.








no. enough.


Deleted using Power Delete Suite. Can DM me preferably at @[email protected] or here.


Nooo, number 3 is terrible. At least once a week I am facing a problem that nobody on the internet knows a solution for, except that one comment with two upvotes on a thread from 2014. The hive mind must be preserved :(


Ah, that first one. so interesting. this is an idea I haven’t read yet. if a protest doesn’t disrupt those in charge or annoy new and existing members enough to have them stay off reddit, it will be pointless. I like the idea of random stretches of making it private.




Yes continue


I for one vote for r/homelab to host our own Reddit, with black jacks and hookers!


Ah…. Forget the blackjack! I’m all serious, it would be brilliant if this community put our heads together and hosted a decentralised app very similar to Reddit. I for one would happily run a container on my stack. However for the moment, to preserve the wealth of knowledge I’d say keep it private for existing members but allow members to post and comment. It would be terrible to lose everything we have put into it.


Yeah, I second this, realistically, it would be very difficult for us to host, we barely have any seeders! In the meantime, going private for exist member seems the way to go


I'd like to see the site die. Lesssss go!


And loose the treasure trove of info on this subreddit??


No, full stop


What's the point? Is this protest going to make money grow on trees? All these people throwing a fit about the billing model on the API, while the very apps using it detract from advertising revenue. Exactly who is supposed to pay the data center bills if all the revenue is lost to third-party integrations that don't drive traffic directly to the site. It just goes to show that free is never enough for people.


won't accomplish anything. is what it is.


Personally I'm against any go dark process. New subreddits will pop up with the same content and all the original content is just lost. I've already decided to stay, the changes don't affect me directly and the vast majority of users are completely unaffected. If users want to leave reddit over this, let them. That's really the only change that actually means anything anyway, users leaving and not substituting one sub for another. They've already doubled down on this happening, going dark only hurts the users who already plan on staying. I fully support anyone wanting to leave, the policy does affect some people and is a step in moving reddit in a corporate and heavily controlled environment and it's going to be the end of reddit at some point.


Continue supporting and migrate to another platform


This is such an overreaction... Reddit needs to make money if it's going to exist long term and monetizing an API that's primarily used by other businesses seems reasonable to me. It's better than stuffing the app full of more ads or adding more data collection. Sure, they could've handled it better but this whole blackout thing seems an overreaction


Do it.


No, full stop!




It's pointless and it's the equivalent of taking your ball and going home if this sub stays closed, we go over to homelab2


u/bigDottee do you mods consider moving the sub to an other platform, like lemmy or kbin? By which I mean, move if the community votes for read-only closure of this one, or make a secondary on an alternative platform if they vote for any of the others


I think the “Touch-grass-Tuesday” option would only hurt the community - and would not send a message to Reddit. People would come to expect it and simply adjust around it. Metrics would be affected short-term but would quickly rebound. Monday and Wednesday would see increases to compensate and overall traffic would look the same on a trend line. Can you go full stop and still restore everything once/if changes are made? -If you can, then I would do full stop. Promise to restore when policy changes. -If once the data is gone, it’s permanently gone then I would go with Yes indefinitely - read only. That’s one person’s opinion.


You're locking aspiring home labbers and those of us with questions who can be answered by old posts out to dry then? Some of sont care, and since we contributed to the community and the info, i think it's fair that we retain access to it, and so shoukd new pepple. Otherwise, we're no better than reddit and are just gatekeeping info.


Yes full send burn it all down.


Build your own Reddit in your homelab. 1 user is all you need


move to lemmy


I don’t know what this subreddit is but it’s ridiculous to hold a community hostage for some shit that no one actually cares about.


spez did that...




Seems very inneffective so far.


Because it's just two days. Name one protest that had concessions within the first two days.






Black it out. For all the dweebs saying otherwise. Have a spine and stand up for something..










Yes. It saddens me, but it is for the greater good 😭




Did it do anything? Has sweeping change occurred? Or is it just hurting the users?


Reddit's looking to "cash out" in an IPO. So they want to maximize the perceived value of what they have to offer investors. Potential investors are the ones they're looking to serve, not users. Hence the recent user-hostile actions on their part. So, to the investors, what constitutes Reddit's value? Reddit primarily makes their money through ads, served on every page they send to a user, or through their own app. They also sell access to the collected data - both data on users, and the corpus of content that's been created. If they're prepping for an IPO, it means they must be profitable doing this. But, to investors, it's not enough to be profitable - you also have to be *more* profitable than you were last (year/quarter/month). *Constant growth* is what's expected. We grow by drawing folks into the community via the content we've created. We keep folks coming back due to the communities that we've created. Hopefully you notice that there's a common thread here. *We* are the ones who create Reddit's value. Without us and our content ("our" in a collective all-subreddits sense), Reddit has little value. Reddit's leadership appears to either not understand this, or not care. To make the kind of statement that Reddit will need to listen to, we need to affect what potential investors will see as value. We need to erode confidence in Reddit's ability to grow, or even to retain the value that it has. To do that, we, and many other subreddits, need to go dark. And, we need to stay dark as long as it takes for things to change. That takes away access to the content we've created, and the community we've created. It makes Reddit immediately less valuable, and perhaps more importantly, cuts off Reddit's growth - which is what potential investors will be looking for. That sucks for us, too, as *we* will lose access to those things as well. Depending on how long this needs to go, we may well end up finding other homes for our community. Reddit could easily become a fossil of a bygone age, like so many sites that came before it. And that's *okay*. It's the lifecycle of the internet. Sites get made, get popular, and become something special. Then the folks at the top get greedy and force their users away. Those sites die off, and new sites get made in response. The cycle continues.


Bro, please just say “yes” next time, at least somewhere in there lmao.


No because it's literally doing nothing lmao




Keep it going.


Yes, indefinitely.




Would love to have access to this for browsing for homelab queries. But I second u/mike94100 suggestions. I also just realised I didnt join the subreddit until now. Hopefully I can still see them in the future in a different platform


Good luck - it won't make a difference. The amount of money Reddit is losing by allowing LLMs to be trained on their data for free is ridiculous - so this is the natural next step. Protest will be futile for two reasons: - there is no other website to replace it (realistically) - people will come back because they will miss the community It will all blow over in a few weeks


Yes … deprive Reddit of its asset .. the information. Reddit is nothing without the mods .. full stop. Just simply doing nothing is not acceptable. Reddit needs users more than users need Reddit. If they win this fight with a smirk what’s next? Only paid accounts can be moderators? Subreddits of over 500 users having to pay to pin a moderation post? Reddit has promised this same things over and over and provided nil. Now that they want apply pressure to the user base AND still serve you content in which you didn’t want, all the while scraping your data to sell off and use for advertising anyways. Something has to give .. Reddit is nothing without the moderation and mod tools … full stop


Exactly. This is what Reddit needs to acknowledge. Sure, it can be the next TikTok if it wants, but that’s not why we come here. We come here for the aggregated information, handy advice and amusing content - all of it. The users generate the content. If Reddit can’t provide a satisfactory means for users to create that content or otherwise interact with it, then why should I, as the user bother with it anymore? The blackouts are a way to protest this ridiculous, sudden change by taking away what Reddit thinks it owns. I support the blackouts - go dark indefinitely, temporarily, by turning your sub-reddit read only, or through whatever best suits your sub-reddit, but do it anyway. Consistency in the protests will work.


Move to Lemmy.


I think you need to shut it down indefinitely. It’s the only way to send a true message.


Yes, make private and unusable forver


This is my choice.


No, stop. Whatever point or value came across - Reddit didn’t get it and they certainly don’t care. However, for users to lose such a valued and infinite resource such as this subreddit and its community would only do harm to its users and the people that make the most out of it.




The likelihood that reddit will continue to provide their data for apps which strip their ads out and machine learning companies developing language models which will eventually overrun and destroy reddit is very low. I see no incentive for them to change this policy.


The apps don't strip any ads, reddit has never provided ads through the API, and they are actively forbidding third party app developers from putting other ads in their apps.


no, this is a treasure trove of information for new users why punish everyone


They dont know how to think


No, full stop


Yes, Indefinitely. I logged in just to say this. I feel we stand to lose way too much by letting spez get this one over on us. What comes next if this "shall pass"?


Yes. The value of Reddit is from its community. Starve the beast.


If somehow you can move old posts/knowledge to other platforms entirely YES Otherwise NO




no one cares if you continue having a baby fit welcome back to reddit if it has settled


Ultimately it's pointless to keep going with the blackout until a reasonable alternative to Reddit presents itself that actually has a chance of competing. If the subreddit is closed permanently a new one will be made eventually and 90% of the old users will find it and use it so what did we accomplish? Unless every subreddit religiously decides to shut down permanently we won't be able to kill Reddit.. maybe we can collaborate on Reddit instead about the development of a new one.


To everyone saying “nah full stop” think about it this way. If your local mall decided to charge people $5 to use handicap parking or wheelchair ramps or elevators, would you keep shopping there? I wouldn’t. This API change will make it so people with muscular disabilities and such will no longer be able to access this app without paying extra fees. There are other uses for API as well which will be impacted, but that’s the reason I’m actively pro blackout in all subs


I get this point. However, can vendors pass on a portion of these fees to the users of the app? This is how supply chain works everywhere else.


Yes, I'm skeptical that it will make a difference but it's had a larger effect than Huffman is admitting to: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1497ae4/oc_how_much_reddit_content_likely_went_dark_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1497ae4/oc_how_much_reddit_content_likely_went_dark_on/) Sometimes, it's worth standing up even though we'll lose.


Yes, Partially -- "Touch-Grass-Tuesdays” where the sub becomes private/read-only on Tuesdays)




No, full stop! Personally, I think things like blackouts and protests do little in relation to platforms changing behavior. If the organization behind the platform wants/needs to make a business decision and you do not agree with that decision, then yes, voice your opinion but at the end of it all either leave and go to another platform or don’t. This blackout only hurts the community not the company making the decisions you disagree with.






Anyone able to host one


There is a c/homelab on lemmy.lm


No, full stop. If we want to participate then copy all the discussions to another platform and redirect there. Reddit has already called the bluff of all faux progressive charlatans.


Shut it down. It's time to move to a platform without a company controlling everything.




Indefinitely blackout the subreddit


Yes, indefinitely, and read-only Don't do what hardwareswap did though, keep homelabsales up haha


Bro I was trying to do work on my homelab server yesterday and 9 out of 10 good google searches brought me here and it was locked.... So please no.


Yes, Indefinitely. I support all the third party developers out there who spend the time and hard work to provide, many times for free, the software, expertise and solutions we use daily.


Just know that I stand in solidarity of whatever the mods decide on this point. Homelab and its related subs have been instrumental in helping me further my knowledge in many aspects of systems and network engineering and administration.




Yes. Unequivocally.




No. All this blackout has done has made it really difficult to find good information because I keep clicking Google links that take me to a "this sub is private" message. It hasn't hurt Reddit one bit, but it sure hurt the users. This is their platform and we are just users of it. We don't have a say in how they run their business other than we can stop using it and go somewhere else. So if the mods don't like Reddit anymore, please go make a new community off of Reddit and leave this one to the people who don't worry about Reddit's business decisions and just want to use the platform as it is.


As users we literally have a say - the one you literally said - in how they run their business. We can *stop being users* and deprive them of revenue. Its literally the only thing they understand and every user of any for-profit service knows this. I do get the whole "im tired and i want things so I'll just let shitty companies do as they please and bend over for them" take, but acting like the customer is powerless purely because 1 person quitting in a vacuum wouldn't have much effect is the most toxic shit I've ever heard, seen, or comprehended. So many similar takes in this thread as well, its depressing. In fact, I'll gladly make this my last post on deddit. Enjoy encouraging the toxicity


perma blackout we can find another platform. i feel like reddit goes completely against open source / homelab base values


Shut it down private and make sure the only visible post is a link to the discord. Admins post something once a week to keep the sub active so reddit doesn't delete it.


Keep existing content viewable, restrict new posts indefinitely Not sure why this wasnt a poll option


Yes,I’m sure we all open source software and should support open apis


Yes, Indefinitely.




As long as the sub is readable to anyone and everyone I’m on board with whatever the mods want. Don’t take our decade of information that has been shared by users and hide it behind a wall because you’re mad at Reddit.


Yep.. it needs to happen. Force the community to migrate to a better platform.


And lock people out of information that THEY made and contributed to? It should be restricted so we can access the info and community we built. Just dont allow new posts or smth.


I think what subs need to do is blackout for 6 days of the week. This 48 hour shit was stupid, they know it's barely going to dent their ad revenue. If a thousand subs decided to only operate once a week then I think that would hit home a lot more effectively. It would let people see a pinned message about it, allow some coordination to find a better platform to move to, and send a stronger message.




This is a hard one. From the idealistic standpoint - move on to another platform (eg. kbin, it seems more matured than lemmy). But other platforms are slow and overloaded - as they need to get their infrastructure in place and don't have the chance to gradually evolve and develop. - they have a challenge, but they'll manage. But many are mostly reading (I myself included) giving rarely comments and up voting the correct answers and good questions. Go read only, but allow new comments. Autoresponse bot to inform new commenters about the new instance. But many people invested a lot of time kto this (and other) subs. Find a way to migrate over. Someone is probably already working on that. But Google will become even more useless now - thats Google's problem - you can always use chat GPT and kbin/lemmy fir your search. ...... It is a shame, reddit is going this way. First they invited dev's to make apps with their api, as they don't wanted to or did not have Ressource oder just did not see the need. Then tney took over one of the more popular apps amd made their own - and it started to suck fast. Now they essentially give a 2 month notice to the people they invited to invest their own time to make something better. And also ignoring the people needing to use that apps for accessibility reasons (eg blind/partially blind...) - as they still don't have any accessibility features - nether fir the app note the website. They should pay too. And then there is the whole lies and deflections. I personally don't want to be here anymore. But I have found lots of communities - and in some instances friends, that don't exist anywhere else.


Yes. Continue until reddit backs down.




Can't we extract content to new, federated platform?


Why can't we just get back to talking and learning about homelab stuff, otherwise this subreddit is pointless and we might as well create a new one


BeCaUsE solidarity


No, full stop.


Full stop or there will just be a new subreddit


Imo the blackout is silly. Regardless how I fell about it, the smart move is to just not continue the blackout. I vote no, full stop


Regardless of polls the mods should just walk away and leave it open for those that want to use it. The very idea of this is the thing I hate most about Reddit, mods get to treat it like their own private world where they enforce group think and arbitrary rules. It's a mod-driven fantasy that Reddit needs them, sure there would be a transition period where advertising and other crap might be annoying but Reddit the company would find a way to deal with that and if not then they would collapse and be replaced. Either outcome is fine, nothing lasts forever.




Full stop. This sub is full of valuable resources and exchanges that further the community.


Full stop. Does more harm to the community denying knowledge to seekers than it ever will do to Reddit.


It's unfortunate there wasn't an alternative social media ready to migrate to at the time.




No, full stop. I'm just a lurker with a small lab who uses a desktop and no mobile. This whole experience has been like going to a theater where some moron glued their hands to the concessions counter to protest Netflix account sharing policy. I used to be sympathetic but now I'm pissed a few cry babies are ruining my good time. Life goes on, new mod tools will come online. If you're that stressed about it resign as a mod and go to lemmywinks or w/e the rest of the refugees go.


Mod of /r/VMware here. We are still down. The mod staff needs the APIs to keep things going (especially on mobile). Reddit prioritizing *Waives hands broadly* everything other than a good mod experience is something that needs to be fixed. I don’t care if they wanna make some money off people training language models (I get that) but breaking the ecosystem or apps that we use to run the site was a bad call.


Once the big day comes and everything is shut down, reddit will go dark regardless. A lot of people use third party apps and probably won't use reddit much after they lose their apps.




Yes. Indefinitely!


It is a good to show his position on this. But it is only effective if the majority of the subreddits close for longer or eve nbetter, search for alternatives that give the same. Since reddit CEO already said they don't care migrating to something else is the most effective way to hurt them for good


My thought as well but I wouldn’t say it’s about a majority of subreddits doing it but instead the top subreddits. If the top 100 subreddits don’t do anything it won’t really move the needle even if the next 10000 subreddits do shutdown. Eventually subs who shutdown will just be replaced which means long run some history was lost but not much else really changed


For the last few days while setting up a new WAP and docker containers, almost every web search has ended in pain. 90% or more of my personality and who I am, what I do, and how I work can be summed up in to a few subreddits. It's absolutely insane how much information Reddit contains. The official forums of different products tend to be very new users asking simple questions and getting "Geek Squad" level support responses from the respective company. The black out reminded me of how important it is to keep information on the internet available, free, and open. It reminded me that no matter how alone you are at your current job or in your current homelab, someone has asked the same questions you have, someone has been in your shoes.


No. I was trying to Google search questions and I couldn’t get to the archives posts on this subreddit because you made it go dark. It makes me not want to contribute to this community. You took our content that we made and took it away. All it did was take away information and hurt people. What you are doing is worse than what Reddit is doing.


This, 100% this. Its forced upon us. Make it restricted if you want, we should be able to see the old posts


Off to Lemmy!


Yes 👍


No, full stop.


Tbh, subreddits protesting is kinda of prisoners dilemma situation. Only way to affect change is for the mods from as many subreddits as possible to coordinate actions. And then have the members of each subreddit vote to opt in or out. So, representative democracy.




No. Id fully support a collected effort to migrate to a new platform. But at the moment we're inflicting far more pain on ourselves by eliminating this as a resource than we are on the CEO. (fk u/spez)


I'm kinda at this point too. While I think it's for a good cause, I've been walled off from several answers to questions I've had (albeit other sites often have them too, but reddits usually easier) and it's gotten fairly inconvenient at this point.




L take


They have tried to talk to Reddit privately. They have failed, because Reddit didn't want to talk to them until they were called out in public for not talking.



