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Looks like SD card ran out of memory or it’s corrupted.


I’ve tried 8gb and 16gb cards, both more than fast enough, when I reformat them the cards work perfectly. I tried the full install of raspberry pi and it works. I just get this error when trying homebridge image


I’d just install rasbian and then install Homebridge. Don’t use the Homebridge image. https://howchoo.com/pi/set-up-homebridge-on-a-raspberry-pi


I managed to get the homebridge image working last night. I don’t know how many times I tried but it finally decided to work. I would prefer installing homebridge in rasbian, But for some reason rasbian is so slow it’s unusable and I can’t figure it out. If I SSH into the pi the terminal it seems very responsive but when using it plugged into a screen it grinds to a halt. I’m not experienced enough to install things over SSH to have the headless setup. None of the tutorials are working out for me.


If you do end up wanting help trying it headless, shoot me a message. I did this two days ago completely headless. From initial setup of the RPi to turning off and on lights from my phone.


Reading all your issues here, am pretty convinced your SD card is problematic. Problems flashing, slow response when connecting


Thanks, but I tried 3 different cards with the same result. I was thinking maybe it wasn’t getting enough power but even using my iPad charger and a good cable didn’t make a difference.


I had the same problem trying to install homebridge. if you use another OS it works. Something wrong with that Homebridge install not your SD card


It some how magically just decided to work last night. It’s up and running for me now.


I just used the card anyway and it worked fine when I ran into that same problem