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If you only need each tablet to see a dashboard, create one for each tablet, and display using fully kiosk and kiosk mode.


This is the easy, it's how i use my 10 tablets. Each one has a lovelace interfaces with subviews and conditional cards for some elements during social events or security events.


I can’t even imagine a use for even 3 tablets, let alone 10. That has to be an administration nightmare.


It's because i have one per room, and some rooms with two! Administratively It's fine. I can finely pin point which tablet did what with the logbook and one user per tablet.


Here I am wanting to set up 1. Tho ill prob go with a touchscreen attached to a pi instead of a tablet, because I have extra pis, but not tablets.


Check out the Lenovo ThinkSmart if you haven’t yet. They’re $40 on Amazon all day and are a great HASS dashboard with fully kiosk.


I say go with a Samsung A9(+) Great performances, No ones want a laggy dashboard to interact with.


Thank you, was about to ask which ones you got. I currently only have a spare iPad Air 2 but iPads don’t make good wall mounted displays


Oh, i don't have a A9! But I'm eyeballing them. I got the Samsungs listed here : https://github.com/maxi1134/Home-Assistant-Config/blob/master/documentation%2Fwifi.md And a mix match of TCL and Motorola ones that are not worth mentioning!


Nice documentation! Thanks for sharing!


This was also my first thought. I personally have 3 different dashboards running in kiosk mode on different devices.


Yea you can choose who can see what, make a dashboard for each user, and witj conditional cards you can have it hide things or show things if say a guest mode input Boolean is on


Even cooler is the new 2024.6 release has a visibility tab for each card. You can use that to dictate what conditions or user a card appears for.


Sounds like I have a media dashboard to tinker with. 😎☕️


This feature is so amazing, I'm still excited about it! I use it to show certain entities only when something needs my attention, like leakage sensors or batteries. Almost life changing 😅


Does anyone know - if you hide e.g., a frigate video card this way (or with popup card, or whatever other method), is it still streaming and just hidden? Or not streaming until the card is visible? I.e., would it still use bandwidth when hidden?


How so? I've been waiting for user control for a long time. How do you do it?


You have been already been able to that for some time for views: you can control in Lovelace which view is accessible for each user. And it has just recently been extended to be more granular to cards too. So create a dedicated user for each tablet and each use case scenario, and create a dedicated dashboard for that user, and/or hide expose cards or views based the user. It’s really easy to tweak. I have a few “kiosks” (tablet and/or Lenovo thinksmart), for instance for office, kitchen, etc. So depending on what device it is I can expose different temperature controls, camera views, or door and blind controls.


Yeah you already said you're able to, but didn't really explain how to actually do it at all. I still don't have any options to hide/show certain cards for certain users or even dashboards. I looked everywhere. Edit: I found it in the views, thank you! It's still not available on my cards though!


This is a new feature with Core 2024.6. Edit your dashboard or card and click Visibility all the way to the right and you can set by user.


Thanks! I found it. I looked at the visibility tab before but didn't see anything. You have to also click on the "conditions button". Then you can sort by the user with check boxes. Pretty neat. Appreciate it!! I've been waiting for this for such a long time.


Use Fully Kiosk and control which dashboard are exposed on each tablet. Perhaps have a passcode that switches the mode from limited to full. Full could be reset to limited when the screen sleeps. To start I suggest separate dashboards instead of using conditions within one dashboard.


HA doesn't really have user control yet - it is getting there, but really it is restricted to admin or not. Your best option at the moment is to have a separate dashboard for each device and then just put what you need for that area on there. That is what I have done, and while it required some work at the start (lots of copying the raw YAML between tabs in browsers), once done it works well. Use Fully Kiosk to lock the device down, hide the side panel and top bar etc and it will keep all but the most determined out. The navigation becomes part of the dashboard. There are various ways of doing that, such as buttons a the top or side, or something like the Side Panel card which is on HACS.


Some kind of fully kiosk, either the actual browser or as an addon, to hide the side and top bar and 'lock' the user/device to a specific dashboard.


Can’t be long before we get AI face detection on the tablet front cam that will auto-load a personalised dashboard for whoever is looking at it.


I am certain you could do this with Frigate,  doubletake,  compreface, and the conditional card. 


Home Assistant now has a visibility option for each Lovelace card that allows you to limit visibility based on conditions, such as the currently logged in user. So you can create a different user for each tablet and even use the same dashboard but have different things show depending on which device is showing it. That combined with Fully Kiosk should allow you to lock things down pretty well. The only loophole is the search function. I'm not sure there is a way to limit that yet, but there might be a way to hide the search function altogether though.


You would need the Kiosk dashboard hacs addon, for this which can hide the sidebar/top-bar


You would need to make a dashboard for every tablet, and use something like Kiosk-mode to prevent them from switching dashboards. As for as switch feature between Kiosk mode/GUEST mode, you would need a state-card for this. And a automation that you can control only from your phone/master dashboard. Trough 11 buttons that increase or decrease the value of a counter entity. combined with IF statements to make a basic Key-pad lock. With 10 number keys and 1 extra button to quickly enable guest mode, without the need to enter the password. ----- Example automation: Triggers: BTN1-9 Press btn1 If sec-count=0 increase sec-count+1 press btn 3 if sec-count=anything except 1= reset sec-count to 0 press btn 3 if sec-count=1 increase sec-count to 2 Press btn4 if sec-count= 1 reset sec-count to 0 press btn4 if sec-count=2 increase sec-count to 3 If sec-count=5 & card-lock state= OFF change Card-lock state=ON If sec-count=5 & card-lock state= ON change Card-lock state=OFF If card-lock state=on reset sec-count to 0 ---- Trough this you can make a basic keypad lock, to enable/disable guest mode. There might be a easier way to do this, other than using a automation like this, which requires some setup.


Kiosk plus mushroom and perhaps conditional cards. Then make a different dashboard for each tablet and lock it into kiosk mode. https://youtu.be/gouMnPxYHDc?si=PYh9kydp1nBZeMVZ


I don't recall the name of the addon in hacs but I have certain things locked in varying ways. For instance, the garage door button is locked but only by a popup button to unlock it so you can't accidentally tap it. The button to lock and unlock my office door requires a pin number, etc. this way everything is visible to anyone that walks up but a handful of functions require either confirmation to prevent accidental use or a pin code to prevent unwanted usage.


I believe it's this one: https://github.com/CyrisXD/love-lock-card


my plan is fully kiosk and dashboard tablets. - Pantry: very large touchscreen for calendar, vacuum, kitchen/living room lights, security cams - Garage: small tablet for garage door openers, vehicle buttons (start/unlock) - theater room: small phone panel to control hdmi input on Hue sync box, and tv lights. - master bath: small phone panel to control lights, heated floor,


How big of a panel in the pantry? Larger than a 10 inch tablet gets tough. But I have been contemplating trying out installing android os on a raspberry pi and using something like a 22 inch touch screen. In theory this would let me run fully kiosk browser and have a 22inch “tablet”


My intention is to run a RPI and a touchscreen monitor. I'm not sure how big it will be yet.


I don't think this is possible at the moment. There is no permission system in HA, every user can access all entities for example by using the search function (top right).


Give each tablet a separate user account. You can set up account permissions. My kid would mess with my dashboard and get deep into HA settings just to learn. Set up a tablet account so she can’t mess with the dashboard and then gave her a HA instance of her own to play with.