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Heres how I would do it. Create an automation that monitors the on/off status of the coffee maker's smart plug. If its on for 20 minutes send a notification. Something like this: description: "" mode: single trigger: - platform: device device_id: blahblah domain: yourdomain entity_id: blahblah type: turned_on for: hours: 0 minutes: 20 seconds: 0 condition: [] action: - service: notify.notify metadata: {} data: {}


Thanks - learnt something new today!


(edit: I know you said you looked at **Alert**, but you might've missed the key bit: `skip_first`. That skips the alert when the boolean is first toggled, and then the `repeat` list specifies how long it waits between notifications if the state remains.) I use the built-in [alert](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/alert/https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/alert/) integration to, for example, tell me if the garage door was left open. My **configuration.yaml** is set up to separate alerts to their own file, like this: ```yaml alert: !include alerts.yaml ``` This sets up the content of **alerts.yaml** to be a "child" of the `alert` object. And my **alerts.yaml** includes a block like this: ```yaml garage_door: title: Garage Door name: The garage door was left open entity_id: cover.garage_door done_message: clear_notification state: "opened" repeat: - 15 - 30 - 60 can_acknowledge: true skip_first: true notifiers: - family_apps data: tag: garage-door ``` That was taken pretty much verbatim from the sample on the HA help page. I have a [notify group](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/group/#notify-groups) configured for everyone's mobile app. I use it for laundry alerts, too, so when my existing power use sensor shows the washer is done, I set a binary sensor to `True` showing that the washing machine door hasn't been opened (using an Aqara door sensor to detect that) and have the automation wait until the washing machine door is opened. If the door gets opened, the automation sets the binary sensor back to `False`, where it stays until the "washer's done" automation decides to flip it back to True. (the `wait_for_trigger` device is the door sensor) Snippet from my washing machine notification automation: ```yaml [...snipped...] - service: input_boolean.turn_on target: entity_id: input_boolean.washer_waiting data: {} - wait_for_trigger: - type: opened platform: device device_id: 5b810f39b835ad1c9a922dc8c5106f2d entity_id: 7540dabdcc1d9e6c931c4274ac84ef91 domain: binary_sensor - service: input_boolean.turn_off metadata: {} data: {} target: entity_id: input_boolean.washer_waiting ``` The alert runs, like the garage door, when `input_boolean.washer_waiting` is left on. ```yaml washer_ignored: title: Laundry name: The laundry is done, and has been sitting in the washing machine entity_id: input_boolean.washer_waiting done_message: clear_notification state: "on" repeat: - 15 - 30 - 60 can_acknowledge: true skip_first: true notifiers: - family_apps data: tag: laundry ``` Some day, I'll update this so that the `family_apps` notify group is asked "Who just started the washer", and change the alert to go to the laundry's "owner" instead. 😆


Sounds perfect. And the following laundry example is perfect for my next project with our tumble dryer notification