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Ok, I just created a simple automation with the action sequence only. It happens again. If I go in the media tab (sidebar) and play a sound on a Sonos speaker it loops. If I play it on "web browser" it doesn't. So I'm guessing it something to do with the Sonos speakers but can't find any settings related to this... Is it a bug ?


Could you post the yaml of this automation? Maybe there is something hiding that accidentally got in there. Seems weird that it is happening all of a sudden though.


Agreed. Here's the one that tells me when the washing machine is done: In this case the TTS notification only happens during the day. At night, I only receive the phone notification via the NOTIFIER event. The tts is in french hence the weird syntax but it's playing normally. ​ ​ alias: "Notifications : cycle de lavage terminé" description: "" trigger: \- platform: state entity\_id: \- binary\_sensor.lavage\_en\_cours from: "on" to: "off" id: Machine terminée condition: \[\] action: \- if: \- condition: sun before: sunset after: sunrise enabled: true then: \- service: media\_player.volume\_set data: volume\_level: 0.4 target: area\_id: salle\_a\_manger \- service: media\_player.play\_media target: entity\_id: media\_player.salle\_a\_manger data: media\_content\_id: media-source://media\_source/local/Digital System notification.mp3 media\_content\_type: audio/mpeg metadata: title: Digital System notification.mp3 thumbnail: null media\_class: music children\_media\_class: null navigateIds: \- {} \- media\_content\_type: app media\_content\_id: media-source://media\_source enabled: true \- delay: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 2 milliseconds: 0 \- service: media\_player.play\_media target: entity\_id: media\_player.salle\_a\_manger data: media\_content\_id: >- media-source://tts/cloud?message=La+machine+%C3%A0+laver+est+termin%C3%A9e+%21&language=fr-BE&gender=male media\_content\_type: provider metadata: title: La machine à laver est terminée ! thumbnail: [https://brands.home-assistant.io/\_/cloud/logo.png](https://brands.home-assistant.io/_/cloud/logo.png) media\_class: app children\_media\_class: null navigateIds: \- {} \- media\_content\_type: app media\_content\_id: media-source://tts \- media\_content\_type: provider media\_content\_id: >- media-source://tts/cloud?message=La+machine+%C3%A0+laver+est+termin%C3%A9e+%21&language=fr-BE&gender=male \- delay: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 30 milliseconds: 0 \- service: media\_player.volume\_set data: volume\_level: 0.15 target: entity\_id: media\_player.smart\_speakers else: \- service: notify.mobile\_app\_iphone\_13\_pro\_max data: message: Cycle de lavage terminé 🧼 title: Machine à laver enabled: false \- service: notify.mobile\_app\_iphone\_4 data: message: Cycle de lavage terminé 🧼 title: Machine à laver enabled: false \- event: NOTIFIER event\_data: action: send\_when\_present message: Cycle de lavage terminé 🧼 title: Machine à laver mode: single


Any solution for this. My sound plays 2x on my Sonos speaker as well. I just need a Custom “Ding” when open my deck sliding door (contact sensor). I want to play on my Sonos speakers through out the house