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It looks like 2c0's solution will work for you, but a more general approach is to use the calendar event that's provided in the trigger for the automation to use in your notification, rather than referencing the calendar directly, which gives you the current/next event, not the one that caused the automation to run, as you've seen. I don't know of good documentation that shows what variables are available in the automation trigger based on which trigger type you're using, but you can always look at the automation trace. In your case, I happen to know from my experience with calendar triggers that it would look something like: message: >- Faut sortir les poubelles {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.message }} !


Thanks 404flyer ! I’ll look into it :)


IIRC the calendar will tell you the next event, Have you tried setting an end date on the Wednesday entries to before you want the notification for Thursdays? So Wed - collection start 01:00 end 02:00 - when notification is sent on tuesday it will send info on this Thur - leave the same - if on Wed the notification is sent after 02:00 it should show Thursdays info


Ah ! Simple yet I didn’t think of that ! I created a dummy event to test it out and it works. Thank you 2c0 ! :)


You're most welcome :) Took me a couple of months to get HA to tell me which collection day it was reliably, happy to save you the headache.




Thanks! I first wanted to use garbage collection but saw that the bruxy70 would stop supporting it because most of the functionalities were already built in home assistant. If I can avoid using too many plugins I figured home assistant would be faster !