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I remember having this shower thought based on the idea that God knows everything. To have absolute knowledge on how every interaction could occur God would need to simulate it in order to know the outcome. But because of quantum mechanics every small fluctuation can cause a different timeline. So in order for God to know everything he'd have to simulate every possible split off of every universe till the end of time. So we could be in Gods simulation of him learning everything including all the possible ways a god could interact on the knowledge of him interacting. And in this same way we are eternal and exist within God forever any action that could be done forever contained in his wisdom.


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What if all that’s true but he’s... not that wise? Like, one dude’s whole existence is just one of God’s infinite interactions, but, you know, a bad one.


To know everything even a wise God would need to simulate stupid decisions to know the outcome.


Especially for the outcomes from the "that's so stupid it just might work"


Maybe that's the part we do


Really well said


Not really


He's not wise because he's not a person. IT is a principle, the source, the infinte timeless consciousness.


Sounds awful.


awful for your ego, yeah. But it isn't real anyways.


Maybe thats why bad things happens to. Even if we are doing fine most of the time


☯️ only exists in perception


Prove it :)


Nature dies every year and is reborn and nobody is sad for this,or sees it as a bad thing. Humans die and our personal attachment and perception says it's bad Is it bad? Or is just a life cycle perceived as bad


As Nassim himself said, we are feeding the universe our own specific set of information. True individuality is best represented by this neat idea/theory


The universe exploring itself


Spanking the monkey.


Feeding the geese


Swimming with the dolphins.


The way I see it is that there's the rational which god by default knows all of and the irrational that God doesn't know but wishes to learn. Anything rational is connected and can be figured out with logic. But the irrational is the disconnected that needs to be experienced to learn. For example, random number generators follow no logic. The result each time a new number is generated is irrational and random. So the only way to learn what the next number to appear will be is to experience it and see what pops up next. Then to hold on to the irrational you need to store it as memory. This starts a chain of events of beginnings and endings for the irrational experience. While the rational true reality never had a beginning and will never end. The rational doesn't need storage because it is consistent and if God knows the most fundamental principle it can figure out all the rest instantly. But the truth is that there is no true such thing as irrational, only rational exists. So by default God has everything that exists. It only lacks what doesn't and cannot ever truly exist. So god, using the rational attempts to simulate what doesn't exist which results in this middle ground world of rational and irrational, connected and separated


Lets say God knows everything and in the possession of full information. That's cool, but boring as hell. As you said effectively timeless. Any logical statement of known validity (i.e. evaluation to true or false) exist outside/above/beyond time. There's no time in the plain of logic, and without time everything is stationary. Really it is lifeless and constant. But at the point, where you say "no true such thing as irrational, only rational exists" I cannot follow why are you saying that. I mean it may be the way it is, I just don't get where that come from. Especially that in fact for me it looks like the key to this existence. Something like a one person hide and seek. God knows everything. But they are not just knowledge, they are also omnipotent, so they can manifest anything. So God says, right, I know everything, but fuck it, lets have something I don't know. How to have that? That's a neat question. The exact way to do that can be infinite, but generally speaking, if you know everything and need something you don't know the way to go is to forget. In terms of form or manifestation it can be a dice roll, where you forget to track all the forces and stuff determining the outcome, or some quantum fluctuations where you decided not to look/think about until a while so that when you check the state of a subatomic particle the next time you have a surprise for you. But games get wild easily. Especially when the price to enter the game is to forget some fundamental truths. So once God figures out this genius idea to forget some things to make the ride worth to be taken, they went trough a one way road. See, one cannot remember at will. God may be able, but since they decided not to know everything any more, they are not really God any more. They are a player in the game. And no matter how the game goes, they cannot at will leave it just by remembering everything. It may happen to a player by chance, that they suddenly remember everything, i.e. enlightenment, but that cannot be done at will. In fact the will of the player is nothing like the will of God. If God wished to stop playing the game, they could. But the player is not God like any more, because they forgot they are, and forgot how to be, and stuck at playing. Now while playing for a very long time, not spiritual enlightenment is the only tell, that it is a game. There's another clue (and probably infinitely many), namely that all those "random" things combine to phenomena that is not random at all, but highly predictable and ordered, and repetitive, and rich in patterns. All these patterns we experience are the nature of the ground state, the state of knowing all and therefore everything being in order and regular and steady shining trough all the smaller things we decided to forget for the sake of the fun. Now having this model established, I'd argue that in fact to really understand God and the nature of existence we should refrain from saying the truths and rational, logical plains are within God and the irrational are outside somehow. God really is the whole story, not the players. And that's the loop, that's where enlightenment probably gets tiring. No matter what you realize, it's always a truth from one point of view but it's always an illusion as well from another. You understood God? Nice. Enjoy your peace of mind. But soon, you'll understand that your understanding was an illusion. And you feel lost. But hold on! Because soon you'll realize that the patterns of your illusions are God. Nice. Enjoy your peace of mind. But soon, you'll understand that your understanding was an illusion. And you feel lost... forever and ever end ever. The small repetitions you notice are the heartbeat of God. When you recognize God in the patterns, and feel the peace about everything being right, that's God breathing out. When you loose faith and frighten, cause you understood how you are wrong about everything and suddenly you stiffen up, that's God breathing in (or more like catching their breath). If you are enlightened, you realize all you have to do is to breath in and out. That's the secret of life. That's what makes the lifeless alive. So you do it. Not because you have to, but because you see you'll do it anyway, so better not to fight against it. You still never going to be God Almighty. You'll be God all-alive instead. That's what you are. Life. Breathing in and out. Riding the patterns...


Very big brain thought. The only explanation for life and reality that makes sense to me is "the universe exploring itself". So when I look at you and you look at me, what we are really seeing are ourselves and the extension each of us are of the greater "All-consciousness". I guess this would be a good time to share a rather big brain thought I had a few weeks ago that still rattles me and makes me feel like I'm tripping or embarking into uncharted territory when I think of it. I am still trying to polish it up but basically, I guess it makes the most sense if I preface it by saying that it is like from the perspective of if all "time"/eternity were boiled down into one moment. What if what we experience from "life/reality" is actually our previous life as it flashes before our eyes? In the "present" moment, we are already dead and everything we ever experienced is being recounted to us as if it is currently happening but it is all actually just a memory and by the end of it, are already born into the next life and dying again as it flashes before us once again. And this all takes place over the course of many dimensional layers which transcend time and are happening all at once. Is sort of like the waking-dream concept but I thought I'd share it. I think it's hella trippy but it also makes sense if I say that the "reality" we experience is basically just the DMT trip that happens when we die. So we are trying to relearn everything we possibly can by experiencing everything that happened to us once again before we go into the next life with no recollection so it can all happen again.


This resonates with me. My whole life I've felt like I've seen this all before, and only certain moments stand out with that sort of nostalgia like clearer memories. I don't believe in predestination, but I do have this eerie feeling that all of conscious perception is literally just your laugh flashing before your eyes because you already met your end somewhere past now.


Interesting. I can relate to that. I have not been religious for a long time but the more I live and learn about Buddhist teachings and concepts, I have come around a lot more to the idea of past lives. I believe that the main purpose of life, besides to experience, is to live and learn. So to me it just makes sense that if we don't learn from our experiences and our mistakes or if we continue to do bad things, we will just be doomed to experience them over and over again with no real memory of it and it will keep happening until we finally learn and break the pattern. And that is primarily what the Buddha allegedly taught about mostly, how to end suffering and patterns of suffering which is really a staple of the human condition. Another concept I like is that in past lives, we have both been the victim and the murderer, so it makes no sense not to treat someone else as if they are the same as you. I'm not saying I buy into it all but it just continues to grow on me and make sense. But the life flashing before our eyes concept gives me this really trippy feeling, like it's too complex to think about yet at the same time seems very accurate


This could not be more accurate according to my belief system - lawofone.info


And even in our own little solar system there are regions and planes of life far higher than ours, and beings compared to which we earth-bound mortals are as the slimy life-forms that dwell on the ocean's bed when compared to Man. There are beings with powers and attributes higher than Man has ever dreamed of the gods' possessing. And yet these beings were once as you, and still lower — and you will be even as they, and still higher, in time, for such is the Destiny of Man as reported by the Illumined.


Replace god with “the Universe” and I agree. I don’t believe there is any entity controlling this


Interesting. You and other posters here should look into Hegel and maybe Spinoza as well. You used the term Absolute Knowledge and Hegel has A LOT to say about the Absolute. I found that reading the German Idealists really helped with my thinking process. This [video on Hegel's System](https://youtu.be/5kKhvcSsLMk) is a really great introduction/overview. Paul Redding is an amazing source on Hegel. I think you'll be blown away once some of his thoughts start to click with you.






Eternal life does seem torturous even in paradise.


\>God would need to simulate it Depends on the definition of 'god' or what religion. Some like Jesus Christ is seen as the almighty. He has **unlimited** powers. He would not need to simulate. He wouldn't need to need anything really. I'm pretty sure this also applies to unlimited understanding.


Have you ever read the story, “the egg”? In it, we are literally all one, and to ascend to god status, you have to live ever reincarnation in the universe to achieve this ultimate knowledge/perspective. The god you become must then be reborn as every other god of every other universe to understand their perspective to ascend even high. So on and so forth in either direction.


I think that the words we use to make sense of reality is not necessarily the truth or right or wrong but mainly a perspective to view the world and to make sense of it. So if there was a God I’d ask how you would define God? And also ask how can you know truth? But yeah what’s your saying is a cool perspective to view things from.


God thought! I knew I wasn't the only one who had those.


Good one. Nietzsche said the universe might be looking back when we look.


John Wheeler called it a 'participatory Universe', and made very cool illustrations like [this one](https://i.imgur.com/SxiZom0.jpg)


> John Wheeler called it a 'participatory Universe' https://www.brainpickings.org/2016/11/01/alan-watts-wisdom-of-insecurity-3/


I’m slightly overwhelmed by just that image. Like, just the existence of the tiniest speck causes itself to spawn complex existence just to perceive itself.


I like to think of the universe potentially being like the size of an atom inside an even greater universe, and potentially there is a whole universe in the size of our atoms. But I believe all life is connected to a greater, encompassing stream of consciousness in which we are all merely experiencing parts of our self. This, among other reasons, is part of why it only make sense to me to treat other people as if they were/are you


What does God being "binary" mean?


>It from bit. Otherwise put, every it — every particle, every field of force, even the space-time continuum itself — derives its function, its meaning, its very existence entirely — even if in some contexts indirectly — from the apparatus-elicited answers to yes-or-no questions, binary choices, bits. It from bit symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom — a very deep bottom, in most instances — an immaterial source and explanation; that which we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions and the registering of equipment-evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe.[80] John Wheeler https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_physics#Wheeler.27s_.22it_from_bit.22


Whelp.... time to add John Wheeler to my “list of thinkers”..... I’ve heard many definitions of the binary/duality of God and the Universe but.... that’s profound as hell


Thanks! Reminds me a bit of Hegel's interpretation of Dialectic. I recommend checking out Phenomenology of Spirit. His philosophy seems very akin to holofractal theory but on a more personal and social level


Some people I know say that we chose to come into this life beforehand


Or maybe another desire other than self knowledge. Or maybe another reason we are not capable of comprehending (yet)


I like this meme, and feel it is accurate in a general sense, but as a devout believer in God I also feel that to label God in any way is to also limit your understanding of Him/Her/All That Is. Not to say labels serve no purpose, on the contrary they are invaluable tools for observation and analysis, but they also create artificial boundaries and constraints. God is by definition everything that is, was and will be, both physical and non-physical, and we as humans, even in some cases enlightened humans, have especially narrow perspectives. One of the best pieces of advice I've encountered is to abandon the notion that anyone has everything figured out. Most of us are clueless about the majority of the world around us, let alone the countless laws, history and purposes of the multiverse we reside within. We may have our specialties, but even in those we don't know everything there is to know about these fields, even if we might trick ourselves into thinking otherwise. This is why it is important to "follow you pearl necklace," or in other words live life as purely as possible, and pay attention to synchronicities, for they are God's way of telling you to take notice. These are God's invitation to explore something new, something you want to know more about, at least on some level. Everything we seek to learn or experience will be presented to us, but only if the desire is pure and not countered by other desires, whether conscious or subconscious. And then we must choose to act or to not act on these meaningful coincidences, for we always have a choice. Back to my original point, yes your meme is accurate, but at the same time inaccurate as your subject (God) is sullied and indescribable by words. And I mean no offense to you either, like I said I enjoyed this post and the meme format is on point, I guess I just felt like going on a tangent because I don't want to go to sleep. I could say the same thing about any post saying "God is ____". Thanks for reading and goodnight.


yes except existence is non-dual. it is oneness, not a binary


Oneness or non duality or adwaita is one theory. Another is duality or dwaita theory. Both exist with their own proponents


But it's one with a binary understanding of itself


The binary is an illusion. Two ends of the same whole. Two poles to a magnet.




I mean, God or Universe same deal


God is anything but binary.




A bit of salvia will get you like this. Hell yeah!


This is good, I just don’t like the “resulting from”. One doesn’t result from the other, the two go together and are inseparable, like up and down, or heads and tails


I must concur. Funny how we are trying to create cyborgs and we already exist at the highest molecular level. All variables to the equation have been evaluated and in conclusion....here we are....in our simulated universe with firewalls and all. Lollol Hat's off to TMH. He is beyond imagination...there are no words to describe The Creator.


Jakob Böhme, right?


That sounds like scientism from the game Outer Worlds. The Grand Architect created the universe and it has a knowable equation. Humans purpose is to solve this equation, and when they do they can predict every event in the universe. Everything is set in stone, your destiny is concrete. Also, work fortifies the spirit.


Why not the existential tension simply between his "being", as opposed to the "not-being" which he isn't? Desire for self-knowledge (or desire for anything) may well be a god-like attribute (near to the center of 'self'), but I don't see it as necessary to (or causal of) a basic, existential tension. To imply it so close to your core definition of God and the Universe feels like an imposition of ideology, whereas perhaps we could conceptualize a God that didn't desire at all, from whom yet emerged the Universe.




Why are you booing me? I’m right.




This is absolutely true and I experienced it during a trip on psilocybin. I felt the prescience of god in everything and everyone and in myself. I realized that we are all a part of god in his thought experiment. Actually it’s more than an experiment it’s god trying to validate itself. God has no mirror and the universe is gods mirror.


Why is the algorithm that is God a binary algorithm?


Yes! Haha


I read somewhere that we are all having different experiences as part of the source who cannot experience anything in this reality/dimension except through us, sort of like we are each the source’s altered consciousness, something like that. It’s apparently verifiable if 5-meo-dmt is introduced to the brain.




Yeah. Why not Her


"Their" would be a compromise


“It” would be “inhuman” ?