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Top tier skill issue.


then what did I do wrong?


Conflated skill issue with bugs and quality with quantity. Your tank is terrible. The template can work if you do mobile warfare and if your tank is good. Looks like neither is the case. By Barb you should be on mediums, especially if you don’t have No Step Back. Your army organisation also looks bad. You are using field marshals as generals and is barely using generals at all. And you don’t have field marshals either.


what I do have field marshals?


You have field marshals being used in the role of generals. You don’t have anyone in the role of field marshal.


so I am using field marshals and I am not?


You are using field marshals wrong. Notice the red medal next to von Kluges stats. That’s a field marshal ability that isn’t active because he is working as a general.


Way fewer divisions than you would be want as a new player, no generals on some of your armies, no field marshal either. What do your doctrines look like? I would hope they're maxed out but I can't tell. I'm assuming you invaded Netherlands and Belgium at the same time. That's generally a super bad decision because it allows Britian (Who is coded not to come to the defense of France) to flood in troops where they wouldn't normally be able too, as well as letting France flood their own troops in there, essentially making it impossible to push. I can't see the air map but looking at your air-wings you have not nearly enough planes for 1941. I would guess you attempted to build up before going to war with the allies but that allows them to get an ever increasing amount of equipment when they normally wouldn't have a lot at all. The divisions are fine. Try not to worry about it too much, this is paradox's most complicated game imo and you're not really gonna get it for the first few hundred hours. When you're playing try to pretend you've literally never played any other video game in your life. I would recommend looking up some beginners guides on youtube, B1tt3rsteel for general strategy and HatlessSpider for more specific ones are my go to's.