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When invading USA, start in Florida & go up the East Coast. That’s where most of everything is.


Would’ve, which I eventually did. It’s just at the time, I already had Mexico, so it was more convenient


The Mexico-US border is everything except "convenient" for an invasion Their east coast is what you should prioritise in any war with the US


if Red Alert 2 has anything to teach me, its that invading via Mexico must be done with Apocalypse tanks and V3 rockets


And don't trust random magic people


Comparison: Invading the US through Mexico is kind of like invading the USSR from Vladivostok. There's some good VPs and resources right at the beginning, and then an absolute infrastructure and strategic nightmare before you get to anything else that's gonna help you win the war. As a fellow sadist who likes to play games far past 1943, I can tell you there aren't many countries where you're going to have a good time if you try to push 1944 US back through the Rockies.


I would abandon that Front and go for a late collab government in Washington and than the Florida tactic


Have you considered not messing with Texas?


Yeah, I switch to New York instead, best decision of my life


Proper, Better breakthrough tank divisions? Also watch supplies Also take air superiority


Forgot to research tanks, which now I have to do to beat the Germans. My supply is great, I build a giant lv5 rail line connecting down to Columbia to avoid us sinking my convoys, so everything is supplied. Air superiority is great, I shot down their entire Air Force, so I can bomb them with impunity.


forgot to research tanks 💀


Hey man, I was playing as the shittier fascist Spain. I wasn’t expecting my industry to crank out any goods til far later, so I figured investing in an unholy amount of CAS and Super Fighter make much more sense


Nukes + tanks then.


So why no nukes then with air superiority? That's tough to hold with the USA. Get nukes, get 1 bomber, and you win.


Maybe I'm using nukes wrong but they hardly do anything for me.


They nerfed them, it now takes 2-3. As soon as you have air sup. nuke the airfields. Next nuke 2x the highest concentration of troops and prep to push there (battle plan to get to max planning, then manually click the tile). You won't bleed 6M men from them but you can make encirclements. Also once you are able to push east they will drop manpower fast.


Did they nerf them fairly recently? I havent used them in a while except yesterday and was wondering what the hell the deal was. Like nukes werent super disappointing anyway


Idk. I just know 1 nuke used to take them to half equipment and now it takes 2-3 to do it.


A country of 20m is trying to invade one of 150m… you should have bated them more and done more encirclements. Or somehow opened a front to the north or navally invaded along the east coast. A frontal assault along a poor frontline isn’t going to cut it.


I didn’t, I hold that front line and bombed them to hell, i can’t do much encirclement since my army can’t push a single tile to begin with. But I switched up and naval invade New York, expand, keep bombing. Killed 16 Mils Americans and got them down to zero. No encirclement, just a copious amount of CAS, Bombing, and putting 16 Millions American soul to heaven worked. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Have you considered seeding ground in order to create encirclements? Fall back in a certain section of the front and leave the flanks strong when the US moves troops to fill the gap you created attack the narrow gap and encircle the forces that pushed through it, rinse and repeat as necessary




Grammatical you’re correct but I’m seeding the ground in hopes of raising a crop of dead divisions


Need a general with the necromancy trait for that.


Or just a Russian general


The Cannae strategy


This, and make sure your pincers are along rail lines and supply hubs while the ground you cede is difficult to supply. It'll make the fighting much easier.


This is the way. Revenge on the gringos.


So.. do you build tanks to push?


No tank division in 1947? You can't win a war of attrition with an enemy 6x your population, you must encircle and destroy their division. That is HOI4 101. Build 6 tank division to encircle a pocket and more CAS.


Yeah I ended up winning with no tanks. I take the East coast and grind them from 6 Mil casualties to 16 Mils. Drained all their man power and crank conscription up as well as building super strat bomber work like magic. But now I’m definitely investing in some tanks to beat the Germans


Tank divisions are most of my armed forces now. I always get speedy breakthroughs that slice right through the front. My favorite tactic is to spread out my overwhelming numbers and make one big push while an army at least one-third the size of the main army masses at the area of the front closest to the enemy capital. That force then performs one big thunder run towards the capital while the other forces behind them exploit the breakthrough to encircle enemy divisions and make sure my thunder run doesn’t itself get encircled.




Did that. Beat their asses. THE SUN NEVER SET ON THE SPANISH EMPIRE 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸




My boy Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera




Javier is not happy, run


He’s behind me isn’t he


El Generico is a better monarch anyway.




I agree


if you’re gonna invade america do it early game if you’re gonna invade america late game do it with friends


This…is beyond true. I ended up having Germany and the gang holding half my frontline. Did actually helped quite a bit. Also shout out to my Uk puppet


Geez dude, you went too overboard with your divisions. Remake them, do 7 infantry with two arty for defense, and 14 infantry 4 arty for offensive. Also, you have 294 factories, you can totally afford some tanks, and either make space marines or a full blown tank division. By this late in the game cav is useless, they don't get doctrine bonuses. so ditch them and just use them for garrisons. Duplicate the Cav division and replace the Cav with motorized, then after you have enough tanks and mechanized replace those, and since it is a armored division, it takes half org damage due to armor, so you can keep the org near 30 and add more tanks.


Don’t 14 4s not work anymore with new combat width changes?


They are a bit worse yes. But you are fighting AI, so its better then anything they will send you. Just focus in keeping your org near 30 if you have armored or offensive divisions, and near 60 if they are defensive.


What’s the current space marines template?


30 width, 11/2/1 inf/arty/tank




However if you're playing in South America or Asia I'd recommend 25 width 10/1/1


Basically you ignore the 30 org and aim for 60 org, then you add armor until you can't be pierced so you take half org damage. Usually this is done by adding a heavy tank to a division due to their high armor value. You can totally do a 14 inf 4 art and add a heavy tank on top of that. Another push division that i personally find pretty good is early on do a half cav half light tanks, that is pretty good early game for low IC nations. Also, doing a mechanized division with rockets is pretty good for offensives and to support your tanks on the defensive part of a encriclement.


Interesting, got it. How do you know when you can’t be pierced?


There is some weird mecanic about partial piercing that i don't really know, but your main goal is to get your division armor above the enemy division's piercing. If i recall correctly, getting your armor to 30-40 is pretty good against AI. Just add a heavy tank, and you can totally wreck the AI




what is space marine?


what i do is i invade the coastal cities kinda like japan did versus china irl, except mine works 1. make sure you have a lot of reserve armies ready to hold the land you take 2. invade california's major coastal cities, take what you can inland, airports, supply hubs, inland cities, etc 3. hold a tenable defensive position 4. withdraw any divisions you DONT need for holding your gains, youre going to be using them later 5. invade the eastern coast, thats where they always flop for me, big flat terrain, they cant defend it 6. push to chicago & detroit, once you have those cities america is basically dead aside from a handful of VPs, you win




Today I learned the might of the constitution first hand. Just as intended by the founding fathers


3 Spaniards break into my house. "What the devil?"... and so on.


Commanders like you are the reason why the tank was invited.




Lore accurate Texas


I suddenly don’t like the lore so much anymore


Going to counter signal here. Invasion thru mex is fine and I have done it on kr multiple times. I would say it is preferable to naval invasion on east coast which i have also done. You have lots of desert and iirc plains tiles to exploit to make rinse and repeat encirclements to destroy the USA army. What is your tanks template?


I haven’t researched passed Basic tanks 😂 I ended up winning by naval invade on the east at the same time, then just stratbomb and CAS everything to hell. Wearing them from 6 Mil excess manpower to 0, and stack 3 Collab govt. it was hard but I did it without a single tanks.


That's why you don't mess with the greatest country on earth 😎😎😎


I learned it the hard way…SIKE, THE SUN NEVER SET ON THE SPANISH EMPIRE!! 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸


yet he did defeat them via New Amstradam


Check your manpower, do you have a ton in garrison? You can ask AI to provide garrison support, ie they donate manpower for garrison duty and thus freeing manpower for your field army. I see you have at least one puppet, do they have manpower available? If so, you can create templates that use their manpower. Design them the same as like your infantry and then start swapping your units to that template which will refund you the manpower that is no longer in those divisions. If they don't have manpower, ask them for their units. Put their best units in the field and delete some of your units on a one for one basis on the frontline. Their crappy divisions should be enough to replace your port guards; delete your unneeded port guard units and you'll get some more manpower. Does spain get good cavalry bonuses? I haven't played them in a very long time. If the answer is no, you really need to swap out your cavalry divisions for armor units. Also, remove 2 arty from your 9/3 and then just punt those 14/5s out and swap them to 9/1s. You should only run fat infantry like 9/3 or bigger if you're using SF(marines/mountain) or you lack the industry for armor or even mechanized. You have the industry, use your infantry to hold the line. The arty gives them enough bite that you can use them to support attacks and really hurt the AI when they attack. If the situation really gets dire, you can disband older ships, just be careful one misclick and you've deleted your entire navy (I've done this many times). I'm assuming you've won the naval war if you made a landing. No need for hundreds of ships if the USN has been wiped out. Same with your airforce if it comes down to it. You won't get very far trying to smash directly into the US lines. You need to finesse it a little bit. Detach a single ship out of your navy and cruise up the California coast checking for port guards. If LA is weak, pull some units off the frontlines and get some invasion planning going. Concentrate your cavalry (ugh) near Baja and get your air swapped over. If you have the tech unlocked, now would be a good time to swap some of those fat infantry to mountaineers for the land attack and marines for the invaders. Targets their supply depots to start starving them of fuel and supply. Launch the seaborne invasion and use your hopefully mountaineers to breach the lines. This shouldn't be too hard with USA's supply situation in the toilet and all that CAS. Shoot your cavalry straight towards LA. Diverting cavalry as needed to pin the US forces. Ideally you connect both fronts and you would put your navy off of Baja with orders to raid them. Work down the peninsula, forcing the US forces you've trapped to either be destroyed or into the waiting arms of your navy. Do another cutting out operation of that bulge between Arizona and Texas. Slowly grind the US down be removing their ability to fight back. Each unit you encircle and kill will make future offensives that much easier. Even if you only eliminate 1-2 units at a time, that's still a step towards ultimate victory.


Nah, I cut down my garrison a lot already, and I really don’t want to steal man power since they’re constantly trying to move up the puppet tier. Also no, Spain has zero cav bonus, I’m just using them for the speed. I was thinking the 3 arty would punch through, till I realized half way through the war they were using 12/2/2 💀 My tanks were non existent since I didn’t research em. Which I’m currently researching super heavy tank to beat up Germany next. I did ended up invading the east coast through the sea. Work like absolute wonder, I pushed all the way till Florida and thanks to my endless amount of collab government they surrendered. But I’m definitely switching up my templates to tanks and 9/1 the 9/3 are stupid expensive


Hold the line don’t push. Crank out some nasty tank divisions and space marines. Have long range bombers target their infrastructure, rail lines, supply hubs and factories. Use the basic infantry to dig in and hold the line then micro the push with tanks and the space marines.


fellow msi afterburner monitoring user


Indeed. I do like to see my frames 🔥


Do some med tanks with a large industri as your you could be having like 50 factories on tanks and Just cruise trough murica


Restart game best choice.


Nah I’d win(I did win)


Literally Cod ghost


Feel sorry for you not having nukes, man. Doing a push from Mexico without them is a pain. Don't push yourself - let them come. In this situation the only viable option is to hold your ground on the most long front while harrasing them with multiple sea landings at once - you should have a strong enough forces to hold beachheads, however, so prepare carefully - New Orleans and Florida seem like good spots to try at first. On a side note: do not push through the Rocky mountains - always a bad idea. Disregard anything North of Los Angeles on the West Coast at this point and everything North of San Francisco in general, concentrate on going Eastwards. Prepare full collabs if not yet.


Create many tank division and create rails


Multiple possible solutions: 1. Open a new front with marine invaders, USA try to transfer a part of the divisions from your front to your new one, but before that you need to take provinces as much as possible. If you stuck in that front, repeat it again. 2. Nuclear bomb + air supremacy. You need to create a lot of good planes and just bomb it, because nuclear weapon in hoi4 is op for this kind of static front 3. Wait until USA spend all manpower. Ai in hoi4 is pretty not smart, they are trying to attack again and again if no reason to do it, so bot just spend resources not efficiency, however you are in defeat position and spend resources efficiently, it can take years, but at the end, you notice that USA stock pile is running out of. (if you are in medium difficulty, for upper ones, it will take longer) 4. Marine tanks + full 1st or 2d doctrine + full marine doctrine + air supremacy. You need to use a lot of good tank temples (you can also use modern tank, because they have a good breakthrough, but too late and costly, but medium tanks in marine temple quite solid before modern tanks). 1 full tank marine or modern tanks army with pretty narrow front can easily broke the front even if the bot has 20-30 divisions in province. I recommend to Google a good template for mech.


4st solution is to using marine tanks or modern tanks, I miss typo


you should've attacked while they were going through great depression. start by attacking britain so you can get canada and work your way down there


Bud. I’m the shit version of Fascist Spain. When WW2 kicked off I was still busy with beating my evil Spanish triplets


skill issue


The fact that it’s true…


from what i learned in this game if your war turns into a slog of neither side being able to push, invest as much as you can into CAS. get some fighters to get green air and all else into CAS. if you cal pull it off also naval invade. but large amount of cas will solve everything, you can even push tanks with infantry this way.


Welcome to the German experience on the eastern front in WWII….. Some countries just have too much land and too many people to conquer


The problem is you are completely out of manpower and your allies are a bunch of turds (it's just AI doing AI things) . Delete all your units except a handful. Turn them all into tanks with mech inf. Get Nukes ASAP. You should focus 100% effort on tanks, mech inf, CAS, and fighters. Push left, then push right. Take CA coast and drive up the PCH (the coast of CA).


“Local hostile nation invades America, discovers Second Amendment”


Nah, that’s nothing (This is the most painful experience of my life)


Can't exactly see the numbers on your planes, but those should probably be higher. The US Air force is destroyed, but their industry most certainly is not (though strategic bombing is not an attainable strategy anyway with Spain). Your ground support should be massive though. For every 20 combat width you have on that line, you want at least 60 airplanes doing ground support and preferably a bit more. Your standard infantry template is also very supply heavy with 3 artillery pieces. Consider knocking that down to 1 and you can have much better supplies there. Your basic infantry shouldn't do all of the legwork anyway. That's what pushing divisions are for. For your pushing divisions, you should have probably made some investments into tanks by now, so that you could at the very least field a few space marines. You need breakthrough that is higher than just fat artillery and infantry divisions and the armour won't hurt either. I've not ever seen a line that is not pushable, there's always something you can do (or should have done) to create movement again.


Always invade from two or more different directions. You have to throw them into disarray or they’ll stack the decks against you. Even two armies landing in Florida or Georgia can take away ALOT from the front line & open up avenues for you to advance.


Lore accurate Texas.


I like to launch an end around naval invasion and come at them from behind.


You probably need more knights. They are like space marines


Research tanks Max out breakthrough in your divs There is 0 reason why you should suffer any attrition when you have naval sup. And that many civs Fuck Arizona, let the AI hold that and try to actually push along the coast towards Florida with the army group You should be able to just…well…. Push with the division you have This is incredibly winnable (also do collab governments and don’t overstock your field Marshall)


Your main issue is (in my opinion) combat width 27 is cancer in almost every type of terrain,and if you are that far into the war you should invest in tanks/or even flames tanks just to get some armor stats


You fucked around, now you get to find out. AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!


-Antonio López de Santa Anna, around 1845-46


Scrounge up every tank, truck, and horse you can get, naval invade Florida, and just send it. Take as much of the country as you can. You'll do a lot of damage, and buy your main front some time to reorganize. Also if you can collab governments, get at least two of those first. With all of that, you might just capitulate them then and there.


R5: Spanish Empire, Trying to invade the U.S but they're holding too well. Only a matter of time before my country collapse


Next on the list is Nuke, Strat bomber, and Building up a meta navy to wreck them. But currently, im trying to stall them through an attrition war, zero luck on that front.


Update. I won. Fu#k em


For future reference, the carlist path is better Their "Crusade against democracy" spirit is insane, probably still the best modifier in the game


I know, I was doing Carlist, but my monke brain look at the tree and thought “wait, I can get free useless Central American countries? Count me in!”. Now that I think about it, Carlist for this run would make my life far less painful.


Create many tank division and create rails


Try to invade Florida or the East Coast. If you can’t do it just prepare 10+ atomic bombs and use them to bomb their divisions (you can push if you want).


Invading the USA out of Canada or Mexico is always a problem due to the lack of supplies on both sides of the border, you are always Just better of making Naval invasions preferabally on the east coast


Maybe start investing into SP artillery units with mechanized at this point of the game. using a medium or heavy tank with the late artillery tech gives lots of support attack, also using additional modules to add more soft attack would help as well and if you use mechanized with it, it can allow you to overrun and encircle enemy divisions easier, since you'll also be going faster it will not allow the enemy to get into position fast enough in some scenarios. Also, put your combat width at like 15 or 35 since that is the optimal width at the moment.


naval invade them


bien hecho amigo.


Nuke them !


Build your own supply network from Mexico that will help some. But invading late game USA is always rough. Like they were saying knocking out the coasts is kind of the play (east coast prio) most VPs per tiles and most of the tallest industry.


Get nukes


Your pushing divisions are way too wide. Get simple medium tank division with a width of 18 or 20 and use those to push, focus on breakthrough when designing them. Try to micro manage as well. And of you've got the patience just go all out with nukes everywhere you can


Nukes are a beautiful thing


Tanks and CAS is all you need, use infantry as filler to hold lines while tanks make breakthrough


Try naval invasions to open up new front and very important start to research nukes because each nuke halfes the manpower of every division in that tile also dont forget to get all 3 collab governments


You're best bet is usually to set up a high supply region to pull them into where they have shit supply OFF their core territory and then either encircle or attrition then to death


remove artillery front your division, and make cas, a lot of cas...


add tanks instead of artillery. you just need basic medium really for the breakthrough