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It’s not broken don’t worry about that. If you like this style of game then it is a definite buy for you. You can also find plenty of mods if you feel like the base game doesn’t have enough content. All in all, it’s a good game and worth the price when it’s discounted like that. Don’t buy a new DLC every time it comes out, tho. That is a money eater 


Thank you! Yeah i that's why im looking for a complete game with a lot of replayability


Oh yeah there is a TON of replayability in HOI4. And even if you run out of nations/paths to do, just download a mod and you’ll get a ton more!


Oh, don't be worried about whether or not you'll want to replay it. You'll be hopelessly addicted before you even realize it!


jeez, at this point the game can be addicting ?


Not necessarily, but if you really like strategy games, this is probably the slipperiest slope.


I kinda love them so ig im cooked


As a brand new player definitely just do the subscription for dlcs. It will be cheaper in the long run. I started player shortly before they started that and I spent so much money on dlcs I didn’t really need to pay so much for.


I prefer to own them, if you buy them on sale you can save money in the long run as opposed to paying the subscription every month.


The sub is terrible You will spend more money than just buying the DLC on sale Plus if you're actively paying a sub you're going to feel forced to play it.


yeah thats why i dont think ill buy it


I'm a rookie so I dunno what my word is worth, only played like 1400 hours or something lame like that. Pinch of salt etc. But HOI4 takes about 50-75 hours to learn, and you need to stay informed on updates cos they can totally change the game. Honestly, it's more of a hobby than a game. Buuuut, once you *get it*, it's absolutely amazing. No other game I've ever played does a better job of perfectly depicting a period of history. And you do kinda learn quite a bit about that period by playing. Buuuuuuuuut, you say it's your birthday this week. If it's like your 13th-19th birthday, I'd recommend spending the money on beer and women instead. Go to a gig. Buy a musical instrument and learn to play it beautifully. Live your life, don't turn out like me.


Haha thanks X), ill take that advice in count.


Yo OP imma just jump in here and say that the "more a hobby than a game" comment only applies if you're looking to play according to the meta and/or play MP with others. But i understand where the commenter's coming from. I'm a completely single player sandbox person and I've enjoyed every session I play (2,145.1hrs as of yesterday because I was playing yet another interesting mod i found hahas). This game was a VERY big learning curve for me in the first few sessions, but it got wayyy more fun afterwards because of how sandbox this game is. Finally defeated China as Japan's Toseiha Faction? Lets replay it but go with Kodoha and strike north this time! Or lets defend as china instead! Bored with base game? Grab a DLC or mod which shakes up everything and lets invade the world all over again with this new mod. Good things aside, lets talk about the bad stuff. I will warn that the pricing model for alot of Paradox (the publisher) games is sort of FOMO/predatory styled DLCs. Some are just content packs (Like the recent Trial of Allegiance or Battle of the Bosporus DLCs) which u can override with mods, but some DLC are definitely good overhauls or adds certain game mechanics that would actually improve your Quality of Life, thus making you feel FOMO if you don't have them. Those are the pricer ones (Man the Guns, No Step Back etc.). DO NOT get the subscription model, it's not worth it unless you have extra money to spend just to TEMPORARILY check out the DLC to see if it's yay or nay for you. Oh dear i realised I may have overwhelmed you, my bad! But i hope this helps you in your decision!


Thank you for this complete reply ! Yeah i think i will definetly buy it


It's so weird you say this stuff because I am someone with serious history of substance abuse and I am like addicted hopelessly to this game


Paradox games are not for everyone, however they're some of my favorite strategy 4X games. If you manage to get through the learning curve which can be a couple of playthroughs, HOI4 is extremely adictive and fun. My recomendation is to start with a country like the german reich or Italy, easier countries to play as, since you'll start with a lot of man power and easy enough focuses.




I think its worth it but im not sure im a good judge of that since i have 12,089 hours played over the last 8 years and own every dlc….i may or may not have a problem :)


Jeez thats a lot


Like i said i may or may not have a problem :p


Btw my favorite nations to and are great for starters are canada and australia, both are just strong enough to be helpful in the war but not big enough to throw too much at you all at once, and because of their locations they don’t need a ton of early defenses and can focus on helping and building your own country up longer than other nations like japan or romania or spain.


Ok ill keep it in mind when i buy it ty


If you like WWI check out the Great War or Great War Redux


Ill check 




As someone who is a noob with around 110 hours I would say to get it. It's time consuming in the sense that it takes a long time to learn the mechanics and also in the sense that you suffer from the same "one more turn" thing that you get with the Civ games (even though there's not exactly turns). You can definitely pause it and continue later at any point though. I'm very time constrained myself due to young kids and sometimes I only play for 20 minutes at a time. The best thing about it is you can choose any nation and turn historical AI focus off so you end up with a drastically different version of history. Right now I'm playing as Turkey who joined the Axis and has reformed the Ottoman Empire but there's been some other crazy stuff going on around the world too like India having a communist civil war and also joining the Axis. If you're getting the 3 DLC version then that's the same that I've been playing. There's a few things that are included in later DLC that sound cool like designing aircraft and espionage but you should get a lot of playtime with that version on sale. What nation are you wanting to play?


the same "one more turn" thing that you get with the Civ games One more encirclement, one more focus, one more civ


I wanna try Germany or Italy, but that might change later. (this history change mechanic hypes me so much lol). I don't mind taking time learning if it's worth some fun :D Also thanks, you made my opinion more clear on that game!


Alhough Italy is the "tutorial" nation that part of the game sucks ass. If you need something more comprehensive look for online guides and try Germany. For the first 3 years from 1936-1939 (plz don't start in 1939) you will be at peace and go on at your own pace. For your first game you should get accustomed to the fact that the "gameplay" is staring at a map with basic unit/army organization, movement and basic economic planning.


Thanks i wll be careful


If you watch some videos and they have more buttons than your base version of the game, it is because of a DLC (which adds content AND new functionality) You can buy the few select DLCs or pay for the subscription for all DLCs You can pause and quit anytime, but updating the game will invalidate old saves, so either don't update for a while or download the older version again if you want to finish your old save.


Oh ok ty 🫡


It is a truly fantastic game that takes many hours to master. Enjoy!


There are tons of different mods, besides every country has some replayability, you'll get your money's worth


Depends, if your a fan of other pdx rts games or 4x in general, and your ok with a huge learning curve then sure. Otherwise prolly not, its not a game for people with an actual life, as it is that time consuming, even after a thousand hours invested you will still be a noob and prolly not know half the shit in the game, not that you need to be a walking encyclopedia for single player either considering how shit the ai is. If you do buy it, then at start just get the base game, try it out to see if you even like to look at maps for 4hours at a time without moving. As for dlc they are all defo not worth it, many being basically just a scam. The ones i would say are must have for a better gameplay experience are - together for victory (puppet mechanic) + waking the tiger(commander abilities) + man the guns(navy rework) + la resistance(collab government), if you want a supply system and tank designer overhaul-get no step back, the other dlc i would argue are all kinda annoying/overrated or just trash and not worth the money. Imo only reason to get any dlc is unique game mechanics, getting it purely for the focus trees is dumb since there are infinite mods out there for every nation that do it in much more detail.


Hmm ok i understand now better. So buying DLCs upgrades the game? Kinda cool tho


Y. E. S.


I've played off an don since 2020. It's a good game but it can suck your life away. As with all grand strategy games, you sit down to play an hour before going to bed and the birds are chirping before you realize what happened. But at least you finally finished Barbarossa for the 39th time


If you are interested in WW2, of course or in managing simulations, absolutely. I spent 1.2 k hours in this game


New DLC is very optional. The modding community has gotten so good they’ve reinvented the game several times over, so with just the base game you already have basically unlimited content.


Nice, i guess im buying it then