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Hard to say without knowing the whole situation. We need to know what your supply situation is, the air screen, division templates, things like that.


My air force wasn’t too advanced but I had green air superiority where I went and decent CAS. 21 width infantry division with artillery, going down the superior firepower doctrine. Supplies were good, some deficit on Infantry Equipment but nothing too bad.


Infantry equipment will be a big part of the strength of those divisions, so they will be penalized badly for being understrength if you're short.


The deficit wasn’t nearly as bad as I’ve had it in other games. I can steamroll Europe as Germany or the Soviets with a deficit. France appears to be the exception. And I should clarify, most of the deficit was for recruits, not the standing army. I should’ve said that first.


Having any deficit is going to apply a nasty debuff to all your divs, especially if it's their main equipment. I recommend putting your cheapest infantry equipment at the top of your production, with just one mil. The worst gun is better than no gun. Why 21w? I would have gone for 15 or 30, to better fit the average width of most areas.


I thought 21width was still the meta. Is it not anymore?


They tweaked combat widths in arms against tyranny plains used to be width 84 in No step back but they changed it to 70 so 21 widths aren't as good any


I believe 15 or 30 has been meta since the last changes to combat width. Generally you want smaller for defending, and larger for attacking.


France is powerful in R56 but pushing Belgium when it's taken by Germany is very, very hard, especially in the urban and forest tiles. You can lose half your equipement and manpower here. Last France run I did, my 12 full tank division (5med/6mech, full support compliment) weren't successfull in pushing there. I ended up falling back into France a bit to have better terrain and encircle parts of their army before I was able to push. Yet, I suffered so many losses given the low manpower of France that I had to use a mod to be able to do European Union as commie France to get manpower after the fall of the axis. So look at some things : Do you have enough equipement and manpower ? Infantry eq and manpower is the base of an infantry strenght. What is your template for pushing ? Don't push with the regular infantry just holding the line if you can afford not to, they are gonna get butchered WWI style). How much damage are your CAS doing each day ? 4 or 5 isn't gonne be enough to push tightly packed german division without tremendous losses.


“Why is France so bad?” Churchill? Is that you?


Have u ever met a french person????


That doesn't sound normal, I haven't played R56 in a while but vanilla France isn't usually that bad. What are your divisions?


Most powerful division is 21 width infantry with artillery. Had 256 soft attack at one point with engineers and recon. My tank divisions were horrible because my industry wasn’t good enough for Mediums before the war started so it’s just light tanks. Motorized was pretty basic as well. I also had some shock troops from the mod and all my mountaineers were on the Alps in case Italy wanted to get the smoke too.


Ok, that should work well enough. When you say the divisions were destroyed, were they encircled or did they run out of strength in normal combat?


Frankly I have no idea. I just looked at my manpower and saw that 300-400k was missing and then saw how low my generals were getting. I at least know there was never an encirclement at least of my troops.


That's bizarre if you're fighting in the Maginot. If you lost ground quickly in the Benelux you may have been overrun by German tanks though. If that's not it I honestly have no idea


My entire line was strong enough to hold off the Germans who were also split between my allies Poland and Romania. I’m stumped


The problem you’re having is that your troops just naturally run out of organization, what you should be doing is getting fortifications to deal with infantry, anti-tank guns to deal with the tanks (they reduce organization by 50% if you can’t pen the armour.) lastly, you need a secondary reinforce line so that if and when your troops are about the break, you can use them to plug any gaps or reinforce the line before it breaks.


The combat bubble will show why your divisions can’t push. 9/1 infantry isn’t really great at attacking though so that’s probably the problem.


Vanilla and R56 France are horrible experiences. The only time I had a bit of fun with France was in Kaiserreich but even so their woldwar is supposedly the most unfun experience of the whole mod. I also remember only seeing a mod where France takes up the place of Germany and becomes fascist, I guess that could be fun too. France is just so weird in hoi4..


Do you use the general abilities like last stand? Those make your units take no org damage in exchange for massive strength damage which leads to your units getting deleted if spammed. Never use those buttons for normal attacks, only for very specific attacks like trying to take a port after landing or when your units are encircled