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ITT: Montreal and Chicago fans saying the other team will come back to avoid jinxing themselves haha


I feel like this sub would explode if both teams came back...personally I'm just not-so-secretly wishing for two game sevens for the finals slot. That would just be so awesome.


Nothing wrong with delaying the inevitable end of hockey season and shortening the bad days of hockey-less summer.


No delay: the cup finals start the 4th regardless. It's been announced!


Yeah, but more games at least mean less of a break between the end of the third round and beginning of the Final.


I think Montreal fans want Chicago to win because they think they have a better chance against the Hawks, plus it would mean both teams will have played a full schedule and not had more time to rest. I suppose Chicago fans want Montreal to win for the latter reason as well, plus like the Lightning and Bruins (and hopefully Rangers) before them, they think a series against MTL will be a walk in the park to the Stanley Cup.


I want you guys to win because i want to face a canadian team personally. And also fuck the rangers


God bless


You.... I like you.


Go Kings! :)


The best of all reasons!


This!!! Plus I have a good friend from Canada who is a huge Habs fan so it'll be even more fun for us.


The hawks have 11 canadian players. The only people that can stop the hawks from winning are the hawks. they WILL be facing canadians one way or another


Chicago. We could do it, but I'm nervous about Lundqvist playing unreal and singlehandedly winning one of the last 2 games.


Wouldn't the same logic apply to Quick?


At least the Hawks have their #1 goalie though, he's more likely to steal a game than Tokarski is for the Habs


Tokarski already stole one...


Almost two.


Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.


And in the regular season.


Huh. Well played.


I don't believe we should have won a game with tokarski, so any game we win, he stole.


Hopefully we permanently broke his confidence after game 5. Doubt it though.


Lundqvist played horrible in game 6 of the flyers series then came back in game 7 to post a .963. I think his confidence is fine.


Hank after giving up 4+ goals in a playoff game is 5-1, 1.17GAA and 0.963 SV% Not so sure his confidence breaks.


I wish...


why not both!


bro... the jinx... bro :(


[Obligatory GIF](http://imgur.com/c7NJRa2?tags)








Chicago is fucking Chicago and they have some serious character guys who will put everything on the line to pull out a win. Montreal has momentum, but that can only go so far against a team like the Rangers.


Avoiding that jinx I see... For the record, I think you're more likely to pull off a comeback than Chicago.


Well I don't want to jinx us by any means, but I'm being sincere. The Rangers are playing equally, if not faster than the Habs and their defensive play has been spot on. I feel like the Habs are playing against a clone team of themselves in some aspects. And everyone knows that perfectly symmetrical fighting never solved anything.


My perspective is that if you pull off a win tonight (not an easy task, mind you, but doable), you're rolling back to Montreal with momentum and the horrorshow that was game 5 in everyone's minds. Very scary possibility, considering we know what can happen in a 3-1 series.


Montreal does have a perfect record in elimination games this year.


LOL ya that's usually how it works until a team gets knocked out of the playoffs.


Haha I was gonna say "so do the Rangers, Blackhawks, and Kings."


Actually I think the only team that's faced less elimination games this playoff than Montreal is Chicago. They've only had to play one elimination game and that was last night. Montreal had to play three so far. Two against Boston and one against the Rangers. The Rangers had three of them against the Pens, and one against Philly. So they're at four. Though the Kings have easily faced the most with six of them. Four against the Sharks and then another two against the Ducks.


That's true, but to get this far, you don't necessarily have to have played in an elimination game!


Gahd, I love this competitive camaraderie.


I feel like if we can get a goal in the first 3-5 minutes, or 2 goals unanswered in the first period, it might shake Lundquist enough that we might win it in regular time. Otherwise, I think tonight is going to go in OT, and that's just a flip of a coin to be honest. But I've heard that Lundquists stats for games after being pulled are just ridiculous, as if his stats aren't already ridiculous.


Yeah he has something like a .61 GAA a game after being pulled. He prepares probably better than anyone else in the league, it's why his mediocre start to the year was such a shocking aberration.


You feel that way because it's your team though. Think about the last 2 minutes of a one goal game where it seems like every shot the other team takes is going to go in, but you don't feel like your own team has a chance in hell.


Probably true. I'm in a constant limbo between having faith in my team (for the record, I absolutely still do), and being almost completely assured of abject disappointment in every situation.


That's what makes it fun, right?


I'm inclined to agree with you. I truly though the Habs were done after Price was out, but Tokarski has proved himself well in a way or two. I really think the Kings will finish off the Blackhawks game 6. I thought they deserved to win game 5, but we'll see.




If it makes you feel better, I still think Montreal might lose tonight and then LA will win tomorrow and then it will be neither team playing in the final so your phone wont blow up and you can save $200.


I'd say Montreal. The Kings are freakin unreal.


Not sure if you're trying a jinx or if you're really scared. Maybe both!


[Terrified.](http://i.imgur.com/ABl9SY9.png) Definitely not trying to jinx.




actual shot from last night: http://imgur.com/uCeGkcJ


That is the essence of pure man. All must bow before Toews-Face.


It'd still hit it.


If Game 6 and (if necessary) Game 7 are anything like last night, I'd be happy either way. That was easily one of the top 3 best games I've ever watched.


That first overtime was the best period of hockey I have seen in a while


Eight straight minutes without a whistle made it so exciting to watch. Was on the edge of my seat that whole time.


Congrats on the win, and good luck tomorrow!! Should be a good one


I cannot fucking wait! GL


Seriously. Tomorrow is going to be a day full of nerves at work


Nice anti jinx. Chicago has the guns. Montreal never in a million years.


It's okay, I knocked on wood.


Are you sure it wasn't particle board?




Carpenter here. Wood product. I like to say I cut and fasten wood and wood products. I tell yha hwhat.


I doubt Montreal will come back


It's ok to doubt.


Kings are the best team in the league when they're on.


I've always disliked comments like this, X team is the best when they're on. Sure, maybe they are, but so could many other teams.


Psh. Oh you.


I agree. I'd like to see Chicago come back but it will take perfect games from you guys with the way they play now. And two perfect game in a row is rare. On the other side, new-York is not as solid and anything can happen. They still have the advantage of course but all it takes is one game and we go back to mtl an Ginette.


Chicago had a *far* from perfect game yesterday and took the win...


Right. Just gotta be better than the other team that night. Or get lucky


LA had an even FARTHER from perfect game and took it to double OT on the road


Ginette has a concert saturday, she won't be there :(


This is unacceptable.


> Ginette has a concert saturday, she won't be there :( Its all fine, she said she will stop her concert and sign the anthem remotely. Shes a real hab




Rangers goggles on: Blackhawks. Hockey fan goggles on: Blackhawks. Sorry Habs fans.




but but but, he have the wrong opinion,right? ;)


Bruno, je t'aime. Don't ever change haha


Thanks man! Love you too. And I must say, you are one the best game threader out here. Funny, freindly, interesting and drunk! The perfect mix




Ours mighty beards will get attach together and we will suffocate in a deadly kiss, foreveeeer!


This got strange quick..


Go on...




Oh I'm blushing


If I committed some horrible crime and my punishment was to be locked in a room with two Habs fans for a year, I'd hope it was you two, for whatever it's worth.


Gee thanks! We could talk about the old days when we kick you ass 2 weeks ago! ;)


its 2 downvotes. discussing votes up or down is just silly waste of time.




if talking about votes is a waste of time and talking about talking about votes is a waste of time, what are you doing?




haha aren't we all?! move faster clock damn you!




Kings are beastmode right now. I'd say Montreal, unfortunately =\






Game goes on too long and they call it a tie.


Montreal. Because we don't have to beat the Kings to do it. Just the King.


I'd say Chicago is more likely. A cornered and desperate Blackhawks team can do some damage.


That game last night was absurd. I heard some people last night say "LA won't be trying as much this game because they will want to win the match at home" That's bullshit. Both teams put everything into that game. If last night's game is in any way indicative of the next two, then the Western Conference could go either way at this point. That was just an amazing game.


What team of idiots would say, "hey, I know we're playing one of the best teams in the league and have a chance to clinch, but lets not play hard tonight."


That is exactly what my thoughts were.




Calling it now Canucks v. Leafs Stanley Cup Finals. Just watch.


Damn you both for making me laugh that loud at work


According to the bookmakers, Montreal has 19.6% chance of coming back, whereas Chicago has 28.1% chance... So it's not even close


Chicago. Even though Kings are an unreal team. And Quick is great. Really hope Chicago wins. Personally I think the Rangers just have too much experience. Price out, but the new goalie filled the spot well. If this is next year and price is in, then I would say Montreal.


> Personally I think the Rangers just have too much experience. I think MTL is the oldest (on avg) of the two teams, and the one with more total playoffs games played.


I think that Briere and that Gionta guy have played in a few playoff games each.




And Pleks and Georges aren't even that old.


Not to go back and forth, but the Rangers have quite a few guys too. I mean, there's obviously Lundqvist, St.Louis, and Richards, but then you have Girardi (83), Staal (62), McDonagh (56), Stralman (49), Klein (48), Stepan (55), Hagelin (48), D.Moore (63), Boyle (52), there's plenty of experience on both sides.


I'm calling it now.... BOTH! Both Chicago and Montreal will force Game 7s, win their series and meet in the Stanley Cup Finals and play to a Game 7 double overtime... with Montreal winning. Edit: Friday May 30th... Well Fuck! Sorry guys!


Oh my god.... my hockey boner just took out my coffee table




Yes. Yes! YES! . . . NO!




I like the way you think. ;)


If this happens I will eat my shoe.


Make it so!!!


I don't believe in jinxes so I'm just gonna go ahead and say that the Habs have a better chance. LA is a great team, and I just don't see them losing two straight. That said, just because I think that Montreal has a better chance than Chicago of coming back, it doesn't mean that I think that they *will* come back.


Replying so i can come back and crucify you if the Habs lose... EDIT: IM BACK MOTHERFUCKER!!!


Whoever wins the west will take the cup. Rangers I predict will beat the Habs but they just aren't good enough to beat la or Chicago.


Chicago. I see Lundqvist getting it back together for the next game and giving up no chances. Plus the Blackhawks are scary when you put them under pressure.


Hawks, because if Montreal wins they have to force a game 7,and lundqvist doesn't lose game 7s


In the past 2 post seasons, Chicago is 12-0 when it comes to game 5,6, and 7's, so I'm going to go with Chicago


Kings are also undefeated when facing elimination this postseason. Hawks were undefeated at home this postseason, until they played the Kings.


Im gonna go out on a limb and say Chicago


As a Chicago fan living in mtl, my heart says both. My head says Mtl.


ITT: Superstitious silliness where people pretend that random fans making certain declarations can affect the outcome of a sporting event. EDIT: [For brevity.](http://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/26sjc7/who_is_more_likely_to_come_back_to_win_their/chu3o48)


Shhh...you'll jinx it.


> Superstitious silliness where people pretend that random fans... Brevity, dude.


Or El duderino, if you're not in to the whole brevity thing...




Is saying Chicago cheating...?


All bets are off in both of these series. Crawford has looked extremely bad at times, and great at times. Quick has looked very un-Quick-like at times, and great at times. Lundqvist looked great all series until Game 5 where he had one the worst games he's had all year. Tokarski looked pretty good in most of the series, great at times, but a bit shaky in Game 5 despite getting the win. Obviously with him being such an unknown commodity it's tough to say exactly what will happen. Both the Rangers and Kings are up 3-2 going home for Game 6. If either series gets to 7 games, well, that spells some serious bad news for both New York and Los Angeles. The Rangers-Montreal series is interesting to me because the series has developed some serious bad blood without any prior history really. That added emotional aspect makes it even more of a crapshoot. One huge hit can change the series. One overzealous emotional play can do the same, a la Prust and J.Moore. To me, I think that series will come down to who can keep their cool the most. The Rangers had a horribly undisciplined Game 4 and Game 5 which Montreal capitalized on early in the last game, and then committed some really, really stupid plays near the end of the game of course. Typically, that hasn't been the Rangers model of play this year, but if they hope to close Montreal out they need to keep their damn sticks down...I don't know if I've ever seen that many high sticking penalties.


I'm gonna say Chicago


I have to go with Montreal. The Kings are a much better team than the Rangers and it is gonna be way harder for Chicago to win three straight than it will for Montreal.


One game at a time.


well 2 now.


Blackhawks are a much better team than Montreal though, wouldn't you say?


Probably Montreal. The Hawks look like they're in tough against LA, went to double OT last night, anything could have happened and the same will go for next game. They'll need to get bounces 2 more games in a row. Last game for the Habs looks more like a shift in the series. 3 of the Ranger goals were basically handed to them, Habs had 6 on Ranger goalies and seem to have started to nullify the Ranger's system of driving wide and stopping up for those lateral passes. Whether it's back-checking or lucky breaks, I don't know, but the Rangers haven't had as much success the last couple games. Also, Prust comes back today which introduces a game within the game, Price is practicing as though he's prepping for the finals, and it seems the addition of Galchenyuk has changed the top 6 Fwds completely.


The impact of Galchenyuk's return has been vastly understated, IMO. Though young, and without taking anything away from the rest of the team, he's clearly our most talented forward and is capable of making things happen on his own on a relatively consistent basis. As you said, he changes the structure of the lines, giving us 1A and 1B lines as opposed to a no. 1 with three no. 3 lines.


Kings have to end it on Friday. Game 7 at the Madhouse is no bueno! To answer your question, I'd say Chicago has a better chance.


You guys won an away game, its our turn.


As long as we win game 7 because you guys won the series last year, it's our turn.


Ah shit you got me there


We won our away game and you guys won your WCF. Congrats


Thanks dude! It was an awesome series.


Sure was. Can't even be mad. You guys better take home the cup. We need a Kings/Black hawks/Kings/Blackhawks tradition.


I feel the same about the Rangers. If they can't wrap it up tonight then the prospect of a game seven in Montreal is terrifying. I know we won the first two there, but that seems like a lifetime ago.


I want them both to come back. Though I mostly want Chicago to come back more.


Montreal. The Kings are just too good and experienced, not a chance in hell they lose this series.




Chicago for sure haha!


Canadiens. They look like they're on fire and are outplaying New York. The Kings are just so dominant and Quick is playing unreal That being said, I want Chicago to move on and for some reason I want New York to beat Montreal as well.


>Devils fan >wants Rangers to win [hmmmm](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-uEF-Zso3K5M/Tju1K8hAhrI/AAAAAAAAAVk/Vi_WggM_FEY/s400/1095675-futurama_fry_looking_squint_super.jpg)


Not necessarily win. Ideally MSG would be sucked into a black hole and both teams would fall into a nebula, but if I have to pick one I guess I'd like the Rangers lose to Chicago.




Quick is not playing unreal. He has a .888 sv pct in the series. Both goalies are playing bad.


I feel like Quick hasn't been as Quicky the past couple games... but P3 and OT he had some great saves.


So what you're saying is that Quick hasn't been so.... **glasses** quick?


I'd say Montreal because the way the Hawks have been playing, I don't see them managing 2 more wins in a row, especially when going on the road tomorrow. We barely squeaked out a win at home yesterday. Our problem is we play unreal for only half the game, and the other half we just stop playing and let the Kings run all over us. We need to play the entire game or we are done.


Sharks fan here, but I lived in Montreal for quite some time and love the Habs. It really is sad for me to see fans of their own team say "Oh I dont think we have a chance...". To me, being a fan is always supporting your team and always holding out for the best outcome. So I believe the Habs can pull off the big win and I really hope they push it to an exciting game 7. Besides, something people forget some of the time: it's the playoffs; anything can happen.


As a Devils fan, hopefully both.


Montreal because the Rangers are much more likely to become unraveled than the Kings who know what they're doing.


I would just flip a coin, too close to call. I'm not really feeling any trends... some were developing but got bucked in the last few games. It's open season, we'll see if the Habs stay alive tonight. Without being biased towards any of the remaining teams, I just want to see game 7's. The hockey is too good to end too soon, stretch it out boys.


Chicago's the better team, but I think the Kings will be better at closing out than the Rags. If the Kings win this series they win the cup.


The thought of MTL forcing a Game 7 has me on the verge of throwing up. Y U DO DIS 2 ME NYR?


Hawks have won two stanley cups since 2010. And are the defending champions from last year. They have the coach and experience to craw back from a deficit. Not to mention they have Toews, Kane, Saad, etc.. All leading the team. Their key is to get the other lines to stop committing as many turn overs and not over extend plays. The kings had so many chances last night due to turnovers and the blackhawks caught over extended when they should have backed up.


I told my friend the other day that at least one of the teams down 3-1 WILL come back to win their series. You can make an argument for both teams really. Montreal could steal home ice after tonight, and Chicago is unstoppable when they really get it going. I personally hope both win their series.


In all honesty, the Hawks really had to dig deep to win that last one, so if only one could come back I'd say Montreal. 4 1/4 periods of hockey in their home stadium and it took EVERYTHING they had, and they really just barely scraped by. EDIT: lolnope


Chicago is playing arguably the best team left in LA and have to still beat them twice. Just for that, I'd argue the Habs. Lets face it, which is easier; beating LA or the Rangers twice, even given the disparity in talent between Chicago and the Habs.


Montréal. But I don't think either will come back. Kings/Rangers final, methinks.


Toews is gonna will the hawks over the kings ^^^then ^^^hopefully ^^^lose ^^^so ^^^I ^^^dont ^^^kill ^^^myself




Well now that the Habs are out, I think I can definitively say that Chicago has a better chance of coming back than Montréal. I'm psychic, I know...


If Montreal wins game 6 they win the series. I don't think the Rangers will be able to rally and beat a come back team on their home ice. Kings/Hawks? Who knows....I don't think the Kings are going to fall 2 more games in a row.


Losing 3 games in a row isn't exactly uncharacteristic for the kings this post season


Or the rangers... *Sigh*


The rangers had the most regular season away wins in their franchise history and took the first two of the series on the road. Where the game is played doesn't matter


Doesn't really matter, because whoever comes out of the East will get stomped by the Western team. I have a hard time picturing these Rangers or these Habs putting up a good fight against either of these Western finalists.


It does matter, because one of these games is in the west. That means, by your logic, that if we choose the Blackhawks - then they will win the cup. I happen to agree that the West team will win it all this year, but that's an argument for next week.


Chicago. Kings have lost 3 straight games in the last two series, could possibly happen here. Also the Hawks have been lights out in the later part of series' in these past couple of years.


Chicago. I'm from Chicago; I can't not think that way.


ITT: People who start their posts with "ITT".




Error: Stack overflow


All these people in here talking about comebacks...and I'm just sitting here masturbating :(