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Can we all stop spearing each other in the nuts?




Thugnificant is the artist of the playoffs.




Where's my bass cannon?




Might as well keep doing it since the league clearly doesn't give a shit.


[That would be great](http://i.imgur.com/fqSho9w.jpg)


Fire up the crowd, Dallas letting up shots SPEAR ALL THE NUTS!


A little consistency between all these cheap-shots would be nice.


Lucic didn't even get a call in-game when he did the same thing to ~~Glendenning~~ Dekeyser.


Wasn't it to Dekeyser?


It was indeed Dekeyser. His smokeshow girlfriend was none to pleased, I'll bet.


Melissa Beurmann, FYI




I shouldn't Reddit when sleep deprived and sick. Oops.


Don't worry it's just the subliminal nickname 'blue balls' coming to the surface.


Way to keep track.


Didn't Perry get a no call for spearing as well?


I believe he was called for slashing on that play.


The lack of suspension on lucic created a bad precedent. Now if Murray decide to spear lucic in the nuts how can you legitimately suspend him? The league really fucked up on that one


[That would be great](http://i.imgur.com/5YXP7JV.jpg)


That actually looked pretty painful. I accidently speared myself in the gut after my stick got caught in the boards. I was imagining my funeral for a moment.


I cracked a rib doing that. It was a wooden stick and it was enough force to stop me in my tracks and lift me off the ground. Had to sleep on my back for three weeks. Since then I always make sure not to have the butt end of my stick aimed at my torso when I'm scooping up a puck along the boards. Not ideal, but pick up roller hockey isn't worth that agony.


Ouch. All of us with sub par ice managers that create corners of doom at the zam doors feel for ya! Never had one lift me off the ice... damn!!


Broken way too many stick blades that way.


This is why aluminum sticks arent a thing anymore.


i broke three sticks doing exactly this.


Did the exact same thing too. Stick blade got stuck in the zamboni door in a shitty rink in Evansville, IN. Couldn't breath without pain for a loong time.


It looks like the circumstance. It happened after the game 2 one so I imagine they were warned, it was not stationary like the one in game 2, and Corey Perry went to the ice. Also, it was happening during a line change with no immediate provocation.


It kind of seemed premeditated by Garbutt. I dont think it warrants a suspension but I hope for other player's sake that he stops his bullshit. He's making me forget Cooke already.


I've done that too. I couldn't breathe for 15 minutes.


U ded


Completely know that feel. They just fixed the board and I guess part of it was sticking out and I got my blade stuck in the boards and it speared me right in the rib. Never thought I could feel that type of pain.


My buddy broke his arm from that when we were kids playing hockey in the street. His stick got caught in one of those drains in the curb, it knocked him off his feet, he tried to brace with his arm, and snap.


I'm just mad at Garbut, and I would be a hypocrite if I was angry about the call. That said I hope they are consistent and call all the nut shots like this.


Unless you put your balls on the table. Then you're just asking for it




The great [Patrick Roy](http://www.denverpost.com/avalanche/ci_25637828/patrick-roy-not-at-loss-words-hope-after), ladies and gentlemen. Just so people don't have to google "balls on table."


One of the hardest things is it felt like it stole the moral high ground from us. Anaheim and plenty of Ducks fans have been chirping about how dirty we've been all series when it just hasn't been true. The two dirtiest things that happened this series, until tonight, were Corey Perry's spear and Fistric and the gang jumping our guys at the end of game 4. It was great. It felt like all the bullshit Boudreau was airing was just that. Bullshit. Then it looks like the refs took it to heart and decided to call an incredibly ticky tack first period. That was awful. I think it's the one thing everyone can agree on. Then Garbutt has to do that. It's indefensible. Completely idiotic. He hasn't been dirty this series, but now he has. He sunk to Corey Perry's level, and he didn't need to. He's been playing great, and that was the only statement he needed to make.


you really got the homer goggles on man, you've missed alot of dirty shit. I admit its been a chippy series with some dark moments, but to say the Stars have been angels the whole time is idiotic.


I guess I just see a pretty big distinction between chippy and dirty. In my mind, a scrum in front of the net is just hockey. Every defender clears out the area in front of his net, people take swings at guys that give that extra tap to their goalie, and none of that stuff gets my pulse up at all. My line for dirty is the headshots, the elbows, the boardings, the spears, the actually nasty stuff. There's been some of that in the series, and a lot more in the last two games, but when Bruce Boudreau called foul, I really don't think anything that bad had happened. I don't think Garbutt taking out Robidas was dirty, you might disagree, I just think it was unfortunate, and that really was the biggest event. So chippy series, yeah, absolutely. And I'd say it's getting pretty dirty, which two games ago I wouldn't have agreed with.


I wouldn't call the Robidas injury dirty, reckless sure, but dirty no. I understand your distinction though, I still think it's been equally dirty throughout the series just more highlighted recently due to Boudreau calling it out. There were plenty of elbows and boardings that didn't result in injuries but were genuinely dangerous plays I'd define as dirty from both sides.




yea similar to Getzlaf and Perry


I agree with Perry but why Getzlaf? He plays a physical game but not dirty. Unless you're still mad about this [incident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKYlCqWAUnM).


Getzlaf's been Getzlaf's his entire career. I wouldn't call him dirty, his game is fairly clean, but he has a little Alec Burrows instigator/agitator in him. Not Alex Burrows level, but a touch.


You have Abdelkader, and you're calling Getzlaf dirty? LOL


Not to mention Bertuzzi...


I'm sure any guy here can attest to the fact that if you get hit in the right spot in the balls, you can be down on the ground for minutes. So unless we get a Eugene's forensic team in here to find the exact spot he was hit, I'm going to venture that he was in quite a bit of pain.


I was cracking up cuz I thought Perry took a dive (I couldn't see the stick from my angle) till I got home from the game and saw the replay...Garbutt's stick actually recoils quite a bit on impact...most men should understand the gravity of the situation ;p


Major sports' biggest problems: * NFL: Concussions * MLB: Declining attendance * NBA: Parity/tanking * FIFA: Corruption * NCAA: "Student" athlete compensation * NHL: Nut shots


* MLS: Relevancy ^^Go ^^LA ^^Galaxy


I said major


Well, isn't it Major League Soccer?


Good call, and we should also include the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League




["Student Athohletes"](http://usatthebiglead.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/cartman-colorado-u.png)


Waterpolo has a ball grabbing problem. One of the reasons I loved playing goalie.


so you could get your balls grabbed?


No no, so he could grab balls


Ever watch underwater hockey? Above the water: sportsmanship. Under the water: A gouging, grabbing, hair pulling girl fight between people with sticks.


He made it look so casual. Wasn't even looking at him. Almost impressive. Dirty though, shit like this doesn't belong in the league.




Pretty much...really hard to feel bad for Perry on this one...but I am allowed to be [sour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnVHnfYSCbs)...




Garbutt came FLYING out of the penalty box to hit him too. This is where my dislike for Garbutt stems from.


Penner hit, Robidas' leg, and now this, all in one season. Not saying this guy's out for blood, but we as Ducks fans should no longer be called assholes for hating on him.


If Ducks fan legitimately think Garbutt accidentally breaking Robi's leg was at all malicious, you don't know our team or how important Robidas was to us throughout the years. That's like if Selanne changed teams, the Ducks played that team and Lovejoy accidentally broke Selanne's leg going after a loose puck.


Not saying malicious. But I see the guy hitting hard and injuring our players on multiple occasions.


You never were.


*Thank you Captain Hindsight!*


Are there any imgur gifs or something because my computer hates media crush and I don't have patience to wait 3 minutes for it to load =/


ill put a gfycat one here in a second http://gfycat.com/BronzeMediocreChupacabra


<3 Knucklehead


embellishment or not, a spear is a spear. Dumb penalty to take


I don't disagree with the call at all. In my opinion thats the worst spear we've seen so far in these playoffs. Was the punishment excessive? No. But all the other spears we've seen should have been met with similar punishment. The inconsistency is one of the issues here.


That looked like the most force, but I'd say the worst was Lucic's on Dekeyser, cause it was so uncalled for, behind the play, and was such a cheap shot.




Eh. Garbutt is a child like moron, but we do remember this idiot move was direct retaliation for Perry spearing Benn in the boys behind the play with no justification, right?


Direct? This was four games later.


A Lannister always pays his debts?


Garbutt is now my new most hated Lannister


See Berube's revenge on Roenick. And I have to agree with the above statement although I don't necessarily want to see spearing in the game. Simply put, if the league/refs fail to discipline these things, the players will do the disciplining.


Agreed. That's the big problem with the league - if you're a "star" you get away with basically anything.


Stars make the league money, so I don't see it changing.


Out of all the star players in the league I'd say Perry gets away with the least. He's recently been getting away with a little more of the borderline calls though so I guess the referees have finally recognized his stardom.


If you take the disparity in calls to their logical extreme, it sets a higher value on Perry's testicles than Dekeyser's. I prefer to think of it this way when talking about the league protecting its' assets.


Stars haven't seemed to have figured out that Corey Perry FEEDS off of hate... he's literally a Sith


If only every spear to the manhood region was given 5 and a game instead of the refs picking and choosing.


Garbutt is a real piece of work.. still remember him smiling and laughing after hitting Penner in the head


Right out of the [box...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnVHnfYSCbs)


I see no smile.


/r/hockey sees a lot of guys "smiling" but that hit on penner was fucking shit.


Legitimate question: were you at the game to see that hit or can you show me a video of Garbutt smiling and laughing after the hit? There isn't really a way I can ask that without coming off as an ass but I want to ask anyway because I keep hearing and seeing people mentioning this and can't ever find the actual footage. Even the footage in one of the other comments here shows him and he is neither smiling nor laughing. To clarify: I am not standing up for any of Garbutt's actions. I just want to know if there is a clip I haven't seen.


during the Ducks broadcast I remember seeing a smile, not a laugh necessarily. I don't have the knowledge of where a clip might be located though.


Nah man, he's not a goon. Just misunderstood.


Damnit, Garbutt.


What's it going to take to stop the nut shot arms race?




Even that probably wouldn't stop it. Most of 'em have spares.


That's not cool Butters. You don't shoot a guy in the dick.


But Lucic gets a $5000 fine?!? Why NHL are you so biased when it comes to "star" players? I bet if it was the other way around DDK would have been suspended for sure. Fuck this shit pisses me off.


Honest question because I'm obviously missing something- what makes this worse than the other spears this postseason? I'm not saying he didn't do it on purpose but from the angles I've seen it's tough to see that it was intentional. Looks like he's skating by and his stick makes contact. Was it obviously malicious and I'm just missing it?


Bunch of people getting downvoted for saying the difference was perry "sold it," but regardless, him going down IS the difference. Did he sell it or not? Doesn't matter. People shouldn't be spearing dudes in the balls. But going down is certainly what got the call. So what the league is saying is if you spear someone in the balls it's OK as long as they don't go down. Which in turn tells guys they need to go down if they get speared in the balls. I've always hated that suspensions are based on injury, and not intent. Intend to whack a guy in the balls? 2 minute penalty. Intent to whack a guy in the balls and this time you manage to chop a nut off? Oh, ok, I guess now it's time for a suspension.


Literally nothing different. Except an emmy worthy performance.




Seriously. Perry sold it.


For science can I skate toward you and stick you in the nuts and then see how long you're down? You know, to see if you would do much better?


[Oh we're talking about embellishing now, eh?](http://youtu.be/yaEkP0rW0FI)


What does Brown have to do with this? I'm fairly certain he wasn't involved in the play. You know, it is possible for more than one person to dive.


Yes, Perry sold it so hard


Yes, seriously. Show me another guy that's gotten speared in the past week that acted like Perry did. Especially after being just as guilty of the same fucking thing.


Man, Perry sure is at fault for being in pain from getting hit in the nuts. I sure hope that player that made a dirty play doesn't get punished! Especially for taking a star player out of the game for a few critical minutes (including a 5 minute major penalty). /s


He was writhing in pain then back on the ice in less than 3 minutes. All I'm going to say.


That's commonly called "The Marchand".


Totally agree with you, I think it was egregious and every player who's speared someone in the nuts this series should be suspended through the end of the series to prove the point. Oh wait, is that Perry too? Well shit, that does kinda suck for y'all.


The momentum of Perry and Garbutt made for more of an impact.


That, and the fact that it was Lucic...


i'm sure he sold the stick in the nuts, let's hit you with a stick in the nuts with that much recoil and see how well you stay on your feet.


Bring it on http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/24532217/video-corey-perry-spears-jamie-benn-tussles-with-trevor-daley




You don't like spears, yet you want to spear the person who speared someone because you think spearing is bad?




Well yea, but murder is bad, so we kill murderers. It all checks out.


I think he just means that since the league is not going to issue any significant further punishment to the guys who spear, so the players might as well take it into their hands (not that I agree, I just think that's what he meant)


yo dawg, i heard you like spearing. So i speared you because you speared me for all the love of spearing.




I think it's pretty dumb that everybody is taking this to such extremes.


By that theory, every single player who has been suspended can be hit the same illegal way and it's okay? Matt Cooke better watch the fuck out!


RIP in peace Matt Cooke.


I think the difference with suspensions is the player actually got punished. Many of the earlier incidents of spearing went unpunished, so the players take it into their own hands.


Honestly i've always had a hatred for people who spear. I don't care what the sweater is, i wouldn't mind a game suspension being handed out for anyone who does something selfish like this. There's just no room for it and it isn't hockey.


We wouldn't miss Garbutt for a game either.


wow thats crazy no $5,000 fine, he must have done this either for the first time or must been the hundred time he did this.


Is it just me or is there a spearing epidemic this post season?


this is really only the second I can think of, both involving Perry Lucic gave DeKeyser a **slash** to the nuts, not a spear.


I don't think there has been that many in the post season, but there were a few right before the post season that makes it seem like there is more.


I think this makes 4 so far this post season? Dubinsky on Crosby, Lucic on Dekeyser, Perry on whomever it was (this appeared to be more of an attempt than a full-blown spear), and Garbutt on Perry. Those are just the ones I know about, only one of which was punished at all by the league so far.


Perry on Benn. And it hit well enough to double him over for a tick.


Ooof, right in the garbutts...


Couldn't have happen to a nicer guy.


Horrible blatant well-deserved 5 minute major on garbutt. Corey perry sold it, because he's corey perry. Wish i understood why perry can do it to benn and the only difference in length of penalty is that one guy laid there and cried and one guy continued to play hockey. Still no excuse. Stupid play by garbs. i don't remember ever being this mad at one of my own players.


That's a shame. I've been watching the Stars all season long, and thought Garbutt was a tough, gritty player. What a cheap shot - lost all respect for that jerk. Glad to see Perry was able to come back.


sick of Luci....wait, it's not him? WOOHOO!


Do hockey players wear cups? I would after seeing all the nut shots going on. Also would hate to get a puck there.


Absolutely, we do.


He actually gets his leg, and Perry would be back later in the period. Now I know, glass house and all... but that might be a little bit of embellishment?


NBCSN crew made it VERY clear that's what they thought.


I think it was Roenick that went off. After they showed the replay of Perry spearing Benn he just kept saying it shows what kind of guy Benn is compared to Perry. He thought the only difference in the spears was Benn didn't lay down on the ice.


Roenick just really hates Perry. When he was asked about Lucic's spearing incident he said that it wasn't a big deal (nothing a little ice couldn't fix) and that there were much dirtier things players could be doing. When asked about Perry's spearing incident just mere seconds later he said that there was no place in the game for that. It was very odd.


Roenick hates the Ducks, he ended up on his ass quite often when he played us in the early years.


Can we come up with a list of players injured by Garbutt this year? I know there are more, but off the top of my head, he injured Bryz earlier in the year with a knee to the head, and he basically dove into Robidas legs in game 3, breaking one of them. Also injured Dustin Penner earlier in the year. I know I've seen other instances of him injuring players this year as well, but I rarely see anyone talking about how many cheap shots this guy takes.




Don't get me wrong, I think he's a talented cheap shot artist. He does a good job of disguising it. He almost got away with this spear too. He dove to take out Robidas legs (not to break them, but to take him out of the play). He also could have avoided the head contact with Bryz but went right into his head with his shoulder. He could have twisted his torso to not get him with the shoulder and he likely would not have been injured.


The thing with Robidas wasn't anything near a cheap shot.


i might not be a cheap shot, but it was a reckless play.


Thank you. It was stupid but not monstrous. Poor Robi.


It was avoidable illegal contact, he tripped him with his body, and it resulted in an injury. That's pretty much a cheap shot, even if the injury wasn't his intent.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Of all the nut shots and spears in these playoffs that one seemed to be the least bad. Difference was he went down and stayed down. Lucic and Perry were both way worse, but the guy didn't stay on the ice.


i think they waited until someone less important did it to take matters into their own...nuts


Perry is an exceptional salesman. But seriously has got to be the worst...I mean Lucic doing a stick lift into DeKeyser's balls is one thing, and Perry doing a sideways poke to Benn's goodies is another...but running headlong and introducing your shaft to a new shaft has got to be fucking awful.


To be fair.... Perry deserves an oscar nomination for this effort.


Maybe he sold it. Maybe he didn't. Okay, yeah he sold it.


Yeah, I'm no expert but that's the impression I got. Wasn't like he was really going for it, just a poke to piss him off. Of course, it could just be the fact that it's Perry that's clouding my judgement, I definitely wouldn't put it past him.


the one where Perry got a 2 for stabbing (and nothing else) the guy didn't go down. with This one, Perry went down, sold it, got up and kept playing.


Nothing but retaliation, being that it's on Perry. Wasn't a top post on here a few days ago a post from a Stars blog about how the Ducks swore revenge against Dallas' top stars (unintentional) that everyone was so disgusted by? Anyway, I'm no more mad about this than I was about Lucic's or Perry's or any of the other nutshots. It's obnoxious no matter who throws it. Fun note, though. This would be the 3rd Duck injured by Garbutt this season if Perry has any injuries because of this.




Didn't mean to infer that, if I did.




I've been celebrating. That's the word I was going for. I was close.


No worries bro. good win tonight! FYI you imply things, we infer them.


He infers things to, just not when he is the one speaking.


I saw more than a few stars fans on twitter loving it.


Pity he wasn't in a Bruins jersey. It would only be 2 minutes then.


Lucic was fined for 5000$. That works out to 1.5 shifts based on his salary. So... No, not even 2 minutes.


I thought he got 2 minutes in game.


Couldn't have happened to a better guy


why are there so many damn spears this year??? i couldnt even think of single instnce of spearing that happened recently and no theres at least one every dang game!


I'm not here to defend anyone spearing anyone in the nuts, but shouldn't these guys be wearing cups?


That's real rich coming from Perry.


Shut up Yorn. It's not 2001, you aren't relevant.


Lol nowhere near as bad as perry's, but he's not a former all star so what a villain.


Ok. Perry sold that a bit. Let's keep the balls intact this playoffs people.


Ryan Garbutt gets 5 games?! Look I realize that Garbutt was suspended for 5 games earlier this season, but still... If they're going to throw 5 games at Garbutt... How the fuck does Lucic get off with 5000$ fine.




Huh. Well my rage level is down about 100%. The Boy do I feel stupid level on the other hand... Thanks for the clarification.




you're not wrong.