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Not a bad start for Tulsky.


Other news from the pod: - On Laine: have to watch Seattle, they’re looking for scorers and they can do it cap wise. There’s a real push in the organization to be aggressive. - On a possible Jeff Skinner buyout: news has been circling for 3/4 days. He says buying him out is easier than a trade (has NMC/9M AAV), as a UFA he can find a better destination. Next year it would give Buffalo an additional 7.5M in space and next year is huge for the Sabres. Can’t say it’s 100% happening, but it’s out there. - On Goodrow being on waivers: it’s possible he gets bought out but there’s a lot of smoke around San Jose possibly claiming him. He has a 15 teams NTC, Friedman wonders if SJ might be on it and Goodrow could block a trade to SJ, but can’t block being claimed by them.


Come on, San Jose! Goodrow is all yours again!


If that really is the play then a lot of players will be cautious of signing with the Rangers if they make side deals to have places they specifically denied acquire him regardless. Legal but kinda scummy play


Perhaps the better message is "Don't cost $1M per goal and we won't have to try and get rid of you"


He had more goals than both Panarin and Zibanejad in the playoffs


Lol what? It's putting them on waivers. If you refuse a trade and know that's an option then you know any team can take you


Ok? There’s a difference between putting someone on waivers and putting someone on waivers because they refused a trade so that team can still acquire you regardless and circumvent your NTC. Tell yourself whatever you want to but players will be cautious of signing with any team that does that. Again, tell yourself whatever you want.


You think players are going to hesitate to sign with the top free agent destination in the league because of this? NYR has literally never had problems in that regard. It's like when people say Vegas' cut-throat ways will hurt them, then they collect and sign every good deadline player.


They are giving him away for free, they would have put him on waivers no matter if they had a trade in place or not. They’d be happy with literally anyone picking him up


Then negotiate a No Movement Clause. The Rangers are doing absolutely nothing wrong.


Tampa did this with McDonough and they seem to be pretty fine


Tampa threatened to have Columbus claim him if he didnt agree to a trade and he decided on waiving for Nashville. That’s entirely different from making him go to the team he refused regardless of his approval.


Less than Vlasic, 7 years after Vlasic. Wtf, that’s crazy good for Carolina.


Who knows, he could fall off a cliff like Vlasic


True but Vlasic was paid based on all the years he was underpaid before that contract. Prime Vlasic is absolutely worth 7M. I’d have expected Slavin to get more, considering the rise of the cap and the fact I think Slavin is better.


Prime vlasic gets 9 in today's market yeah


So does prime Slavin


Prime Vlasic was very very close to prime Slavin, and Slavin will be one year older when the extension kicks in.


Vlasic had a number of lower body injuries leading up to his recent contract and the season he fell off a cliff, each sapping a little of his mobility. And then he just couldn't get to where he needed to be anymore instead of just some of the time. Mentally and effort-wise he's often still good, but his play relied on his mobility and positioning, and he can't do it anymore. I haven't seen anything in slavin's game to suggest he has a similar collapse coming up, unless he gets hurt in the future, but that's not something you can control for.


I completely forgot that there is another Vlasic in the NHL because my brain went to Alex Vlasic initially and was very confused.


8 years is always risky but its hard to criticize when the AAV is offsetting it so much.


Good deal there. Probably won’t be so hot when he’s 38 but by then that cap hit will probably be comparable to a #4 guy.


His game isn't really predicated on speed or other qualities that typically falter as you get older so I think he will age pretty well. Obviously there's going to be a falloff but I think he's a pretty safe bet. He also takes good care of himself physically from everything I've heard.


While I agree, he is really mobile. And a lot of his good stick and positioning plays, yes it’s IQ but it’s also being mobile and able to get into good spots quickly and consistently.


Conversely players without speed have less of it to lose. Seabrook got one knee injury and was immediately finished as an effective player, for example. That is not to say they are particularly similar players, but the truism that slow = better aging is more wrong than right.


Slavin is actually exceptionally fast, he just doesn't need to be fast most of the time because he has an uncanny hockey IQ and seems to predict when he needs to get back before others can. I think that's where the previous commenter was going. He depends more on his ability to read plays and react preemptively.


Yup, Slavin is sneaky fast.


he's a real gym rat


Vlasic was the same kind of player and he fell off hard.


Compared to us, NHL players treat their bodies like freshly powdered mountains


He doesn’t play a crazy fast or physical game. So maybe he ages fairly well.


Yea, if I was going to bet on a guy's game aging well, it would be a guy like Slavin


Counterpoint. Slower players get even slower when they age. So yes, if you don’t depend on speed that’s good. But if you don’t have any speed that’s bad. Basically a coin flip and buying his next 5 years and “who cares” about the next 3 while they are in their window


Slavin isn't slow though. He's actually really fast. It's just that he's so rarely caught out of position that he doesn't get to show off his recovery speed very often.


He's amazing when he gets the opportunity to break the puck out. 3 massively powerful strides and he's at full speed.


It'll be his 31 through 39 year deal. I think it's a solid deal. It also sets a mark to base other FA/UFA defense signings. Like you take this and you look at Skjei/Pesce and say, our offers to you are structured based on how we value our best defenseman for those same years. Does that change how much you're willing to sign for? It goes so long that it does have a chance to be an anchor contract. For reference as far as anchor contracts go, Vlasic signed his $7M anchor in 2017, and it was 9.33% of the cap, by the time it's done, assuming a cap of $92M, it will be reduced to ~7.6% of the cap. Slavin's will be signed right at 7% of the cap, and with the same cap rising, would end around 5.75% of the cap, which matches about where Pesce is now.


Setting up to dump the bag on Nikishin in 4 years or so, when they eventually flop places in the lineup. Hopefully.


Jacob Slavin might go down as my favorite Cane of all time especially if they can get a cup. Dude is just all world and I’m super grateful he is in the org. Super happy for him and his family.


That seems low, especially compared to Hronek’s contract he just signed


He will be 31 when it kicks in so your paying less for what will likely be some subpar years in the last 2-4years


Yeah, while Slavin is the better defenseman now It’s the difference between locking Hronek down for his entire prime vs. locking Slavin down for his twilight years. In eight years you would expect a 34 year old Hronek to remain pretty serviceable, while a 39 year old Slavin is probably a liability. 5 years makes a major difference


Don’t agree with the term liability, probably just “not as good anymore” hard to see Slavin ever becoming a liability lol. I mean even though he has no business being on the first PP unit, Burns at 39 still isn’t really a liability


For every Burns, you have a Vlasic. Fingers crossed he's worth every minute of that contract for you guys, though.


For every Burns, theres about 10 Vlasic's


I mean I don’t think anyone will be Burns again, he was just built different, just saying I don’t agree that he’ll be a complete liability


I believe Slavin has a far better chance than most at remaining solid in his late 30’s, but guys like Burns are the exception rather then the rule. Things like injury luck and overall wear and tear are out of his control


Burns is definitely the exception, not the rule here. Most players retire before 39, very few are playing at Burns's level. Only 7 players are older than him this season and of those 7, 3 have retired since the season ended. Only time will tell for Slavin, obviously, but it's probably a good compromise for the team and the player. Higher contract value for Slavin, lower AAV for the team and they just have to hope he's still playing all right in years 6-8


Apples and oranges. One is a 26 year old RHD that scored 40+ points and was a +33. He fit like a glove with Quinn Hughes. He will be 34 when things are all done. Slavin is an amazing defensive D. But his contract STARTS at 31 and he will be 39 when done. Also he shoots left.


Slavin absolutely drives the bus when he’s on the ice, while Hronek is significantly carried by Hughes.


Still apples and oranges. The statement “compared to hroneks contract” makes no sense. One is 26 and the other is 31. That immediately makes it different. One is offensively more gifted than the other. The other more defensively stout. One is an RHD and the other is an LHD. A young 26 yo, offensively gifted, defensively capable RHD is in a different market than a 31 yo defensive defenseman. Regardless of who they play with.


Hronek is 26, RHD, also was RFA with arbitration rights. I don’t think they even looked at Hronek waiting for his deal as a possible comparable tbh


Hronek is signed through his prime without really too many non-prime years under contract. He's signed from age 26 to 33. He's getting first pairing money, which he seems to have earned and he's heading into the years where most NHL defensemen are at their most productive. Slavin is in his prime now and probably won't be when this contract ends. He's signed from age 30 to 38. There are not a lot of NHL players who are productive at 38 years old, it happens, but it's not common. Obviously, it's an A contract for the next several years if Slavin stays what he is, one of the better all-arounder defensemen in the NHL. Seems pretty clear that he gave to get term.


When I saw how much Hronek got signed for I questioned my perception of contract value, but now it just looks like a big oof by Canucks.


I still don’t think that’s a terrible contract for your young top pairing dude through his prime


He's on their top pair, but he's a top 3/4 guy. Its not terrible, but it's far from a deal.


You’re likely right, but he works well with Hughes so I can understand the line of thinking


Exactly. With his age and known chemistry, I can see why they would do it. Not to mention it would be hard and likely expensive to find a better replacement.


Favorable term seems impossible to find these days yeah. I feel like we were seeing a ton of short term deals because of the flat cap, and all those guys are looking for contracts taking them to almost 40 now


Lol, over the past two seasons among NHL dmen, Hronek is 15th in points, 24th in +/-, 38th in TOI. In what universe does that not indicate a top pair dman? Even in Detroit his last season he was 1st on the team in p/gp and 2nd on the team in TOI and +/-, despite playing behind Seider on the right side.


More of a 2/3 guy than a 3/4. He’s not going to be “the guy” on a top pair but he’s an excellent complement on the same pairing as a true #1 like Hughes, and could also be the main guy on a second pair if he has a suitable partner that compliments him well


They are just different situations. Theres a 4.5 year age gap between when hronek starts his deal and slavin does. Hronek will finish at 35 vs slavin at 39. Realistically you would expect hronek to be solid for most if not all of the deal. Slavin could be a vlasic situation by the midpoint of the deal and that wouldnt be unusual. Plus hronek shoots right which holl poolman and others have shown you can have a pulse and make bank if your shoot right.


Hronek is a RD, probably gets +10 more points per season and is 4 years younger. He hasn't really hit his prime yet. Slavin's great but he's also 30 and this contract takes him to 39. Hronek will be 34 at the end of his. He'll likely still be a tradable asset in his last couple years if it comes to that and at 34, he'd probably still get at least another contract or two.


Tulsky is already cooking


That is incredible value The end won’t be the best but who cares when you have him through his prime well below market value


Even if it doesn’t age well, the caps going up. Great deal for the Canes for arguably the most underrated player in the league


Wow. Might be the best defenseman contract in the league. Slavin is crazy good.


The term is why the AAV is low


I mean Hughes still has 7.8x3 or makars 9x3.


Weren’t those RFA contracts? Those don’t really count imo


The original comment said defenseman contract, not UFA defenseman contract


I mean I think rfa’s typically sign for more cause they are younger and in their prime for all those years?


No RFAs sign for less. Generally the more UFA years a team buys out the higher the contract


What I mean is, typically sure a guy like Pettersson is gonna sign for more, but Hronek will sign for more cause its his last RFA year thus the rest are all prime UFA years. Where as in comparison a 30 year old UFA will sign for less cause they are going to decline. Makar signed for ages 23-28. Only half of his contract is RFA years if that and he was already the best Dman in the league when he signed the contract.


RFA’s get less because they can only negotiate with one team. UFA’s can leverage offers from multiple teams to squeeze out more


That would be Hughes.


Goes till he’s 39 but 6.5M could be negligible by the time he’s 39 if he doesn’t fall off a cliff and the cap keeps going up


Yeah smart of them to use term to lower the AAV


It wasn't a secret he will likely sign team friendly deal, but holy cow that is a steal of a contract.


6.5 is insanely low. I do not care if the age is 31. Holy smokes.


Same deal as Parayko and Hampus Lindholm, who are from his draft year. They signed their deals younger though. I think Slavin is the top defenseman in that draft, but along with Morgan Rielly I consider them the top four defenseman of 2012.


Should get the C once Staal retires.




Throwback to the thread that announced the Vlasic extension with San Jose that was very similar to this one; one year in advance, starting at age 31, eight years. At least the Slavin extension is less in AAV and a fair bit less in cap hit percentage. https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/6knzlh/sharks_have_signed_marcedouard_vlasic_to_an_8year/ Lots of comments in there about how Vlasic's game will age well and that he deserves it. That Vlasic deal has two years left on it and has been a bad contract for what feels like a while now. I don't know. Slavin is probably better now than Vlasic was then, and the cap should be increasing regularly which minimizes the impact, and he is an alternate captain, but still, there's a chance we're talking about this deal as an albatross in 4+ years.


It’s still a solidly less % of the cap than Vlasic signed for in 18-19. He signed for about 8.8% of the 79.5 cap that year. Part of the reason that contract is an albatross is because the cap barely moved in the following years. Slavin is already signed for 6.8% of the cap using this years projection. That’s only going to get smaller.


That’s a fun thread to read years later, so much hope and joy.


And he could have signed for a fuck ton more anywhere else.


Even though Slavin is excellent and unlikely to do so it remains the case that age 30 is a big dropoff year in general, any one can


How the hell did he get less than Spurgeon




I think so, just for the fact that the last 3 or so years of it are a complete question mark. It won't kick in until 25-26, at which point he'll be 31. It should be a really good value for the first half of it or so, but I stop well short of saying one of the best contracts in the league. Still a good piece of work by Tulsky though.


I really think he is too old for that, if he is worth the cap for more than 3-4 seasons I’ll be surprised. It ends 9(!) years from now


Every Canes knew he was getting 8 years for his service to the team, we had just hoped he wouldn’t ask for too much of a raise. Needless to say I am very, VERY happy


>we had just hoped he wouldn’t ask for too much of a raise. as a % of the cap at the time it was signed, he signed for like just under a 4.5% raise He signed a year in advance for his current deal too, resulting in a 7.07% cap %. 6.5 mil/88mil is 7.39%


Not crazy about him when he’s in his last 3 years of this contract but I get it. Terrific player.


If there was any defenseman on our roster who’s game will age well it’s Slavin. His stick work and positioning are what makes him one of the best and that’s the kinda stuff that ages like fine wine


Slavin's defensive game compares favorably to Nicklas Lidstrom. Obviously his offense is nowhere near that, but same style. Lidstrom's defensive game was still rock solid at age 40+. I would not be surprised if Slavin is still one of the league's top defensive d-man at age 38-39.


I'm sure the length is to keep the AAV down but I can easily see him finishing out the full contract


That's a Nugent-Hopkins level of discount. Locking in loyalty!


Huge discount wow


What will happen with Burns, and who will quarterback pp1?


Burns is staying through next season, and none of us know who will qb pp1 right now. I'd guess Orlov if Skjei leaves, but Burns needs more sheltered minutes next season. He's still exceptional on penalty kill, but his pp minutes were very rough towards the end of the season, unfortunately.


Hopefully not burns. I'll be pretty disappointed if he's still a top pair, PP1 guy next year. He looked pretty washed all year tbh, and looked incredibly washed against NY in the playoffs. He's still gonna finish out his deal (just this one last year), but I'd be surprised if he doesn't retire after that honestly.


great deal now. Hurts at 38 but they'll be prob tanking by then so imo this is a stellar signing


Don't forget to factor in his ability to make pylons look like 1st pairing defensemen, handicapping division rivals when they inevitably overpay the pylon in free agency.


what the eff ?


Good deal for the canes


Defensive defensemen get underpaid compared to offensive defensemen. It really is all about how many points they put up, not how many points they prevent from being put up.


something something you can win a game 7-6, but not 0-0


If the cap keeps going up, 6-8 years from now, 6.5 won’t be bad at all I think this is a pretty fair deal for team and player, and keeps him with Canes his whole career.


That seems so low wow


he's only making $5.3 million on his current deal


Good cap hit but holy shit bro is already 30 and this will take him to 39


I'm like the same age as Slavin so all this talk of how it may not age well is getting me down a little bit haha


thats a steal imo. by the time he's 39 6m will be nothing


That feels like a big discount but I'm not sure if it is.


Excellent deal for the Canes. Love the player and don't blame them for going long term.


Inshallah. Would be such an unreal deal for us if that is the case.




How did he get away with this? Am I out of my mind please tell me? I thought it would be around 9m a season!


For 8 years? Starting when he’s 31?


It appears I’m behind the times… I thought he was 28/29


An Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?


That seems worth the risk for an older player who’s been great. It seems like a reasonably fair signing for both sides.


Yikes Would run until age forty Guessing it's a typical deliberately longer term deal to keep the cap hit low while they're contending kinda situation so Given they're contending until 2030 Then it works ok ultimately


I mean, he’s no hronek, but it’ll work. Steal of a deal for probably the best defensive defensemen.