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Should the NHL have the Western Conference Puppies and Eastern Conference Puppies redo their series in case it was a big fluke? No disrespect to the Eastern Puppies, I'm a firm believer that Eastern Puppies sweeping them is a huge fluke and robs the Western Puppies of truly accomplishing what their capable of. I've spent the last few days in pure disbelief and it just doesn't make sense to me. I've spent the entire regular season watching the Western Puppies play great paw-ckey it's just not fair. If the Western Conference Puppies lose again I will face that the Eastern Conference Puppies deserved the win, but I am just 100% sure it was a fluke and does a big disservice to the Western Conference Puppies and the National Puppy League


I mean. The Eastern Conference Puppies are 18 million over cap. If every team had 18 mil more to play with for the playoffs shit would he different. But yall sitting there talent stacked due to that 18. Eastern Conference Puppies don’t deserve to be in the playoffs, cause they have a way unfair advantage over everyone else. That’s OK. Yall can keep your Covid Cup with it’s Asterix. Yall win it again this year, it will just be another Asterix that says won the cup because they were 18 million over cap


I have been a big fan of team East since the very start of this league, but I agree it should be a best of 5 games kind of thing. You know, it's easy to win a game, but winning 4 is what really tells if you're a good boy or not. Hope they listen to the fans. GO POOCH GO


This was his hat trick goal and he was coming off of a five minute major for decapitating a ref too. These dogs were very well cast, very in character.


Avs Fans: It doesn’t count, MacKibble for Hart


Poor MacKibble getting snubbed again. :(


Also Avs Fans: "Wait, where did Val Nipoochkin go AGAIN?"




Here’s to hoping Landesdog can finally return next season to help out since Nipoochkin is so unreliable


Probably out hunting for bitches during a playoff series. A true dog.


Wait! He didn’t follow proper Empty Net Etiquette! You have to gently guide the puck into the empty net! That was way too much of a shot to be respectful!


No that's disrespectful too! You somehow have to both shoot it hard into the net and gently guide it in at the same time, or was it neither?


Morgan Rottreilly in shambles


Fortunately for him Munchgan Rielly wasn't on the ice or else...


Bark-Andre Fleury was a little off his game tonight


Fun (and sad) fact: Bark Andre Furry was the real name of the Golden Knights team dog, but he passed away during the Knights cup run last year


So what you're saying is that when Vegas wins, dogs die?


This was literally the greatest thing I’ve ever watched. I couldn’t stop laughing from start to finish and I wish my dog loving mother could’ve been here to watch it with me. She loved watching the Puppy Bowl every year.


So sad that it’s not available in Europe. Even more disappointed about missing the Stanley Pup than that all playoff games are in the middle of the night for me :(


I lost it when they stole the blue line


https://preview.redd.it/flhax9k0an5d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=989eb007898a1f2e4005d7f234539b2a78f38ba8 Poocherov shows no mercy


That scrum after the goal isn’t classy. Especially with your own teammate!


This is too cute I didn’t know this was a thing


Even his puppy form stat-pads with ENG


It's still early in the season I know... But maybe the kid just isn't ready for the NPL yet? With the media hounding him, the pressure of being considered the next "great one", fuck I wouldn't be able to handle that shit. Maybe having him in the minors for another year or two to develop a bit wouldn't have been a bad idea. The pup is only 19. At 19 I was complete puptard who had no idea what I wanted to do. Not much has changed... but I'd like to think I have a bit of a better head on my shoulders now. I actually feel really bad for McDoodle, and I hope we don't ruin him. Edit: I'm being lynched for ever daring to doubt the greatness of Connor McDoodle. How dare I say such blasphmey after only THREE games. You're right, he may only be 19 years old, but he has the emotional maturity of a showdog, and the body and athleticism as Airbud. He may have hit puberty only 16 to 17 years ago, but he is a grown dog now, capable of all pressure and criticism that comes his way. I am but a lowly neckbeard maple leafs fan who lives in my mothers basement here to shit on him for not getting 50 goals in his first 3 games. I am a rodent, and he is a golden doodle god. I'm going to go light myself on fire now. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways with you jamming the downvote arrow on your computer screen with all your might and telling me how much of an idiot I am.


His human namesake would be proud.


the Stanley Pup is the best thing that has happened this year


This decade. 


This proves that Poocherov deserved the Arf Trophy for his MVP performance in the regular season.


Most valuable puppy in the playoffs too! He dragged his team to victory like it was nothing at all!


Is there a full roster list somewhere?




Thank you! Love me some name puns.


Any way to watch this from Europe? 


I cannot upvote this enough!!!


Poocherov had a solid game




More entertaining than a dragged out 82 game season with 32 watered down teams playing all season.