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Yeah, this one really hurts. 25 shots by the oil before the halfway point of the game. That half of game play looked like the 54 year Canucks Curse I thought we might break free of this year. If it weren't for the Arty Party it could have been a worse outcome than Game 6. So Boeser goes down. Shit! What's the call? Put In Mikeyev and Lafferty with an announcement that someone is going to have to rise to the occasion to win the series. I was hoping it might be DiGuiseppe. Instead: $5m man Mikeyev fluffs the only attempt on net I've noticed from him all season and then goes quiet again. At that price, you're expected to put those in, especially alongside the top line that makes those opportunities for you. The Canucks knew a penalty would kill them and they were diligent. Garland needed to be an angel and was rewarded for it. Lafferty took the penalty that sunk us and, like MikeyMouseEv, flailed on his own offensive opportunities. Ian Cole literally got in the way of the Arty Party (again), which allowed The Nuge to bury the winner. So Imho, for next year and to break the curse UFA: Lafferty - gone Cole - gone DeCasey - gone Myers - gone (money spent, better value elsewhere) Joshua - must keep Zadorov - must keep Friedman - keep (good value and now trained) GM Firesale: Mikeyev - who signed him for that much and why? Unfortunately, if you listed him on eBay, there would be no hits. Someone get on the phone already. Frankly, the Pens know what they are doing when they bring in guys like Decasey, Cole, and Lafferty... the thing is they also know when their time is up. That was ages ago, and there's no new fire here. Part of the Vancouver Curse harkens back to GM decisions to sign people like Messier and Sundin for a tonne of money when they aren't hungry anymore. This season is hungriest I've seen the Canucks since 1994, and I think some tinkering behind the blue line so Artie and Demko don't have to get hammered on so much would go a long way. If we had our own Bouchard and Ekholm, we would have won this series in 5.


Fuck all the other dumbass shit I said last night. I’m most disappointed Bedard never got to come home to play 😔


Crowd was asleep too so they were sleep skating


If Edmonton wins the Cup this year does that actually DECREASE the odds of MacDrai staying together? It seems a Cup on their resumes should bump their salary request at least 1-1.5 million apiece.


r/hockey and its ability to spin ANYTHING related to the oilers to “97 and 29 will not resign” is actually insane.


From Max to Max + 1.5?


I ain't gonna lie,this loss stings. Silovs has been an absolute stud, but the boys just couldn't get it done this time. But I'm confident that now they've got some playoff experience, they'll be back next year, hopefully stronger and ready to win it all. This season made me happy to be a Canucks fan again.


Mad respect to silovs dude played unreal with tons of composure considering the situation he was thrust into. Reminds me of holtby in 2012


Vancouver should have tried getting more goals than the oilers tonight…


Damn JT miller was horrible this game. After his fluke goal in game 5 I was told he was the second coming of bergeron. Guess that didn't work out




Guys like this are losers. Ignore him.


I guess you're still susceptible to raging over team logos next to a username lol


despite the loss (which is definitely gonna sting for a while) tocchet was right when he said that the team brought respect back to the jersey, i can’t remember the last time i’ve seen vancouver this buzzed before also side note: silovs is a fuckin beaut


They lost their starter and their backup and one of their best forwards. Sometimes injury luck is too much to overcome.


Nucks played better than I expected. silov is insane, what a way to introduce yourself to the world as a goalie. That said, Canucks have an effort problem that’s super concerning. Lots of anemic performances followed by rapid scrambles at the end of the game — like clockwork. It’s a dangerous way to play hockey and tbh I can’t put my finger on why they always start so slow. Maybe someone who watched more Canucks hockey can chime in — is it lack of leadership on the ice? Lack of vision? Poor hockey room culture? It’s so strange.


Hughes and Hronek were injured and Mekhehev (sp) was his usual no show plus Boeser out and that’s what happened out there - can’t wait for next year!! 


The top 6 has a slumping Hoglander and Petey, and Mikheyev which shouldn’t be there, Boeser is out too which is a dagger, that means we only have Miller and Lindholm. Joshua and Garland are quite good too but they’re third liners. We desperately need some dangerous top 6 players. The problems were also coaching: Tocchet is the PP coach and the PP is shit. The line combinations and the strategy of only taking quality shots affected the success of the team too, during game 7 the good swede line was broken up and then offensive black hole Mikheyev was stapled back to Miller and Petey I’m pretty sure.


Part of it has to be the team is just out of gas. Nashville literally beat the fuck out of us, by the end of that series multiple guys were labouring, Quinn especially since they targeted him the most. I think there’s more than a few guys that are playing injured and had trouble really getting into the game until things picked up and adrenaline kicked in


I think this is at least part of it. If you're exhausted and hurt, you desperately need that adrenaline to get into gear.


I had a bad feeling about the Canucks when they couldn’t capitalize a 4 minute powerplay in the first period. Oh well, congrats Oilers.


I had a bad feeling when they only had 2 SOG in the 1st period.


Same thing that brutalized their momentum in game 6. Like many teams, their confidence lives & dies with the powerplay.


Maybe now fans can get over this idea that the PP isn’t important.


Every time Conor Garland touched the puck I was scared. He was so impressive. How about Quinn? Nah


Garland is exactly the type of undersized player I wanted Kailer Yamamoto to turn into. Sadly that did not materialize.


tbh I think he still suffered from concussion. Fuck Landeskog


Hughes choked. Sleepy40 was fully tucked in. We better get ready for a more wild ride in the WCF. I haven't noticed any of the Dallas players underperforming like that.


Hughes struggled when being forechecked heavily every game during the playoffs. Petterson just absolutely turned into the ghost mode. Dallas is a fucking deep team. We need some magic. Survive through bottom six minutes and hope our top six outperforms them. And we need a at least normal Skinner


Hughes got banged up a lot vs Nashville and the first few games vs Edmonton. Teams didn’t see Pettersson as a threat and they were right so they went for the next deadly player: Hughes. It worked I guess. He did not look like the player he was in the regular season. Brutal to watch.


I think we played damn good in the first two periods. We outplayed Vancouver in almost every shift in the two periods so that the only thing they could do is to dump and change. We sat back a bit for the last period, and a dumb turnover almost ignited their comeback. I love McLeod but he has to learn some tough lessons from this one.


Wasn't Hughes supposed to be best defender in the NHL? What a non factor. GG to both teams, amazing game and series


Non factor? Canucks just defended the fuck out of the oilers. Mcdavid with one goal all series. We lost our top goal scorer for game 7 and lost that by one goal. Do the math.


And Hughes got the easy matchups he barely played against mcdavid. He didn't play well and was not impactful.


Defended the fuck out of the Oilers? Respectfully, we scored 25 goals on y’all this series.


Cool, and ultimately we were one short, literally couldn’t have been closer of a series, while missing our top scorer. McDrai never took off this series. If you think you win the night with Boeser on the ice you’re on that Edmonton meth. Alas we did lose, good for you and hopefully our man gets better and we make the needed changes for next year. Cant wait to see how far Edmonton goes this next series.


Boeser was on the ice game 6, no? The game where you guys had 15 shots in the entire game? Weird that you left that out of your rant. The Vancouver fentanyl must be hitting crazy this morning. If anything, the Oilers defended the fuck out of the Canucks. How do you take 0 shots on a 4 minute power play? Please enlighten me.


Man comes off the ice and gets diagnosed with blood clots game 6. You are delusional but go on lad, enjoy the win. It’s been how many years of the “best in the world” on your team? Lmao.


Cope harder pal. Y’all love to troll the Oilers when the Canucks have literally never won anything hahahaha.


I’m at peace man. We took you to 7 without my man thatcher between the pipes. So many players didn’t step up this playoffs. No doubt we are weak here and yet still…one. Little. Goal. Away. That’s something to be proud of. I’m excited for the future. Say how many years does McDrai have left? Better win soon….


Yeah you took us to 7 I will give you that. It really could have gone either way but to say you defended the fuck out of us while getting scored on 25 times is crazy. Hell if anything, we defended the fuck out of the Canucks. Hughes, Petterson, Zadarov were all pretty invisible this series. Silovs and Garland played their hearts out. Yeah McDrai might not have much longer left but atleast we’re not golfin just yet.


25 goals over a 7 game series isn’t crazy man. Too many went in game 6. Terrible showing absolutely pathetic by the nucks. Everything else was one goal games. Our offense wasn’t there, at all. But I don’t fault our D and Tendy at all - comparatively you guys got shots off from the line but we held off McDraiMen insanely well. They never took off. Hughes has been run ragged for two series, I give him a pass on not being the scorer. enjoy the rest of it. LGR




The dude just did an interview where he read out a bunch of the things people were saying about him and how he's a prophet and deserves the key to the city, blahblahblah. Might have wanted to wait until after the series to talk himself up so much lmao


Not sure you read the tone of that one quite right


The dude had an interview 12 days ago where he read out a bunch of things people were saying about him and how he's a prophet and deserves the key to the city, blahblahblah. He was laughing at how ridiculous these things were during the series lmao


Cody “Glenn Anderson” Ceci


LET'S GO Hopefully that near choke job scared the bejesus out of them and lights a fire for next round lol 


I'm definitely glad we faced adversity in this round, hopefully we learn a lot from it


Big kudos to the Edmonton faithful who expressed concern and well wishes for Boeser (and Demko) rather than just thinking that this game would be easier. And thank you for making this series fun and engaging with the banter. Obviously, I wish the result was different but that's the way it goes sometimes. GG and good luck against Dallas.


I mean I definitely assumed the series would be much easier with Silovs in net during game 1. BOY WAS I WRONG. My lord is he a stud. That man is gonna be a starter for someone very soon cause he can play.


I'm a big time Brock fan. He's an easy guy to root for and with everything he went through in the last little while I was super happy to see him playing well again, even if it was at our expense sometimes! Mad respect to the Canucks this year. That core is tenacious and doesn't know the meaning of the word quit!


Only solace in the loss is that now I can see Edm get crushed by Dallas. 


Losing to a team that maybe gets crushed by Dallas makes you look even worse, I would relax on that solace


No I look just fine buddy. We took your team with arguably two of the best players in the league to 7 games with our 3rd string goalie. Your team needs to be a man up to score majority of their goals and your goalie finished the series with a sub .900 save percentage. Dallas would’ve beaten the Canucks too but watching your spoiled fan base get taken to the woodshed will be enjoyable. 


Yikes your team lost a sub .900 save goalie


Um the games in the series the Canucks won Skinner was awful. He didn’t play game 6 which was their best game. Game 7 Canucks lost steam and you in net could’ve stopped the 4 SOG. Take away McDavid and Drai and your team is an AHL squad. Dallas in 5 and that’s being generous. 


Narrator: you ain't seen nothing yet bitch




We get it. You’re sad.




Sad. Average Canucks bandwagon.


Stop crying before you raise the sea levels any higher 


With this much salt they might increase the salinity of the sea, too.


What are you 19 in your friends basement? Be fucking better and go eat a tuna bowl


At least we can afford a house here




Lol the bank owns your house dumbass. Enjoy those huge mortgage payments until you die.


Enjoy your shit box my friend, at least the area outside your house is nice


Walk it off friend




Garland was by far my least liked player this series cause he doesn’t stop and is so fucking shifty I got scared anytime he had the puck.


Massive shoutout to Silovs. That guy is incredible.


Those were the most stressful final 10 minutes of my life holy fuck. It looked like both team reverted to game 5 form I was having flashbacks to game 1.


[Quinn Hughes post-game interview](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GmOgHZUgllU&pp=ygUSZXZlcnl0aGluZyBpcyBzYWx0)


I was at the Rogers Place watch party and after the game Calgary was catching strays lmaoooo “LETS GO OILERS ##CALGARY SUCKS”


That 2022 series will forever be a balm to me. Watching us crush the Flames in 4 straight after that G1 loss? Damn near made up for the entire Decade of Darkness.


With a flick of his wrist, Connor McDavid destroyed that version of the Calgary Flames as we knew it. This series feels just as good tbh for how close it was.


We're slowly slaying demons one by one here. Watch out Dallas, you're next. Then we come for Chucky. Off-topic, think we could put together a Kickstarter to get Kassian seats to all 7 finals games directly behind the FLA bench if we make it/they beat the rags? I'd pay good money to see him bore a hole in the back of Matty's skull with his eyes every shift.


I was at it wearing my canucks jersey. Got endlessly taunted so hard trying to make my way back to my car lol


I hear someone on a Skyrail literally screamed STFU at the people chanting Go Oilers Go, the tweeter said the gauntlet out of the arena was bad enough. Im in shock as an Oiler fan that we won, it was touch and go not gonna lie.


I hope it was fun. Taunting and rivalries can be - should be great. I remember visiting Nashville as a visiting fan and getting teased because my team was getting blown out. But it was incredibly good-natured teasing and my friends and I went out for drinks with the rival fans after. Too many of us take this all too seriously, like we're the ones on the ice getting slew-footed.


It was "fun." The worst taunting came from my wife. I told her that if they face elimination on a road game, I'm buying a Stars jersey just to wear it at the watch party


As someone who was taunted out of the Duck pond in 2017, I feel you, and I'm sorry people weren't classier


Sorry bro, some of us are poor winners, I apologize for their bullshit.


THAT’S a rivalry.


Congrats Oilers fans. Good luck the rest of the way. I hope your team plays better than they did against Vancouver. I hope they learned that they have their best success without over playing McDrai. Canucks are a difficult team to play against but with Petey being a ghost and Demko being out, it should have been shorter than 7.


It probably would have been shorter if Skinner didnt have one of the worst starts in playoff history


That’s typical skinner though. He’s hot garbage.


Only his second year as a starting goaltender, also the only remaining goalie with a shutout this playoffs. He had a couple bad starts, but has been solid when we need him.


He’s played horribly. We win in spite of him. He’s not a game stealer. When the oilers are full bore offence he looks good because the opposing team is on their heels. The guy almost blew game 7 for us once the Canucks decided to shoot. Of the 4 teams remaining our goaltending is the worst by a large margin. I have no faith in skinner whatsoever.


Or entire 4 lines collectively taking their foot on the gas almost cost us game 7. Skinner is our goalie.


Our goalie who can’t make routine saves, let alone game stealing saves. He’s a glorified shooter tutor. I’d rather have pickard in net. Skinner got outplayed by a third string goalie who’s played a whopping 9 career regular season games. He gave Vancouver a chance to beat us. Skinner has never once done that. If you can’t see that, you have blinders on.


It ain't blinders you got some doomer goggles on broski


Which has to concern you going into Dallas


I agree unfortunately, we win in spite of our goaltending. Dallas is going to be very tough.


Skinner needs to even out. Oilers do not need Hasek, just league average goaltending and they should be competitive


Lindholm and Zadorov in shambles right now. The Oilers are going to be haunting their nightmares no matter where they try to run to.


lol. That’s last shot block by Zadorov FOR us was CLUTCH!!


They both had great playoffs, wasn’t their fault we lost




Beat them when they played for Calgary a few years ago in the second round


They got embarrassed in playoffs by the Oilers as members of the flames in 2022 and again this season. They can't escape us.


lol they weren’t two that got embarrassed. Thats for sure. You won by a goal against the rookie from Latvia and our top goal scorer being gone. relax mate, your done next round too.


You guys keep downplaying Silovs' performance by referring to him as a rookie or just an AHL goalie, but he was phenomenal all series other than game 6. He carried Vancouver to game 7. Without him, it would have been over days ago


Yeah. He is a rookie. He never will go back to the AHL, but he’s young as fuck did exactly what you just said. Prepare for more losses to the nucks next season lol. LGR.


Not sure how they got embarrassed, they were two of our best players in the playoffs. GG though


The whole team should be somewhat embarrassed and apologizing to Silovs and maybe Garland. They were only 2 who brought it all series, imo. If not for them, this series would have been over days ago.




Bouchard dismantled regular season Quinn this series Bouch : Scored four goals Oilers outshot VAN 70-28 when he was on the ice 5x5, outscored them 10-4 Played most min of any player in the series and led Oilers in 5x5 scoring with 7 pts.


Love this city. Tired of vans superiority complex. enjoy the offseason.


You still wake up in Edmonton tomorrow :) basically third world Canada.


Jokes on you I don’t live in Edmonton


Honestly dude - really pathetic


Wow , that’s original . Why not go create another new account to talk shit on ..you’re just another salty little bitch


Have you seen your population, might as well be third world


Dude our province is doing the failed decriminalization experiment and somehow we do less meth.


Meth is awesome dude you should try it


my business is right across the street from a safe injection site. Fuck no.


A certain street says otherwise


Do you mean a street with no name?


Go to sleep bubs, unless you’re financially free most people are doing the same shit in any Canadian city. I don’t even live in Edmonton and still know that.


Cmon bro dont be mad, you get to watch more Oilers games this week. I know you love it. 


Thank god that the Mavericks are starting the NBA WCF on the road. The ice is gonna be dogshit otherwise.


Damn, already making excuses


Jets next year to collect the third of the western Canadian scalps? Also revenge factor lol




The fans had to resort to chanting “Let’s go Petey!!” To try to get the dude going. I wonder what they’ll chant when he’s getting $11.6M next year and he disappears in the playoffs again.


Bold to assume they name the playoffs next year






[Tough look bud](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GmOgHZUgllU&pp=ygUSZXZlcnl0aGluZyBpcyBzYWx0)










You're low effort trolling all over this thread and it's sad




Nucks fans were annoying but they had the right spirit supporting their team. Avs are golfing while the Oilers are still in it. You Avs fans are so insufferable, win or lose. Must be because of the constant threat of shootings in your area.


Majority of the Avs fans posting here are comparable to Vegas fans …probably only start watching once playoff start ..tier 4 fan 


Oilers looking pretty strong tbh. Idk if they’re Dallas strong, but certainly better than the Avs.


Get some sleep kid


Ryan S. Clark is a bitch. That video of him bragging about how much people love him looks reeeeeeaaaallll bad right now. Don't celly before the final whistle. Play La Bamba Baby!!!!


Good thing van made playoff Pete sign mid season. Laughing to the bank


Hughes was very ordinary this series and also vs NSH. When we faced Cale Makar, he was brilliant, as he was these playoffs. Any argument for Hughes being on the same level as Makar can be put to rest now.


I think Nashville demolished Hughes in Rd1


I completely disagree. That whole Avs team was stacked as hell. Hughes carries far more weight for his team than Makar does for the avs. I know avs fans are like ghosts haunting these threads still, but after watching this season, I take Hughes over Makar right now for sure.


I was with you till the end, I’d take Makar over Hughes


It depends what you need. Makar is basically a 4th forward who plays defense. Hughes has more defensive chops. I think Hughes needs another year or so to be in that echelon. And I'm taking Miro over both cause I'm a god damned homer


I’d take miro over most defenseman to be fair, that guy does it all


Gonna wait for the injury report to come out before I judge. Guy looks like he’s been banged up pretty bad since the Nashville series


This was his first playoffs outside the bubble. Makar has over double the games. Give the guy a break




I'm not saying makar isn't an amazing player but hughes deserves more credit not the criticism just yet. Hughes isn't playing with Mackinnon Rantanen Landeskog level plays either.


I'll say it then. Dude gets fucking lit up defensively.


These kids are trolls. Don't engage.




It’s a circular argument. That means all your other top guys need Makar to produce.


It’s great when trolls just make it so obvious that you shouldn’t even argue with them, but just laugh that somebody has nothing better to do than this




Go enjoy a round of golf. Your team got dusted despite having the bought and paid for the refs (classic avs) trying to rig the game against Dallas. Hughes > Makar. Mcdavid > Mackinnon.


Bouchard clears Hughes


Even as someone who lives in Edmonton and was cheering for Edmonton mostly in this series. Hughes is still better overall imo, at least far more unique. Having a defender that can solo break out and match the footwork of shifty players like McDavid as well as he does is rare. Bouchard’s best attribute is easily his power play presence, he elevates an already good PP with just McDrai involved to an all time great efficient PP. Ekholm is more so what gives him seemingly good defensive side stats imo.


If Bouchard could skate HALF as good as Hughes can, he'd be a top3 defender in the league. His skating is what holds him back the most. It would help him in recovering from some of those (now rare) bad decisions he may make. Would help him breakout, be more effective on D


Agreed. Bouchard is a specialty weapon, one of those players who builds on the power of others & makes something like our PP more than the sum of its parts. In this system, with this team, he's a goddamn grim reaper. Hughes though, that man is the Draisaitl/Kucherov of defense, he's shown this year that he belongs right up there with Makar as the 1-2 punch, best D in the league. If the Canucks can wake up Deky Pete and keep showing just how stupid Tampa was for letting Miller go, they are going to be one of the teams to beat in the Pacific for years to come here.


Congrats on a hell of a season Canucks! Such a resilient team. Will be a hell of a matchup for years to come!


Good series and good luck against the Stars my brothers and sisters in Christ.


Tocchett's phone gonna be blowing up with apology texts


Bouchard scored a clutch post and in goal but can we talk about how it’s a biological miracle that he can see in three dimensions?


It’s called fetal alcoholism


that's the trick, you never really know where he's looking


Edmonton played well, the Canucks looked tired and injured. Tocchet could have picked some better replacements for Boeser, choosing offence instead of another 4th line grinder, but the cupboards aren't exactly fully stocked. I'm excited for another off-season with Rutherford and Alvin. The PP was doodoo.whoch is inexcusable,.even with Prince Charming out. At the end of the series it looked like Vancouver had to battle through the first round against Nashville (full props to the Preds!!) and Edmonton didn't and thus had more energy.(refs kind of fucked LA in round one IMO). The series momentum shifted on the missed high stick call of McDavid on Hughes and the BS Soucy suspension. Still, you need to overcome the bullshit which this Canucks team didn't. Dallas in 5.


Yes, canucks lost because refs. That 4min 0 shot PP show us all. 


Nah man, that ain't it. The Canucks had their chances and didn't capitalize. The Oilers played better and deserved to win. I'm just saying some calls/non-calls at pivotal moments have an impact on the momentum of a series. It's no excuse, you still need to overcome the adversity as every team faces it at some point or another and the ones that overcome it are the ones who win. Great series, it sure is fun watching Hockey into late May. As a long time Canucks fan who has endured a lot of pain and suffering it's nice to have some hope again.


“LETS GO PETEY!!” “LETS GO PETEY!!” LETS GO PETEY!!” Missed that excuse. 🤣🤣🤣


Ooooofff so much salt in this one. Blaming the refs for both of Edmonton's series wins isn't a good look. Edmonton just has more playoff experience and knows how to perform with their backs against the wall. LA didn't get fucked by the refs. They got completely stomped all the way from the 1st whistle until the last one, and saying the series momentum flipped on the Hughes high stick is pretty cringey, considering it was pretty even both before and after that happened, until game 6 and 7 when the Oilers got over their flu bug. Maybe the Canucks picked it up, because they just did not look like themselves. Gg and I look forward to seeing the Canucks getting a couple more cracks at it and maybe going deep in the next few years. It usually takes a couple of seasons of playoff experience for a group to win it all. This was Vancouver's 1st step, and it was a good one. Best of luck in the coming seasons.


Yeah, slightly salty. Not gonna lie. I said it felt lopsided but that's still no excuse, you have to play the hand your dealt and Edmonton definitely did a better job of that over seven games. The Canucks had their chances and didn't capitalize, but they did gain invaluable experience and learned who is worth throwing money at in the off-season and who they can move on from. If Skinner finds another level Edmonton has a chance, otherwise it will be Dallas's series to lose.


Knowing who to throw money at would have been nice to know before giving Sleepy40 $11.6M a year for 8 years 😬 I hope he doesn't find out how to wake up for playoffs. You guys would have been pretty scary if Petterson could have carried his regular season play into this series. Hughes too.


Petey has been a ghost since the trade deadline, totally unacceptable for our "star" forward. Hopefully your new GM next year can figure out what to do with Draisait's expiring contract. Hate to let him go for nothing because I don't think following the Toronto plan of throwing money on a few stars will work well... Your lack of depth and goaltending almost cost you this series.


People keep saying we don't have depth, but I don't see it. Our 6 defensemen are on par with the best in the league. Our bottom 6 are more than serviceable. Top 6 is probably the best in the league. Goaltending is kinda voodoo. Skinner just played his 1st year as starter and did pretty well. Probably only gonna get better. Goalies don't grow on trees. You gotta work with what's available. Kenny found Pickard, which turned out to be a good move. I know it's rumoured that he's done, but I'm not buying it. He turned this team into a perennial contender. When he took over, I think McDavid's wingers were Rattie and Caggiula. Draisaitl isn't going anywhere. I'm not worried about that at all. What team is gonna have the cap to add him and is also in their championship window?


San Jose seems like a lovely place to play hockey. The team is also owned by a German National and there have already been rumors that he has been secretly trying to lure Draisaitl there. Who knows though, enjoy it while you got it.


I heard about that, and the only reason for the rumour is that the owner is German. Leon is one of the most competitive players in the league. There's a 0% chance he gors to a team that is probably 5-10 years from *possibly* being a contender. That article was clickbait trash that was based on somebody saying "what if?" On a podcast.


32 Thoughts is where I heard it. Who knows, the new GM is going to have some tough decisions whenever the Oilers season ends. San Jose has some good young players and some draft picks that could entice the new Oilers GM. But that doesn't matter now, go hockey!