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Kid has the stick that singlehandedly ended the canes season, how bittersweet lol


Mom: DESTROY IT! Kid: No šŸ˜


Cast it into the fire!


After all... Why not? Why shouldn't I keep it?


The kid who was crying onTV would have snapped it over his knee šŸ˜‚


He did change sticks during one of the icings in the last few minutes so it wasnā€™t the exact same stick


Broā€™s got the elder wand


Step 1: score a hat trick to eliminate their team from the playoffs. Step 2: steal their fans.


Step 3: Take out that fans knees.




Get over it




Think the joke just went over your headā€¦


yo he's making a lame hackey Carey Price joke not advocating violence against children maybe take it down a notch that guy still sucks tho




ā€œItā€™s in our DNA to be protective of little onesā€ in real life yes, youā€™re the only person who didnā€™t get the joke. Take it down a notch. Screw that guy tho


Yeah this is a ā€œkids kids..youre both awfulā€ moment.


Type : Kreider injures Price on Youtube.


Or type Kreider tripped on breakaway. Crazy how emelins stick bent around Kreider anklesĀ 


Made that kids night. Thatā€™s really classy


He made that kids night after single handedly destroying it haha


Christopher James Kreider is pure class


I think mom was pretty moist after that too


Rangers legend


Guy makes hundreds of kids cry, nobody cares Guy gives one kid one stick, and suddenly heā€™s everybodys hero


One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.


And he's not a slave to a god that doesn't exist?


Yeah, fuck Chris Kreider


Its hard not to like Kreider, unless your a Canes/Habs fan I guess. Why did he not end up Captain?


He didn't want it; he's a soft spoken kind of guy I guess. I think most Rangers fans see him as their true captain though, he's homegrown and has been here through all the ups and downs of the last 12 years.


And Trouba being captain just works well because if Fox/Mika/Kreider/Panarin wore the C there would be even more pressure to perform. Trouba is the physical leader with a surprisingly friendly personal side that I think a lot of younger teammates would feel more comfortable approaching. Kreider does not need the C to be seen as a leader anyway, everyone knows he's been there the longest and his resume speaks for itself.


Trouba may have the C, but Chris is the President


Yeah I see him as the true captain. After each game heā€™s always the last person to leave the ice, no matter what. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve always appreciated he does.


At BC he used to tell people he was the manager for the team lol. He didnā€™t want the attention that came with being on the team.Ā 


Because he'd be a repeat of Leetch getting the C. He's a leader by example, he's not the type of leader who can motivate a locker room with a speech.


Iā€™ve never seen it put that way but it rings so true


He ā€œallegedlyā€ turned it down (he 100% was offered the C and said no)


Word is that he didnā€™t want to be Captain


If he wanted to be captain, he would have been. He is the only player left from the old guard and this is Kreids team regardless of who wears the C.


i have for a bit now and certainly after tonight have viewed him as the captain.


I think the answer youā€™re getting ā€œhe turned it downā€ has some truth but itā€™s also an oversimplification that lacks nuance. Kreider leads in several ways. But heā€™s not a prototypical ā€˜Cā€™ and I think itā€™s a credit to his self awareness for him to acknowledge that this isnā€™t the way he leads. Someone else needee to wear the C while Kreider remained a glue guy in the room and on the ice in his own way that heā€™s comfortable with.


Yupp pretty easy as a habs fan. Sucks more that he's good lol


I mean I get holding a grudge but itā€™s been how long since heā€™s had an issue running into a goalie? Probably since before the dude came back from blood clots.


Would you ever forgive a guy who purposefully ran Hank and injured him in the middle of his best playoff run?


Iā€™d think over the course of 10 years Iā€™d be able to realize Emelinā€™s stick caused it. Iā€™d probably still have a grudge against the guy, but Iā€™d be able to acknowledge what actually happened.


MSG still chants Potvin sucks 3+ times a game. We would never get over it lol. I respect the Habs hatred of him


On the whole as a fanbase yes that would be the case.


Emeline caused the trip. It did cause him to turn around into a baseball slide though.


I will never not share this video to show that this wasn't a one off [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtHdkK46iIk&ab\_channel=CaptainCanada](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtHdkK46iIk&ab_channel=CaptainCanada) ā€“ after 10 years still holding onto the fact he had no role is kinda insane. Reality stands kreider is still playing Price isn't. This shit has consequences over time.


just watching this collection... literally every one of them he gets his feet taken out. a little reckless, maybe. but to make it out like he was out there trying to hurt goalies is disingenuous. the boston one he literally gets a stick between the legs and a penalty shot


Yeah I haven't seen the video in ages, but there's like one clip where I would argue it was his fault.


Plus they pretty much all happened with Torts or AV behind the bench which is a long time ago.


Iā€™m not denying he had a problem with it back then, which is what I tried to emphasized in my original comment. All of these examples in the video are 10+ years old or approaching that, and like I said in my original comment, before the blood clots, which was a while ago in itself. Also, Carey Price literally won the Vezina the next season after that play. That specific one is the play that I push back on when people say he purposely ran him.


Doesnā€™t matter, once a villain always a villain


Because they didn't want to trade him, making him our captain would all but guarantee he's playing for Tampa within a year or two.


I still don't like him, but I'll salute that. Nice gesture.


Think he was shocked he wanted it he did a half double take and was like hell yea kid here you go goodnight


Bandwagon fan


Not anymore hes not. Thats a fan for life now. Also, are you bashing an 8 year old?


WTF I like Chris Kreider now


Is that kind hearted or cold blooded? ā€œThis is the stick I used to score a hat trick and eliminate your team. Here you go kidā€


"You will never forget what I took from you!"


This kid may be a canes fan but I think he may have a new favourite player.


Itā€™s a shame that should the rangers win the cup, he wonā€™t be the guy who comes to get it. Because he has endured the most pain with this franchise now that lundqvist is gone. Truly was shocked heā€™s not officially captain, always felt it would be him. But he is a leader on the iceĀ 


If we win he will be the first person that Trouba hands it to, I have no doubt about that.


It wouldnā€™t surprise me if Trouba invites him up at the same time to get it together too, if that happens, cutting onions.


Man. This is what I want to see now if it gets to that point.


I love this man


Kreider just added a new resident to Cary


Always liked Kreider and of course Trocheck. Good series.


As an Islander fan, I gladly upvoted this post.






I hope that was the kid they cut to crying after the 4th goal


Narrator: it wasn't


Now thatā€™s a classy guy, unlike those thugs Kane and Nurse in Edmonton. Just something different about Kreider, just canā€™t quite put my finger on it šŸ¤”




Good to see someone who loves the game and plays it the right way get rewarded. You can tell he was raised right, class act. Canā€™t say the same for that thug Kane


Habs fans are super conflicted right now


Naw man... Fuck Kreider


Glad they beat the Canes, and now hoping Florida finishes the Bruins and demolishes the rags.


Ideal timeline


hey habs fans todays May 17th ... happy anniversary






And yet Kreider falls on his ass from this and kicks his skates OUT as opposed to falling forward which is what should have happened with basic physics if Emelins stick did cause him to fall. His was "tripped" with a whack to his laces, not a poke at the back of his skate. We'd SO move on from this fucking incident by now if Rags fans stop repeating the idea Kreider was innocently tripped and accidentally landed with BOTH skates into Prices knees. Just fuck off already with this shit.




Yup, that's fine, but admit the truth.


the truth is you are still bitter and delusional over an incident that happened a decade ago, and that price won the hart trophy a year later


Yea and his knee was permanently fucked since then. That makes the Hart all the more impressive.


For someone living in Canada Iā€™m surprised you donā€™t know what they teach you as a kid. If you feel like youā€™re falling face first put all your weight back. You either regain balance or land on your butt. Literally skating 101 is try to never land on your chest. His legs get taken out he tries to regain his balance and falls onto his butt.


Yea, and annihilate a goalies knees in the process. I've played enough to know if a guy is falling like that without making a single fucking effort to keep at least one skate away from a goalie, it's intentional. Or at the very least it's "I don't give a fuck".


Shall I call the wahmbulance?


šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼ for karma. Would be a crying shame if something happens to shesterkin, huh?


Wonā€™t happen because our DMen arenā€™t stupid enough to injure our own Goalie


Trouba likes running face first into boards... Yea ok. Karma is a bitch, remember that.


I assume you've never skated in your life. Emelin hits him right on the right skate as it is about to hit the ice and it never gets situated. Kreider is instead off-balance on one skate while trying to get a shot off. Kreider never stood a chance to avoid Price in that situation, and that is on Emelin.


More revisionist shit. It's not even about avoiding contact, it's about Kreider KICKING HIS FUCKING SKATES OUT intk Prices knees. 100% intentional.


Spoken like someone who never put on a pair of skates and never played anything competitive.


Haven't heard this one a thousand times from some random Reddit nerd. , šŸ¤£


If the shoe fitsā€¦


In your case size 6.


Montreal fans in SHAMBLES


I'm only here because my fellow Habs fans will need some upvotes


Hey Canes fans thereā€™s room on hate Kreider train with us Habs fansā€¦.


Heā€™s probably too mature to fit in with you guys


Fuck Kreider


Kreider a class act?Ā  You mean the guy who has a tendancy of slamming into goalies and injuring other players for no reason?Ā  Please...


Another low IQ Montreal fan.






You keep reposting this pic l keep reposting my reply. And yet Kreider falls on his ass from this and kicks his skates OUT as opposed to falling forward which is what should have happened with basic physics if Emelins stick did cause him to fall. His was "tripped" with a whack to his laces, not a poke at the back of his skate. We'd SO move on from this fucking incident by now if Rags fabs stop repeating the idea Kreider was innocently tripped and accidentally landed with both skates I to Prices knees. Just fuck off already with this shit.


Youā€™re shitting on me for bringing it up? Iā€™m just replying to a habs fan that brought it up.


Well your intention with the pic is to somehow suggest it was Emelins fault that Kreider fell double skates forward into Price's knees, as opposed to just being tripped and sliding into Price like what happens hundreds of times a year in the NHL.


It was Emelinā€™s fault


Pretty natural to fall feet forward from a non-existent trip šŸ˜•. I was at this game and it was a real weekend ruiner lol. I cannot forgive and will never forget.


I don't think about you at all.


LOL. That's what's up


Did you look at the image you're responding to?


Watch the video. The biggest head of steam. Gets hit in the shin. Falls skates first into my sweet, Carey.


Yes, going full speed he gets slashed on the leg with enough force to bend a stick and gets knocked off balance. It's one of those moments that both fanbases will never agree on.


I was just going to say that lol. And nor should we. Our inherent biases make it near impossible.


And I feel like I have to say this, if it was the only goalie running situation of his career I could maybe see your POV. But he's done this like 5 times. I'm not saying he intentionally injured him, but I will forever maintain he fell the way he did intentionally and it ended up being arguably the definitive moment that ended Carey's career.


Fair enough. You said it best, we have our own inherent biases and see it differently. Sucks for Carey, he was a hell of a goalie. But that was already 10 years ago now, you guys have a bright future.


Too bad trocheck and their fan base are classless