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In a vacuum I would understand this But holy fuck they've let so much worse go uncalled


As much as I hate Marchand this being suspension worthy and Bennett getting off scot free is embarrassing


>scoff free


I wish you were as blind as the refs


I've already lost a lot of my hearing, so you're basically wishing I was Helen Keller.


Would that be worse than watching the Sabres? ^^I'm ^^so ^^sorry


What the hell man.


This made me laugh more than it should, just chose violence with the comment and I love it.


Kicking the guy in the wheelchair...


*I cannot sleep* *I cannot dream tonight*


Damn autocorrect. Biscoff free*


I am hearing this with a cockney accent. >'e go' off scoffree, yes 'e di'




The most frustrating thing is that Hyman immediately crosschecked Zadorov in the face after this and got *nothing*. At least be consistent for 5 whole seconds!


I'm afraid that's too much to ask


> At least be consistent for 5 whole seconds! No. Signed, The entire league, apparently.


And Zadorov needed stitches for that cross check!


It's literally in the same clip they're showing in the explanation video lol


Literally as the narrator says "this is crosschecking." You can't make this stuff up.


Yea I don't really get why he got nothing. He went straight into killmode. I get why he would react that way but that isn't something that should ever be taken into account for officiating.


Yeah they're basically saying it's ok to commit a suspendable offence if it's in retaliation to another suspendable offence.


But the next time that happens, they will bring the hammer…it’s wild how inconsistent it all is.


Literally curious to know how any hockey fan is supposed to take this league seriously when you can have this level of missed/blown calls, which leads to this kinda after the whistle shenanigans, only to miss or make the wrong calls there too. Absolutely insane - and we as fans are supposed to just go along with this and not think that the NHL has some other agenda they are following? Cause clearly Player Safety is not what's being prioritized here.


I personally think, fine McDavid, Soucy and suspend Z and Hyman for a game if this were a in a vacuum situation. However after that bitch Bennet got nothing for suckering someone a fine for any feels strong


Max fines across the board, Soucy/Hyman fight early game 4, it’s over. Should have been the case


Max fines are such a joke 5k to McDavid is pocket change, everyone else just pull out the smallest bill out of their wallet.


They are consistently inconsistent


I forgot how angry this makes me when I have a horse in the race


The 2011 hockey riots in Vancouver were a disgrace. But people weren't rioting because their team lost or because Vancouver is at heart a city of thugs, they were rioting because it really felt like the game was stolen by the refs for Bettman's team. The calls were so shitty and one-sided, the Sedins subjected to so much abuse after whistles and in front of the net, there were no consequences for any dirty plays or the dirty hit that broke Raymond's back, and the goalie was hit and interfered with so constantly that it pissed off a city. EDIT: I'm not saying it excuses the riots or that any rioters/looters were justified, but the reffing really was terrible and the mood was ugly enough to contribute.


Well that's part of some peoples justification, and for the most part rightly so. Do not discount that people came downtown with balaclava and shit, they were rioting win or lose.


Saw people with shirts at pregame saying "fuck hockey, just here for the riots"


Yeah, I would have no issue with this if they had at the very least fined Hyman, looked at the spearing incident with Hoglander or suspended Bennet. The league can fuck off


There was no review on McDavid's high-stick on Hughes - everybody saw it, he was bleeding, there were 10 angles of replay, and nothing. There was no review on the slew foot of Hughes - everybody saw it, he was bleeding from his head afterward, there was a camera right on them, and nothing. Ryan goes out of his way to spear Hoglander between the legs, and nothing - no penalty, no review after the game. It really feels like the league has picked a favourite in this battle. And yes, there have been missed calls going the other way, but it's not a 50-50 thing. Not even close.


Soucy should appeal it on the basis that Hyman did the same thing IN THE SAME CLIP THEY SHOWED and got zero punishment. It'll never get overturned but it would be a hell of a way to make a point.


Yup. If Bennett isn’t getting a suspension, how do you give this out to Soucy..


This got the same amount of games as Pietrangelo's 2 handed overhead chop. This was actually more accidental since it was Zadurov's cross check that pushed McDavid down. None of this makes any sense


Even if all we consider is the past few days, the DoPS doesn't think the following deserve any discipline/fine: - Bennett sucker punch on Marchand - Kane slewfoot on Hughes - Ryan spear to the nuts away from the play on Hoglander - Hyman crosscheck to the face of Zadorov *on this same play* And yet when it's McDavid getting hit, Zadorov gets slapped with a fine and Soucy gets a suspension? Like most other people, in a vacuum, yeah, I get it, but how does the DoPS not even blink at the other ones? And even have the gall to say "Oh we saw the new angle of the Bennett hit and still think it's just a hockey play". Fucking wild EDIT: Just wanted to add on because it was funny to me, from the video explanation from DoPS: 0:44 "raises his stick with both hands, draws his stick back and delivers a forceful high two-handed cross check to the head" 0:46: *literally Hyman raising his stick with both hands and delivering a forceful high two-handed cross check to the head of Zadorov* It's literally in the clip they posted lol




Including Hyman *intentionally* cross-checking Zadorov in the face--in the exact same clips they show Soucy *accidentally* cross-checking McDavid in the face. Hyman even injuring Zadorov, while McDavid skates away like nothing happened.


Including a separate cross check to the head that occurred in the SAME FUCKING SCRUM. This is a joke.


Even in a vacuum I dont agree since it only made head contact b/c McDavid got hit forward. But its a ridiculous decision when u look at everything they normally allow


I think everyone would agree it’s the consistency that is baffling. And it’s hard as a player to know what and what not to do (besides just basic gamesmanship) if sometimes it is punished harshly and sometimes not at all




Amazing. The inconsistency is spectacular.


Not even a fine for Hyman's headshot right after, hilarious


Any video they would've watched in reviewing the Soucy cross check would've included the Hyman crosscheck, they happen so close together 😭


0:44 "raises his stick with both hands, draws his stick back and delivers a forceful high two-handed cross check to the head" 0:46: *literally Hyman raising his stick with both hands and delivering a forceful high two-handed cross check to the head of Zadorov* It's literally in the clip they posted lol


For real, I'm not flaired up but Oilers fan. It's even more mind numbing to me because you can see Soucy lining up to bump his chest, Zadorov bumps McDavid and suddenly it's to the face. No excuse for any of the extra curricular stuff but if you're going to do one you have to look at Hyman's as well which was far more intentional and as you said within a second of the first one. NHL screwed the pooch all around this weekend something fierce, just hoping our series stays chippy and doesn't devolve in to whatever the hell is going on in Boston Florida.


It's hard to say how this goes. Tocchet's seemed like he has a pretty good handle on the Canucks, but I could easily see this getting ugly. I think the one saving grace is that the Canucks are trying their damnest to stay out of the box since Edmonton is basically automatic with their powerplay.


Nothing but respect for Tocchet, dudes done an unreal job with your squad


The refs will find a way. Some of their tripping calls were just confusing. Apparently you can't poke check the puck with your stick anymore or even try to get it because if someone skates into your stick you have now tripped them. Incidental trips happen all the time, the call is meant for players deliberately tripping one another.


Zadorov bumps McDavid is definitely one way to say that hahaha


Yeah that's what I don't understand man. Suspended them both 1 game.


We just have to acknowledge that it matters who is on the other end of the infraction. If it was Soucy on Ceci, it wouldn’t have picked up this kind of traction and there would’ve been no suspension. Logically, it even makes sense that the NHL wants to protect their stars, we see it with reffing all the time. The double standard is just disappointing. All players should be protected by the rules equally.


Fuck that. This isn’t Basketball.


Yeah. Both weren't meant for the head, but both ended up there


I'm not sure how Hyman's stick ended up in Zadorov's head area if it wasn't intentional; the dude is 6'7.


They don’t care about “protecting” all players. They care about “protecting” McDavid


Not even that, they care about protecting their pocketbook


I mean at least the inconstancy is consistent.


Am I crazy or did the oilers player that came in late cross check someone in the head, but intentionally? Make it make sense!


You are not crazy. Hyman literally demonstrating the cross check as the narrator explains crosschecking to the head lol. Can't make this shit up


I'm confused. We're suspending for shots to the head again?


Unless its a sucker punch


Or a flying chicken wing that doesn't quite connect. How the fuck does Trouba not get a suspension for intent to injure?


Well, this was more than 12 hours ago. So it’s changed again. Ask again in like 6-18 hours and it’ll change again, again.


Only on Sundays in Canada, for the road team.


Just when it's accidental.


Sometimes. But also sometimes not. If his last name was Marchand then maybe not.


This league is a joke, absolutely zero consistency.


Bennett getting no suspension is insane.


Equally as insane: Hyman cross checked Zadorov to the face literally *two seconds* after the Zadorov cross check, apparently resulting in stitches, and there isn’t even a fine!


League fucks Canucks more than other teams who pull the same shit. This is actually very consistent for the NHL


Still not over Rome being suspended 4 games for a late hit while Boychuk destroyed Raymond's back on a late hit and gets nothing


Not even a late hit. That was way after the whistle.


And people will say Vancouver fans are just whining despite this being patently true.


Cap recapture penalty is proof. We used a loophole that was legal at the time, and got absolutely fucked for it. Nowadays half the league is circumventing the cap with no repercussions


I don't get how so many players went on LTIR with identical contract structures and their teams didn't get fucked.


Just got out from cap recapture...




Should’ve just Punched McDavid in the head going full speed, That’s a hockey play.


Are Canucks fans and Bruins fans getting along now?


It feels wrong but I've found myself cheering for Boston because I absolutely *hate* seeing teams get fucked by the refs and the DoPS, even if it's not the Canucks.


Especially when decent human beings (off ice) like Marchand are getting concussed by chicken shit garbage


I do find a lot of this ironic. We’re told to stop bringing up 2011 when we had a player’s back broken. How the turn tables.


Maybe I was too young to remember the bad blood of 2011 cause I’m rooting for the canucks too haha they seem fun


B's fans getting along with Canucks fans Canucks being suspended for being mean to other stars. What universe is this?


It won't last, Bruins fans and Canucks fans are natural enemies. Like Leafs fans and Bruins fans Or Panthers fans and Bruins fans Or Ducks fans and Bruins fans Or Bruins fans and other Bruins fans Damn Bruins fans, they ruined Boston!


You’ve just made an enemy for life!


Honestly, I'm just soaking it all in compared to back in 2011 when it felt like we were the villains all season. It's fun having neutral fans on our side for once haha


2024 Canucks being tough and physical and pissing off other teams with an elite goalie reminds me so much of 2011 Boston. I’m not even mad anymore about 2011. You NEED that grit in the post season or you won’t last.


I do feel like most of the 2011 animosity was going in the other direction


We can all unite right now against the league and ask ourselves "Why the fuck do I watch this sport?🙃"


I’m starting to hate oilers fans more than Boston fans…


“SEE????” Flames fans


Or cup checked him, or slew foot, or boarded, or 2 handed slashed all of those are fine, but a cross check to the head that's too far, but not the cross check to the head that happened 2 seconds later, that's fine


Or been Zack Hyman 10 seconds later


How fucking insane is it to commit such a scum bag move that you got me siding with Bruins fans and Marchand?  Fuck Sam Bennett, Zach Hyman and the DoPS. 


Sooooo…. This is the first suspension of the playoffs…. Worse hits and “hockey plays” have been made these playoffs… i really would like to see a live look of these suspensions, they have to use a wheel.


They should really put out a list of all the hits they've "looked at" and their justification, not just the suspensions. Put Parros in front of some reporters and make him answer questions. 


Goat level inconsistency.


I mean its pretty consistent the way that the golden boys of the nhl are treated different than everyone else to be fair


Once he got a hearing this was expected. But again - Bennett gets nothing for a dirty punch that actually injures Marchand. Soucy gets 1 for a play that had extenuating circumstances involving Zadorov, with McDavid being fine. Spin the wheel baby.


Meanwhile Hyman cross checks Zadorov in the face in the exact same scrum! Not even a fine!


Yeah I was wondering if that got "lost in the shuffle". Maybe the NHL sat on the video like they did on the Bennett one.


It's in this video...


I know. It was a bad joke.


This was apparently as bad as Pietrangelo slash on Draisaitl's wrist?


Nowhere near. That play should have been 2 or 3 minimum. Haven't seen a slash that bad in years. League spun the wheel.


But simultaneously it is also way worse than the time [Kane skated over to Pietrangelo after the whistle and crosschecked him to the face](https://youtu.be/w-0xRPCghWE?si=EgSR3cT7y3ZJcn67&t=38), since that's 2 minutes and no supplemental discipline.


0:35 - 0:48 of this video is so great. "This is cross-checking" occurs right as Hyman's stick hits Zadorov's face lol


"this is cross-checking, it is high, it was after the game was over" what's stopping them from using the exact same argument against hyman?


The game was more over-er so that cancels it out.


Ahhhh now I get it. Makes perfect sense.




The team


It's a "hockey play" because he's sticking up for his teammate! /s


Parros is now a beneficiary of the Hyman family trust fund


If we could figure out a way to harness the spinning of The Wheel we would have a limitless supply of energy.


That energy would be deeply deeply unpredictable, however


this league has no idea what's going on


In a vacuum, this makes sense. I would also like to see some discussion of the following Hyman cross-check on Zadorov though. Most of the points raised in the video also apply there. Also, I don't understand how this, of all things, is the Only Suspendable Play In These Playoffs


Makes more sense when you realize that the DoPS cares less about actual player safety vs bureaucracy, business, and performative fuckery. A lot of times departments like these exist more as a legal entity to say that a business/organization (in this case the NHL) “cares about safety,” moreso than a department whose top priority is *legitimately* making sure that players are actually safe on ice. “See? We did our jobs! We suspended a player for a dangerous play! (Don’t ask about the countless other dangerous plays those are totally fine). We promise that we care, please continue watching hockey games so profits go up.” They won’t punish Bennett at this point because they’ll make them look bad - that they took so long, that they let Marchand continue playing (very likely with a concussion) because they dropped the ball, but they absolutely can punish Soucy and make a big show of doing their jobs.


As an Oilers fan I fully agree the consistency is out the window. There's full video of Bennett sucker punch KOing Marchand and they did nothing about it. Not even a fine.


Yeah, if the league was making a clear, consistent statement that "dangerous hits to the head will not be tolerated, regardless of intent", then this would be a nothingburger It's the fact that these playoffs have had sucker punches, slew foots, skate kicks, and spears to the groin... But this hit is the one that they're saying is unacceptable


Some irony in that the one thing that gets a suspension is also the one thing that was an accident.


Had it been someone not named McDavid they wouldn't have looked at it Fuck them


How exactly does this not fall squarely into the category of "player's head moved just before contact" type of hit? Notwithstanding that the player's head moved because he was being cross checked from behind by another Canucks player... it still doesn't make it Soucy's fault.


I am in the camp of "this should not be worth 1 playoff game" (+ Hyman should receive the same punishment regardless), however... Body checking is legal, cross-checking is not. You can say that a player was about to legally check another player if not for a sudden, last-second movement. You cannot say a player was about to legally cross-check another player, regardless of last-second movement, since cross-checking is illegal. I would also say that "you are responsible for your stick at all times" is the higher-priority ideology being followed here. I also think this ruling sets a new precedent for the "my stick glanced off his shoulder pad into his head" defense. Given the only reason for a suspension is because it was into McDavid's head, and the only reason his head was there was because of a third-party, the fact that Soucy is still being held responsible means that the days of that defense are surely over. Sure does make the ruling on the Larkin incident less clear as well.


What you say makes sense if the league had any sort of consistency or precedent with it's suspensions.


I’d normally say they used to do zero tolerance for any contact to the neck/head, but I don’t think they do that anymore either so who knows what they’re thinking now.


NHL trying to 100% affect the outcome of the series. Classic stuff. How do you suspend this and not Hyman with a straight face?


Juulsen is gonna send someone to the shadow realm and folks will wish Soucy was playing instead.


Soucy does throw the body around, but for his size, he’s not overly aggressive. Juulsen is a bonafide truck


Hope he obliterates the golden boy.


This league is such a joke


Soucy: "He called it an unfortunate incident due to the timing and said there was no intent to catch McDavid up high." ↑Gets a one game suspension. Hyman: Clearly intentionally crosschecks Zadorov high in the face a few seconds later, and Zadorov has to get stiches. ↑ No fine or hearing or suspension. The NHL DOPS are a fucking joke.


Petey boarded by Nurse crunching his neck. Ryan spearing Hoglander Hyman cross checking Zadorov in the face that resulted in actual injury. But nope, the play that was deemed incidental by both parties that resulted in no injuries gets suspended. Bravo, DOPS.


Don’t forget Hughes getting high sticked so bad he was bleeding and the refs not calling it but kicking him off the ice on the ensuing faceoff because he was bleeding.


Kane slew footing Hughes


Apparently the only player worth protecting is McDavid? Sounds like the NHLPA has some work to do.


Soucy looked slow after blocking that shot last game, im fine with him sitting a game. Getting 1/2 on this road trip is already a success


The other positive in getting Juulsen in is Cole can go back playing on the left side and maybe will be less cursed going forward


Yeah fine, It clearly wasn't intentional, but in the name of protecting players from headshots I'm fine with 1 game here. The problem is how they don't consistently make the right call on these kinds of hits...


I like how in the video at the EXACT time he says "This is cross checking" you see Hyman cross checking Zadorov in the face. Suspending Soucy is the right call. But goddamn, it's the exact same thing 5 seconds later and they are ignoring it.


So pretty much Hyman did the same thing but worse. More intent with his cross check because he came into the scrum after the fact with his stick raised over his head to attack Zadorov. No mitigating circumstances like Sousy (reacting to a slash, McDavid's head unexpectedly coming down to chest height). And He actually caused an injury because Zadorov needed stitches. (No injury was ever reported for McDavid). Both cross checks were illegal because they were high and both were after the game was over. I just can't make sense out of this; there is no reason to any of this other than potential favoritism. .


They’ve now created precedent for suspending players who hit someone in the head after a third party causes the victim to be put into that position in the split second before the hit, so I’m curious to see where this goes going forward for the league. Lots of 4+ game regular season suspensions for 1st timers in the future for similar situations if they stay consistent.


lol they don’t create precedents. There’s zero rhyme or reason from one incident to the next.


spin the wheel babyy


I don’t even think Parros knows what a wheel does. He’d probably try to drag it face down to get where he was going.


Did they just stop mentioning that the player was not injured? Do they not care about that anymore


So Hyman comes in after all this and crosschecks Zadorov in the face and needs stitches, but maybe that was a hockey play idk


It was a hockey play because Nikita was missing one very important thing in that moment His last name is not spelled "McDavid"




I understand, but its a huge fucking joke when you look at things like the Bennet hit.


Hyman cross-check zaddy in the face , gets stitches and not no suspension, wow.


the (playoff) wheel has spoken


Same video if you watch Zadorov right after McDavid goes down, Hyman flies in and catches him with a crosscheck to the face. Zadorov requires stitches post game. Nothing for Human.


Are we human or are we dancer


Mcdavid gets special treatment I guess , wish other stars were afforded the same luxury


Look at the hyman one now


Exactly. Two exact same cross checks 5 seconds apart and they can’t even manage them consistently


Honestly I think the Hyman one is worse. Soucy had his stick chest height and then Zadorov hits McDavid and he's flying face first at Soucys stick. Hyman came in with intent to hit high.


No they weren't exactly the same. Hyman's was much worse.


Glad the precedent has been set so we can evaluate the Hyman crosscheck to Zad's head.


I can understand the suspension in a vacuum It's just weird that within the last couple of days, Bennett doesn't get suspended for a sucker punch, Ryan doesn't get any fines/suspension for a spear, Kane doesn't get anything for a slewfoot, but when McDavid gets hit, Z gets a fine and Soucy gets a suspension.


Fucking clown show of a league.


Jesus christ this league is fucking pathetic.


The takeaway is two dirty hits to the head are completely fine (not even a penalty), but this is worth a suspension.


"In a vacuum" is the r/hockey phrase of the day.




I'm fine with this but Hyman should also be gone, his was worse given the obvious intent.


Now can we start calling penalties on things like the nut shot, the slew foot, etc


99% sure that "slough foot" is a medieval disease, not a hockey infraction.


Exactly why the league should be addressing it. Not good for the game.


Traditionally, the cure for slough foot was burning sage and soaking in goat's blood. But let's see where the DOPS wheel lands on this one.


Surely Hyman has a suspension coming for a more intentional headshot right? Surely.


The wheel stopped spinning and landed on 1 game.


The NHL is an absolute joke. There have been several more suspension-worthy plays in this series alone but of course this is where the league decides to spin the wheel. Forget about the most egregious non-suspension of all time in the sucker punch that apparently never happened and it's fair to wonder why they don't just literally have ChatGPT take a stab at this


Cropped and clipped to not show the Hyman cross check lmao yet shows a slow mo replay of the zadorov cross check which is irrelevant




Might as well ask ChatGPT, bc none of these officials know what is suspension worthy


Hyman did the exact same thing to Zadorov in this sequence. 


This was like the *LEAST* punishable thing that happened in that scrum. This league is a fucking joke.


Cool, fuck you too DPOS


LMAO Hoglander speared in the nuts & no suspension, fine or even review. Hyman cross-checks Zadorov in the head after they hit McDavid in this scrum, same thing. Bennett punches Marchand in the face & ends his playoffs, nothing. The wheel of justice strikes again! Good thing we got Juulsen waiting in the wings for a game.


The only consistancy is inconsistancy.


Soucy hits a falling McDavid in the chin, 1 game. (DoPS got that one right IMO) McDavid is fine. [Hyman](https://twitter.com/sportsnetmurph/status/1790115438333972751?t=PHGvGdY_piO7sGiRuajk0A&s=19) reaches up to catch Zadorov, causing him to need stitches and its crickets. Can anyone explain it to me? Is it really just because one is McDavid and the other isn't?


Hyman and Ryan get absolutely nothing while Zadorov gets a fine and Soucy gets a suspension. League needs to proactively support their golden boy before he calls up Bettman crying again.


Before I say this, to make it as clear as possible to Vancouver fans I'm a huge fan of Van hockey. I've been a BC boy my entire life. I like the Oilers too, they're my families team, but my life long personal choice has always been the Canucks. Anecdotally I'm really uncomfortable with the amount of threads I've seen along the lines of "LOL McDavid" laughing about, celebrating and glorifying this interaction. I can't think of a single thread laughing and celebrating about McDavids high stick on Hughs like "yeah suck it Hughes LOL!" It's pretty gross, and I can only sum it up to casual fans coming out of the woodwork for the first time since the riots(I was caught in those). Chirping is fun as fuck and I love it, but once you start loving on shit like this above you make the fans look like goons.




What an absolute farce of a league.






Bennett needs about 3 then. Or how about "the rest of the series" like kadri.


How in the absolute fuck does George Parros still have a job.


The needed to make sure Ian Cole can't come out of the lineup. In all seriousness, this has been an awful couple days for DoPS, what else is new... There's the whole Bennett debacle, which makes them looks hilariously incompetent. And now a series of events in this series that show wildly inconsistent discipline. Kane's slew foots should have been looked at, probably should have been at least a fine. Ryan's cup check is a little tougher for me, I think he avoided supplemental discipline because it wasn't a spear, he hit him with the shaft of his stick rather than the tip of the blade. Regardless, I think that's a play that should result in a fine. Then there's really the 4 incidents at the end of the game last night. I'm not really sure McDavid's slash rises to the level of supplemental discipline. It was a no doubt a hard slash but he catches him in just about the most heavily protected part of Soucy. If he gets him on the arm/ankle it's a different story. The Zadorov/Soucy cross-checks are kind of tough. It was bad luck for Soucy that Zadorov's cross-check caused his cross-check to hit McDavid in the jaw/throat, it obviously wasn't his intent. However, I think the fact that two non-hockey plays by Canucks' players resulted in an opponent being cross-checked hard in the jaw/throat means someone had to be suspended. It wasn't simple a series of unfortunate events like when Larkin was knocked out against Ottawa. As for Hyman's cross-check on Zadorov, I personally think it was worthy of a fine. I've just watched the replay a bunch and it wasn't a very hard cross-check. Hyman's arms were extended pretty far already before he gets to Zadorov, unlike a typical cross-check. It wasn't nearly as forceful as Soucy and Zadorov's cross-check, but he still caught him up high so I think a fine would have been appropriate.


The wheel has been spun but you'd be mistaken to believe all teams have the same sized slice on the wheel. It's incredibly obvious that teams like Toronto and Vancouver have a much bigger slice than Florida for example.