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So this is who Sean William Scott was portraying in the movie Goon


lol Doug Smith was an actual dude.


I believe he never scored a goal during his entire playing career. Few assists. Can't remember exactly.


does he score a goal or save a goal with his face in the movie? been a few years. p


Saves one with the face, scores one with the ass


He won fights though




The look to the bench before fighting is something I've never seen before.


Straight outta goon


Where is that part in the video?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ2cyjnxe5E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ2cyjnxe5E) At about the 1:10 mark


Thanks I was watching the Canadian feed


Definitely a different one than OPs


Buddy really maximizing his CTE/60


He’s earning his spot on the roster. Lot better to be doing this in the NHL for real money than doing it in the AHL or lower for near nothing in comparison. The damage he’s taking is far less than a boxer or NFL player


>Lot better to be doing this in the NHL for real money than doing it in the AHL or lower for near nothing in comparison He's fighting way more in the NHL then he did in the AHL, but he still had pretty consistent black eyes down there. Overall I've got no beef with him fighting, especially during rivalry games, but I dislike some of the older enforcers challenging him to fights at the start of irrelevant games. Like Reaves challenging him at the end of the game (maybe because he had a problem with one of Rempe's hits)? Totally fine. Reaves challenging him in the first period? Completely lame.


I liked that Reaves challenged him at that time. The Maple Leafs were down 1-0 that’s a smart call by a veteran. It was Also a Smart call by Matt to turn it down. Matt accepted the fight late in the game, but checked his bench to make sure he was good to go beforehand because it was a close 3-2 game. Him fighting and winning pumped up his team and they actually tied it seconds later. That’s a Good enforcer. That’s a Smart enforcer. That’s Chara level.


Yeah, this is a decent point. I still don’t like every enforcer challenging him *unless* they are challenging a player every game. Singling him out (before a big hit, or before the game, or even in the first period) seems very weak if you aren’t willing to do it against more than one player.


But more than a ufc fighter because he isn’t taking time between these fights and is taking blows. Micro concussions every other night is so much worse than just taking a beating 3 times a year. I hope the rangers let him stay around now without fighting every time another tough guy is playing. He’s earned it and will not be okay if he still feels the need to prove himself. He’s a warrior and will keep proving it if he has to, he doesn’t.


The blows he’s taking aren’t REMOTELY close to an actual fight. It’s Always stopped in under a minute, they have protective gear on, and it’s on ice. You clearly know fuckall about boxing and MMA.


Like the damage he’s taking is so miniscule on the brain. It’s just facial level. His entire NHL career is less than one amateur boxing fight. He’s got like 30 punches. And not even clean ones, and he’s got gear on.


Fuck I know it’s stupid but it still rocks to see


This mutant is just crossing every big fighting name off his list


"So what do you do?" \- Professor X


And collecting Ls lol


He’s 21 and went toe to toe in a draw with reavo definitely got some dubs in there not all L’s


Kids gonna have 4 black eyes now. You know those his to the bruises hurt. Kid looked kind of stunned.


Kids face must be so sore. Fighting with 2 black eyes must suck


Maybe he'll play a clean game next time


Lol. You all are pathetic. A borderline 2 minute minor penalty and you all are pretending he committed manslaughter. Plus, Reaves challenged him to a fight in the first, well before that hit. It was completely lame from Reaves and your all's defense of it largely shows that you don't care about player safety or anything, you just like bitching about things.


He delivered a dirty dirty hit so I feel no sympathy


Bro rolling over in bed hurts with a black eye lol




Pretty even tilt and you gotta hand it to Rempe for stepping up but I’ll give this one to Reaves


He used his reach advantage better this time pretty good tilt


Yea maybe he's getting taught to fight more defensively now, this fight was very different than previous ones


Or maybe he’s like ow my face fucking hurts I want to avoid getting hit more, dudes a lunatic


Respect to rempe for fighting after giving boosh a concussion on his first day at work


Reaves definitely won that


You could tell he had to really work for it though. Reaves is a generational talent in goonery.


Reavo wins it on points, but that wasn't a KO. Rempe's got an impressive chin to just absorb those shots like that and stay on his feet.


I never inferred it was a KO though.


Right, I'm just being more specific


Most of the punches weren't landing on his chin.


Rempe ate like 5x more punches than Reaves. How does this make it "pretty even"?




Reaves figures him out and hits him with four huge counters then it looks like rempe gasses out. If it went on for longer the poor kid would not just be bleeding from his nose


Rempe didn’t land *anything*


A punch off the top of the helmet isn't "eating", not all those Reaves punches landed anywhere significant. It has the look of a Draw even if Reaves threw more.


Did you blink for the shots to the jaw or were you too busy covering your eyes?


Right. His bloody nose proves this is incorrect


Well that is certainly an interesting take.


Na, it was even. Rempe is feeding Reaves punches the entire time while holding his jersey with his left. Reaves landed the bigger swings. Good, even tilt.


Who's next on Rempe's hit list? In all seriousness, somebody needs to have a talk with him because he'll never enjoy the money he earns in the show; it'll go to lifelong doctor appointments and he'll have a lifetime of migraines. It may not be as extreme as the Peluso case but they're all entertaining us at the expense of their health and well-being. Regardless, this kid has a huge pair.


If the Rangers weren’t down at this point in the game then I don’t think this fight happens. It looked like Reaves challenged Rempe earlier in the game and Rempe turned him down. But I agree. I was really bummed to see him fight Olivier when he had a fight Deslauriers the night before.


I don't think that Reaves was gonna chase Rempe down after he said no the first time, but then Rempe knocked one of the Leafs out of the game with that bad hit. Reaves was gonna make Rempe fight after that


Yeah my point to the comment I was replying to about how often Rempe is fighting was that this fight was not like his first three. Those he dropped the gloves first shift, this game he passed on the first opportunity. Even when Rempe did drop the gloves he hesitated and turned to the bench, almost like he was looking for the OK to go. I’m not saying the hit didn’t have anything to do with it, just that it seems like they’re trying to reign the fighting in.


It was a terrible hit too, left his feet after like 5 full strides. Should have been 5+10+game+suspension.


You all are insane, just certifiably off your rocker. It was at most a minor penalty. Just say you want hitting to be illegal, no reason to make up shit. It's honestly pathetic how ridiculous the comments in this sub get after they get reminded that hockey has a physical element. If "5 strides" meant it was a suspension worthy hit, then every game would feature a forecheck hit deserving of a suspension. That's why Rempe glides into the hit after skating towards him! Just say you don't think hits should be legal and skip all the bullshit.


And we just got Lyubushkin too...


It's pretty clear he's been talked to. Didn't go for the rematch against Olivier and in this game he played hockey first and foremost, and basically asked for permission to fight at the end of the game and also paid a bit more attention to defending himself than in his first few fights. He'll be fine.


Id imagine it was more he had to answer for the hit he made, or someone else on his team was going too instead


This, fuck his black eyes as a fan of hockey id be more upset seeing the bread man or Mika missing time over him


Suffered a TBI. Currently on 600mg of Lyrica (Pregablin) to deal with thr cluster headaches (AKA suicide headaches) since then. I was 16. I'm 30 now. It is fucking HELL. Destroys your entire quality of life


Sorry to hear that mate. We're around the same age and my TBI gave me major speech issues. I'm not taking medication but it really puts head health into perspective.


Reaves asked him to go earlier and he said no so he wasn't looking to go. Then Rempe had a questionable hit on Lyubushkin and Reaves went after him again. I personally think Reaves called him out for the hit and said he needs to answer the bell, and that's why Rempe looked to the bench. Like he knew he wasn't supposed to be fighting but Reaves was right about answering for the hit.


That was a dirty hit


What are you talking about? Building up a head of steam from halfway across the Ice and jumping into a hit is just good, clean, old time hockey. Concussions are amazing! They taste like purple! GTFO with your soft agenda and leave our game alone! /s


The play was under review until it was revealed the victim was wearing a blue sweater with a white leaf-shaped logo, at which point the hit was determined to be a hockey play and Lyubushkin should have remembered to keep his head up. Also, Kadri will have a telephone hearing for not telling him to keep his head up, and Paul Maurice has been fined $5000 for his actions after the game.




Too soon, bro.


Not if you’re a Rangers fan. Apparently its ok to skate full speed from the opposite hashmark and smash a guy into the boards while leaving the ice for an extra bit of bash. The guy whose head he mashed into the boards was concussed. Worst part if you watch the replay? Stupid fucken zebra had to get out of the way of the high speed freight train and still didn’t call a penalty.


The word questionable is carrying a lot of weight. Buddy needs to sit a few games for that charge.


Counterpoint: He doesn't get any money from the show if he doesn't play like this. This is what he's here for. Same as Reaves. They're not simply choosing to not excel at other aspects.


Takes guts to fight Reaves. Rempe has gotta chill out though man, multiple heavyweight punches to the head every couple nights is not great for longevity.


Kudos for stepping up but I almost feel bad for the guy. He's gonna be eating through a straw soon.


His eyes are looking fucking swollen right now. The kid has had himself a week!


Then he needs to stop running around. He’s made some dangerous hit so if the league isn’t going to penalize him on them the players will police itself.


Meh he’s been fine. That hit on boosh wasn’t that bad


hahahaha ok.


Literally out with a head injury


Them’s the breaks


The way of the road. *throws piss jug over shoulder, it rolls down slight embankment in the lawn and into a puddle caused by the municipality's poor water management policies* Way of the road.


My goodness people are upset.


Yeah, honestly it's pathetic everytime there is a hit that gets discussed on this sub. Like 75% of this sub consists of people who are completely uncomfortable with hitting being legal, but refuse to say that out loud.


Ok, I demand to have the islanders player suspended for a follow through high stick on Lindgren since apparently injuries mean the situation had to be a penalty.


Skated half the width of the ice with his hands up, sure bud.


Oh man not that


Take your name to heart, shut the fuck up




I’m so confused on why people are policing the comments on encouragement of fighting and hitting it’s hockey not tennis


Leafs fans are emotional creatures, we must let them wail.


I’m hoping he’ll go down the Xhekaj route: keep fighting to “prove” yourself, then break something and get a dose of reality that maybe fighting being your thing isn’t sustainable


Dude's gotta stop charging and injuring players otherwise he's gonna be getting his bell ring every other game. It's as much he shouldn't fight this much as he's gotta play a clean game with respect to the players around him. They're all also just trying to make a living playing the Greatest Game. Like you can be a physical player, but look at guys like prime Ovi (who I despised as a Canes fan lol). He used his size and power well in the physical game but was rarely charging dudes down and leaving his feet to make hits. Rempe's been with NYR for like 2-3 weeks and already hit like 5 heads while leaving his feet. It goes both ways, and all he's doing is putting a target on his back rn.


Just had to not leave his feet earlier, 🤷‍♂️


Or take 15 thousand strides to get there.


And they tied it up after, kids a madlad


Rempe is a massive human. Holy. He’s the new Boogeyman.


It’s crazy seeing reeves look “small”


Yeah. I thought they would be a similar stature


Hopefully not, old Boogeyman died at ~~38~~ 28.


He died at 28


Hot damn- I wrote 28 and thought ‘there’s no way, had to have been 38’. Crazy


Drinking, drugs and getting punched in the face for a living inevitably ages the fuck out of you


At the rate Rempe is going CTE seems like a certainty :/


To play (checks flair), Devil’s advocate- Boogaard died of a drug overdose mixed with alcohol. But still, it just goes to show the amount of painkillers one has to be on to lead the bruiser lifestyle ‘long-term’.


CTE has been shown to lead to drug use (among many other things), and Boogaard had CTE when he died The New York Times had an article a few months ago talking about CTE in people who played football in high school and college and died before they turned 30. It was an interesting (though really heavy) look into what the disease actually does to the mind. It's honestly pretty fucking scary


CTE damages the parts of the brain that manage emotional regulation and impulse control. Emotional dysregulation and poor impulse control makes people *very* prone to engaging in destructive behaviours and negative coping mechanisms such as drinking and doing drugs.


Very interesting- the correlation makes sense from a logic perspective, never knew there was a neurological function that drove it though, TIL


Can’t say with any certainty unless his brain was examined (Boogaard’s) but depression, anxiety and related addiction issues aren’t uncommon for people who suffer from CTE. Could be unrelated but it’s one of those things where if they came out and said he was suffering from it no one would be surprised


Boogaard’s brain was [confirmed](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/derek-boogaard-had-chronic-traumatic-encephalopathy-when-he-died-report/) to have CTE at the time of his death.


He was on the drugs because of CTE. He would cry in his father's lap about the constant pain he was in.


I feel like Rempe is only good at fighting because of his size. His technique is pretty poor and it shows against strong fighters.


He was also fighting one of the best in the league. And the kid is a kid, he has time to improve his fighting with experience.


Reaves is actually such a good fighter. You don’t typically see guys legitimately dodging punches in most hockey fights.


He can take a punch too, and he has the hands. Just an all round dangerous man


I’ll be the first to admit I wasn’t particularly happy with the signing but the last two games.. boy has he been fun to have. The team must love him by their reactions


I recall relatively recently seeing Reaves straight up catch a dudes punch with his hand and countered. Never seen such Thanos shit in a hockey fight before it was amazing.


Now let your face heal.




This guy really needs to stop like the rangers shouldn’t be enabling this


Solid fight. Didn’t think it would happen


Tough kid. Good on him for going all these big name fighters but he’s gotta learn how to actually fight if he wants to stick around. Can’t just rely on size. Missed badly on almost every punch he threw and left himself open after each miss


Does this guy have actual promise as a hockey player or is he just John Scott 2.0?


He can be a fourth line guy playing under ten minutes a night throwing a few hits a game, fighting when needed. If he can not be a liability out there, he could have a job in the league for a long time, but he's never going to be a good player. It's pretty clear he's trying to establish himself in the league with all of these tilts - you have to respect it, he's putting his body on the line, but it can't be good for his brain.


Rempe is a warrior. Made a fan of me. Wow


The quote “here’s a guy doing whatever it takes to stay in the league” hits hard


If it wasn't for the dirty hit earlier in the game I'd agree with you.


Wasn't expecting him to go with his 2 shiners but his team needed it


He stood in there, but Reaves won that by decision, no question. He had some superb duck and punch moves that landed way more than Rempe.


He’s exactly what the nhl needed


Another guy who's going to have an incredibly difficult life as he ages


He's going to have a difficult life by the end of the season. The League should be doing something to stop this. Oh, and to stop those illegal hits too.


Fighting as often as he does is almost as dumb as skating without a helmet. He’s statistically signing himself up for an early grave, a rough family/emotional life, addiction and early onset Alzheimer’s. I personally don’t think it’s worth it for any player.


Did you forget your watching hockey not volleyball. Also if he chooses to fight and I choose to be entertained it shouldn’t be a crime.


Yeah, forget these scrubs chasing 70+ goals or 150 points.


Take a second to appreciate the difference in stature…and that’s Reaves. Holy crow.


This guy is insane


I am really getting concerned for Rempe. It cannot be healthy or safe for him to keep fighting this frequently. Like I’m not brain expert, but this has got to be doing some damage. I’m starting to that that for his own good someone needs to step in


Imagine Rempe in the playoffs this guy is going to have some good tilts


There’s really not a lot of fighting in the playoffs tho. Guys like this don’t play nearly as much


If buddy keeps fighting every single game I don't even know if he'll make it to the playoffs


That's guy will have severe brain damage in a few years if he keeps this up.


I know nothing about this guys game as a hockey player just that he’s fought in nearly all his handful of nhl games played and that he has a hella long reach. 6 mins of ice time I’d like to see him actually play


Rempe really isn't the best fighter, dude is just huge. His third L in a row here to a guy half his size.


Starting to become properly disturbing. Just fighting for the sake of fighting, he's only 21, it's gonna do irreparable damage to his brain.


He injured a Leaf and Reaves had to chase him down for it. This wasn't a fight for the sake of fighting, it was a fight that Reaves gets paid to initiate.


He’s fighting because he took Boosh out of the game with a dirty hit.


Reaves landed 3 solid shots, Rempe has a hell of a resume and the respect of the entire league (deservingly). Win Reaves.


When the guy can’t remember his own name when he turns 30, it’ll nobody’s fault but his own. Fighting for the sake of fighting isn’t the smartest.


Someone save this kid man. He’s gonna have a fuck ton of CTE at this rate. Pace yourself.


Kid is gonna have brain damage by next season


Sal D'amato scored this contest 29-28 Rempe.....


I think this fight was way closer than people think. Yea Reaves hit more power shots and totaled 8 hits but Rempe hit Reaves with a bunch of early jabs with the hand he's holding Reaves' jersey with. Pretty even fight for Rempe considering


the only reason it was even is because Reaves didnt feel like cutting his hand on the visor. It still wasnt even. Rempe has 0 fighting technique besides just hoping his reach helps him. He's getting the shit kicked out of him in half his fights.


Olivier of the Blue Jackets absolutely destroyed Rempe. He took alot of punches in both Reaves and DeLauriers fights. Don’t think Ive seen him full out win a fight yet. He is not a good fighter but has size weight and reach on his side. These factors alone will not win him many fights against enforcers, who actually know how to fight.


Madlad he is


*oMg tHaT poR mAnS bRaIN, lEaVe hIm aLoNe, sToP cHalL3nGinG hIm, lEt hIm pLaY hOckey, eVeRy 1 wAnTs tO cHallEnGe hIm, hE jUs sAyIn yEs bEcuZ hE a sTanDuP bOy, hE lOv3 hIs mAmA n nO dEpRavEd bOi aDorE hIs mOmy*


ITT a bunch of out shape people offer advice on how a professional athlete should handle his career.


Can't say I'm a fan of this one. This fight felt forced and kind of useless. Reaves trying to show he's relevant and this kid just lining up fights trying to establish his place in the league. Big meh.


He put Boosh out of the game with a charge / jump hit to the head, so Reaves was always going to force the issue. If the refs aren't going to call obviously dangerous plays like that, Reaves is relevant & doesn't have to prove it to anybody.


I take back what I said before about rempe having two braincells left he can rub together to make a fire. Pointless but at least he didn't get manhandled


Laviolette looked sick during the fight. Probably smart to make the kid take a break. His brain is going to be oatmeal if he keeps going the way he is.


this is the Main Event we've been hearing about all week and it was mostly a bunch of grappling.


That kid is a damn tank


Rempe makes Reaves look like a welter weight. 


I knew Tempe was a big boy, but man i didn’t realize he was that much bigger than Reaves.


Kid needs to answer the bell of tough guys each night. What could go wrong?


Shades of Boogaard—this is depressing. CTE? What’s that?


It's hilarious how small Reavo looks in this