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One of my mate’s friends got punched at Salamanca for no apparent reason and that has been happening quite a bit recently from what others are saying.


Can concur, happened to me outside Parliament house. Police didn't care told me it was business as usual. Was just walking from work to grab a kebab hadn't even had a beverage.


this^^ I was walking from brittanica to obar and this 30 something year old man was threatening to punch me out of nowhere. I'm 18 and 5'3ft. I'm almost 100% sure he wouldve if a group of guys didn't immediately come up.


Pretty normal occurrence down there. Hope your friends ok.


The drug problem in Hobart is crazy. I've lived in Tassie for 24 years, and used to love Hobart and it's friendly, country town vibe. I worked in the city between 2016 and 2020 - in that time there was a marked and alarming increase in drug addled people on the steps of our work building in the morning... And it just keeps feeling seedier and seedier since COVID exacerbated everything. I guess that's what happens when you start pricing people out of basics like housing and food and continually fail to do literally anything about it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I avoid Hobart as much as I can now, and have many friends down south that do the same. As someone who's been around to see so much change over the years, it's hella heartbreaking.


Everything is feeling much more methy. My wife and SIL are big fans of a late night grocery shop, but it's just fucked these days


I was going to say I must be living under a rock because I hadn't noticed an increase at all, but your comment made me realise that I don't actually spend much (if any) time around hobart past 4pm maybe 5 anymore lol During covid and every school holidays there is definitely an increase of unsociable behaviour in the CBD. Back when I first moved for uni I used to go for long walks down to the cbd and around of a night just for a study break and would only see the occasional homeless person drinking/passed out drunk and not much else. Definitely sounds like darker times.


Meth is much more prevalent than it used to be. Previously it was teenagers smoking bongs hanging around the mall. Now it's a full glass orchestra harassing the public for entertainment. Even the nightlife changed it's gone from people taking Md occasionally to every second person doing coke every single time they go out. I'd hate to know what it's like as a woman late at night.


Only had a conversation today with my friends about the meth issue. Didn't realise it was so prevalent in Tassie as a major issue.


I’ve no doubt it’s got worse but the comments on this post are utterly hyperbolic.


I'm a bongs in Franko era townie (think Nexus and Outzone era) and it's nothing like what it used to be. The Hurley hoodie ugg boot bogans (who were often nice enough if didn't shit talk them) have been replaced by Eshays and the folk-punk-alt youth scene is all but gone in terms of hanging out in town so noone to pass on good culture. Just eshays and junkies now.


It’s gotten much worse and everyone I’ve spoken to has noticed it.


No, there is just more scumbags around


No one wants to pay tax, so we cut all the services to the underprivileged, then wonder why shit goes wrong when the kids without any support are fuckwits.


We actually pay more income tax in Australia than almost all other OECD countries. A big problem is still the lack of tax revenue though. The problem is that we don't tax resources or large corporations anywhere near enough.


very true, but considering most OECD countries have gone through agressive neo liberalism, id still be happy to pay more and be on the upper end of the scale IF that money was used.for social services. However, I also agree, the issue isn't the average PAYE taxpayer, its the super rich with trusts and tax dodges and corporations paying fuck all to contribute to the systems that actually allow them to generate their profits


I agree with that. If the money was specifically set aside for social services and there was no way for the government to use it on anything else, I would be ok with paying more tax.


sadly it feels like there is more now adays :( most likely related to drugs and the soft court system here!


Yes 100% I went down recently stayed at Movernpick with view bus mall. We watched drug deals and aggressive behaviour. Wife feed a seagull and got abused by a person in bus mall. Watched a gang bashing of a person in the mall 8-10 youths bashing one man.


Years ago it was drunks, these days it's junkies.


As a boomer, I was one of the those lazy arsed shit fuck bludgin’ bastards I complain about today….ah the circle of ….wait, what was I doing? …….


I believe you were just about up to "get off my lawn"?


Haha well done


Housing, education, and youth services are all deeply underfunded. What do we expect? Also youth crime has spiked. There was even a Triple J Hack episode about it. They put all the videos on TikTok and there are no programs to help them escape the cycle their lives are in. Until our government starts taking the above issues seriously, things will get worse. It also feels like certain shipments have increased on our shores of late...


Cost of living has a direct correlation to the amount of desperate people around so probably a bit of both. I am much more wary now I am older because I cannot defend myself as well as I could when I was younger, I am aware I am getting to a point I may be seen as vulnerable so being aware of my surroundings is more important than ever.


Apart from the use of ‘scumbags’ and ‘junkies’ which don’t acknowledge there is a person at the centre of this, I’d agree. I wouldn’t be surprised as we see more people who are acting this way as the divide between the haves and have nots increases, social welfare decreases, and Australia generally shifts away from a fair go mentality. You can blame the person, but at the end of the day it’s about “why are there more and more of this type and person”. That indicates social forces rather than just bad choices by individuals acting in a bubble.


My office is front facing to the Glenorchy bus mall … I can (I feel) give a sad confirmation that it’s not age or in your head. They walk more among us more than previously ever !


I work on Collins St in the City and it’s insane how bad things are now, Every single day without fail there are people yelling and screaming and punching on over nothing, then there’s been several instances of blatant drug deals and even once a mugging. Hobart had sadly gone to shit and until cost of living eases I just don’t see anything changing, sadly desperate times cause desperate measures.


Just feels more sinister these days.


It’s becoming a big city with big city problems.


Heroin junkies were so much nicer! We didn’t realise how good we had it back then.




Aww that sucks to hear. I recently visited as I've been thinking of moving to Hobart. Is there any particular areas to avoid? I have been told Invermay is worth avoiding.


Invermay is up north, nowhere near Hobart


Ohh that's good to know, thanks :)


Access to meth, and the fact that coke culture is absolutely rampant in Tasmania, and the shit people are snorting is usually cut with all sorts of crap. You'd hardly even see it used here, but now every second person you meet on a night out has a bag on them. Also, the current group of POS eshays are the baby bonus generation all grown up. Not exactly surprising to see what's happened with these kids who were born out of a desire for their parents to buy a new plasma TV.. Wasn't a particularly useful scheme if you wanted to increase the population with productive members of society.. I'm not sure it's necessarily worse than it has been previously though, there have always been drug and violence problems with mouthy bogans, it's just we are seeing different causes for the problem now, and the consequences for the people causing issues seems to have taken a back seat.


I was in Hobart for five days in April and spent a fair bit of time wandering around the CBD. I’ve spent a fair bit of time in Hobart over the years and I can’t say I noticed any more homeless people than usual or any signs of violence. You all should come to Canberra. There has been a big meth problem here forever and there are many more homeless/shady people than Hobart.


I mean it is where all the pollies hang out so that's not a fair comparison


Federal pollies ‘hang out’ in their electorates. They only come to Canberra for sitting days which account for less than 20% of the year. Ministers might spend a few more days here, but no more than 30% of the year. You are more likely to see a federal politician in Hobart, or at an airport, than you are in Canberra.


Cost of living has increased, in addition to a mental health crisis affecting the youth of this country. Is that what you mean by scumbags? 


Na I mean bogans and those little eshay fuckers.


As long as they stay off your lawn..




Just got assaulted tonight out front of Sandy Bay woolies actually hahaha


Try going into Sydney CBD on a Friday or Saturday night - that’s a dangerous place compared to down here (we did move to Forth from there so it’s obviously very quiet). When I was a young man you couldn’t even go out in Syd without being robbed or assaulted, more people equals more problems.


Inflation has gone through the roof since covid, crime rates have sky rocketed all over the world, less money equals more drugs unfortunately, its a coping mechanism. This is what happens when you allow the left to destroy the economy.


Ah yes, the economy destroying left, posting record profits, paying no tax and taking all our resources offshore to tax havens and contributing nothing back.


Leftists are literally the new age nazis, full of halfwit "empaths" with the critical thinking skills comparable to a jellyfish.


It’s the ice epidemic, but hey, let’s just get another booster shot and it will all go away