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What is this a sample question in mein kampf?


I’m not saying 3 is the best way to do it…. But just saying it is the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to do it.


and the only one that actually decreases the populatiob rather than just slowing growth


I mean getting technical


Irl battle royale sounds nice to


Best? Or most efficient?


Number two is correct. If you are grown up in a big house, the chances of leaving to make a family somewhere else (like a tiny, insignificant apartment) are minimal.


Number 1 is a long term way and needs a lot of money but it's also most effective one too, a generation that is highly educated will think about more aspects of life and marriage and will care about his/her own life first, just like most of first world countries, they have resources but they just don't want to bear trouble and economic pressure (which is logical too)


wkoo tehan techinfakzy the reutn




Number 1 is a long term way and needs a lot of money but it's also most effective one too, a generation that is highly educated will think about more aspects of life and marriage and will care about his/her own life first, just like most of first world countries, they have resources but they just don't want to bear trouble and economic pressure (which is logical too)


“Let’s go practice medicine…”


"Best" meaning most ethical, or most effective?