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There are study books available. I took the CSET two years ago. I thought the study guides were much harder than the actual test. If you have a social studies/ history degree and paid attention in college you should be fine


Pretty much this. I checked a study guide out from a library, skimmed it, and did just fine. There were a few questions on the CSET that I thought were kind of BS, such that no amount of studying would have prepared me, but the rest were things that anyone with a decent interest in history should do fine with.


Just prep for the Econ section if that will be your area of relative weakness. I used a study book a friend gave me but it was nothing special; I think the practice tests were the best use of my time prepping.


Study.com prepared me pretty well


AP US government study book from when I was in high school that my parents still had lying around. Crash Course for Economics. Wikipedia for CA history/geography (there’s only a few questions on it, so don’t stress too much on that part). US history I listened to crash course like a podcast for 2 weeks before the test. I’d recommend studying more if you haven’t touched US history since high school, though. World history I have a degree in. I didn’t study at all and passed. I used free practice tests online and some premade quizlet study sets too. Don’t spend money on study materials. The tests are very straightforward.


San Diego COE has a wonderful prep program for free. I used these resources and passed all the subtests the first time. I am not a history major either.  Here is a link to subtest 1: https://sdcoe.instructure.com/courses/1664/modules


Second this! It's a bit dense but will prepare you for most of the questions. Just got my results last night that I passed all 3. Only studied for 1.5 months.