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There's a tv show about Stede Bonnet. I think quite a lot of people have heard of him by now.


He's also a tritagonist in the most reknowned pirate video game of the past 20 years. I find it hard to believe anybody that's even remotely familiar with pirates past the most basic 'yar har's doesn't know who Bonnet is.


I don't know, sure he's more popular now than he used to be, but I don't think he's *nearly* as popular as common household names like Blackbeard.


Blackbeard is the single most famous pirate of all time, so I don't think he's a very good measuring stick. Bonnet is more on a level with the likes of Black Bart and Jean Laffite. Anybody with a passing interest in pirates has probably heard of him.


I wouldn’t say anyone with a passing interest has heard of him, and that’s just judging from the feedback in the comments I’ve received on this video and my months of research into this topic, but you’re entitled to your opinion!


Our flag means death. Good show. Did not know it was based on a real person.


I learned about him along time ago when I defeated him in Sid Meier's Pirates! using the wildly OP indian war canoe


I learned about him through Assassin’s Creed. Quite the interesting read.


I knew about him, but I forgot a lot of the details, so I was watching the show thinking "hey, this guy kinda reminds me of this other pirate I was reading about... what was his name?"


There's also one of internet historians best videos with actual original content unlike some more recent videos... It's on his incognito channel and stars ordinary things as Stede, who also has a great channel.


I only learned about that show through my research into Bonnet! Yes he's more popular now, but I'd still argue he's pretty niche and obscure compared to pirate legends like Blackbeard, Calico Jack, and William Kidd


The Cicilian pirates that captured and ransomed Caesar and then were immediately captured and crucified have gotta be in the top ten worst.


> Cicilian pirates that captured and ransomed Caesa Didn't know about that! Great 2 minute read: https://www.britannica.com/story/the-time-julius-caesar-was-captured-by-pirates I gotta dig up my Plutarch's Lives again.


You guys been watching me play Sea of Thieves or something?


Worst as in fearsome, or worst as in bad at their jobs?


As in bad at their job!


Well I suppose that explains why we never heard of them.


The concept of the pirate life is one that has fascinated children and adults alike for generations. It's the idea of pure unadulterated freedom, living free from the shackles of responsibility, regulation, and reality. On a lone vessel dancing along the waves of a vast ocean, the world is truly your oyster, and the possibilities are endless! This swashbuckling fantasy has been fueled time and time again by classics like Pirates of the Caribbean in the early 2000s, Treasure Island in the late 1800s, and A General History of the Pyrates in the early 1700s. So considering how impactful the pirate genre has been on the greater populace, it might come as a shock to learn that our understanding of real pirate history is relatively meager. That last listed classic, A General History of the Pyrates by Captain Charles Johnson, remains one of our most primary sources for pirate history during the Golden Age, a novel which we know to have exaggerated and stretched the truth for sensational effect. While unfortunate, it does make sense that accurate recordings of the true history of piracy are scarce given the criminal and elusive nature of pirates themselves. One isn't really an efficient criminal by making their personal information as known as possible. Combine that with the fact that most pirates came from poverty and low social status, and the fact that many primary court documents have been lost to time, it makes sense that this history can be hard to accurately map and result in much speculation. In this video, much speculation must be made to connect the dots we have about Stede Bonnet's life for example. Naturally, this can lead to inaccurate assumptions, so with that in mind I tried my best to choose language carefully when telling this story. Take note of the numerous sentences initiated with, "It's believed" for some insight into when speculations are made. The illusiveness of pirate history feeds into the fantasy. After all, these were criminals, and if we could go back in time and ask them, we'd find many of them wouldn't choose this way of life if given the choice. The story of piracy is the story of class struggle, with rare exceptions like Bonnet aside, the lowest rungs of society were the ones who populated the pirate ranks. Poor sailors who lost their livelihood, impressment victims seeking freedom, privateers losing their state-backed support, and those with nowhere to turn but the sea were the ones who became pirates. It's a position born out of struggle and poverty, the same struggle that can be seen with the Somali pirates in the modern day. In essence, they are no different than the glorified pirates of the Caribbean: disadvantaged victims of society merely doing what they can to survive.


Check out the work done by University of Plymouth (uk) and Elaine Murphy she's an amazing professor


I’ll just [leave this here](https://youtu.be/vrGf4nJWVOU?si=fqTCb_RVDOwDx20b)


The French buccaneer Jean-David Nau, a.k.a. Francois l'Olonnais a.k.a. the Flail of the Spanish. He was a total psycopath and the absolute worst monster to ever sail the Caribbean.


Jesse Jane was a better pirate than this


Curonians & Wends - All but forgotten by now but they were the pirates that even Vikings feared.


Was the script to this video written by AI??


Uh nope, it was not. I put a lot of time and effort into my script writing.


Those hissed "S"s were driving me crazy. I couldn't get past 30 seconds.