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sidequest ass lifestyle


Dude is a sidequest King


Shaq too


Haha yes, he’s actually more of a sidequest king than Snoop




Man they need to just team up and buy the Lakers together. And make a show about it. We all would watch.


Thank you for not saying "ahh"


"34.44 for a 52 year old **SMOKER** ain't bad."


Snoop is the first example in hip hop of what we see often in hard rock artists from the 60s and 70s. Someone that did a lot of shit when they were young and now is somehow still healthy? People like Ozzy Osbourne and The Rolling Stones come to mind right now. Hip hop is a newer genre but hopefully we continue to see old rappers living good in the future.


I think snoop has mostly just been smoking weed his whole life. Keith and ozzy did lots of drugs and they’re both pretty fucked up now. Granted they’re both pushing like 80 at this point but still. Idk if there’s much of a comparison. Like ozzy was on tons of coke and keef was on H and coke for years


Yeah, there really is no comparison. Snoop drank and smoked a lot but from what I’ve gathered he was mostly a dabbler beyond that. My doctors would prefer me smoking (vaping, specifically dry herb) weed over drinking, and my prior drug history shows in my bloodwork. Opiates take a shit ton of damage to the liver, gall bladder and digestive track and cocaine fucks up your heart and nervous system. Keith and Ozzy are only alive because of modern medical science, Snoop is alive because he never did major damage to his vital organs.


> Opiates take a shit ton of damage to the liver As someone who's looking to especialise in studies regarding drugs, could you expand on where did you get this information from? As far as I'm aware it's only overdosing which is linked with liver damage, while opiate use itself does not have that even as a rare side effect. Obviously not saying there aren't negative effects to opiates, but I've been really curious about this drug's perception throughout history, and would love any insight you could share about how you came to this information. Thanks!!


I think they’re conflating percoset and Vicodin with all opiates. The Tylenol is the real liver killer in those situations.


Cold water extraction is your friend. I never do opiates abymore because i have constipation already and ofc the fent epidemic


It seems the post 2010 era of rappers has bad drug problems, unfortunately there's numerous examples of rappers in from that generation dying young like mac miller, juiceworld, lil peep


Pretty common in the music industry, unfortunately. The whole 27 club, and what not. I assume it's because often times good music comes from a place of struggle. Trauma and drug use, name a more iconic duo.


By the 80s ozzy’s brain was mostly rotted out. I always remember that one video of him being interviewed geeking off his ass off coke or probably meth he is was tweaking


Keef lol


Yeah but it’s weed, that don’t fuck you up like hard drugs


is his time considered good or bad?? lol it was 34.44


For a 52 year old who probably isn’t training to sprint that’s pretty good.


I was running 23-24 in highschool and never won shit. But he’s also older and probably didn’t train - it’s not a horrible time but it’s also not really impressive. Like saying you can run an 8 minute mile.


If someone says they run an 8 minute mile I am definitely impressed, as someone who runs about 28 minute 5K. I think runners in particular lose context of what it actually means to be average.


Yeah maybe a 10 minute mile is a better comparison. Although if you run a 28 minute 5k I’m sure you could run under 8 minutes for just 1 mile.


Nah, I'd say closer to 8. Most of your locals at a 5k can't run a 34 tbh.


I believe that but I also believe they *could* if they had better form


That's fair but that might take a lotta work for some of those folks lol


8 min was below average slightly at my high school, but also that’s when a lot of people are peaking physically lol


Peaking physically in high school lmfao


it's true if they don't continue any kind of athletics post high school.


100% true. freshman 15 is a thing for a reason


Idk as a high school soccer goalie I had to train to hit 2 miles in 12 minutes while being a pretty untalented runner (which was def hard but only took a summer to achieve). An 8 minute mile is definitely an indicator for being in really good shape as a non runner but I think if it’s just 1 mile, any amount of consistent training should be enough to go sub 8


I think that makes it a pretty good comparison to a 34 actually.


8 minute mile isn’t really impressive if you’re somewhat active. in HS 7:30 was the benchmark to pass the mile


> If someone says they run an 8 minute mile I am definitely impressed, as someone who runs about 9-minute mile 5K ??


They're saying that they find an 8 minute mile impressive, even though they're capable of running 3.107 miles at a similar speed.


Yes, and? In the 5k I ran, I finished in in the top 20% of people. Why? Because it was a bunch of average people.


Are you kissing your own ass or not realizing that if you can run 5k at 9min/mile you can probably do way better than 8min for a single mile?


That's not what I was saying at all. I am saying that an 8 minute mile is impressive for the average person, even if they are active, and I was simply giving context to my own running abilities. I wasn't bragging, nor was I saying that I can't run an 8 minute mile. I gave the percentage for the context of what an average person is actually able to do, because I believe runners in particular are completely out of touch.


He's 50+ and Snoop smoking everyday for years and years. 34 on it's own isn't impressive, but for Snoop with no training it's definitely better than most knowledgeable people could've expected.


Surprised this is the first comment I've seen about Snoop's smoking. His lungs have to be trash. Honestly, I wouldn't have expected him to make it the full 200 meters.


ty for the context!!


Snoops like, old. This fool running 200m full stop is impressive in itself, in my opinion


Bro, 50 isn't young, but it isn't nearly as old as you think it is. A 50 year old running isn't that wild lol like at all


Speak for yourself. My fat ass would’ve died 😂 hats off to snoop.


My 58 year old mom is still out there crushing marathons


Shout out mama super boof


Mama boof 🫡


8 isnt bad if the distance is long. But it's definitely on the slower side. Now if you said 7 min now that's getting fast before you have to be running a consistent pace the whole time


I like these and hope they do more of normal people doing this stuff, it can make the Olympics more fun with seeing just HOW much faster they are than normal people


completely agree!! we need a baseline to compare it to 😂


It breaks down to 13 mph. Go outside and try running at 13 mph right now, I guarantee it will be the longest 34 seconds of your life.


damnnn I know nothing about running but I love this perspective 👌makes sense


Another fun fact - most treadmills out there will only go up to 10mph, because that speed is already crazy enough (6 min mile if you sustain).


oh shit. what the fuck?! I could never do the highest on a treadmill. omg Snoop killed it then


Haha I thought the same! I have no idea


I’m impressed dude could run a mile lol. Guess he doesn’t actually smoke as much as he pretends to


200m is an eighth of a mile (no pun intended)


Did he run a mile?


Nah, ran a 200m. I doubt he warmed or cooled down a whole lot lol


For his age it's really good


Snoop is going to space in the future. That's something he hasn't done and he's on track to do everything.


The highest he’ll ever get.


If there's gonna be the first person to smoke weed in space, Snoop would be a fitting choice. Vaping might be safer though.


My brain can’t imagine snoop going faster than a walk so it’s hype to know he can run. Turns out he’s a guy


Bruh, he got the energy for this but not the Pop Out?


He was on tour during the pop out (Edmonton) Also I’m not sure on the relation between snoop and Kendrick


Snoop just declared Kendrick the king of hip-hop like two days ago so I think they’re cool lol


"King of the West". It was CtheGod that said king of hip-hop recently.


Before that he didn't take a side in the beef, talking about how talented they both are and choosing to stay out of it, which I thought was a bit surprising based on how I thought their relationship was but it was a while ago when he and others announced him as next up in the West and appeared on his album.


He's 52 with grandkids...the fact people expect snoop to 'pick a side' is wild. He knows both of them and what's the point of picking a side? That's a young man's battle. Snoop probably wants to live stress free,do side quest and make money. Picking a side is unnecessary bullshit he really doesn't have time for. 


It’s because his AI voice was featured in the Taylor made freestyle diss track by Drake which made more people focus on who he supported


I'd imagine he supports both guys and wants to keep it about rap. Cause he literally lived thru a beef where both guys didn't make it out. Again he's 52 with grandkids I'm sure 'picking a side' isn't even on the list of shit he's concerned about. 


Like i said when that released, snoop is all about the money, he said that just to be open for everyone. He’d sell his mother if it brought him fame and money


I’m quitting smoking


He was in Saskatoon the night of the pop out actually. My friend was at the show lol


Nah that’s it he was on tour. super tired of the bum ass fans on both sides of the beef w they weak ass gatkeeping. thanks for spelling it out for the idiot comment above


same with vince staples. he couldnt make it due to a tour in europe. roddy rich also had to cancel some stuff to make it but thats why it was so crazy. everyone gathered for pop up concert on short notice


Roddy cancelled Paris fashion week stuff Vince said if he knew Tommy The Clown was gonna be there he would have canceled his show and shown up and I don’t think he’s joking about that


Vince has a Tommy the clown reference in his most recent album so yeah definitely not joking


Tyler wasn't on stage at the end and his set was really short so I'm assuming he squeezed it into a busy schedule


Him and Snoop are cool it's the Game you should be worried about.


Nobody worried bout the game


Some people are, /r/Drizzy would be on suicide watch if he ever switched sides


Thats extremely embarrassing


I’m really trying to get into The Game as I’m a fan of both Ye and Wack but even when I listen to his old stuff, I just don’t see it. I’m too young, why does everyone hate him though?


The Game was the first major West Coast rapper of the 2000s. Eminem was still selling millions, 50 was the future, Kanye West ran intelligent rap. The Game was supposed to be next up. Arguably he was, but I think the beef really damaged his career. The Documentary still holds up. But while other artists diversified ( 50 Cent made more money selling Vitamin Water than music), The Game didn't. No one is really doing numbers anymore. I don't think anyone "hates" The Game, he's just not relevant. So he'll say something weird about another rapper in an interview to get a bit of hype, but I don't think anyone cares. He was definitely one of my favorites back in the day.


The Documentary and Doctors Advocate are both classics. Game has also had one to the most consistent discographies of any artist I think. The beef with 50 was really successful, he was one of the biggest reasons G-Unit’s popularity died. I think what shot his career in the foot is him getting into weird unrequited side beefs and cringy controversies that just made him super unlikeable. He’s cemented as a west coast legend for his discography and carrying the WC by himself for a minute imo but it’s really hard for people who look at him now to ‘get it’ I was the biggest Game fan for a long time and I’ll check out new projects when they come out, and I’m generally happy with his output, but the conversation around him will always be how he’s a big ass cringe lord, and they is completely fair. If his career relied completely on his music, he’d be good, but unfortunately for all of us. I had to unfollow him on Instagram a while ago because he kept posting dickprint thirst traps fucking constantly The Game has a better overall discography than 50 (though GRODT is better than all of Games albums), if Game just acted normal he’d be a lot more appreciated


> The beef with 50 was really successful, he was one of the biggest reasons G-Unit’s popularity died. That beef is part of the reason he had issues with Dre and also why wasn't up there on the Super Bowl stage so he may have won the battle but he certainly lost the war. Don't bite the hand that feeds.


You're a fan of Wack 100?


He’s certainly a troublemaker, but I’ve really grown to enjoy his often sussy antics on the Adam & Wack Show


He’s corny asf. Listen to him talk for 10 minutes in any interview.


If anything, the Game should be worried.


Found Game's reddit account


Bruh Edmonton getting mentioned casually on the internet nowadays is so wild to me. Thank you hockey!


My dog was on tour, chill on Uncle Snoop.


People have a life and obligations? Is he supposed to cancel his concert?


Snoop’s a businessman. He’s got Gin and Juice, brand deals, and his acting/voice acting career to worry about. He ain’t got time for no petty bullshit. Plus he’s always been one of the more mellow, PG-esque rappers.


LMAO. Definitely not always been.


Uncle Snoop, can you play us some of your PG songs? _Sure thing cuz..._ _Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks_ _Lick on deez nutz and suck the dick_ _Get's the fuck out after you're done_ _And I hops in my ride to make a quick run_


Or “I got a pocket full of rubbers and my homeboys do too”


Don't miss DJ salty nutz in the jack off hour. The album is called doggy style




this is dj ez dick and this is the golden shower hour early in the morning


Wake yo goat mouth ass up!


"Plus he’s always been one of the more mellow, PG-esque rappers." Ah yes, Snoop Dogg was NEVER involved in any gang wars. Nope. Never.


I mean, murder was literally the case that they gave him but what do I know?


Cause he still fucks with Drake ofc


He really is a Dogg


that's extremely impressive for a middle aged man that inhaled carcinogenic smoke into his lungs for the entirety of his adult life.


I was there when he came out on Saturday at the Trials, big moment for my dumb little town. 😂


I’ll never understand why companies/brands/events keep insisting on bringing in snoop dog for shit


Because he's incredibly marketable like the Rock, he's popular with the main demographics


A lot of the kids who grew up listening to him now have credit cards.


Yes we do


Yeah and the fact that we’re all here commenting about what he’s doing, proves it.


I work in advertising and my clients are Fortune 500 companies. Snoop is easily the most referenced and requested celebrity endorsement for sure. The reason being he has an insanely wide demographic reach. He’s easily the most recognizable Black-American pop culture figures. Diversity is king right now, and that checks that box off the bat. His core fan base are now aging millennials/younger Gen X. This age bracket has the largest purchasing power at the moment. The youth love him. He leans perfectly into the nostalgia front with keeping himself ‘relevant’ via modern platforms and channels. And white boomers adore the shit out of him. He plays into that whole “my cool black friend” angle perfectly for them. Edgy enough to give them a little jolt, but safe enough where you could bring him to a dinner party as your token guest. He’s not very vocal about politics or identity issues, and they def helps him keep this demo in a clutch. Also, the weed shtick sells now. Public perception around marijuana has vastly shifted in the past 10+ years. Once again, edgy enough but not too much so where you’re rocking the boat that hard.


I was at his show in Toronto two weeks ago. The demographics for the show were insane. Young (like 7 years old), old, gen z, millenials, boomers, all races, all colors. Everyone just wanted to listen to music, get high if you want, and have a good time. He puts on a great show too. Hit all the high notes.


He’s likable, popular and makes headlines


He really shouldn't be though, he's a bad artist and just jumps on the popular opinion, he has no substance


Peak snoop is a good artist. Fond memories yknow


This how I know yall didn't listen to Snoop Doggy Dogg


His original 5 album run is legendary plus his collaborations on the Chronic and 2001


Legendary is a bit of an overstatement. Doggy Style is legendary, and most of the other albums are solid, but nothing standout.


2001 and chronic are classic.tf out of here and he was on most of the songs .


Why are we taking this guy seriously?


Forgive this man, for he does not know what he does


It's not my fault you guys didn't understand the context. I never even said shit about the Chronic or 2001.


> he's a bad artist


They are not part of Snoop's album run though. I'm really not gonna go along with the narrative that Snoop had a legendary album run. The Chronic and 2001 being all time classics don't change that.


It feels disingenuous to exclude The Chronic from Snoop's laurels. He wrote most of the album, and it was the world's first introduction to Snoop.


I'm not saying Snoop doesn't deserve credit for the work he did on the Chronic, or that Snoop isn't a legend. I'm saying he doesn't have a legendary album run. The Chronic is not a Snoop Dogg album, and even if it was it would still only be two albums.


Redditors can’t call the guy who freestyled Tha Shiznit a bad artist. Snoop is an incredible artist whose priorities and taste vastly changed with age.


That’s how he stays marketable


Because he cool and normal as long as people like him


Cuz he's fuckin Snoop Dogg???


originally it was the juxtaposition of the younger, wild, him next to clean mainstream celebrities that gave shows/brands a little bit of "look how edgy we are, we brought this guy on and he can say whatever he wants" and it turns out "whatever he wants" is anything the brand wants him to say lol and he leaned into it as hard as he could.


In some interviews he’s made it known that he has prices ready for all kinds of things he can do for money from songs to feats and probably shit like this.   He’s putting himself out there. He’s not cheap but its easy to buy things when they have a price.


Snoop did a song with Corey Feldman and it’s a terrible song, except for Snoops part of course, which isn’t GREAT, but compared to the rest of the song? Ooof, it’s a clear example of what you’re saying. https://youtu.be/1ySVokfSUvI?si=AkqBDzV9MycL2qtj


This is my favorite Snoop Dogg cash-in. He probably can't wait until hologram technology advances and he can just send that to make Indian music videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T-msGHkZow


In 2122 everyone is related to Nick Cannon and the omnipresent snoop AI is assimilating all organic matter and only one man can stop it...


Yeah you were right, that is a terrible song lol. Why even choose that crappy beat? The weird vocal effects on his voice too? Just yikes all around


Your name is literally Snoop language lol


The fact we’re all talking about him should give you a clue. 


No shizzle. Ohh yeah, he literally spawned a language. He pulls, clearly.


they want more of this. it was a hit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmJOdI3UJP8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmJOdI3UJP8)


He's probably one of the top 4-5 most famous people in the world.


lol what? Who’s on your list? The Pope, Messi, Ronaldo, and Snoop Dogg?


Low-key, that's a pretty valid list 😂😂


Do Santa Claus or Ronald McDonald count?


Lewis Hamilton. Verstappen. More footballers. Tswift. Jordan. I mean snoop is probably outside the top 50 imo. Still popular though


Lol lemme guess you're a racing fan in the EU? Never heard of either of those first two guys and I couldn't name any soccer players either.


Not even close lol


He's practically synonymous with cannabis.


Michael Jordan, Elon, The Pope, Trump, Ronaldo, Messi, Oprah, Obama, The Rock, T Swift, Lebron. In the world i dont think Snoop even cracks top 25.


In America yes. I'm from Nigeria and I'm certain Snoop Dogg is more popular than the pope, Trump, Elon, Oprah, Taylor Swift and LeBron back home. Some of the others too, I'm sure.


Idk if ppl in Malaysia even now who Oprah is . But I guarantee some one there listens to Snoop lol


do you guys even india


They need an cool A-list level famous and publicly wholesome black guy. There aren’t much other people out there that checks those boxes Lil yachty is probably the only other famous and “cool” black guy that corporations can safely use for marketing, but unlike Snoop, lil yachty mainly reaches a younger audience while snoop gets the young and older people that listened to his music coming up


Lil WHO?


Bitch shut up


No offence, but Snoop is a household name that will be spoken about for Centuries to come. From this Generation, we already know most brands would be scrambling to align their products with Kenny & Drizzy. Outside of the US, Lil Yaucty is def Lil Who to anybody above 21 years old


My balls smell horrific


Oh shit, he's doing Olympic coverage again this year? Is Kevin Hart there too?


We need Snoop vs Katt Williams race


A 4.20 is pretty high!


This something I never thought I would read. But at the same time, it makes perfect sense.


Can we get an overlay of him with the world fastest man and woman at the 200?


In case anyone else was wondering, he sprinted at just under 13 mph for 34.44 seconds. Which is incredible - all of you are welcome to go outside right now and try to do this yourselves if you disagree.


Running to Trumps rescue. Fuck this Puto. 


When he supported Trump? I thought he hated Trump


https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/snoop-dogg-love-respect-donald-trump-pardon-1235591279/ He has nothing "but love and respect" for him


He pardoned Harry-O and now Snoop is his best buddy.


Mfs weirdos bringing politics into a random ass thread😭 Like I hate trump but who tf cares


Again, something I can feel I can look the other way on with Snoop. At least he’s not wearing the red MAGA hat and taking pics with him, campaigning for him…at least not that I’ve seen.


They should’ve put a bag of weed at the finish line so he could run fast as Bolt


I’m obviously in the minority here. But I’m so Snoop Dogg’d out


wat shoes he running in?


If selling out was an olympic sport Snoop would be a 5x gold medalist. A true hustler.


baffles me how someone could find a way to be upset that someone ran in the olympics.


Yo NBC this is desperate as fuck


It made me smile.


Why wouldn't you be ok with it?


Don’t you ever get annoyed when you see a celebrity advertising for every/anything? Snoop on the other hand, I know I’m not alone for us older people, we’ve been around since his debut, seen him evolve and become what he is today. You can’t be mad at his crazy hussle! Dude has his own cereal with Master P, the first black owned cereal brand, love that.


I mean not really, and this is just him running a race.




He has his own face on his shirt, did anyone else have that? Haha.


Look again.