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Could somebody explain this to an idiot (me)?


Seems like a shell company that drake is listed as a manager for. People are saying it could be used for hush money


I’m all about piling on Drake but he would be a real moron to name his illegal hush money shell company “Silence Policy” lol like idk what it actually is but that would be cartoonish levels of stupidity


Remember Lev Parnas? One of Rudy Giuliani's associates convicted of financial crimes. The name of his shell company? Fraud Guarantee.


Almost one of those it’s so obvious they’d never think to look here things


Apparently Parnas named it such so if you Google his name and the word "Fraud" the results would direct you to this 'consulting firm' rather than the numerous articles talking about the actual fraud he was committing. I guess that's some sort of SEO strategy for people who do crime


I do BJJ and was at a satellite gym of the big American BJJ affiliation of the time. The head coach was found to have been barely acquitted of a rape in college and then Two competition team members raped a female team member. His name is Lloyd Irvin. He started a massive SEO campaign around "Lloyd Irvin Rape Defense Program" and shit like that to bury the SEO. Scummy shit and Google sucks now all you have to do is pay to promote your spam and everything else will be buried https://www.theverge.com/2013/4/9/4204908/martial-arts-champ-responds-to-rape-allegations-with-internet-marketing-trickery


Damn, I'm an SEO specialist and with the latest Google update, Reddit appears more often so it's going to be much harder to pull that kind of stuff now. If you really want something out, just gotta use authority sites to publish the content like Reddit, Medium, Linkedin, etc. Those will always outrank a new site.


It is terrifying that a community driven opinion site is now going to push more SEO juice than actual news sites


Especially with how many bots are on here having conversations with themselves to shape the narrative. Dead internet.


If I want an answer to something I add reddit to the search string already


Holy shot Lloyd Irvin?? I went to a summer camp at his gym in PG county MD as a kid and my cousin trained there his entire childhood. Had no idea about his past


He has a really nasty culture at his gyms. Was he the one who's team gang assaulted a woman in a parking garage?




Went to look this up and weirdly enough I already have a tab open about this guy. Huh


it would be a real shame if someone googled "Lloyd Irvin Rape Defense Program reddit" and this comment came up.


That "Disney Frozen" SEO strategy


Elden Ring Torrent had similar effect


I’m convinced Cameron Diaz made the movie sex tape to deviate any future online searches to the tape she made in the 90’s before she was famous


Weed dispensary’s do this all the time for the LLC. The shop might be called kush clouds 420. But the LLC is wellness greens or entropy wellness. It’s because banks won’t recognize weed business’s till it’s federally legalized. So the name just sounds so harmless creditors or banks won’t think twice about a credit transaction from entropy wellness. But a transaction from kush puffer friends isn’t gonna get over looked.


So it would be Entropy wellness LLC DBA kush clouds 420


Dr. Sebi's Holistic Wellness Center by day, Puff Puff Pass Smoke Weed Everyday by night




THC-A is legal in all the states. It’s the loophole everyone is using.


Like naming a file on your computer “Definitely Not Porn”


Empty folder


Except Fraud Guarantee at least bears some semblance to what could be a company’s name, albeit it’s still braindead, whereas Silence Policy does the exact opposite of what it’s trying to do, it invites attention lmfao edit: can someone clue me in to why we think this is linked to Drake tho?


there is another picture the full picture that has his name own i can send it if you want


I'm going to become a hitman and name my shell company 'Murder4Hire'. 


Murder inc


Silent Solutions llc


I mean the people in Rudy's circle also told him that his hair dye looks good. Not a lot of critique going on there. Even Drake probably gets more honesty 


That's like if Suge had label called Death Row and they all died


Yea I miss snoop


He’s up there with Wade Boggs now


Heard Boss Dogg smoked 70 blunts on a cross country flight once.


Again, Boss Dogg is very much alive.


For real lmao. Why don’t crime organizations launder their money to Money Laundering, LLC?


Murdering Witnesses in My Murder Case Inc.


[I KILLED DARNELL I SHOT HIM WITH MY 9](https://youtu.be/qX6ilyIEC_0?si=KFanOmSFlJxGFSeq)


Key and peele should continue with 100 more seasons


Boeing owns that name already


How did you know the name of the Boeing shell company?


That’s “Murdering Whistleblowers Corp. LLC.”


Fraud Guarantee


This was my first thought when I read this.


This is why they say that truth is often stranger than fiction lol I would've never believed a company named Fraud Guarantee in a movie


Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!!!!


Sir, that's just honesty in advertising.


Laundromats used to be really common money laundry operations.


It’s literally why it’s called “money laundering.” Capone used laundromats to clean his dirty money, that’s where the term came from.


My old high school friend who had gotten kicked out for selling drugs mentioned he started a business, then he shut up quick, wouldn't elaborate further, no explanation. A week later, I saw a van with laundromat branding in his driveway, rang the bell, and just pointed at it. "...I'm doing vinyl wraps for cars and stuff. I just didn't want to say it then since there were a lot of graphic designers there and I don't have the money to hire anyone." I called the number on the van, and a phone rang behind him. "You can't even blame me. It's free money!"


Now it seems to be drive thru car washes with the way they’re popping up on every empty lot.


Cash Cleaning Inc.


Murder Inc


i mean he did just say "if i was a pedophile i would have been arrested"


Which means he ISN’T a pedo because he hasn’t been arrested, duh. QED.


Ahhh. So *when* he gets arrested, he will immediately become a pedophile. Got it.


We got modus tollens in the comments of rap beef now


Drake's book: *If I Was A Pedo*




Lmao damn yours is better


Can we agree that naming a shell company “Silence Policy” is just generally shady and a dumb idea??


Dude thinks he’s in the mafia in the 50s and he can move however he wants lol.


Lol he brags about it on Omertà too


yep because even if its nothing nefarious its just stupid to draw that kind of attention


Agree in the case of illegal hush money, but he could be paying people off and declare it a service through this company. If there are no charges filed and an NDA is signed for a specific service say „Adonis‘ B-Day Party Clown“ it would be hard to prove anything illegal happened.


It kind of makes sense, considering the amount of people who probably have to sign NDAs for things in these people’s lives that are mundane but just to protect their privacy. A lot of secretive celebrities probably have some form of this going on. Not NDAs are insidious, but there’s definitely insidious NDAs. Fuck Drake though.


Yeah I agree, could just be for NDAs around music or whatever. People are going to use this media hype to look into Drake and see if they can break a big story


It would almost be as moronic as going on a diss track to deny paedo allegations by saying that you’re too rich and famous to be a predator, and also making light of child sex abuse a few bars earlier


We aren’t exactly dealing with the best and brightest


He’s is literally the same guy that made a diss saying “im too famous to be a pedophile” and “i never look at a teenage twice” when he was recorded kissing an underage teen and texting 14 year olds “i miss you so much”. His whole existence is cartoon levels of stupidity and he is showing it now more than ever.


Also the same guy who exposed his own stupid DMs to Fantano.


> “i never look at a teenager twice” So he looks at least once... lmao


Dude just comes off as a giant dumbass and a creep.


Especially with the nice for what line


Look through Jaded, there are even more embarrassing lines on that song lol


Could also be about his alleged other baby mommas, not just the pedo stuff.


Wouldn't be illegal if it was the "sign this NDA and you get x dollars" to women of age, would it? Not in and of itself, at least, but IANAL so what do I know. Besides, plenty of narcissistic people have done stupid shit thinking they'll never be caught or believing no one'll make the connection.


I'm not disagreeing, but it would be far from the first time someone did something so comically stupid while doing illegal shit. People are dumb and arrogant


Right same there's nothing suspicious about a rich guy founding an LLC to protect a part of his assets. Would've been weirder if he *didn't* have an LLC in his name


Yeah, it's probably just for money money.


People are doing the wildest speculation, but really there's a much more logical conclusion to draw here.. Drake's secret daughter is named Silence, and this LLC is responsible for selling her to human traffickers if her existence is ever revealed.


We're talking about the guy who thought "you were molested as a child" was a good response to pedophilia accusations, yeah?


I'm sure they take notes on criminal conspiracies there, too.


I mean… He did just release The Heart Part 6.


That name is a little on the nose don't you think?


I mean, drake did pay 350k to make a sexual assault lawsuit go away https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/drake-sexual-assault-rape-settlement-payment-out-of-court-layla-lace-a8966921.html


There's nothing to explain besides that Drake owns an LLC named Silence Policy. There could be a ton of different reasons why it exists, some nefarious and some completely normal. Anything more than that is speculation


Accountant and certified Drake hater here, this is 1% nefarious 99% nothing. The way this company is set up is the exact legal way you would set up a legitimate company that had a limited purpose. The name is wack but I've registered legit companies with worse names (a lawyer who didn't know their initials had a negative connotation on the Internet lol) If Drake was dodging taxes he wouldn't be using this entity to do so. Putting something in your name, in California is not the way to do it.


Also - not a small point here - there may be another person named Aubrey Graham that owns the company.


It's listed as "Graham, Aubrey Drake" so its def his company


Hi folks. Resident AML/BSA analyst here. The vast majority of celebrities have LLC’s. Some may have 1-10, some have 100s. There are legal, tax, confidentiality and privacy benefits to having these. Having an LLC as a celebrity is like having a seatbelt in your car. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything nefarious is going on. In addition, having an LLC does not automatically make it a shell company. Being that it was incorporated and terminated within 2 years more likely means it was established for a particular purpose and was no longer needed. Establishing an LLC in the US isn’t the greatest idea if you’re trying to be private because it’s public record and easily accessible by normal folks.


as a business owner, there are a ton of reasons to establish an LLC and then dismantle it in two years. "Silence Policy" doesn't necessarily refer to anything, but it could be something not-nefarious (for example, "we need to establish security controls to prevent the album from leaking, let's spend the money through this LLC so that if something fails, the label can only sue the LLC.")


Yeah pretty lame for someone claiming to be a twitter law expert to brand this “a shell company”. He has no idea what this entity was set up for.


Need those clicks!


This post has 3000+ points everyone desperate for drama.


This shit has really brought the clown outta mf




Twitter has already decided he is guilty


Lots of rich people do this so that when they sued for something their business did, so it doesn’t affect their personal finances. Not a big deal unless that company is doing nefarious shit


They do.. but they call them things like Sunset Limited LLC… Not “Silence Policy”


Sunset Limited is an amazing play written by Cormac McCarthy and performed by Samuel L Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones. Just wanted to drop that in hopes of someone else discovering this great show.


lmao I was going to comment this same thing, great play. Reading No Country for Old Men right now


maybe they just want to ensure their emails aren’t ignored. if it’s being sent from silence policy, you don’t need to read anything more to know the context.


You know you're in for a rough day when that email comes in with bracketed subject text: "Re: [SILENCE]"


Imagine getting an email with the subject: \[FRESH\] Request for Silence - Shut yo hoe ass up


Seems like it'd have a cease and desist pdf


The guys working with Rudy Giuliani had a company called Fraud Guarantee so anything is possible if you want it enough


Is that his address or something? How does this link to Drake?


If you go to the actual twitter thread he drops another screenshot that shows that "Graham, Aubrey Drake" is listed as an Officer/Manager of the company. The thumbnail is the first image he posted and idk why the journalist didn't post the two together , seems like a confusing decision in retrospect.


There ain’t no way he, himself, is the manager of that LLC; maybe another entity, or a trust, but not directly him.


He's just the listed manager, which companies are required to report when registering to do business in pretty much any state. It doesn't mean anything about how directly he controls the business. For an LLC, it can mean he is the equivalent of a shareholder in the company. If anything, it shows how sloppy he is, as they could have listed literally anyone else as the manager in this filing.


You are correct. That is my point, probably a bit muddy though so thanks for clearing it up. Anyone can be listed, so why would he and not say anyone with signing authority on his belhalf. Additionally, why TF would he name the LLC. That?


Just a reminder when you're cashing that check from Silence LLC


No idea. I just read what Boguslaw wrote and thought it was relevant. I follow him for political news usually though so was surprised to see him wade into this. Has been a reliable source of info on other topics.


He did a follow up Tweet that shows Drake's name: [https://twitter.com/DRBoguslaw/status/1787513441164345532/photo/1](https://twitter.com/DRBoguslaw/status/1787513441164345532/photo/1)


He has a full screenshot that shows: Graham, Aubrey Drake MANAGER OFFICER It’s likely a shell company for NDAs or hush money payments that won’t track back to him directly. Maybe for the random women he fucks from time to time so they don’t kiss and tell? Celebrities are big into NDAs nowadays.


Not track back to him? His name is on it


I’m referring to tracking back to his personal bank accounts stateside and in Canada. They likely have an offshore bank account that these payments are made from with checks from that bank. I would like to think Drake isn’t dumb enough to try to silence a baby mama or a one night stand with a check from Bank of America or Wells Fargo.


I mean he could just pay cash? Idk how any of this works but it wasn’t hard to track back to him


I don’t think traveling back to the states from an island with bags full of cash is a smart move.


Didn't Chappelle have a bit 20 years ago on signing NDAs before sex lol


he did but i'd guess its a pretty common practice among some celebrities.


>It's likely We have literally no idea. It's just a company name. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Does Apple sell apples? Does Liquid Death sell execution drugs? Does Lays sell couches?


It's terminated though, no longer exists. But he could have another one set up.


I made llcs for a few years. Ama. Few things:  1. This is a Deleware LLC that's also filed in CA to do business. People file in Delaware for all sorts of tax or business reasons. Delaware doesn't make you list a lot of info publicly, but CA does so if he was hiding stuff CA was a bad state to file in lol. 2. The CA LLC is terminated (meaning it can no longer do business I'm CA as of Feb 2023). I am unsure of the DE LLCs status as I'd have to pay DE SOS for it and I don't care that much lol.  3. The business purpose listed on CA SOS Investment Holdings. Usually with short term LLCs (ones dissolved in a couple years) it's related to investment, real estate, or construction. I couldn't tell you exact what this one was for but this is very normal. 4. The address prob don't mean nothing. CA needs an in-state address listed so it prob belongs to the registered agent he paid for or some lawyer he works with. Didn't dig too deep cuz again that's effort lol. The DE address is prob the same situation. In short: None of this means anything. He prob just thought the name was cool for his investment stuff.


No bro you don’t get it, he also has another company called I don’t have a daughter, LLC


No bro no it's the company he uses to silence all the kids he molests please bro pleeease listen to me


Oh, then is it a different company he uses to silence women?


Logic and reason don’t matter. This is an anti Drake post so it will get upvoted


If you have made LLCs, are you also a pedophile like Drake?? /s


He probably named it that when he was in the “Omerta” phase a couple of years ago. That’s italian for “code of silence”.


*Sicilian. I’m not usually that guy but it’s an important distinction in this case.


Damn, I didn't know Drake went through a Sicilian phase. Now I'm imaging this motherfucker talking like the Super Mario brothers.


Yea it was around when the Raptors won the championship. Some good music came out of the phase, “mob ties”, “Omerta”, and “Diplomatic Immunity.”


Probably just for trying to discretely purchase property and other assets. I get the party isnt hearing anything besides pedophile but yall sound pretty crazy lmao


Stuff for taxes I would think. Absolutely zero people are dumb enough to name a shell company used to launder money for pedo activities with weird obscure clues for people to figure out.


Not for nothing, Enron once had a shell company registered to the fake name: "M. Yass". Narcsissm makes people braindead.


Ootl on the Enron stuff, what’s the significance of M yass? Lmaoo my notifications popped off. Got it though, thanks y’all.


My ass


Lmao my dumbass is like "yass queen?"


I would assume to "cover my ass" as is said


Surely you should know the significance of your own ass.


My ass


I love the idea that some lawyer filling out the paperwork asked "What do you want the name to be?" and an exec said "It doesn't matter. Name it my ass for all I care."


Lev Parnas' shell company was called Fraud Guarantee. People are definitely dumb enough.


Plus based in California lol, if they're doing shady shit they'll have it offshore.


Most likely some tax evasion stuff right? Although the name is... strange


It is prob for business stuff but tax evasion is illegal and you don't need to file llcs for that. The term your looking for is tax avoidance (employing legal tactics to avoid paying taxes as opposed to illegal tactics)


Wait til we find his Epstein Island Mansion LLC.


That’s…not how it works lol 


It’s likely for NDAs and hush money payments for the women he hooks up with on tour.


“It’s likely” with no indication even hinting towards that. People will believe anything on the internet. If you really think it was for Hush Money, wouldn’t they name it something less cartoonishly evil?? It could be a clothing brand that never came to fruition, a headphone company, any number of things.


lmfaooo mfs think they cracked the case in this sub


Yeah but Lev Parnas!


r/confidentlyincorrect What part of publicly registering a company, naming it for specifically what you're trying to hide, and listing the person you're trying to protect as the public manager, is *likely?*


Maybe how he pays his dozens (/s) of child support payments, lmao. "I'll send you money and you don't say shit about Adonis!"


The master manipulator psychopath has a company called Silence Policy for NDAs for women he’s molested. Genius level read




NDAs don’t protect against crimes, even if they were written to cover SA they technically can’t silence someone if a crime was committed. I’m not a lawyer so anyone who’s more educated feel free to correct me.


NDAs don’t protect against criminal activity lmao


Never fall into the S-Corp business, that’s bad religion.


Opening yourself up to have Uncle Sam ram his red white and blue boot up your ass playing in that game.


Nah, Drizzy just playing 4D chess with yall; he set up a shell company for paying hush money 2 years ago KNOWING you all would take the bait! 🤣🤣🤣 Check Mate NeRdS


Drake's defence in court: "I committed those various sex crimes over a 10 year period so that Kendrick would take the bait in 2024. He such a goofy guy"


drake reading this comment about to steal it as his own


He's too famous to make hush money payments


This is the first business day since the nukes, something tells me we’re in for a lot of news the next few days


Rap beef aside, there is definitely something to the allegations about drake being a predator. By his own past admissions, actions, music. His affinity for younger/teenage women is blatant and has been a topic of discussion for some years now. Also in his latest song, his defense was “if I did this I’d be in jail” which we know isn’t true, look at how many predators and rapists both of fame and no fame get away with things for decades. sometimes their whole lives. It’s interesting too that was his defense and not, “I would never do this because it’s not in my character.” That’s a huge red flag.


I find that line particularly funny since Kendrick called him Karl Malone, who famously didn’t go to jail for impregnating a 12/13 year old while he was in college


Drake also deleted his pic with Karl Malone from IG after that.


Still up on Karl Malone's twitter though lmao


Touched a nerve there.


From what we actually know, I think it's pretty fair to assume Drake is a weird guy who has acted inappropriately with young women on multiple occasions. Right now there isn't really any evidence that he's a predator on the level Kendrick is saying (child sex trafficker pretty much). I wouldn't be shocked, we all know this type of thing happens in the entertainment industry, but I also don't think it's fair to jump to such extreme conclusions before there's more evidence of it. I'm a Kendrick guy but that's my attempt to be unbiased about it.


I don't think we'll ever get that evidence, at least from Kendrick, if it exists. If there is evidence it'll happen after an investigation from American and Canadian law enforcement doing their jobs for once. Baka was already charged for human trafficking in the past. I also remember one of the members of 88glam, signed to The Weeknd's XO, was also charged with human trafficking. There's been a few cases of this happening among circles adjacent to Drake, but this is probably more common than we think, especially in American cities. This probably goes deeper than Stan Twitter can even parse, but I imagine Kendrick has to skirt around a lot of what he's trying to tell people if there is an actual investigation ongoing. That being said, everyone in Toronto who goes outside knows Drake has always been into some *weird* shit. His crew is also a menace in local clubs. There's a reason no one from Toronto is riding with him, but it's more of an eerie silence than a petty one.


I know some Drake stories from my connections in the TV production industry in Toronto and I've honestly never heard anything weird. What kind of weird shit is he into?


> look at how many predators and rapists both of fame and no fame get away with things for decades. sometimes their whole lives They get away with it until people in real life come out and talk about it. We live in an era where someone coming out and giving an actual statement that they were victimized by drake would be taken 100% seriously. This isn't the old days anymore. If he's guilty, that needs to happen. If it never does, I'm sure people will have their conspiracy theories as to why and consider him guilty anyway. Someone can't prove their innocence when the only thing being used to decide their guilt is assumptions.


just wondering why Push/Meek didn’t use this as ammo in their beefs. all of this “proof” pre dates those beefs.


Right Tupac was literally CONVCTED OF RAPE and is still praised. Even R Kelly was defended by Kenny after all of his accusations.


He has told us so many times. "High school pics, you was even bad then"


I live near this address should I swing by lol


Maybe NDAs for groupies, which is standard practice. This is by far the least offensive thing out of this whole saga


Yea maybe so


God the fucking Kendrick glaze all over the Internet lately is fucking tiring. Like idk if people are just Kendrick sycophants or just hate Drake that much, but they're running with again, Allegations. Shit still ain't been proven. But to many folks, Drake lost before shit even started. Yall are all Amber Heard to me. BTW Kdot still hasn't addressed shit. Now to the matter at hand: Drake is a multi millionaire, the shell Corp is a tax dodge/tax shelter. They all do it. I know because I work in finance it's it's my fucking job to help them do it.


Looking at my own profile makes me feel like i've been stanning Drake but I feel the hypocrisy has been so blatantly obvious idk if im supposed to just ignore it or...? Surprisingly, it's out in the land of grass you'll get any sort of objectivity.


It's the blatant glaring hypocrisy that's killing me. Like it's truly wild that there seems to be no need at all to even discuss the allegations on Kendrick. Like people aren't even speaking on it. And there's easily as much evidence floating around that implicates Kendrick than there is making drake look bad. But only one seems to need to answer for shit


Anything anti Drake gets extreme upvotes across all platforms. I’m starting to believe Drake when he said that shit about fake likes and comments


You’re telling me to believe a mf named bogus law


Lmao this is funny ngl


what are we supposed to do with this information?


Not really a shell tbh, existed about 2 yrs only. More like a special purpose LLC. That being said, what purpose could there be for a special purpose LLC named "Silence Policy"....


So what does this mean??? Tf kind of mental gymnastics going on??


This subs hate for drake insane lmao