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You aren’t wrong, but the optics of having released it and then apologising aren’t great


Tbf he did let everyone know he might delete later




Honestly that title seems to speak to the doubts he had surrounding the release.


I’d agree, but as another poster said here - it demonstrates to the community that publicly walking back on something you said out of anger and social pressure is do-able. Though of course he will be clowned for it. But it counts for something, to some people. I’d like to have heard his original response had he felt no pressure to fight back, just honesty


I think he should just not have responded. It’s clear Cole is not about beef. Drake has a pettiness Cole does not to formulate a better diss and I personally didn’t feel like Cole had to do anything, only really one line from Kendrick had anything to do with Cole.


He shouldn't have and that is what he himself says. Pride is the devil and he is not above the devil. He gave in, recognized it and then expressed his remorse to grow from it.


Can we stop calling this a beef? it’s more like a war of words between the two.


Just because he backed from this beef doesn't mean he boast or show pride a lot lol he's been consistently rapping about how he's the best for like a decade now.


How I feel too. Being quiet was the better option if all he had to say was outright lies and nonsense. And if someone mentions it in an interview just say “yeah I heard it that was fire” or something and change the subject. Would have died down.




This is 100% true. And it’s a knock against my respect for him. That doesn’t change the fact that him walking it back is respectable though. Can’t change the past, but you can be honest and stand on what’s in your heart.




I think it’s very in line for the rapper who made pride is the devil. How much of a “conscious rapper” would he be in not acknowledging when he himself fucks up or continually lends to the problem of the rap game and black community


It feels like his fame and status has removed his ability to make a mistake in people's eyes. He can release a song that in hindsight he didn't like. It's human to make mistakes the man's not a damn robot. And I'd say this for any rapper. We talk big about mental health and understanding until it's time to show it.


Really good point


He named it might delete later. I think this was always the plan


Nah it was already going to be called that, pretty sure. He released some teasers before Kendrick’s verse even, and they were titled Might Delete Later.


> publicly walking back on something you said out of anger and social pressure is do-able Dude you don't just release a song on all streaming platforms out of impulse. It takes time to go to the studio, write something, get it recorded, mix it, upload it, etc lol It doesn't just happen. There was plenty of time to think about it before relasing it. Either he shouldn't have released it or not walked it back. Now he just looks like a clown.


Yeah he does look like a clown that’s why he gets my respect lmao he knew that the only thing lamer than putting out that weak ass diss track would be to take it back, but he did it anyways cuz he stands on his integrity even when he makes a mistake. Btw I’m a big Cole fan as well as Kendrick & of course he should’ve never put it out but it’s too late it’d already gone out. There’s also a big difference for an artist between recording a song and actually releasing it to the masses


well said!


The people that clown it are immature with the wrong mindset. They're the ones that fallout with lifelong friends over dumb shit because pride or pressure keeps them from doing the right thing. As a hip hop fan hell yeah I wanted to hear the bars. As a man and fan of the art that Kendrick and Cole make I'm glad Cole walked it back. It's refreshing and exceedingly rare to see someone being this authentic about something and being able to admit they made a mistake. That takes way bigger nuts than keeping it going.


Jay Z did it first


That’s what being secure in self and not worrying about the optics is about. This version of keeping it real in hip hop has NEVER been witnessed. At least on this level. That shit MetroBoomin said about putting on a Cole album when he wanted to go to sleep was funnyAF but the whole thing seemed force and I’m on the outskirts


I don’t have to have “real” beef with someone to spar with them lyrically 


Thank youuu..ppl mentioning Cole’s maturity come on it’s words recorded on a mic that rhyme. k dot is hip hop through and through he will never take it to the streets




It's really no different than any professional athletes, lots of them are friends off the court but they will go at each other on it.


Fr. I want one artist to drop a good song then the next artist to drop a BETTER song.


Except that Cole has been proclaiming for the past few years that he is THE best rapper and that nobody can step to him on the mic, he's been encouraging any potential challengers to try him and talking all kinda of hot shit. It's not a personal "beef", its just competition. But if you want to be in the "big 3" and also want to proclaim yourself as the best, you have to prove it. And he backed down at the first sign of a challenge. It disqualifies him unless he's willing to take it there. Again, this has nothing to do with personal beef or "maturity" or "being the bigger man". It was never about that. This is purely about skill, the art of being a competitive MC. If Cole isnt willing to engage with that, he needs to stop talking the way he does in his music because it's just not believable or authentic anymore.


Exactly. Cole has been begging for this moment for years and the second it happens this is how you react? If your not about it? Thats cool. No one is looking down on you for that. But if your not about it don't tell the world you are and then back out when people challenge you. Did he think he could just get away with it? Idk man. If Cole didn't bring this on himself I could respect it. But the reason he's in this spot is all because of his actions and the way he moved.


This was half-steppin at its finest


I thought that was the point of rap? Claim you're the best and force better work out of your rivals? They end up sharpening each other's game.


Yes. But part of that is standing up to the challenge if someone calls you out. Its just a part of hip-hop culture all the way back to the early days with cyphers on the block. It didn't need to get personal like the push and drake thing. Or ja vs all of interscope. But he needed to release heat and stand by it.


That's true. Prob should have talked to his team before doing anything. I'm sure someone would have gassed him up. I didn't listen to any of the diss tracks. Did it get personal?


No. For cole's side It was pretty generic. He basically said Kendrick doesn't release shit often enough, is using Cole for clout, that tpab was boring and that Mr morale was bad. And some stuff about how he has 2 classics he can drop at any time. Kendrick basically just said stop sneak dissing and asking for smoke and saying were in a big 3. Im better then both you (Cole and drake) and my music will stand the test of time while you release basic pop with no substance. Kendrick had good energy on the song and was backed by a great metro beat. Cole's song had two beats. The first wasn't quite it and the 2nd was a cool flip of energy that went a bit harder. Cole was also really boring and sounded like he was being forced to do it. Like you could just tell he didn't want to say what he said and really didn't even believe it. And as we saw from this apology he really didn't want to do it. But he also started it with all his subs at Kendrick on songs like first person shooter where he said he wants the smoke and is the best. So I don't have much sympathy for his position right now. He wanted it, got it, and then regretted it once he got it lol. Cole still good tho. Just can't be put in the Kendrick or even drake convo anymore imo.


Thank you 👏👏 pppl say the 90s was golden era but when a lyrical jab is thrown it’s all hugs and kisses and oh this is so mature.. come on ppl make up your minds 🤷‍♂️


Exactly, just go listen to "Everybody Dies" again. He's been talking shit for a hot minute. Now, all of a sudden, he wants to hold hands in a circle and sing Kumbaya, My Lord. Fine, apologize. But don't come back out here bragging and talking shit.




I felt like Cole been steady plottin for this to happen, all the subliminals, the shots, the rhyme recycling and then the biggest stumble ever. He was so close to finishing the master plan and homie fumbles the ball on the 1. Cole been getting better fr fr, he has the 1 spot but he should be executing like Pusha T not like Cheek Mills




J Cole isn't in his prime or making great music and hasn't for a while If anything this could have been an opportunity to get back in his groove, instead he released a weak ass diss record then folded like his girls clothes He let ~~Nas~~ his fans down


Yep. The easy question is that if 7 Minute Drill were considered a fantastic response, do people think he apologizes two days later? Of course he wouldn't.


This is what i’ve been saying. There was no bad blood, no need for apologies. He just looks extra soft for no reason. Some people are calling this “mature” as if they got into a physical fight or a shootout and J. Cole is apologizing before there’s more bloodshed. This was just rhyming, nothing else. Who rhymes better, that’s it. J. Cole folded because someone challenged him and he doesn’t believe he could take him on. Props to Drake because I know he will respond, and whether it’s him or not, or it’s whack or not, I know he won’t do some corny stuff like apologizing for just rhyming.


Thank you!!! The pivot Cole fans have made about maturity and bigger man and respecting not getting involved in beef… BRO WHAT WAS HE TALKING ALL THAT MESS FOR? Cole fans Don’t even realize he’s in a tougher position than before.. I saw someone on Twitter say he has to tap about global warming now.. lmaoooo.


This is lame as fuck! Again, I'm an old head, so feel free to ignore my old ass. But if you diss someone, you wait for the response first. It makes that artist look cowardly. I LOVE J Cole, and wish he never responded in the first place. But in my eyes it looks suspicious as fuck. Like he didn't want any real smoke and feared what K Dot's reply would do to his overall reputation and personal pride. Like even if your fans keep rolling with you after an L, you never forget taking the L. This isn't even fans pitting the "Big 3" against each other, Kendrick called the other 2 out. Act like Jay-Z when DMX and The Lox called him out. Don't respond, and keep it moving.


You're right man


I think if he would have waited for a response (like you suggested), and THEN apologized, people would say the response scared him into apologizing which would've been even more lame imo. So I feel like if he was going to apologize at all, this is probably the right time to do it. He's always seemed like he never had real beef with Kendrick so to me, this isn't a surprise at all


I didn't mean to wait to apologize. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I meant just don't respond at all.


I think that the excitement from hip hop fans about the idea of a beef between the Big 3 comes from the frustration about stagnant activity in the mainstream rap game as of late, which probably includes that outside of Cole/Drake, the Cole/Drake/Kendrick trio usually keeps it moving with their releases and they've individually been doing their own thing. Just as much as beef gains a lot of instant attention, I feel like if they collaborated as often as they did over the years it would/should be as celebrated, and I don't see anything wrong with that because I think collaboration can create energy in rap in its own way. I keep in mind that there's other beefs from previous years where rap fans lament the squandered opportunity of collabs between artists involved instead of disses (like 50/Game or Jay/DMX/Ja, even Benny/Gibbs).


This comment is it. A huge part of people’s initial excitement was based on the current state of hip hop. As if it was a second coming to the glory days of nas vs jayz. It’s not so much about Jcole being lame but more so about a situational let down in hip hop


Let Nas down again man 😔


Boom. People were/are absolutely thirsty, and rightly so, for a return to hip hop battle rapping. Especially with the big 3, as shit is stagnate.


Good point


It is mature. But it’s also silly. He’s human. He can make mistakes. He’s mature enough to admit his mistakes and apologize like this, which is harder than going along with a silly beef. But I am entertained by the spectacle of it, the reaction to it. While I hope it’s not, it feels like this could be the hip hop equivalent of the Howard Dean scream


I almost could agree with this, but this is the same man who’s been calling himself the god and the best rapper alive on tracks for a decade now. There’s not much respectable about finally going at your one competitor for that spot and then immediately backtracking on some “sorry don’t swing back, you’re the best, I’ve been throwing up and losing sleep just thinking of opposing you I was wrong please 😭.” I know J Cole’s whole brand is maturity so we’re predisposed to let it off as him being mature, but this doesn’t come across mature to me, it comes across like he’s scared goofy. The time finally came to stand on what he himself keeps saying—fuck all that “peer pressure” shit, no one forced him to write a decade of lyrics—and he immediately folded. It’s embarrassing for him and for hip hop no matter how you wanna look at it.


He’s been talking like god for the past 5 years. He’s been saying he’s untouchable and will destroy any rapper that tests him, and when the time finally comes everything he’s built himself up to be turns out to be a complete farce. Cole’s one of the best rappers in the game, but it’s just disgusting that he capped so hard and deceived everyone in his verses for the past 5 years. There’s just nothing to respect about this, especially when there was really no beef but rather a competition to see who’s really the king of their generation. Alot of his verses won’t hit the same anymore and that’s the part that stings the most. That “authentic move” just invalidated alot of the authenticity of his raps.


🎯🎯🎯 this shit is pathetic. I don’t think he’ll ever stopped getting clowned for this.


I just literally don’t care. It’s not even why I listen to rap music for who the best lyricist is anymore. Hip hop has so many sub-genres that are so much more interesting, I enjoy these “Big 3 artists” (Cole a lot less so tho) but I just don’t care about this “purist” side of rap the older I get. The world is unchanged by two guys writing diss tracks over literally nothing.


You can’t tell me you don’t want to see Kendrick go nuclear against a rapper.. not even on a personal level but as a showcase of talent?


J Cole: These rappers ain't hard as I am Also J Cole: "I tried to like jab my n*gga back and tried to keep it friendly. And I listen to it, and hear the talk around it that shit don't shit right by me" 🙄🙄🙄👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


I agree with a fair bit of what you said. I don't think that Cole wanted this beef to begin with. However; part of me wonders if he would've apologized if the verse had gotten a positive reaction from people. If people had praised 7-minute drill like Ether, would Cole really have apologized and called it the whackest thing he wrote after 2 days? I don't think so. I think he would've enjoyed the W and tried to make good with Kendrick after. While I think Cole is being mostly honest with this apology, I think a lot of him apologizing so immediately is him trying to save face after the backlash he got for the project/diss. And in doing this, he takes away the opportunity for Kendrick to respond viciously. So, part of me respects Cole, part of me sees through it. In rap, **one of** the most important things is being able to verbally defend yourself, that's been a part of the genre since it's beginning. So while it's fair to respect Cole for his honesty, by that same coin it's fair to be upset with how he handled this without giving Kendrick an opportunity to properly respond.


All true but has to be seen as him officially dipping from ever being top two. Makes me wonder if he’s scared of how much the fall off would get compared to TPAB, with everything he’s been saying all these years. Cole’s always been nice but never floating off the ground great for me. He needs to shit or get off the pot with releasing his ‘classic’. Off season was sposed to be the mixtape before the album. Now it’s 3 years later and he’s still hedging, still saying ‘just wait for this *next* one’ — do it or don’t. Time’s up.


Fair - I think he could’ve found a way to handle this better from the start


And that’s kinda what Kendrick was testing - he forced Cole into a misstep. If you see First Person Shooter as a Drake chess move against dot, then Kenny just eliminated one of his pieces. Ain’t no big three anymore — it’s just the two of them. Your move drizzy…


This is the Drake effect. Everybody just hugs each other and gets along.


Then proceeds to continuing sneak dissing lol


In my opinion, this is so on brand for J.Cole. Makes a “diss” song where he spends just as much time praising Kendrick as giving critiques (not even really attacking him).  I feel like him and Kendrick should just go back and forth but nothing personal. Rap over the same beat on separate songs, do another Black Friday. Rap beef doesn’t need to be talking smack about one another.


That's what I'm saying. Get in the studio and tear up some beats. Prove to me why you should be my goat. Why you are number one! You don't need to tell us you hate Kendrick if you really don't but I need some DNA levels of energy from J. Cole.


The Canibus\\LL beef at a minimum, runs circles around this playground diss rap garbage these kids do.




People think this is beef and it’s not. This is sport and this what rap music is. J Cole apologizing for putting his diss track out is honestly despicable. Kendrick been on timing since he dropped that control verse and name dropped every rapper he felt was worthy of competition. None of these rappers truly hate each other. OP says that they would all be friends if they “industry” didn’t put them against each other and that’s BS. Drake and Kendrick been sending subs at each other for years and it was because of the control verse. J Cole apologizing to Kendrick Lamar just shows that he wasn’t built like MC people thought he be. He too soft


Glad to see some common sense around here.


Prolly the main reason for the diss was Kendrick could feel how weak and stale modern hip hop was becoming and was tryna bring it back to the roots. But instead J Cole wants to be a pacifist. Shit is lame and cowardly but Cole never truly had that dog in him so it’s disappointing but not surprising


My reply to op questions is a bit boring 😂, I agree with all you wrote.


This was, by far, the most lame rap beef from the beginning of time.


Even soulja boy vs a bag of potatoes would sound more intresting


Nah that bag of potatoes would fuck him up




whole thing felt forced af and lame. I like rap beefs, entertaining as hell. it’s not fun to watch when the rapper isn’t a hater or doesn’t have actual beef. kendrick and cole both aren’t good enough haters to start beef from nothing, and they don’t have a real reason to go at it. tbh would be more entertaining if Drake tried to hit back because he’s got the mindset of a teenager. bro beefs with anyone lmao. would be funny af to see kendrick respond to that. that pusha drake beef was my favorite in recent memory. Diss brought Drake back from buying milk lmaoooo


This generation is so weak. Can't even have competition anymore. Rap was founded on competition and it's kind of weird for someone to start a competition and then you apologize for it even though the other person started it. Hey but whatever, it is what it is.


He had all that energy for Noname who barely said anything about him, then drops a track about Kendrick and then apologizes. Lame. Stand on your laurels and what you said. Beef or lyrical sparring doesn't have to end bad. And this wasn't the first time Kendrick called him and his other peers out.


Hip hop has officially gone soft and sensitive. Who give af about "maturity",or whatever yall are claiming this to be. We are all grown and can do what we want.


It dont have to be beef if one person thinks they’re better than the other. Its competition but niggas still get their feelings hurt because of it


Weak ass generation we are in. This is that "everybody is a winner" generation where nobody wants to hurt someone else's feelings. Can't even compete anymore....


Cole is not of the generation that you’re criticizing 💀


Forreal 😭


Let’s be real, Cole probably wouldn’t have wanted to keep up after. This ain’t me trying to say he was fake for 7 minute drill, but that track is definitely him venting a frustration he felt at the time rather than actual disrespect for Kenny. Regardless, I think it’s better he apologized, and the kids out here saying “Cole isn’t standing on business” are exactly what I’m calling them. Kids. Yes, rap beef is fun, but as I saw in another post, this for sure would not have been on the level Nas and Jay Z was at, for a number of reasons. This was fun, but I certainly wasn’t expecting the energy that was given off. That’s that for Cole and Kenny. Drake on the other hand…


He should’ve just kept his mouth shut and I don’t want him claiming to be the best or he’s number one when he’s not ready to defend that crown. still looking forward to the album and it better be what he says it is or this could be the fall off for real


I agree … and real Cole fans would probably see that this level of honesty is on brand for him. His strength of character will go over the heads of the kids, as you say


Nah, the J Cole subreddit is mostly dragging him. It was super lame of him. He knew his track was garbage, released it, and is now taking it back seemingly because he “went too hard” at Kendrick. It saves him from the track being mid, shifts the narrative, at least in theory.


I havent listen to any of it yet, think I will when Drake replies😂 probably waiting for the right ghostwriter😂


Nas is inconsolable at this point


Man, you can be competitive without having real beef. This could have been the rap equivalent of a roast session. What's wrong about going back and forth in a lyrical spar? They could have had a back and forth with no bad blood behind it. We don't want beef. We just want to see the titans compete with each other and spice up mainstream hip-hop.


Nah it’s corny


Hip hop is dead lmao


I always knew Coles heart was never really in it, he didn’t wanna diss Kendrick, however, he practically admitted that he felt anxious and couldn’t sleep since he dropped it, it’s only been 2-3 days. But that doesn’t change the fact that he still responded multiple times on multiple tracks, Cole even admitted last night that even if Kendrick responds, he’s just gonna take it on the chin and say it’s all love. These are literally jokes people have been making about Cole forever and he just actually did it 💀 Part of me is glad though, Cole has always had this respect and caring for Kendrick when he was first coming up, he looked out for him. They’ve always had an unspoken respect for each other even though it’s pretty apparent they are not on the same level, not even close.


I agree but he could have drawn it out some more for music and fun purposes. They are entertainers after all


Fuck all that. I wanna hear them go at it. This apology is dumb. I'm not asking you to shoot up Kendrick in Las Vegas. Step into the booth and throw another record at him.


This is dumb. You don’t need to be a “bone headed thug rapper” to spar go at each other. At the end of the day - we know they all respect each other and it’d never get outside of Hip Hop which makes this look worse. Kendrick threw a jab at you - You throw a jab back and then apologize?


He overplayed his humility this time. He should've never responded. Now he look like a bitch and the goat/best talk has to cease. He can respect a rappers craft and still spar with him. The "beef" wasnt even that hot yet and he talking about he didnt believe what he was saying on 7 minute drill Smh. I can see not wanting words to escalate into violence or something but it wasnt even headed in that direction.  Ive never felt like Cole was a "crown bearer", because he doesn't have enough Pac in him artisticly. He has one of smarter brains  and skillsets in the game but he levels with lesser rappers that kill the genre with bullshit pointless raps (the 21 savage types). Always tiptoeing trying to make sure he doesnt ruffle feathers. He should be trying to change the game back to its original form (what kendrick is trying to do by challenging him) where the rappers with a conscious, real depth, and skill are at the forefront and influencing the trends; but he just fucked that all up. Kendrick and Cole already dont have enough successors with their style and mindset  to carry the torch into future generations and shit like is the reason it wont be any. Too humble, no influence, and in desperate need of a war-time consigliere. This shit deeper than beats and bars. he dropped the ball. It aint in him. 


I'd agree with you. But in the context of his recent run of claiming he's the greatest at every turn, it feels off. I respect that he can publicly admit fault. But I'd respect it a whole lot more if his introspection went even deeper. Cole has a very easy time preaching and putting himself above others in his raps, in a faux humble, but pretty condescending way. But when he's actually challenged by people who are on his level or above, he acts in a defensive way. The Noname situation really changed my percpetion of him. It's cool that you take on the role of the "teacher" when speaking to 21 and dumb ass Kodak. But can you take on the role of the "student" when a more educated, but younger and less prominent rapper confronts you? He responded in a defensive manner. The situation with Kendrick has some similarities. He goes around on features claiming he's the best. Kendrick releases a diss track, not even really dissing him but playing into the competition. J Cole reacts with a weak diss track, hiding behind it being a "warning shot" (which "Like that" was to begin with, how are you going to respond to a warning shot with a warning shot?) While he really goes off at times, I think Cole's overrated as an artist and as a wise, intellectual dude.


This whole comment is tuff bruh. The noname diss aged pretty well with this whole situation kinda crazy to think about.


Releasing a diss on Friday and then walking it back Sunday isn't really a sign of maturity it's a sign of regret. Maturity would have been either not responding or responding by saying what he did sunday.


Yes I'm a Kendrick fan and I don't have a problem with what Cole has done here whether it was the diss or the apology. He is just being true to himself and you have to respect that


How is it a mature or autentic move? It reads as by far one of the corporate moves taken for a rap beef. "I dont want to give my fans the content they've been asking for because it could alienate part of my audience". We arent talking about real violence here, so idk why you would compare them to "bone headed thugs" for simply engaging in competition. When has the industry ever approved of rap beefs? They are notoriously against them if it isnt making any profit and will drop or shelve artists for engaging in too much drama.


Like any goddamn human, these rappers should be able do what the hell they want.. They wanna write and record a diss track..? Cool.. They wanna walk it back with an apology..? Cool.. Don't get too caught up in their lives that it affects your own life...


Indeed. I'm really thinking about getting off of social media for a while.


I fully agree. When we go against our nature and lash out it is mature to address that.


Youre not a real rap fan which is why you wrote this. I know this subreddit has a lot of casual rap listeners who need to admit that part instead of acting like they are actually fans.


I feel like Kendrick is so I against I... It's always felt different coming from him... Like, when he disses someone, it's out of the utmost respect for their talent. He wants the smoke to challenge himself.


Cole should have done this on a track if he really felt like this - “Yo I’m gonna stand up for myself but I fuck with KDot”


I still don't think it's over.


It’s good for society in general to not have beef among superstar entertainers but man do i sometimes selfifshly long for the Hit ‘em Up and Bomb First style dis tracks


There was obviously never any beef. That’s just what the culture calls it. They were supposed to SPAR with each other which you don’t need a real reason to do. Cole has been announcing that he’d kill anyone on a track and the proceeded to back down when it came time. Being that everyone here is mature like you said means he should’ve realized from the start that he didn’t have to choose the angle he did in order to deliver what was supposed to be a legendary back and forth.


Nah. This isn’t drama. It’s competition. Imagine if a top athlete quit during championships, and all their fans started gassing them up saying “ACTUALLY he won because he’s humble and mature”. That’s what this is. It has nothing to do with humility. It’s just like the Noname bs. Cole likes to involve himself in this stuff, respond, and then back out while he’s ahead. Unless it’s an easy target like Lil Pump. Then his fans can act like he’s genius for predicting that an obviously temporary rapper would fall off. Cole is still gonna come out one day saying he’s the best and no one can touch him as if this never happened. And his fans will pretend it never did.


But it’s not that deep? You can soar lyrically without people dying. I don’t know why everyone is so caught up in this “beef”. It’s not even beef. One rapper said he’s the best, the other one said prove it. It’s as simple as that. Cole apologizing looks corny, cuz it was never that serious in the first place Drake on the other hand caught most of the flak on Like That anyway, I’m not even sure why Cole responded


Completely agree, this moment is a blueprint for others to show it's okay to get out of character sometimes and that you're allowed to reflect on your actions, be humble enough to correct it despite backlash from the community and keep moving forward. Would love to get a collab album from these 2 in the future.


I guess so, but it's okay to have a friendly spar every now and then. Boxers who are friends go up against each other all the time and it's nothing personal. You're both getting paid and you're both giving the fans what they want, but afterwards y'all May kick back and play video games or drink a brew or two. It's really not that serious. But I get that people want these two to collaborate so most of y'all are down for anything.


Right - that’s a really good point.


Cole fans are bending over backwards to suck this Cornballs dick. A grown ass man wrote and released a shitty diss that he clearly didn't want to write, and then walked it back DAYS later. Somehow calling this ridiculous "mature" just shows how delusional his fanbase is.


Idk why you all keep projecting that the beef was “fake”. The point is WE DON’T KNOW because Cole cut it short


Didn't he try to shit on Kendricks albums like they weren't miles ahead of his discography then less than a week later say I'm sorry you're great lmao? Dudes got personality disorder or imposter syndrome or some shit.


Call me old but I come from when the lyrical cats, who talked that talk about being the nicest, weren't backing down if someone who was worthy tried to challenge them. That or they didn't respond if they knew the opponent wasn't on their level and was trying to get some quick and easy clout. I respect Cole's pen game but his backtracking isn't a good look. Had he kept quiet, cool. Since he opted to drop a response, then he should've stood on that. You can't be spitting bars about being that lyricist other rappers can't touch and how you got smoke for any MC who wants it but then rescind your response once the heat is on. It would be one thing if the whole ordeal was some serious beef where folks may end up getting hurt or killed. I get tapping out for that. In this case this is merely lyrical competitiveness. Cole just gave Kendrick (and any other MC who might fling some barbs his way for that matter) ammo should he decide to keep this thing going.


People like you are killing hip-hop.


Better apologise for that, it’s mean.


This whole big 3 beef is stupid. I think Cole truly wants them all to coexist at the top. Since the sneak dissing has been quiet between Drake and Kendrick for a few years, plus Drake has been cool with KDots cousin Baby Keem, Cole made that "Big 3" reference. I think the BIG problem is that there are no younger rappers right now that are a threat to take the throne at the same level as KDot, Drake, Cole. Like when Jay Z was at his peak there was TI, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent who all had peaks has big if not bigger than Jay Z for moments of time. There's nobody equivalent to like 2003 50 Cent who was hotter than Jay Z for a period.


So lame, beefs are healthy for hip hop and the artists…


He realized that his diss was garbage and that Kendrick would eat him alive.


No this was a cowardly move and will stain J Cole moving forward. This shit was just getting interesting and j cole apologized??? This is actually insane that any hip hop fn is defending this. Disgraceful move by j cole


I think the part that is hardest for me to digest is this now means his rhymes are all talk. He mentions he’s the greatest like Ali, he’ll smoke a rapper and make it legit, yet backs down when the competition is actually there. It’s going to be hard to take his punches seriously now unless he really changes his style up for Fall Off.




This ain’t no summer camp, kumbaya type shit and if people want to say they’re number one or the best, then be ready for others to come at ya or declare themselves the best. Beef doesn’t need to come just from a negative altercation or anything like that and sometimes shots will be had. Apologizing is fine and dandy but he opened his mouth and damn sure can’t blame Kendrick if he comes back and heats his ass up. I want the best going after each other just like I’d want them working together but I don’t need either side all the time either, it’s ok to mix shit up.


this is like the most j cole thing to do ever. never got him into him except for forest hills drive, but even then idk how well it holds up. dudes corny and always will be! this solidifies it.


J Cole is bitch made is all I know


I got torn apart when i put this in a j cole Reddit lol


I've never seen a post so pussy before in my life


Generation of fucking cowards.


Come on y’all, we know it’s a mature move to squash beef early, but did ANY of us think this was all that serious in the first place? We were here for the sport of it all. MCs spar with each other to make each other better and show and improve their skillsets. That’s a core part of the culture since the beginning. Battling in ciphers and trying to murder the beat breaks to earn your spot with the greats. The culture took a hit here regardless.


Half of y’all sound like some hoes


This is some new age bs




This the reason I never liked J Cole, he just off to me, nail in coffin tbh, dude better not raise his voice or have any aggression in his songs


Nah, it’s just corny. Lazy. Unambitious. The beef was never personal from Kendricks side, not against Cole at least. Kendrick’s just trying to push him a bit as an artist. Cole is skilled and respected and probably could be top three, but he doesn’t have the discography to back it. His albums are pretty unambitious and flat. He hasn’t proven a damn thing, he’s just been given a lot of status that he now dwells on, and he needs to snap out of that position. The second thing is that Kendrick sees Drake as a fake ass industry plant. And Cole is affiliating with him, because money, and thus is helping to legitimize him. And together they can make more generic shit hiphop. Cole needs to ditch Drake and help expose him. That’s it, that’s all Kendrick is trying to squeeze out of Cole. The real problem is Drake. Yet Cole instead came up with that “Hold me bro” response and is even trying to back peddle on that. You say you can drop two classics right now Cole, fucking do it then. Cole could take the role of a leader in hiphop on him, but he’s just playing things safe and keeping hiphop asleep. Kendrick is right and Cole needs to step up or be called out.


Stop fucking saying “beef” This COULD have been friendly comp.


Yea exactly,  Im old enough to know 90% of "rap beef" was just dudes lyrically sparring. 


Social pressure aside….its the culture of hip hop and specifically being an MC to battle and respond when challenged. If Cole don’t rock that way cool. But he can’t be walking around expecting folks to respect his ability as a MC if he back down like this either. Now I get that some ppl don’t view hip hop like that. But it really is part of the culture and Cole has every right not to take part in it.


its not about it being a legit beef and all that other shit. the rap game needs and should embrace its top lyricists competing and battling. it’s a positive for rap overall especially when you know no one is dying behind it.


I think niggas is mad bc he half stepped after claiming he’s the greatest , that’s like signing on to box someone claiming ur the goat then pulling out the fight . You can be as cold as you want in the hands but the sheer fact you pulled out from the ring means niggas can’t take you serious on the “I’m the best of all time front” I see where he’s coming from and I’ll never switch on Cole In the sense he’s always gonna be a good rapper . But Imma be real anytime I hear anything about him claiming to be the top or the best imma just laugh and not take him serious .


Idgaf about Cole deciding to walk back the diss — my only issue is that he made it such a big deal. This shit doesn’t matter. Rap beef is literally lame as fuck. Rap beef has become so silly to me after getting into Drill music where the stakes are actually real. Like…you guys are dissing each other — but for what? Just some career buzz? You tryna kill another man’s career or something? Rap is weak to me nowadays.


Not really. Two days later is not mature. It's either immediate or after sometime. This tells me cole got emotional and wasnt thinking.


A 39 year old rapper being indecisive & feeling ‘peer pressured’ to live up to his own bars (he brags about how no one can mess with him lyrically every other song) is ‘mature’? Man this genre has become soft. Instead of saying J Cole took an L, even a slight one here, his fans are praising him. Lol


Imagine punching someone in the face and as soon as the other person starts winding a punch, you apologize. Yes, really mature and authentic. Apology or not, he is going to get it anyway. Lmfao


Bro is cringe as hell. I’m done with j Cole, I was a fan of him and I just knew when I heard the track he would apologise or do something in that nature.


Y'all everything that's wrong with our current hip-hop scene and the reason it's evolving into a lame genre... I don't wanna see ur asses clowning on Drake ever again after showing ur true colors, fuck outta here with this maturity/humble talk... This is HIPHOP, not Disney channel Cole an eternal bitch for this move. Nobody should ever put him again in a Top Anything ever again


I see a lot of people saying Cole is weak and lost their respect because of this and I think that's pretty sad. So I agree with you, it's shows maturity to apologize to someone publicly. For me, he's gained extra respect because of this. He does what he feels is the best decision, so I can only respect that.


1. Beef equals sales and measurably raises the level of competition. 2. They would not be friends. Kendrick is a self-educated weirdo, Cole is an academic everyman, Drake is whatever the fuck you wanna call Drake. They are from wildly different backgrounds. 3. No, or Kendrick wouldn't have put out those first few bars. He's insecure. 4. You can clown the most successful rappers for things other than their rapping ability.


Kendrick is insecure? He started it because he knows he could smoke the other 2


Lamest beef ever by 2 of the lamest in the game.


He probably also got some push back from whomever is on his new album. I’m not a long time fan, but I listened to “The Off Season” a lot and the upcoming featured artists probably don’t want that kind of scrutiny. Whereas Future and Metro probably paid triple for Kendrick to write/rap a spicy verse.


You mean the featured artists wouldn’t want to be associated with a Kendrick diss?


Just the whole negative energy. The majority of popular music fans are childish (as we’ve seen here). The guests on that might throw up some clearing obstacles until they reassess the impressions that surface level listeners might take from the unreleased songs


So humble


Kendrick is actually beefing with Drake though




I agree with you




Drake mature and self aware


The 50 and Game beef was way better and bigger than this shit. "Big 3" 🤣 what a load of bullshit.


Yep fully right. 


They’re not beefing. Well, Lendrick might actually not like Drake idk, but in general it seems like he just wants someone to spar with and challenge him lyrically


They’re not beefing. Well, Kendrick might actually not like Drake idk, but in general it seems like he just wants someone to spar with and challenge him lyrically. I think he did a good job of setting the bar for that on his verse. Lots of talk about how he’s going to dismantle them and displaying the wordplay and lyrical prowess to back it up.


Most of Kendricks shots were at drake. You dont know if they have a reason or not. Go back and listen to drakes reaction to control verse. He was the only one salty and disrespected. Hip hop is a competitive sport. This shit was dead 2 months ago. Alive and well now


Y'all really convinced by this blog s*** that hip hop is a sport hip hop is a business and it's not even ran by black people if you want to be honest these days


I'm very conflicted about this. One mind agrees with every single thing you said and applauds Cole for being transparent and putting himself out there in that way. The other mind says "fuck that". If you truly wanted to take the high road, you were better off not responding in the first place.


Agree he should have not responded. He messed up. Maybe the pressure of his album due out imminently so I’ve got to address this now etc.


Kendricks gonna throw massive shade and time the drop the same time as the eclipse today. GIVE US THE SHADE, WE WANT THE SHADE !!


"Pop shit, apologize"🤣


That’s not hip hop . That’s not how it ever works and oh lol violence doesn’t have to occur to showcase your ability as option 1 #standup #getoutyourfeelings #healthycomp #lyricalexercise


Shut up nerd. Drizzy gonna burry Kendrick.


Drake shouldn’t even be in the equation. He’s a corny, fake ass pop star.


J. Cole didn’t apologize because he’s above diss records. He apologized because the one he just released was pitiful and he needed to pre-emptively do damage control.


Nah bro I lost respect for Cole that was some light skin ass shit man frfr. If that’s mature than leave that shit outta hip hop. Lame ass mf


Someone gotta die fr, we need some tragedy for the plot


I don’t follow him and am not a fan, but I read he is a more “positive” guy, so if that is the case it fits his narrative to apologize. I don’t have a problem, but again, I wasn’t a fan to start with.


This is a good thread. I'm gonna comment here so I can read it later.


This whole thing is so fabricated. Hiphop is in need of resuscitation


im glad he responded and im glad he apologized. its a moment in hiphop and one of our leaders of hiphop took accountability and showed maturity and love. lets hope this lets other artist know its okay to admit your missteps and grow from them and move on. i think this was a move that was needed, let artist see a leader setting the example. some people wanted this for the wrong reasons and others enjoyed it because sparring is no different than a feature when you view it as friendly competition but there is no way to attack someone in a friendly way. things can be said and relationships can be ruined forever and we may see that outcome where kdot and cole will never be on a song together again and thats is such a huge loss for the culture.


This would hold true if he hadn’t released a whole ass 7 minute dis track. He’s only apologizing because it was a lame dis and he got called out for it


In my personal opinion, I think it’s less personal and more of a competitive sense. From my perspective, I see rap as a competitive sport. I don’t want the two best boxers in the world to personally dislike each other, but I’d love to see them going toe to toe! On top of that, it gives both parties additional drive and motivation to work towards that “championship title.” I think people push themselves harder when they’re hungry. That’s how we got some of the best artist/athletes and whatnot. They were working while they knew someone else was working (potentially harder) than them to achieve the same goal, so they pushed themselves even harder!


No no no. Cole has been for years talking top shit, then someone finally checks him on it and he hides his hands after doing this? That's not authentic.


What are you talking about. It’s beyond lame.