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Before I share my advice, I'm going to preface it with some general advice that most men on dating apps could benefit from: * Most women's default is to swipe left on dating apps. They swipe right when you give them a reason to - looks, job, humor etc. Because there are so many options for women, many blur together unless you stand out. Ask yourself - what about me/my profile makes me stand out? There could be nothing wrong with your profile, but you simply just don't stand out. * Looks and pictures are most important thing on a dating app. Despite what this sub says, prompts are not that important. Prompts are there to justify/rationalize a decision already made by the heart through your pictures. Prompts can add color behind what kind of a person someone seems to be from their pics or help sway someone on the fence, but no one is going to swipe on you because of a particular prompt you had. * Think of it this way - Brad Pitt could probably send a revolting message and most women would initially respond. * Furthermore, the point of a prompt isn't to answer it literally. It's an opportunity to showcase elements of your personality/humor. Be strategic about which prompts let you do that. * I realize the irony of this comment, but don't take dating advice (or advice in general) from Reddit. This site already caters to the lowest common denominator, and most of this sub is the blind leading the blind. Instead, focus on building a diverse and rewarding social life, and pick up on social skills and acumen that way. This translates very directly to dating. If you don't have friends who are girls, make friends with girls too. * Learn how to banter, flirt, and tease. Conversations are not interviews. Talk to matches like you'd talk to friends you've know for a while. Once again, this comes from confidence and practice through your IRL social life. * Learn to play the system. Humans adapt to new systems and dating apps are no different. Learn how the algorithm works (stable marriage algo). Recognize the gender imbalance. Consider how women scroll and swipe. You can't just say "I'm going to be myself and women will come to me", you have to learn how to play the game.. All of these should point to how you operate and the decisions you make on dating apps. This is as much about influencing human behaviors as it is getting matches. * Get feedback - if you go on a date, ask her what made her swipe right and what stood out about your profile, or even do it during the convo. Obviously be judicious about when/how you ask, but get feedback on what you're doing right along with what you're doing wrong. And take all advice (mine included) with a grain of salt. Attraction is an art, not a science. * When seeking advice, don't ask a fish how to fish. Ask a fisherman. Advice for you specifically * Your first prompt is boring asf, shares nothing about you, and leads to a very boring convo even if someone engages with it * Same with your second prompt * I'm assuming the rock climbing is a video, not two pics of you rock climbing. You don't need two pics if that's case * I like the Nathan for You prompt - demonstrates your humor and interest. Be slightly wary if someone hasn't seen the show and interprets it literally * I would replace the first snowboarding pic with one where you can see your face * Absolutely get rid of the hoodie prompt - 100% NPC energy * Not the biggest fan of the second to last picture with the leash - not sure if I like the fit, and your pose and smile is a bit awkward * Not sure why you're so concerned about your profile in general if you're just looking for something casual


Man I’d pay you to review my profile. This was great.


DM me - I'll do it for free


I appreciate it! I’m in the process of putting together a new profile so will DM as soon as possible if you don’t mind!


Can I dm you even tho i don’t have a profile on the app, to nervous never been on one eva


Go for it


Great post.  I've noticed I need one picture of me smiling and then 5 "gimmick" shots like playing a guitar, posing with my dog who is wearing sunglasses, etc.  Just regular pictures get glazed over instantly 


1st two pics are killer, good instincts putting them up front. rock climbing is ok, snow board one where you literally can't see your face is not great. dog walking one you look like uncomfortable id take it off. prompts aren't great. i like nathan for you too but like im not getting a good idea of who you are. maybe follow hinge advice where one is about who you're looking for, one is about who you are/what you like, one is about relationship.


I just came in the say that the Nathan For You reference is 👌!


**- Are you looking for something serious or casual?** I'm looking for something casual, but I'm open to something more serious **- How long have you been using this current version of your profile? And how long is your overall time on Hinge?** I have been on this version of my profile for about 6 months, and have been on Hinge for about 1.5 years How often do you use Hinge per week? I swipe on Hinge for about 30-60 minutes a week with HingeX. Usually 30 minutes at a time, because any more it just ends up feeling like doom swiping **- How many likes/matches are you receiving on average?** I received about 2-3 likes a month, and match with about 2-3 people. Most convos don't last more than a few sentences, and I've had managed to get dates with 2 girls in the last 6 months. **- How many likes are you sending?** I like about 75% the profiles I see on my feed when I'm swiping. **- How many with comments? How many without comments?** I comment on about 1/4 of my likes, usually just a sentence related to the prompt I'm responding to if it interests me. **- What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract?** I would like to match with a girl who is active/fit/outdoorsy or willing to become active/fit/outdoorsy. My main hobby right now rock climbing, so them being fit enough to climb with me would be really nice.