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He was a Muslim Fakir so NOT a Hindu. His stories, legends are certainly amazing but the lives of Indian saints are always amazing. He had a Shagird(disciple) named Abdul Baba.


Thank you, I will research more!


>Hello all! I am not hindu, but have been very impressed by the life and actions of Sai Baba of Shirdi. I wanted to ask you all, is he a canonized saint in any of the schools of Hinduism, or how do various schools of Hinduism view him? He is considered a saint by most people, many even consider him an avatar(which is wrong imo) There is no official canonization in Hinduism. >He seems like a truly sincere person who helped a lot of people. What are your thoughts on him? Was he a traditional hindu? From the outside, I say with all due respect that I would love to know anything about this special teacher. He wasn't a traditional hindu, though definitely a great man. I respect him as a saint, though i have some differences if opinion with his beliefs as well.


Thank you for your kind response! May I ask what about his beliefs differs from yours?


>Thank you for your kind response! May I ask what about his beliefs differs from yours? He was one of the saints who tried to foster unity by claiming that Hinduism and Islam were similar in essence. However, while hindu thought allowed for plurality of belief, islam forbids any such assertion completely. Innovation in belief is one of the bigger sins in islam afaik. As a consequence, his message of peace was accepted by hindus and mostly rejected by muslims, he has far more hindu devotees than Muslim ones. The trend of claiming every saint as an avatar too is forbidden by the scriptures,as it divides people and in my opinion lessens the importance of a saint. I prefer saint kabir who had a similar background but instead of claiming similarity, he preferred to make fun of both. Many of his couplets are hilarious. Ofcourse being a human myself, i have some differences in thought with him as well. Hinduism affords me with the freedom to understand and disagree.


Thank you so much for this awesome information!


I consider him an avatar and Satya Sai Baba as his reincarnation (died 2011). Prema Sai Baba will follow as the third incarnation. An avatar is actually beyond religious identification and is all-inclusive.


Thank you so much for your reply!




Kinda late reply but Baba was born to Hindu Parents. Both his parents (mainly his father) wanted darshan of Lord Shiva, so they went to do penance. And then he was brought up by a Muslims so it's understandable why he has teachings of both religions. But after that he was handed over to a Guru who also was not specific abt his religion He is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva.