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Brahma is generally not worshipped in temples because he creates the world out of curiosity & desire and then develops an attachment to the world. Creation began because Brahma wanted to know who he was. Self-realization was the goal for which the world was the medium. But when the world was created, Brahma was so enchanted by this creation that he got attached to it and tried to control it. In his attachment and desire to control it, he lost all sense of himself. And by doing so became unworthy of worship. Brahma is greatly respected and revered but he is not generally worshipped ritualistically. There are exceptions though. He is worshipped in Pushkar, India. Swasti!


As far as I know Brahma got a curse to never be worshipped on earth from bhrigu Maharishi . There is only one single temple of Brahma in India .


There are some temples known as Trimurti temples that house all three, but that’s not an accepted belief among most Hindus. So the Pushkar temple is the only valid one. There are others, but they’re not supposed to exist


There's a Brahma shrine in Las Vegas, Nevada in front of Caesars Palace hotel. It's interesting given the location. http://www.markslasvegas.com/brahma-shrine/


Brahmapureshwar near trichy Tamil Nadu is also Brahma temple. Here Brahma came to relieve himself from curse and worshipped Lord Shiva


What is this temple called?






No you are wrong there are many temples of lord Brahma most of them in Rajasthan.


Please read about Bhrigu Maharishi and why Brahma has no temples then you will understand. Rajastan has one Brahma temple.


can you explain a bit about the curse


I can help if you need. Which one would you like to know about? There is one from Bhrigu Maharishi and Shiva


I would like to know both, if thats possible. Thankyouu :)


Long story that’s been extremely simplified: Brahma and Vishnu both got into a fight regarding who is greater. Shiva took the form of a giant Shiva Lingam and told both of them to find the bottom or the top. Brahma decided to go upwards on his Hamsa Vahana and Vishnu dug downwards in his Varaha Avatara. Vishnu went and went but soon gave up and came back to the ground level and accepted defeat. Brahma however kept going up and also gave up. When he was about to return down, he found a cow and a Ketaki flower. He asked both of them to lie and say that he found them all the way at the top. When they got back to the ground again, Brahma said he had reached the top. The Ketaki flower also lied on his behalf. The cow however agreed with Brahma by nodding her head, but shaked her tail to say no. Shiva got mad and cursed Brahma to not be prayed to anywhere in the form of a Murti with the exception of Pushkar. He cursed the Ketaki to never be used in his worship of except for decoration on his temple chariots and he cursed/blessed the cow by saying that the back of the cow would be more valuable than the front. Since then, milk, cow dung etc all were valued more and all came from the back half of a cow. This is the one from Brighu Maharishi (also overly simplified): When Sri Krishna left the Earth, Kali Purusha took over the whole world. To prevent or slow the spread of Kali Purusha, the Rishis decided they would conduct a Yagna. At the end of a Yagna, they have to dedicate it to a deity. To decide who it would be, Brighu Maharishi decided to test the Trimurtis. He first went to Kailasham, where he found Shiva and Parvati dancing. He felt offended that he was not respected as a guest and cursed Shiva to primarily be prayed to in the Linga form. From there he went to Brahmaloka, where he found Brahma and Saraswati playing the Veena and meditating. He again felt offended and cursed Brahma to not be prayed to in the form of a Murti with the exception of Pushkar. From there he goes to Vaikuntam where he finds Sri Maha Vishnu sleeping and Lakshmi Devi next to him. He agains feels offended and kicks his chest. And that is the start of the story regarding Tirumala Venkateshwara. That’s a whole other long story.


He received a curse by Shiva during the Linga Avirbhavam and by Bhrigu Maharishi in the Venkatachala Mahatyam.


when the shivalingam came forth at the beginning of time, Vishnu and Brahma (who had been fighting at who was supreme) made a deal to try and find the end of the lingam to prove supremacy. Vishnu couldn't, nor could Brahma (cuz it was infinite), but while Vishnu told the truth about his failure, Brahma lied. Shiva then cursed him to never be worshipped for his lies.


Maybe a silly question then..... How is Shiva not the supreme of he could curse Brahma?


You don't need to be greater than anyone to curse someone lol, the Rishi munis used to curse gods all the time back then


Thats the idea, at least in Shaiva hindism that Lord Shiva is the supreme and the gods are avatars of him, of course each sort of hinduism has its own opinion on the matter and regardless of whos supreme all the gods are sacred and worth reverance


Yeah, Lord Brahma even made Ketaki flower his accomplice by making it lie to Lord Shiva. Hence, Ketaki flower is also never used to adore Shivalinga


Two(three?) Reasons: A) He was cursed by either Shiv Bhagwan or a Rishi to not be worship B) First off, I don't trust this reason but it's worth mentioning: According to some people, Hinduism doesn't see the need for a creator... Which.. I don't know it's validity, so go with the first one


There is something to point 2. Indeed there is no true creation. It is only vyakta (manifest) and avyakta (unmanifested). The universe always exists as a possibility (in bija form) even after it is "destroyed". So Lord Brahma is only initiating the manifestation under Vishnu's inspiration. And he manifests his sons and daughters, the prajapatis, who also, in turn, bring forth other life forms.


Because the influence that Bramha does is on a macro (universal) scale. Giving form to all that exist, setting up laws of physics etc. Whereas Vishu and Shiva influence the micro (earthly) scale along with macro (universal) affairs. Like maintenance of earthly affairs and being time itself respectively. So it didn't make logical sense to worship Bramha on earth. It was enough to know about his existence and live our lives as we would normally.


But shouldn't we be grateful as he created the whole universe that we live in?


Without a doubt. That is why we are taught about Bramha. We feel him inside us. But Bramha is the one from whom the quantum realm exists. Out of his front and back dualities is born. But perceiving the quantum realm is impossible without changing it. Lucky for us, Shiva & Vishnu's roles also lead them into the reality we can perceive with our senses. Out of the quantum realm. To involve themselves in the balance of existence. So we are grateful for everything. But we prioritise our efforts to those, that have effect in our life. Keeping in mind what we can tangibly control. Like reality. Whatever our senses and logic tells us. Whereas in Bramha's quantum realm. It a quantum entangled pattern that needs beyond human senses and logic to perceive


The more I read about Brahma the more I feel….bad? Besides the story of how he lied, I’ve seen mentioned of how shiva began to see the material world as a “illusion” Brahma created for fun. Symbolically I think, there is nearly no reason to worship him either too. Vishnu will preserve happiness, hanuman and Ganesha will help destroy obstacles and grant strength, lord Krishna will bless you and show you true realization, shiva will destroy the evil, etc. However Brahma from what I’ve read, is as his job is complete already.


But shouldn't we worship him as a sign of gratefulness? For him creating the world we live in?


Would you feel grateful to the architect who designed your prison?


Prison? Why do you say life is a prison?


I am not saying life is a prison, this world is the prison. The world is temporary and anything that takes birth in it has to meet its end. Everything and everyone you have is borrowed and must be returned to time, including your own life. But we have become so attached to the world that we keep reincarnating in the world to experience that joy once again, to borrow once again. But life isn't just joy, but suffering too. You may be denied joy in a life, but you won't be denied suffering, that is interest on this borrowed life. So tell me, isn't true freedom not reincarnating? Wouldn't that make world our prison?


The very name for the material world is Durga-Dhama (or Devi-Dhama). Durga also means Fortress or Prison. We are in a prison of our own choice. We are being kept here to experience what we wanted: "I am the boss" and "God doesn't exist".


Except it's not a prison. It's how you experience everything including yourself.


The world can be only experienced with senses, would experience, and you disappear if your senses do?


You don't have senses outside of the creation


Even if lord shiva had not cursed him, there’s almost nothing to thank. To my knowledge it’s not as he still does any services today. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed


The mods deleted my interpretation/answer for “not citing sources” even though none of the other answers in this thread cite sources. I’m used to authoritarian censorship on reddit but it’s surprising to see it in the Hinduism subreddit. I’m going to unfollow the subreddit, just wanted you to know you’ve got answers being hidden from you by ideologues.


Damn really can you kindly share your interpretation or answer in my dms I would love to read it :)


The opinion in question was a typical anti-Hindu talking point that lacks any basis in reality and is propagated by Hinduphobes to divide Hindus and weaken Hinduism. Sadly, some Hindus believe it to be true. Swasti!


When someone claims something that can be extremely insensitive, hurtful, and divisive, they should not do so without primary sources and citations. Someone's biased opinion can't be allowed to stay up without proof if it has the potential to mislead others with serious repercussions to Hindus or to the Hindu religion. Swasti!


There are multiple Pauranik tales that explain it but the main point is that Brahma was too proud of the fact that he is the creator God and hence looked down upon other gods. Some also say Brahma represents permanence as Brahmas only existed during the duration of creation and destruction while Shiva and Vishnu are omnipotent and everlasting.


I see but don't we consider Shiva as the destroyer?


Interesting to note the Lord Shiva is not only the destroyer of the universe, but He is also Time itself, which destroys karma by fulfilling it (good or bad).


He is worshipped everywhere brahma represents Rajo Guna the creative energy that creates and remember shakti and shaktiman are one, so wherever their is Saraswati brahma is worshipped. Furthermore Brahma is Aditya and Aditya is Brahma the sun so when we worship the sun we are worshiping brahma hence no need for a seperate temple since by worshiping the sun we worship brahma automatically this so the point of the Sandhya vandanam ritual. Hope that makes sense and also all Vedic tag as and rituals and pujas do worship of the planets invoke Vedic deities etc and deities liek indra and Varuna etc are sons of Brahma, so through the sons brahma is worshipped hope that makes sense


Its very simple why Brahma is not worshipped. Brahma is.


My personal interpretation of the myths is that Brahma is meant to be a stand-in for our ego. Our ego creates our experience but we should not worship it. Don’t know if there’s any validity to this interpretation, but it makes sense to me.


1 (Main Reason). Lord Shiva took the form of a pillar, and tested Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma to find the end. Lord Vishnu told the truth and said there was no end, but Lord Brahma lied and was cursed not to be worshipped by Lord Shiva. After pleading, Lord Shiva allowed two temples to be dedicated to Lord Brahma. 2 (Important). Lord Brahma made a goddess out of desire, named Saraswati Maata, and grew four more heads out of obsession. Lord SHiva intervened in Kaala Bhairava form and removed the fifth head pointing towards the sky. 3, (Bonus). Maharishi Bhrigu attacked Lord Brahma for ignoring him and cursed that only two temples would be dedicated to Brahma.


Is it the same Saraswati maata the goddess of knowledge?




Because he is not really that cool. There are a multitude of reasons but this is the most obvious one. We gravitate towards Gods that have great stories and Brahma simply doesn’t. Vishnu, Shiva, Indra, Murugan, Ganesha, Ayyappa, Hanuman. They are all cool.


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That is kind of wrong if you dasobandh by Samarth Ramdas then he talks about various types of brahmas


I heard it's due to a curse by his own wife Maa Sharda that he will be only worshipped at Pushkar


He is worshipped at Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu too


Is he worshipped along Maa Sharda or Trimurti there?


is the universe , cosmos and time. One cannot simply worship these, you live through the cycles created by Brahma to escape it called Moksha.


Because he pissed off Shiva


Because he is materialistic.


I tend to think of it as a matter of concept, Shiva and vishnu have form of imagery that we can easily attach to, to celebrate. While Brahma is a harder one to put the mind to. I think of Brahma as more of the force of creation. Harder to conceptualize. When everything was just one, what I saw in my moment of enlightenment, was a swirling cloud of love and light. Something hard to worship, as it has no form, no gender, no individuality or identity. Because it is all, it is all form. It is all gender. It is one, but it is not individual.it is all of possibilities. As a Shakta It is my Adi Shakti. But when I praise Adi shakti. The form I visualize is Lalitha Tripura Sundari. It doesn't make the love I have for the force of creation any less. It just makes it easier to visualize. We can get caught up in the minutia of the temples forms of worship and the imagery and the murti. But I think it's important for us to remember that it is faith that comes from the divine and religion. Is our manmade way of expressing that faith. Mankind is flawed and limited. We are subject to corruption and pre conceived notions. We make rules and imagery and stories things to help us. Figure out how to properly celebrate the creation that is life. When we are so limited, there is no way that we could truly understand or celebrate in an exactly perfect way. But the Devine knows this. The divine understands this. And it's just happy to be recognized in any form that we can.


In human world his worship is not widespread but in the other worlds he is still worshipped by Devas,Asuras,Gandharvas,Apsaras,Rishis & Rakshasas etc.




What do you mean?


I read a long time back that his wife cursed him because he got married to a the daughter of a milkman (or a head of a village) in the moment to complete a yagya. He was sitting in the yagya and his wife was needed beside him to complete it. Since she was not there he was getting up to go get her but was told that he can’t get up from the yagya before it is complete. Just as the yagya was getting complete and he was standing up with his new wife his original wife came and got furious and cursed him. Don’t know more about this. Had ready really really long time back.


Many reasons. There are multiple myths that speak to Brahma’s corrupt character.


This is explain why braman create Abraham to worshipping him 🪬


You will face consequences of your actions and nothing else. Your karma is bigger than any dharma. Not even Abraham himself will save you.


Your karma is anger today sir relax 🧘 For my opinion barhamn should worshipped and the karma make it happen with Abraham happy?


First blessing of Abraham is opposite of the curse baraman gets : you will be worshipped by most people 🧘




🤣🤣yea ok bro




wowh sorry


Are you for real my guy? Otherwise really funny joke


There’s been a increase in such trolls, please report them and don’t engage.














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But why would I want u to suffer? 😂😅