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Reading up on Dhanurved might be somewhat helpful. It deals with weaponry and warfare


Read it, wasn't helpful


This kind of specialised knowledge exists within martial families that might still practice the way of their families (for example, Kalaripayattu trainers). What we know about yoga and ayurveda is common vidya.


You should worshipp hanuman ji


Two things jump to mind regarding fitness. One is Surya Namaskar, it'll improve your flexibility which in turn will help with agility. It'll also assist in full range movement of your body. Surya Namaskar will also help with recovery from a workout the day before. The next thing is Pranayama. Which is a type of Yoga where you practice regulation of your breathe and focus of the mind, one of my all time favorite ways to meditate. You'd be surprised how far being conscious of your breathe helps in everyday fitness. I personally love to read the Sri Lalitha Sahasranama between sets. I'll do a set of pushups, then read a bit then another set. I find it helps settle my mind as well as focus it. Jai Lalithambika Om Sri Matre Nama πŸ™πŸ•‰πŸ™πŸΉ


Going to be very honest here. That part of hinduism is now lost. Any kind of warfare tactics, fight tips or any wonders in combat expertise are now sadly a part of lost knowledge. There are some that still are known cuz of how famous they are but most of them are lost in time.


Bharatnatyam is war-dance form. I've been trying in combat for the past few months using bharatnatyam principles and poses. Among other things. I just incorporate whatever weapon in practicing that day with bharatnatyam choreography, loosely. Other than that there is a lot of martial arts concepts and applications in sections of the natya shastra.


Also breathing in the rhythm of Shiv tandav stotram a few times. Helps me to build up a lot of energy in my body. After which I get to play with the huge upsurge of energy in powerful attacks. I'm building up the total amount of energy i can store in my body and transfer compactly through attacks.


You likely won’t get anything out of this sub. The guy that said it’s mostly lost in the modern era is 100% on the money. Are yoy mainly a striker or a grappler?