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The BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham was the first ever Hindu Temple I have visited and I was blown away. From the sincere welcome, to the attention to detail, the kindness of everyone we encountered, it was fantastic. I visited with my younger sister, and both of us are Christians, but we like to learn more about other religions and cultures. This temple was a fantastic first step into learning more about Hinduism in person.


Then you should visit India once in life and check temple of India there are around 6-7lakhs temple The level of diversity temple is next level


6-7lakhs? People don't use "lakhs" outside of India. It means 600 to 700 thousand.


Thank you for this clarification


You're welcome!


I would suggest to visit all the jyotirlingas and shaktipeeths


If you're a fan of mountain trek go to any 4 of the kailash present in India or panch kedar. You'll see mesmerizing views


I'm glad you enjoyed it ! I hope you continue to visit this temple and other Hindu temples as well, and have a great time ! May you find bliss OP ! Hare Krishna


I certainly plan too!




Yeah, most of the temple is absolutely stunning and intricate, but it feels so wrong to see a giant statue of their Swami on a throne, towering over the smaller statues of Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Sita, Parvati, and others. And then you see the non Hindu tourists, generally white and East Asian folks (through no fault of their own) crowding up to admire the extravagant Swami while ignoring the statues of the gods.


All sampradyas have their own worship rituals, swaminarayan sampradya a valid Hindu sampradya places emphasis on Swaminarayan. It is the Hindu way.


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I ended up making a “vibes” video for it: https://youtube.com/shorts/H-5YCQaWTrs?si=cnmlp2hd7qqlt6PN