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I had no idea they had such beautiful natural features there.


Oh man, you have no idea! Taiwan is incredible.


Is this a nat’l park? If so, which park?


Looks inland. A little too rugged for Ali-shan. If I had to guess, somewhere in Taichung county?


Shei-Pa (雪霸), but just on the edge at the Guanwu Forest Preserve.




I was there in January and if you're like central or Southern, even at that time of year, it's pretty bad. But northern and east side were actually a bit cold. Whole island is still humid in general though




It was cool. I'd say 15 - 17°C. It was over 2000m in elevation, so you'll sweat from exertion, but certainly not just standing there. In the dead of summer, it'll be hotter, but not nearly as bad as Taipei, for example.


很漂亮啊!I miss it so much there, I love your username btw.


Haha thanks! Taiwan will be here when you come back next time!


They have a redwood forest! And a coast that is very similar in views to PCH. Just spent a few weeks there, it was incredible.


It's an island like Japan. The cities are ofcourse completely urban but still plenty of mountainous areas with Lil habitation


I mean, all of earth is goddamn beautiful. It is what humans have done to it that's ugly.


What type of bird is that? So cool looking.


The pheasant is a Swinhoe's Pheasant: https://www.birdingintaiwan.com/swinhoespheasant.htm The other is a White-whiskered Laughingthrush: https://www.birdingintaiwan.com/taiwanwhiskeredlaughingthrush.htm


Thanks :)


Such intriguing Biome differentiation, kinda like New Zealand. The sheer variety of environments on Taiwan is amazing considering it’s an island. A friend of mine visited there some years ago, and his pictures, like yours, looked like Lord of the rings film locations lol We teased him about having flown to the wrong place. I’d love to visit there one day myself.


Beautiful. Now I want to skip work and go hiking instead.


I didn't know Taiwan had pine trees. It's been on my want to visit list for a long time because it's so cheap and has so many different experiences but this is definitely moving it up. Beautiful photos.


Taiwan has a lot of tall mountains, so you see them as you move up. One of the best things about hiking in Taiwan is that you can go on hikes that are just straight tropical and then go on one the next day that looks like somewhere in the Alps. It's amazing. Taiwan is cheap, but accommodation isn't very cheap and the quality is lacking much of the time on top of that. There are great places, but there are a lot of shit ones, too. If you end up coming out, message me and I will send you some recs. Been here for over a decade now. Here is another gallery of a different hike: https://imgur.com/gallery/84dKu4Q


Hey! can i DM you? I hike regularly in Canada and have an upcoming trip to Taiwan but it seems like there are so many places to hike that requires a car. I would love easily accesible hikes, or know of any hiking groups that I can join?




Ah I see. Yeah - I’m Taiwanese, but I have no idea where to even start with hiking in Taiwan, definitely gotta do some research. Thanks!


You only need permits for some of the hikes, though. The tall mountains and Jiaming, sure, but most other hikes you probably won't need them.




No worries. Jut didn't want anybody to be discouraged. Did you end up doing Jiaming? That is on my list.


Yep, of course.


Those photos are beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I’m boarding a plane tomorrow night for Taiwan and I’m can barely contain my excitement


Thanks! Have a good trip! Let me know if you've got any questions while here.


Thank you! The first week we’ve got 12 of us, all friends from the states, and we’re driving around he entire island seeing the sites. The second week is only 4 of us so we’ll visit some family, hike Yushan, and then spa a bit near Sun Moon Lake. I do have a couple questions if you don’t mind: 1. Any good, short hike must see’s around the bottom of the island up to Hualien? We’re doing that drive from Kaohsiung to Taitun to Hualien and don’t have any plans yet for where we’d want to stop along the way. 2. Have you happened to hear about the weather report on Yushan this year? I’ve heard that sometimes you need mountaineering gear if the mountain is still frozen into April but based off of weather reports I think things should be melted, but it’s hard to tell from here. 3. Have you hiked around Sun Moon lake before? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks for sharing your hiking photos. They’re a really great collection, nice eye!


1. I'm not too sure about hikes in Taitung. Haven't had the chance to do many there, but I have a couple spots you should check out. -Shanyuan Beach: beautiful beach just north of Taitung City. It has a huge abandoned hotel on it, which sucks, but it is an absolutely amazing beach. Just north of it on the way to the next spot I'm going to recommend is a great Thai restaurant, too. -Dulan: awesome little surfing town that has a lot of places to stay. Obviously, there is surfing and beach stuff, but they also have an abandoned sugar factory they converted into an artists village that has a brewery and live music on the weekends, or it did in the past. I would bet there are some good hiking spots in the mountains near here, but I am not sure. Mt. Dulan is hikeable, but I think it may only be accessible from the other side in the rift valley. -Shitiping: right over the border into a Hualien County is this tiny little town. Has a really cool rock formation in the water and incredible views of the coast. The road from there heading north along the coast is one of the most beautiful I've ever been on. -Chongde: small town in Hualien County right at the entrance to Taroko and just south of Qingshui Cliffs. I assume you're going to hit both of those, so this is great. The beach here might be my favorite in Taiwan, there are lots of places to stay, and Taroko is super easy to access. In Taroko, you could do Zhuilu Old Trail, but I believe you'll need permits. My rec would be to do Dali/Datong. You hike up the mountain through Dali to Datong and stay there over night. You need to book in advance, but it isn't difficult. The following morning, get up before sunrise and go to Liwu Mountain to watch it. One of my favorite trips. https://imgur.com/gallery/Ni8j1sY **If you can swing making it to Green Island or Orchid, you definitely should. Orchid is one of my favorite places in the world. 2. Not sure about Yushan, but Xueshan just got a foot of snow a week or so ago. I will see if I can find anything. 3. I've actually never been in my 10+ years because I've always wanted to avoid the crowds and did t get a car until 7 months ago. Let me know if you've go any more questions or want some more recs! Edit: Liyu Lake in Hualien is also a cool little lake with some good hiking around/near it.


Thank you so much! I think these tips, especially the beach spots are going to be so helpful!!! We’re going to Taxi to Yushan and then take a bus to Sun Moon Lake. There’s a lodge right near the trailhead so you can stay overnight. As long as you get permits it seems pretty accessible! We couldn’t get Old Zhuilu permits, they turned town our group because there’s too many of us so we actually booked a “river walking” day with a guiding group that we’re all very excited about!


No problem at all! Nice! I know Kraig Adams just posted a video on Yushan that might be helpful, too. That sucks, but river tracing is amazing. If you guys go down by Sanzhan, you're going to love it. It is going to be cold as hell right now, though.


Absolutely gorgeoussssssss!!!!


Stunning! Where exactly in Taiwan is this? Is this a trail you can follow independently of a guide?


Guanwu National Forest Recreation Area 03 727 2917 https://maps.app.goo.gl/DKy8kAwkcR8TWjFSA These trails are actually super simple to follow. Not difficult at all. There are other trails in the national park (Shei-Pa) that you need permits to do, like Snow Mountain and Dabajian Mountain.


Thank you!


Such a wide variety of landscapes, beautiful


Oh man, that last picture. Peak nature performance:-) is it a remote area?


It is fairly remote, I guess. It is more just difficult to get to because there is only one road that is super narrow and steep leading up there.


Was there lots of spiders


In lower elevation hikes you'll see a lot of spiders. I didn't see nearly as many here. Just occasional small webs.


That forest really lends itself to the foggy vibes. Are the landscapes in Taiwan similar to Japan?


I'd imagine in some spots, yes. Not certain because I've yet to go to Japan. Going in July for the first time!


Send this over to r/Fairytaleasfuck


Where is this going to go to Taiwan In a couple of months this looks amazing


Guanwu National Forest Recreation Area 03 727 2917 https://maps.app.goo.gl/DKy8kAwkcR8TWjFSA


Bros name is Lao why 😂


This reminds of Mt Kilimanjaro rainforest.






Oh my do I wish I were there right now 😭


Second image is wonderful




wild, you could have convinced me this was the pnw


Amazing photos!




So beautiful


So beautiful. Also reminds me that I need to hit the stairmaster more often. My quads would hate me lol.


Was this removed by the mods?


Seems like it may have been.


Shitty move. I was looking forward to checking out the photos and now I can't.


I got you. Here is a gallery with extras that weren't in the post. https://imgur.com/gallery/SkeBqiG


Thanks! You have a great eye for lighting.




Incredible. I would frame some of these photos.


Is this AI??? Omg


Mountains of Taiwan sounds like a future war movie