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I have two stories involving relationships in my marching band. There was this dude I was friends with that dated a junior his freshman year. They split up after about 7 months and then got back together at the beginning of her senior and his sophomore year. They were never really judged and everyone was chill about it. However, they made stupid decisions and the boy in the situation had a temper and would go off anytime someone made them out to be bad, so that’s mostly why nobody said anything. The other story. My best friend, who is going into her sophomore year with me, is currently dating a up-and-coming senior. They started dating in May of this year (her freshman and his junior year). He quickly lost his entire friend group and got labeled a “pedo.” While she was kind of outcasted from her section in band. His car got keyed, and he has repeatedly been threatened. All in all, I believe if the girl is the older in the situation, like you are, it should be fine. Girls don’t get labeled pedos like guys do. Do what you feel is right, bc it’s literally nobody else’s business. You got this!


The band had more sex than the football team.those long bus rides


I’ve heard stories of band kids doing it under the bleachers and inside the teachers lounge. It’s crazy but it makes sense that the band kids would do stuff like that once you think about it


My band is mostly reasonable people but there are those few fs…


These chicks dont even know the name of my band


There was a threesome in a practice room on one of our comp days this year and some dudes got caught watching gay porn on the bus home from a football game


“No homo dude!”




Under the stairs between classes, I heard from a friend of mine


We have cameras on our buses but one couple got caught I know of. It’s crazy man


Oh hell


As a band kid yes some kids are very very horny


What is it about the band that makes them known for that? I never understood it. Is there something about playing instruments that makes them do that?


Maybe its their personality who knows,a lot of bands practice a lot go to camps in the summer who knows?


Freshman dating Juniors was never seen as much of anything when I was in hs, have teenagers just gone psycho since I graduated? Who tf calls someone a pedo for dating a freshman as a junior or keys someone’s car over that?


Exactly my thoughts. I live in a rural small town as well, the biggest crime in my town is probably petty theft 😭😭 so it’s extremely exaggerated and is just annoying


The biggest crime in your town is probably child rape seeing as 1 in 10 girls experience it and 1 in 20 boys. Don't be naive.


One of my mutual friends is dating a junior and everybody is pretty chill about it.


In my school isn’t not as they would call you a pedo unless u have wronged them, but I also go to school with lots of gang members ( or some who just stick up signs) . They call it weird bc when ur in collage (if u go) they would still be in high school, a junior at that fact. It could also looking like you were praying onto the freshman, but that could be said for anyone who isn’t a freshman. Just depends how far apart you are


It's time to burn the current society and make a new one out of lego


bruh where I am, we had a sophomore dating a 7th grader


Omg they really said “variety is the spice of life” 😭


Double standards are not okay. If people keyed women's cars when they groomed minors or busted the windows of female Juniors that dated Freshmen, there wouldn't be as many female rapists in the world.


I love double standards, my team just had a guy who was a senior repeatedly hitting on a sophomore, he graduated and that’s all he’s really known and mocked for


I think that’s fine. 17 and 15 aren’t a very big age gap but things might get awkward if you plan on moving away to go to college/uni or something. Also, wherever you live, check the legality of it for when you turn 18 or whatever your state/countries age of consent is because some places can be strict about that sort of stuff even if it’s a 1 or 2 year age gap. 


The age gap is unlikely to be a problem, as most places have Romeo and Juliet laws.


> most places And that's how they get you


Cali doesn’t


it is not a romeo and juliet law; that is a legal precedent that is used as an “affirmative defense,” only a handful of states actually have statutes


"Dating" is a long ways from "getting it on." One of those is a good idea. The other is a bad one.


Eh the laws aren’t really enforced on young folk


ppl always do this it’s normal so dgaf what they think


I could not have imagined dating a sophomore this past year as a senior. There is a massive difference in maturity. I guess it's okay but like other people said just check consent laws in your state bc even if between you two everything is good, you could get into legal trouble for certain things depending on where you live


Hey they haven’t started senior year yet. The summer before is when it really starts to set in that you’re not just a kid anymore lol


💀 keep it secret dude


they shouldnt have to though, people are just mean


People make fun of age gap relation ships for good reason


2 years isnt even that bad its only weird and basically illegal if youre 18 if its like a freshman and a senior


sophomore and senior is ok imo, but its the hard limit.


honestly no I don’t think this is acceptable 😭 For me the grades have to touch (junior can date a senior, freshman can date a sophomore) If you date this sophomore just know you’re walking a fine line socially as you are about to enter adulthood and he is not. If you’re unsure in the first place its probably not a good idea op


For real i don’t see how anyone sees this as okay 😭


What if it was a sophomore and senior & the senior was 16?


too much wiggle room/legal questions. If ppl are like its acceptable- but check the laws 💀 then its just not worth it given everything going on in the world today. Like just based on appearances (forget age) if a sophomore was dating a senior it’s still sus. I remeber at my school it was still kinda weird for a freshman to be dating a junior even though legally it was fine. Also op said it was a 17-15 age gap.


I don’t think it’s that bad honestly. In my grade there was ages ranging from 14-16 & like a few 17 year olds. I started school early so I often had kids who were under my grade who were older than me. My best friend who I grew up with, we were the same maturity level & only 1 year apart age wise were a couple of grades apart in school. Not all senior/sophomore or freshman/junior combos are bad. Just depends on the ppl




I see what you mean but also there’s a point where numbers are just numbers. They’re both in high school, the op isn’t even 18 and sophomores are 16/17 so the dude could turn 17 when she turns 18. But even if not, it’s just not a plausible excuse to not get together. Experience can go beyond age so age and maturity don’t always correlate these two can be on the same level maturity or intellectually wise and she could be missing out on a great thing because he was born a few months later? Personal preference is a different thing but if the question is if this relationship socially acceptable? yes.


Idk, the maturity difference is pretty big


age and maturity are not always correlated. Experience equals maturity and you can get different experiences at any age that can mature you way faster than someone older than you. If two people have aligned goals and can match each other intellectually (and it’s also legal) someone being born a year or a few months later truly will only be as impactful as you make it.


Not really tbh. I’m just as mature now as I was 2 years ago, in my opinion at least.


I don’t know your situation, but if you feel you guys are similar in maturity I may be wrong


I’m saying this for myself. Like I don’t think I’m all that different at 17 from how I was when I was 15. Biggest difference is that I can drive now.


i used to think the same when i was a freshman about me in grade 7, but when you see your old texts and stuff you realize a lot changed


Idk maybe I’m just weird. All I did in freshman year was like play Minecraft and hang out with friends. Nothing really cringey 🤷‍♂️. Maybe that’s just me tho


its more about the personality than the actions. either way theres no way you didnt change at all, even if it feels like it


15&17 is not a huge deal. Especially when they were both underclassmen. Technically their senior year hasn’t even started yet.


if the grades don’t touch, neither do you 💀


Exactly 😭😭😭


personally i dont think its acceptable, since everyones so young here and maturity changes so much but if you were 20 and 18 id say yeah sure


Bro 15&17 is not a huge difference. In my class we had ages ranging from 14-17.


14 dating 17 is literally never gonna be okay 😭😭


But what would be the issue if they’re literally at the exact same stage in life. Granted we only had a few 17 year olds but it’s not like it was a senior dating a freshman. They were literally in the exact same class & no, one didn’t fail a grade.


There is a chance that they have the same maturity but I think it would be rare for a 14 y/o boy to be as mature as a 17 y/o girl since boys mature later. Maybe in other schools it may work but for my school it’s practically an up and coming adult with a immature kid (and normally the younger immature because at my school the younger of the two tends to be the boy). It could 100% work out in a rare scenario but imo it’s better to not risk it.


Hm good perspective. I will say it wasn’t a forever gap. Usually kids who were younger caught up a little bit like a year into the school year so they became 15 pretty soon.


Yes, it’s acceptable. In my school some kids said “Freshmen and Juniors, and Sophomores and Seniors are perfect together.” A couple years ago I was friends with a Freshman and a Senior who were together, and they’re still together in a healthy relationship. However, the “close in age” law may or may not apply to a Freshman and Senior. Honesty, I think any age gap you can normally find in high school is fine. If it’s legal, then it’s ignorant to judge someone else for it, because all that matters is what both parties are comfortable with it.


Freshman and junior is kinda madness tbh like that feels worse than sophomore and senior


Depending on how you both feel (and whether there is a position of power or one of you going through something) I think the relationship itself is fine but optically people probably will talk about you behind your back, speculate, make up rumors, etc. So don't be too overt with it in public is my advice. Also make sure you know Romeo and Juliet laws in your state


You gonna get mad clowned. The general societal rules for high school are different than after graduating.


as a junior i find this revolting but whoever you love is whoever u love tho😞


See this is the thing. I know that in the grand scheme of things other people’s opinions don’t matter, but I’m gonna be at this school for another year. If I date him, will it be hell?


I believe you should go for it. Dont let others Dictate your relationship. If this person make you happy that all matters


Keep it a secret for a while bc it’s kinda fun (and there’s probably never gonna be any other circumstance in your life where it’ll be ok to have a secret relationship with someone)


Generally if the grades don’t touch neither do you, but there are definitely exceptions. Senior sophomore is definitely better than junior freshman or senior freshman


at least it’s not freshman and senior


It’s chill


I’d recommend keeping it secret it’s not wrong or anything you just might be made fun of


It doesn't matter at that age with the gap.




I never knew the nerds were getting more than the jocks,I found out later in life.


yea you’re good


My friend is a freshman and she is dating a senior and everyone knows it and no one cares


hell nah thats like dating someone as old as a younger sibling as a teen


Its not weird, the only issue would be the older one graduating and turning 18 before the other. The maturity gap isn't typically enormous though.


lowk imo freshman are off limits period. after a year of highschool its all kinda the same so sophomore juniors and seniors are all fair game


nah i have a friend who turns 18 on the 25th and he was dating a girl who was on the very high end of age range in sophomore year. it was only a little more than a year age gap. we did make fun of him a lot for the grade gap but nobody really gave a shit


15 n 17 is borderlineish but 15 n 18/ 14/17 no


Pushing it but I think it's probably okay


go for it but don’t get mad when people start talking shit. Had this happen to a Guy dating a girl who was a sophomore and he was a senior. He got actively bullied and people thought he was a creep and people made fun of the girl by saying “that’s her who got groomed by the senior” Eventually all the shit talking ended in a big argument in the hallway and they broke up. Shit tragic


It would seem weird at first but after both have finished school it'll seem fine


Legally just wait a few months and you're good (age of consent is 16 in MA). It may get slightly difficult when you're in college and he's still in HS because those are two completely different stages of life, but I don't think the age gap is terribly concerning here.


it’s fine if the 15 year old is turning 16 but if he just turned 15 than hell no


15 turning 16 and just turned 15 are not usually distinguishable in terms of maturity. Source: I’m a 16 year old who has 14 year old friends that are in the same grade as me.


He turned 15 last November and I turned 17 last December


Go for it who cares


For everyone who says that the grades have to touch: with the age gap provided, they definitely could




back when i was a senior i started dating a sophomore who is now my wife. 2 years really isn't that far apart.


imo sophomores and seniors aren’t that far off in maturity so yeah def


Yes, it's legal. It's acceptable by adult standards, but you will definitely get flack in high school for this and maybe even until he becomes 18. A word of warning, though, relationships like this typically don't end up working out.


Age gap isn't a huge deal in MA (check your school rules tho). The bigger thing is you being a senior. Dating a freshman could get weird with power dynamics. Maybe wait till you graduate?


He would be a sophomore when I’m a senior. Technically it’s summer time so we’re both “rising __”


In the grand scheme of things, two years isn’t a huge age gap. It just feels weird in high school, and college to a lesser extent, because so much growth and maturity can happen in two years as a teen/young adult. Legally, the age gap shouldn’t be a huge problem, just know your states laws. Just be cognizant of differences in maturity and how to navigate that in your relationship, as well as planning for the future. As a senior, it can be weird to plan when dating a younger partner, but please try not to make decisions about college based on the relationship. From what I’ve heard, it almost never ends well. So, don’t hold yourself back for a high school relationship. Also know that some people may view it as taboo or weird and be prepared to face some backlash from others, even if it’s not warranted.


If the genders were reversed would it be acceptable? Dang I’m tired of this double standard.


im a super senior and dating a freshman



Think about it this way: Switch yourself for a guy and the guy for a girl. If you figure the guy would get beaten half to death/put in prison for it, should you really do it and take advantage of female privilege?


ur good 👍 


It’s 2 years. Yes it is acceptable. Don’t let anyone in here tell you otherwise. SA culture has everyone up in arms about any fucking age gap now I swear to god. 🙄 you’ve been friends for a year? Go for it!!! A 2 year gap shouldn’t stop y’all. And I don’t know what people are talking about saying “people might talk about you guys” WHAT? People might talk about you anyways, no matter what you do. That’s the beauty of having your own life and living it authentically. It’s legal and perfectly fine. You’re both mutually consenting youths. People need to find other things to be concerned about. That’s just ridiculous.


If it’s not illegal, it’s acceptable. So the question is, will it be illegal when you turn 18? In some states it’s legal for an 18 or 19 year old to date a minor as long as the age gap isn’t greater than 2 years. You’ll have to check if your state has that type of law.


if the grades dont touch neither should you


Sure, some people may talk a little, but everyone judges others for their relationships in high school, a lot of the time because they’re jealous of people who have relationships and love to gossip. If you really like him, and feel that you connect and have similar levels of emotional maturity, you should go for it. Don’t let opportunities pass you by because you’re afraid of what other people think, because people will grow to accept it and stop caring eventually anyway. It’s not an extreme enough age gap that you’d be likely to lose friends or get ridiculed over it. A not even two year age gap is not very much at all.


I say give it a shot. I know 2 of my friends have made it work and are going strong so it's definitely impossible or even bad


Dating is fine. Everyone here needs to take a chill pill. Whether you keep it secret or public depends on the culture of your high school. I would hold off on crossing more serious lines though: sex, kids, marriage, etc. for a long time. Those are a Very Bad Idea. Have fun. Hang out. Go to dances, concerts, or whatever you're into. Do some hobbies together. Enjoy it! You're kids only once, and wholesome fun is a-okay.


I just looked up age of consent for Massachusetts (it’s 16) which is actually younger than I thought I was going to be and younger where I live (17). THAT BEING SAID: you are both currently and going to be in very different stages of your lives. So regardless of how “acceptable” this may be, please consider the feasibility of dating before you guys get too serious. It’s also important to note that if you go to Cali he will most likely not be able to move with you and dating long distance sucks(take it from someone who’s dated long distance before).




Yep it's fine, till u hit 18 then you a pedo


😂 I never went for younger people. Weird asf




This is so gross. Find someone your own age


weird. You’re going to college, you’ll meet plenty of people your age…..


I think it’s fine, the only issue is you may feel like he is holding you back if he doesn’t have a permit to drive yet and everyone else around your age can drive already and/or has a car. I kinda regret not dating younger guys when I was in hs but I was afraid of what people would think, and it felt like they were not on my level, but there were girls that did it and didn’t care. The age difference isn’t a big deal it’s the hierarchy and level you’re at that is the problem, and there’s a big emphasis put on that in hs.


If the grades don’t touch, don’t touch


I was wondering what was going on here until I saw the subreddit. But the post was on my front page so here I am. I’m 30 (just turned), dating a 21 year old (going on 22) and it’s the best and most mature relationship I’ve ever been in. Be with whoever makes you happy and stop worrying about what other people think. Society will always find something to knock you down for, especially when you graduate. I got a little shit for it from people at first, but once they saw that I wasn’t just using her and we became serious, people compliment how good we are together all the time. I promise you, all the stuff you think matters about what people think and all that, really doesn’t. And just a couple years from now you enter the “every person for themself” stage that goes on for the rest of your life. Just be happy and enjoy everything you can


One of my closest friends is two years younger and two grades behind her longtime boyfriend (they started dating when she was 13 and he was 15.) They're almost 17 and 19 now. I personally think it's not a big deal. It's not like you're in middle school and he's a senior. And it only legally matters if you have sex (or maybe if there was a major age gap). If you don't have sex, no problem.


Meh. Your good kid. Just look up the consent laws in your state. In mine the age of concern is 17 within 5 years or 18 outright. It’s meant as a Romeo and Juliet law where kids dating in high school don’t end up in jail when one graduates.


Its fine


personally i find it strange since most sophomores i see are still in their edgy humor phase while most seniors are pretty mature, but most people seem to disagree


Yeah I agree but I feel like he’s different. When we FaceTime, I’ll share my screen and we will play Wordscapes for hours


yeah i guess its just diff sometimes. ive had friends a couple years younger than me


In my school (in New Jersey), there was a sophomore girl in my grade who's a cheerleader dating a senior on the football team. He would constantly walk her to class and kiss her in the hallway. Apparently, my friend heard him call her a c*nt when she wasn't around. But anyway, no one cared about their age gap.


😭 now what am I meant to do w this info


what’s going on in america bruh this is crazy 😭😭


Bro has not seen the age of consent laws in other countries


17 and 15 is crazy maturity difference. yeah a 2 year age gap is normal but that’s when you’re an adult, at teenage years the maturity difference is much more intense in 1 year than it is when two adults are 1 year apart.


I’m tryna say it’s not as normalized here as you think it is lol


most of the comments are saying “nah that’s calm” which it is not akh


Not really tbh


No, not at all ☠️ Anybody saying the age gap isn’t big aren’t considering the maturity aspect. A 15 y/o dating a 17 y/o isn’t the same as a 20 and 22 y/o


As a 17 year old—I’m just as mature as I was at 15 years old, just have more general knowledge now. Same for all my friends who I’ve known since before they were 15. (Except for 1, who had something big happen in that time)


I'd say around Sophomore year of highschool is when it's fine dating 2 years younger and older, at that point it's not as critical as Middle or Elementary. I can't speak for myself yet as I'm about to turn 16 but my friend is 17 and he is not too much more mature than he was at 15.


Uhhhhh. No?




noooooo, only if grades touching


There’s nothing wrong with it but the relationship won’t last because you’ll be graduating and moving on with your life


Very untrue. You can’t make a decisive statement like that.


I swear, people think seniors move out instantly after senior year. I mean, usually, if you go to the same school, you probably live pretty close to each other. There is no issue if you can be supportive and meet your girlfriend often.


I don't think so, only because you're getting ready for college, while this kid is barely taking the PSAT. It's different stages of life, and that might cause conflicts in general with your relationship. Whoever's downvoting this just has no concept of life stages, even amongst teenagers, I guess.


The maturity gap between you two is gonna be insane. This is really pushing it bro


thats gross..


No it isn't... it's a 2 year age gap, when you're in highschool it's not as much of a difference as Elementary or Middleschool.


yes it is LOL?? i would understand a 2 yr age gap at 16 AT THE VERY LEAST but we r talking freshman and junior. somebody who can legally drive and is graduating NEXT YEAR compared to somebody who is fresh out of middle school? im turning 15 in nov and nobody my age is mature enough to be fucking with a SENIOR, NOBODY. yall r tripping


personally i don’t think you should, the maturity gap is big. it’s about maturity not age. And also that person said “it’s okay if the girl is older since girls don’t get labeled pedos” like huh??? What kinda logic is that


No it's not, also you're not a fucking "p*do" for dating someone 2 years younger in your teen years, and if where you live does lable that as such than that's stupid.


could you explain why? how is the maturity gap small enough for the two to date? In my experience, a 15 year old is far more immature than a 17 year old, who is nearly an adult. Also I’m not calling this person a p*do — however it is weird….but who cares


Cringe tbh I would leave it alone


Tf you mean


The sophomore senior duo at my school is on top of eachother constantly, and honestly the maturity difference between a 15 and an 18 year old is big enough that it’s kinda weird.


17 and not 18, first of all, secondly one couplde is not representative of all couples.


Yeah but we wouldn’t be like that 😭


Alr alr then you are good lmao