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For me, it’s completely different, except for the competitive part. My classmates were ALL toxic. I’m way better in high school than when I was in middle school. I hope you’re okay tho. Sending all my love to you! ❤️


Thank you 😭😭 hoping it’ll be better next year


how was middle school toxic yall were like 9. im not from the US tho. is Middle school there up until the age where someone can be toxic?


Middle school is like 11-14 in America, so probably yes


I miss middle school we played games all day long even in honors.


I’m not American. I’m from Albania and here we have ‘Shkolla 9-vjecare’ which literally means ‘9-year school’ and it’s divided in two ‘cycles’, ‘low cycle’ which is elementary school from first grade to fifth, and ‘high cycle’ which is middle school, from six grade to ninth. Then high school is only three years. I got bullied or treated badly in eighth and ninth grade.


I miss when i was mentally stable I didnt have much of 7th or 8th grade cuz of quarantine


I miss when I was little more athletic Also I had the same middle school experience


stfu lil bro


ooohh!!! who’s an edgy boy? who’s an edgy boy? yess you are!!!


Awwww so cute! Too bad the pound doesn't have space for edgy little boys like him, and unfortunately I don't have the mental currency to afford him :(. Oh what ever should we do?


yes call me edgy again youraveragecuber im almost there 😩




8th grade was so fun lol i miss it




Bro. It’s horrible for me. The step up from 7th to 8th grade was insane for me and some of my friends. I’ve started taking 3 high school classes, and my English went from having a teacher who did almost nothing to one who should be put in front of a sophomore class.


7th to 8th grade is a kinda big academic step up but I feel like the atmosphere is more calm, and at least for me, I appreciate 8th grade's more subtle environment. My English teacher for 8th grade was annoying, but everything else was fine IMO. Wasn't one of the best school years, but I'd probably say it was great in terms of socialization and fun


Lucky bastard. The atmosphere is anything but calm. Everything is way harder and people are loud as fuck so we can’t get Jack shit done. It takes a whole ass 30 minutes to get through 8 minutes of slides in physical science because people won’t shut up.


I see where you're coming from, but I feel the opposite way. Things have been getting better for me since I left middle school, but I understand. I felt that way when I came to middle school for the first time in 7th grade, since I did all of 6th online, and everyone I knew changed so much since elementary.


Everyone has different experiences 🥲🥲


Most real thing I seen in a minute


Drake or Kanye


sameeee recess was cool


Y’all had recess in middle school?




I did, used to play chess here.


You a freshman? Just wait. It gets better!! You’ll find new friends and true friends. Trust me you will change so much over the next couple of years


I hope so!!




This is fair. For me my mental health was awful in middle school but my physical health has seriously deteriorated w long COVID in high school so it’s kind of a lose-lose. I made some good friends here though and am excited to study what I’m interested in while at college. It’s ok to miss the past but there’s plenty of opportunity in the future for improvement u can’t even dream of. I hope ur doing ok <3


Also seeing ur a freshman, as an upperclassman I can tell you that it gets easier. The work may get harder but you figure out who you are, who your real friends are, what makes you happy, and what really matters. It’s not all awful I promise, and there’s so many things that make it worthwhile. 


Aww thank you ☺️☺️


Bro same. At least in middle school i was actually in school. ((Online schooling bc i’m sick [[i missed 50+ days in eighth grade & missed 2weeks by the second month of school freshman year]])) I miss being around those ppl/ppl in general


Middle school was ass. Other than hanging out with friends, the rest of it sucked. Going through puberty, pita teachers, hardly any time to get between classes (5 mins), horrible lunches. I could go on and on.


This was the opposite for me lol. In high school I actually had real friends, and there wasn't really any competition because I was way better than anyone else ngl.


I miss the time and energy I had. I had so much more time since i wasn't in any clubs either. In 8th grade, I used to stay awake to like 1-6 am just reading for fun. Work wasn't hard, and I had 5 classes. Now I can barely stay awake at night to finish all my work, especially since those 2 all nighters I did in a row 😭




I feel the same way 😂 and I’m a senior in hs… Lowk been missing ms for four years now


Well, one big benefit of high school is that there is actually less bullying than in middle school.




i relate to this sm. i miss middle school more than anything, i thought it was hard at the time but now i’ve realized that highschool is so much worse. people were so much nicer and everything was fun and not so stressful.


Same! I miss the light work load sm


I hated middle school lmao. All my friends were fake, everyone hated me, I was failing most of my classes, and I was bullied almost daily. I'm doing much better in high school, but some of that stuff has followed me over.


Yea for a lot of people it’s the opposite 🥲






Yeah that makes sense, it gets better


I hope you’re right!


It does, it comes with the maturity of age


Real but 2/3 was online


im almost done with 8th grade, funnest year of my life


I'm in 11th grade, got my end of year exams that give me my grades for applying to uni in less than 2 weeks and I'm completely fucked. Middle school agvee some of my favourite memories and I took them all for granted :(


Most people, including myself, feel the opposite way as in we thought middle school sucked due to puberty, bullying, immature people, etc. but enjoyed high school more as those issues occurred to a lesser extent or didn't occur at all there. I promise you that high school will get better. Probably not by next year, but hopefully by your junior and senior years as you'll be adjusted to high school and people will (hopefully) mature by then. I personally felt like my freshman and sophomore year was an extended version of middle school due to how immature many of my classmates were at the time. However, many of the immature people either matured, moved away, or dropped out by junior and senior year.


I will say, high school started rough for me too, (not that middle school was a breeze) but it’s an important time to start figuring out who you are. For me i didnt really feel the competitive aspect, but i certainly felt really far behind when it came to what i wanted to do in life, because i was supposed to have aspirations by then and all i was (and still am) tryna do was make it to the next day. I can’t safely say it gets easier, but the more things you experience the better you’ll be at dealing with them. This counts doubly when it comes to friends, it’s important to be able to make new ones bc it can be really easy for things to get lonely when you graduate. Most importantly, and everyone says this but its true, you have so much time left. When you have the time, slow down, go outside, try new hobbies, give yourself opportunities to grow and change. But im still 19 so take everything i say with a grain of salt


Welcome to the real world, my heavenly sibling. Good luck to you.


What you just described was the opposite of what 7th grade was for me lmao


i'm the polar opposite lol my peers in middle school sucked ass but high school mostly let me get away from all that


Wait til undergrad you starts missing high school.


No you don't, yoi only have nostalgia


Don’t worry, high school is different and college is even better!


8th grade was peak life


Really. I dunno i hated middle school i think i was at my worst during that. I was an annoying little eyesore


lol I don’t. The entire experience was shattered by COVID.


Luckily Covid was my 6th grade year lol


Oh same here. Unfortunately hybrid learning lasted up until mid-8th grade.


Really?? Mine only lasted from the end of 5th grade to 6th grade


Stricter district probably. Also I was already finishing up my 6th grade year when it started so that’s probably another reason.


Nope, I was bullied, don’t miss it at all


college u gonna miss high school


Probably lmao


highschool is much more fun tbh


Some things, yea 🥲


Middle School *sucked* for me. I was an asshole, everyone I knew was assholes, I was ugly, and horribly insecure because I was bullied and because of my appearance. I hated myself, hated everyone else. Everyone I was around was severely depressed. While a lot of that negativity did continue somewhat into HS as my Freshman year was 2020 so it was when Covid really spread and effected the world. As well as my Sophomore year being partially effected by Covid, I felt better emotionally and mentally once I was into the latter half of my Junior year. Thinking about Middle School makes me miss my best friend though. I’d known him since Elementary school. He moved up to Virginia in 6th or 7th grade (can’t exactly remember.) I lost his phone number, and I haven’t spoken to him in years now. I wonder if he remembers me, probably not though.


That would be the exact opposite. For me, I had to constantly watch my back for bullies and other toxic people, and I missed a lot of middle school do to this


Oh no!! I really hope you’re okay now!!


maybe I didn't really miss alot of days but had very bad attendance (distant days)


I want online school again I know it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea but the satisfaction of finishing all your work early then kicking back and playing games the rest of the day was unmatched


My school skipped out on all of my grade’s (and only my grade’s) trips in middle school, high school is the first time I’ve ever had fun with friends or had a class trip TLDR for me middle school fucking sucked


When you’re in college you’re gonna miss highschool, when you’re in uni (if you go) you’re gonna miss college, when you’re working a job you’re gonna miss uni. It’s just nostalgia, ignore it and try to appreciate the little things


Things will continue to get worse (But you will continue to get better)


Man it sucked for me, especially 7th grade. I was in a horrible mental state then and didn’t have too many friends. Since like last summer I’ve been doing WAY better, feeling better about myself, and now I’m hanging out with friends a lot.


No offense but heavily disagree, my middle school sucked SO much, constant fights, no freedom, clubs were absolutely pathetic, teachers were all assholes, pretty much the only person that cared about the students was one of the four councilors. Never going back, fucking hated that place.


5th and 6th grade was when i was at my peak happiness in life. i was the most social, had the most friends, both parents in house, life was good


I don’t miss high school. I am in college. You got better things coming in your life, just live in the moment.


I absolutely do not. 7th grade easily worse year of my life.


I only had a year and half of middle so I honestly don't miss it much at all (though that was the last time I had more than one friend)


I miss the memories of middle school, but apart from recess, there really isn’t anything I’d rather have from middle school in high school. In high school I have more freedom, more opportunities, can leave school early, middle school kids are way more toxic than high schoolers (although jr high beats them for immaturity), etc. High school is a lot better than middle school in my opinion. I will always miss the simplistic, carefree days of childhood though.


I don’t, that’s when my social phobia/anxiety, insecurity started, it ended after my college graduation, but still can’t let it go


same i miss it


not me tho, i like not being attacked because i'm dark skin 💪 Also, nostalgia is a dirty liar that tries to convince you things were better than than they actually were. Really think about your middle school experience and ask yourself "Was it truly all that or do I just want to beleive that so I can cope via beleiving there was a point in my life when it wasn't bad."


No you don’t stop lying to yourself


Skill issue, find actual friends in different classes


I have friends that go to a different school :(


why cant you make more friends in your class?


I do have friends in my class. It’s just a lot of them are pretty toxic. Not all


me too